Hi, So here is the final chapter! I guess that this was supposed to be eight chapters but I thought to hell with it and decided to make it seven.

I have to admit this was a difficult challenge for me so I apologise if you all think this is crap.

Disclaimer-the following OCs are mine.

Liam Killian Jones,

Lasey Roxanne Gold

Allison Malia Mills-Hood

Shae Cressida Arendelle-Frost

Rebecca Amelia Lucas

Matthew William Scarlett

Hailey Alina Djinn

Neal Nolan, Henry Mills, Grace and Roland Hood along with the rest of the characters belong to the Once Upon A Time Fandom.

And please read and review

A Thank You to all who have reviewed and favourited and followed this story it meant a lot.

The Thirteen Year Curse-

Chapter 7-

In which Henry delivers some harsh truths, a very familiar book is seen and an urban legend is reviled to be the reason how Maleficent could have cast the curse all those years ago and this chapter turns from two into one and the story ends.

It had taken a second before Matt recovered. He stood up batting Will's attempts to help leaning over to where Allison was dragging her by the hand (and ignoring Robin's rather irritated look) to face Henry "What the bloody hell was that…who the bloody hell was that?"

Henry paused feeling something close in him ripping, splintering and shattering-"Nobody" he snapped his voice carrying on the wind and everything seemed to still for a second "Go back to Granny's and pack, I want us back in New York by tonight"

And he turned and stalked away.

"Henry" Emma cried as he staggered into the room where the maps and spell books were scattered all over the place. "What the hell was all that about?"

"There leaving" he said finally and Emma paused the rest of them spewing over the threshold. "They can't be here, I can't be here-there's no God Damn place for them"

"There are children" Ruby said quietly and that was the moment that Henry snapped "They don't remember you" he said his voice devoid of emotion "They don't know you and even if they did do you honestly think their gonna forgive and forget the last thirteen years? I mean seriously…how did you see this going? That they'd jump into your arms"

He met Emma's eyes "Did you?" he asked directing the question at her and she paused biting her lip.

"You asked me to put them first once and I did and know I'm doing it again. You wanna find a way to break this thing then fine but you got until tonight"

Matt paused leaning against the wooden wall "Something about a curse" he said finally "And kids…I think"

Lasey scoffed from where she was lying against the bed windowsill. "Curse?" she said sceptically "You know you're still only listening at the door?"

"It's defiantly something to do with a curse" Matt stressed. The eight of them had filled themselves into the room next to Henry's, Allison and Liam were piled on the bed, Hailey perched at the bottom, Rebecca and Shae on the couch, Matt standing by the wall and Neal by the door.

"I think it involves are parents" Neal said quietly venturing the one taboo that was never mentioned to the rest of them. Liam tilted his head "It involves Henry's parents for sure" he said thoughtfully reaching for the pack of cigarettes, he lit one threw it to Lasey who took one and then passed it on to Matt.

"Something is wrong" Matt said chewing his lip thoughtfully "I don't know what but something is defiantly wrong" Hailey sighed before standing "I aint gonna wait around here-I'm gonna go get some answers"

But before she could move she stopped at the doorway. "Yeah who dropped a book?" she asked turning and everyone followed her expression.

Lying on the floor was a book, a brown solid square embolden with the words embossed in golden lettering 'Once Upon A Time'

"The fuck?"

Regina had been poised against the couch for too long. Robin had snaked an arm around her but she was too proud to lean on him. Everything depended on finding out how to break this curse. And she should know, she and Maleficent had been in cahoots from the beginning.

"We defeated Ursula and Cruella before the curse" Emma pointed out from where she was stood her only form of contact Killian's hand wrapped around hers.

"That was a comet" Cyrus pointed out "Hailey's comet" his wife piped up and Emma chewed her lip.

"Maleficent cast two curses" she said slowly "The dark curse which took our kids memories away and the sleeping one which took care of us, it broke after thirteen years but she didn't expect it too"

"Curses are different" Elsa said thinking from the corner "But she cast two" Emma repeated. "She would have had to use two hearts" Regina paused "One for a fact is that damn unicorn-she loved that thing like a child the other-I don't know anyone she loves more than herself."

"Well she couldn't you her own heart…could she?" David asked and all eyes turned to Rumplestilskin even Regina's "If she halved it…I suppose-the sleeping curse was broken by what I think was an act of some form of magic If not true love then something else, if she has halved her heart then there could be a chance we could break the dark curse-and then…"

"Where would she even keep it?" Belle asked and Regina paused before her eyes met her mentors "Gold Egg" they both said at once and Emma groaned "Does that involve another dragon slaying?"

"You couldn't make this shit up" Lasey said bluntly leaning over Neal's shoulder "Us the children of Fairytale characters?"

"Our parents are in the next room?" Hailey asked before flipping her hair back "Bull"

Liam chewed his fingernail "Does mention stuff though-stuff only the eight of us, Henry, Grace or Roland would know, bedrooms, birthdays shit like that"

Neal shrugged throwing the book down, "I'm going for a nap" he said "I think we should all pretend that nothing ever happened. If Henry wants to be a moody dick and some woman wants to throw us against the wall then let them, so long as the eight of us are here in the morning and the eight of us are here at night I really don't care"

Emma bent down unhooking her sword from under her belt, next to her was David and Killian behind, Will, Cyrus, Alice and Robin behind her, Anastasia, Regina and Rumple manning up the front in case Maleficent came back.

The heart was just sat there on a glass plate.

"Is it just me" Rumple whispered in Regina's ear "Or even for our friend this is too easy"

Regina paused "There is nothing protecting this heart" she said finally "And trust me it's hers, too much magic to be anything but…" she paused "I think we can just take it"

She nodded and Emma stepped forwards.

If it had better be anyone it would better be the saviour.

Pushing past her Regina realised that the door to the Anti-Chamber was ajar.

It was Maleficent sitting down and the two of them watching each other neither of them willing to give the other one up.

And then suddenly Regina knew why it was that easy to take the heart. She had had Henry, she had gotten Robin and Roland and she was about to get Allison.

Maleficent had had nobody.

Slowly the woman lifted her finger turning it into a circle. The sign back in the Old World for Fortune's Wheel, you can rise very high and then fall without warning, and either way the loneliness gets you.

She wanted to die.

Repeating the gesture was nothing more than a sign of acknowledgement-a sign that everything would be alright, a sign that for once the two of them had been friends and that despite everything they would be friends again.

Evil had to stay together that way.

Henry grinned when they came back out of breath exalted and finally ready for the reunion. "Did ya really think I would take em?" he asked cheekily and Regina giggled gripping Robin's hand. Maybe they had just been trying too hard to fight a battle with someone who really didn't want one.

She paused waiting, watching.

And then like it had with Henry nearly fifteen years ago, the wind made her close her eyes as it flew through the town square.


Allison Malia Cassidy was walking through Main Street when she felt it, the wind blowing her mass of black hair across her face when she turned for once everything becoming clearer. She wasn't Allison Cassidy-she was Allison Mills Hood.

Lasey Roxanne Cassidy was sat in the library when it happened and she dropped the book in shock, because she wasn't Lasey Cassidy, she was Lasey Gold.

Shae Castalia Cassidy and Rebecca Amelia Cassidy were both walking down the side street when it happened and Rebecca turned to look at Shae a giggle pulling at her mouth, because she was Rebecca Lucas and Shae, was Shae Arendelle-Frost.

Liam Killian Cassidy was walking down the harbour when it happened the wind almost like a rainbow on the water. And then he smiled the first true smile he had had in years. Because he wasn't Liam Cassidy. He was Liam Jones.

Neal David Cassidy was sat in his room fingering the book when he dropped it scalding his hands before choking out a laugh. Because he wasn't Neal Cassidy-not the real one, not the true one. He was Neal Nolan.

Matthew William Cassidy was sat in the empty doorway of the Rabbit Hole playing with his fingers when he felt the breeze. He caught sight of Allison staring at him and he smiled the one smile over the years he had saved for her. Because he wasn't Matthew Cassidy. He was Matthew Scarlett.

Hailey Alina Cassidy was following Neal when he turned to stare at her and she paused until the wind felt like she had been punched. She looked up through her hair to see Neal watching her grinning and she grinned back. Because she wasn't Hailey Cassidy, she was Hailey Djinn.

"Might not work" Grace said looking at the crushed pile of dust her hand gripped with Henry's and Roland was stood on the other side. The dust symbolised someone who had dominated their lives for thirteen years and she wasn't sure what to do know it was over.

"Mom" said a broken male voice and everyone turned to see Neal his blonde hair mused looking at Snow White with wide eyes and the older woman choked down her tears to face her son, David gripping her hand. Grace watched as they both moved towards Neal who nearly collapsed on them screwing his eyes shut.

One down, seven more to go.

Henry watched as Rebecca rounded the corner. She paused for all of two seconds her red skirt in disarray. "Mom" she said pausing at Ruby before the older woman pulled her daughter into a hug pulling Victor (the only man Becca had ever known to be her father) in the hug as well.

Two down, six to go.

After Rebecca came Shae. She didn't even need to say anything before she flew herself at Jack who wrapped one arm around Elsa and pulled the three of them in closer unable to say anything. Roland watched suddenly acutely aware of how much the toll of having their children unknowingly around them had taken on their parents.

Three down, only five more to go.

Surprisingly enough it was Lasey that came next utterly composed walking like a queen. She moved directly in front of her parents as if watching them for the first move. It was Belle that pulled her into her arms and Grace watched as slowly, cautiously Lasey responded, she watched the Dark One respond to-heartbreakingly heart-warming. It was a start for the girl that over the years had had her heart broken to many times.

Four down, four to go.

Liam followed Lasey refusing to let her get the upper hand and Henry watched as his half-brother whispered the broken word of 'Dad' before Killian was upon him unable to do anything but burry his hand in his son's messy hair and his face in Emma's who was clutching the two of them. Her eyes met his and like the first time at the castle there was a connection.

She understood.

Five down, only three more to go.

Hailey came round the corner from wherever she had been her heels clacking. She paused her eyes scanning the happy couples until she caught sight of Alice and Cyrus who both seemed to have stopped breathing. Suddenly she was moving quicker than Roland had ever seen her and he watched as Cyrus caught her doubling backwards gripping his daughter tightly with one hand while pulling Alice closer so that the three of them were locked in their own world.

Six down, two to go.

Following Hailey like the Wonderland kids had done all their lives was Matthew gripping Allison by the hand. Matt paused took in everyone with one quick glance and then flicked his eyes over to Will and Anastasia who were watching him. "Dad" he said under his breathe before he walked over to Will. "Dad" he repeated and then Will crushed his son to his chest pulling his wife in closer.

And then there was only one.

Allison caught Roland's expression before grinning that wide grin she had always saved for him, before her dark eyes snapped to her mother and father. "Mom" she said simply and Roland watched as Regina pulled her into a hug watching his father slip his hands into her mass of dark curls.

They stood there on the hot pavement covered in the dust that was Maleficant's heart on the ground and the lives slowly being rebuilt. It wasn't a start it was an ending. It wasn't the happiest of endings, the woman who had haunted them was dead of her own choosing, there were years that people had missed but for now it was good…for now all was peaceful…

The thirteen year curse was over.

All was well.

And to second that note The Thirteen Year Curse is over.

Thank You All

Hope You Enjoyed