Chapter 10


Akihito shook his wet head as he waded his way through the shallow ocean water, a surfboard tucked underneath his arm. Their vacation to Hawaii had been extremely fun so far. He had gotten pretty good at riding the waves in only three days, but the sun was starting to set and it was time to call it a day. His feet sank in the wet sand as he made it ashore and over to Asami's lounging chair. Asami had just shut a novel he was reading and stretched his arms, getting up as Akihito approached.

"Well Akihito," Asami said. "What should we eat for dinner? I imagine you're famished by now."

"I could eat a whole one of those barbequed pigs," Akihito replied wistfully.

"I don't know about that, but we could try the luau restaurant in the hotel."

"Honestly, I don't care," Akihito said. "Just put food in front of me."

Asami chuckled under his breath and lead the way to the outdoor restaurant attached to the hotel. True to form, Akihito ate almost twice his weight in food, and Asami mused that it was a good thing he had been running around non-stop, or the American cuisine was sure to increase his girth. But a vacation was a vacation, and Asami was enjoying the down time with his kit. In fact, tonight he had something extra special planned. Clarice had given him a gift before they'd left her estate, and he finally wanted to make use of it. So after Akihito had gorged himself to his heart's content, Asami stood and sweetly rubbed his head between his ears.

"Come on, let's head back."

Akihito followed Asami back to the top floor of the hotel where their condo was. Akihito retreated to the bathroom and pulled off his wetsuit, stepping into the shower and rinsing the sand and salt away. When he came out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist, he noticed Asami fiddling with a few things on the wet bar.

"What's that?" Akihito asked as he shrugged on clean clothes. Asami came over and handed him a tall glass of brown liquid, but it didn't look like alcohol.

"Clarice gave me a present for you before we left," Asami replied. "It's a tea brewed from some of the neko herbs in her garden. Add a little rum and tequila and you have yourself a drink."

Akihito tentatively sniffed the glass and was surprised to find that it smelled really good. He sipped it and relished the different spices in the tea that seemed to mask the burn of the alcohol. The taste of it was addicting and before he knew it, he had downed the whole glass.

"Is there more?" he asked. Asami set his glass of bourbon aside and made him another, watching the change in his demeanor with interest. The kitten downed his second glass much more quickly, his eyes beginning to grow foggy.

Asami guided Akihito over to the plush couches and sat down with the kitten leaning against his side. Akihito seemed a little drowsy and inebriated even though Asami hadn't put as much alcohol in the second drink. He knew the kitten's tolerance wasn't that low, so it had to be the tea working as well. Clarice had mentioned it would make Akihito relaxed and frisky, but from the smile on her face, Asami had easily deduced that there was more.

Asami placed a hand on Akihito's head and stroked his hair, making him purr a little louder than normal.

"Are you tired?" Asami asked.

"A little," Akihito replied. He began to nuzzle Asami's chest as he was pleasantly scratched between the ears.

"That tea was really good," he said, a bit of excitement creeping up on him as Asami turned on the stereo. The music that played was jazzy and smooth, a taste Akihito had acquired in Asami's care. Come to think of it, there were a lot of things he probably never would've tried if not for Asami. And he could think of more than one occasion where Asami had exposed him to certain things several times so his curiosity would be peaked. As his thoughts progressed in several directions, he had the revelation that maybe Asami understood him so well because he could think like a feline. And upon picturing his master with cat ears and a tail, he was simultaneously struck with lust and giggles.

"What are you laughing about?" Asami asked.

"Nothing, really," Akihito smiled. "Except that I think you're part cat, just like me."

Asami's eyebrow quirked in question. "What's going on in that head of yours? The tea didn't make you delirious, did it?"

"No, I just think you're capricious. Like me. We may be really different from each other, but I think we get along go well because deep down inside, we're the same."

Asami gently lifted Akihito's chin, allowing their eyes to meet for a silent moment before that familiar glint flared in his gaze. Akihito's tail curled in anticipation as he waited for Asami to kiss him, but he waited in vain. Asami suddenly stood, setting his drink down and glancing over his shoulder.

"Capricious, am I?" he replied with a slight smile. But before Akihito could respond, Asami began to head down the hallway to the master bedroom.

"I think I'll take a shower," Asami said, shutting the adjoining bathroom door and smiling to himself as he pulled his dark blue polo off. Clarice had said to wait about a half hour for the tea to kick in, and it had been about twenty minutes. A quick shower and he was certain there would be a surprise for him ready on the other side of that door. He washed off the kiss of the beach and slipped on a terrycloth bathrobe, toweling off his hair briefly before going back into the bedroom. And what he immediately saw made him pause.

"What do you think you're doing?" Asami asked.

The vision that greeted him on the bed was stirringly ideal. Akihito, only wearing his briefs, laying on his stomach with his tail curled over his back seductively. Whatever else Clarice had put in that tea certainly was working, and Asami was quite pleased.

"Waiting for you," Akihito said with a sly cat grin. "You're taking too long."

Akihito's bushy tail began to tip-tap as a smile spread over Asami's face. He crossed his arms, but didn't step forward, making the kitten pucker his lips angrily.

"Asami!" he whined. Frustrated, he rolled onto his back and began to trace his fingers around his torso in an effort to entice his master. Asami could already see a wet stain at the front of Akihito's briefs.

"Maybe if you asked politely," Asami teased, still in the mood to toy with him.

Akihito growled. "Fine. Please get your goddamned ass over here and fuck me silly."

A bark of a laugh exploded out of Asami's mouth in a sudden burst that surprised both of them. But Akihito found himself smiling when Asami continued to chuckle for a few minutes. He'd never heard Asami laugh like that before. It was a funny sound.

Finally regaining control of himself, Asami undid the belt of his robe and let it slip off his shoulders to the floor. He approached the bed and hovered over Akihito.

"You cheeky little punk," Asami whispered into his ear, making Akihito's breath heavier. "So you want me to fuck you silly?"

"Y—yes, please."

"Well, I've never been one to deny my little sex kitten a good ramming with my cock. Do you want to taste it first?"

Akihito nodded dumbfoundedly and got up onto his knees as Asami laid down at the head of the bed. Akihito crawled in between his strong thighs and took hold of Asami's hardening cock, lapping at it with his rough tongue. As it grew bigger, Akihito slid the head into his mouth, and was pleased to hear a slight hum from his master. He had gotten so much better at these, and it didn't feel gross and forced like it did with his past partners. Actually, he'd rather come to enjoy it.

Akihito let out a heavy breath as Asami shifted and guided his head away from his groin. The kitten waited for Asami to choose the position, but when his master didn't move, he understood.

"Come on, Aki-chan," Asami crooned, beckoning him.

Flushed with lust, Akihito straddled Asami's waist, shivering as he felt large hands grab his hips and spread his ass cheeks apart. Akihito cried out as Asami slid a finger into him, plunging into the warm cavern and wriggling. He writhed in Asami's arms as a warm tingling began to pulse through his veins, the sensation rapidly increasing in intensity. Was it something in that tea? Akihito knew he wasn't in heat, but the crazy feeling was so similar.

"Ohhhh," he moaned as Asami slipped in a second digit, stretching him deeper and wider. His own heat juices had even kicked in and made him delightfully slick. Asami spent a few more minutes ramming his fingers into Akihito and watching his expressions. But they were hardly going to be satisfied with just a finger fuck. Akihito began to clench and mewl as Asami withdrew his fingers and positioned them for the main act.

A loud, breathy moan flew out of Akihito's mouth as Asami penetrated him, and his entire body shuddered in delight. Asami smiled again. Akihito was already in a frenzy and they hadn't even gotten started.

Thank you Clarice, Asami thought, thrusting his hips upward. Akihito howled and moaned at the thrill and intensity of the position. He was a little too discombobulated to do much of the work, but still managed to move in time with Asami.

"You're wet, Aki-chan," Asami smiled. "You must be enjoying yourself."

Akihito felt the build and release of fluid being forced out of him and trickling down his ass, but it only seemed to excite him even more.

"Yes! Yes! God yes!" he cried, spilling groans at every turn. Asami had never heard him be so vocal, not even when he had been in heat. It was a nice change, so Asami decided to build on it.

"Do you like being filled up by my cock, kitten?" Asami growled with another thrust.


"Do you?"


"I'm going to fuck your tight hole till you can't think straight."

"God yes!" Akihito howled, the dirty talk inflaming him even more. "Fuck me harder, master!"

"Good boy," Asami replied roughly. "Now master's going to make you come."

Asami shifted Akihito backwards to make the position even deeper. He began to thrust steadily and tears gathered in the corners of the kitten's eyes as he screamed in ecstasy. Akihito came hard, his body shuddering and tightening around Asami's cock. A few more thrusts and Asami came as well. The kitten slumped forward and let out a few light coughs as he regained his breath. His throat was raw from screaming, and his hips still ached sweetly with release.

Asami carefully withdrew and Akihito rolled off his chest, snuggling into the crook of his arm. Asami pulled the bed sheet over him and scratched his ears, enjoying Akihito's loud post-coital purr. He knew their night was far from over, but it was still nice to have a quiet moment. Having Akihito next to him on a warm evening, a twinge of orange still lingering in the night sky, felt like the most natural thing in the world to Asami.

Funny how such a chaotic event could end up making my life more "normal," Asami thought, a slight smile crossing his face.

"What's so funny?" Akihito asked, resting his chin on Asami's chest.

"Nothing," Asami replied, pulling them together for another kiss.

"Capricious," Akihito muttered, making Asami's smile wider.

"But of course. Who better to understand a cat than a cat?"

Akihito grinned back at Asami and settled into his master's embrace, his mind as still and peaceful as the ocean under the full moon.

Asami, on the other hand, was making a firm mental note to buy some of Clarice's stock, and even more if she gave him the recipe for that tea.

Everything was as it should be.

The End.

Big thanks to everyone who read, faved, reviewed, and subscribed! This story had such a great run thanks to all of your encouragement and feedback!

I know a few people asked about me doing a spinoff with the other two Takabas, but honestly I have so many other projects I just don't have the time. So for the time being, I'll have to decline. But I do like to return to the neko genre frequently so who's to say other rauncy hybrid stories won't find their way on here?

(Like that Centaur fan fic I posted yesterday. Check it out. It's written so you don't have to know the original story or characters to appreciate it.)

Ahem, so now that I've finished with my shameless advertising-

Oh wait, I also now have an Archive Of Own Our account under the same pen name TheBlackFlamingo101. I'm posting all my new stories on both sites, but I will also be uploading other works as well that I can't put on here.

Anyways, I hope everyone has enjoyed the last chapter! Cheers to you all!
