Time passed. Haru was surprisingly use to that. Right now it was three months after the battle in the Arena. It was three months since Riku Kudo had died. There had been no trials to be held. All the suspects were dead or Deleted. Though Tempusmon's confession lead many to believe the problems were over. Haru wasn't sure he believed that. the Tempest, the nation in the Digital World that followed Tempusmon, had been quiet since their leader died. Still it wouldn't be long before they came for revenge or some other such nonsense. In other words, there was still a lot of clean up to do.

Right now Haru was in a bar in Tokyo with the other Questioners. Of course the world was calling them the Answerers now. It wouldn't have happened but, Ebonwumon had been the first one to call them the Nobles of the Answer. She had been proud when she had said it too. It unnerved Haru but, Steven had taken it in stride. The twins had thought about it long and hard about and, then they decided that it fit. Haru wasn't sure Yuki had noticed the change because titles had always meant so little to her.

Haru finished his shot and, looked over at where Beelzemon was standing at the door. He was out of earshot. The rest of the Keepers were in the Digital World. Alphamon was with the Royal Knights though he might not be there for long. Queenchessmon was helping the spilt Chess Kingdom become a strong independent country again. Anubismon and Venusmon were with the Witnesses of the Children Born. They were planning a victory party that was supposed to be a surprise when the Partners finally Reconfigured. Which brought Haru's real concern.

Haru signaled the barkeeper for another shot, "So? Shall we discuss the sacrifice?"

Petra was drinking some fruity pink drink in a martini glass, "What is there to talk about? It's done. There's no going back."

Peter had a beer bottle, "Agreed. And I would do it again if I had to."

Yuki didn't drink alcohol. Her beverage was pineapple juice, "We can't do it again." She looked at her family, "We all know what we sacrificed."

Steven's was drinking orange soda as he stared at the wall, "They aren't coming back. They can't. There's no reason to pretend otherwise." He looked his General in the eyes, "I would still do it again."

Petra deliberately put her glass down, "I still can't believe it." She let a sound that was more sob than laugh, "I feel it." She clutched at her heart, "I know it. She's gone. Half of me is just gone." Her eyes were wet, "And she's not coming back."

Peter was the first one to say it flat out, "Our Partners were Deleted to Delete Tempusmon."

Haru was sure, "We can't tell anyone. Sacrifice, proper sacrifice, doesn't need to be public. Besides I rather remain out of the public eye. So no telling anyone, not Keepers, not Digidestined, no one."

Yuki sighed as she finished her drink, "Beelzemon knows."

Steven placed a hand on Haru's shoulder to keep him from overreacting. So Haru just asked, "Did you tell him?"

Yuki scoffed, "I've been mourning ever since Haru. I spent the first week silent." She gestured out to where the last Demon Lord was standing, "He knows me better than anyone. Hell I'm willing to bet your guys' knowledge of me combined might equal his but, I don't think so." She dropped her hand and shook her head, "I didn't have to tell him anything."

Peter's eyes went wide, "Do you think the other Keepers know?"

Petra shook her head, "Venusmon and Anubsmon don't. If they did they wouldn't be so cruel as to plan the victory party for when the Partners are Reconfigured. They would just do it to distract us."

Steven shrugged to answer for his Keeper, "I wouldn't put it past Queenchesssmon to know. However, she has work to do and, she knows I respect her enough to let her do it." He shrugged again, "That's how we work."

Haru sighed, "Alphamon might know but, he can't sit still." He smiled, "And I can't ask him to." Then the General moved on, "What do we do now? To be honest being a soccer star seems mundane now."

The Diplomat held still, "My original goal still holds. I need to reform the childcare system for all the Kates and Lucases and Yukis."

The Comforter spoke suddenly, with great fever, "18 days!" No one knew what she meant by that so she explained, "18 days into this adventure, "She looked straight into Haru's eyes, "You asked us to follow you in a war against tyranny. I thought 18 days was an incredibly short time to make a decision to last a life time." She flashed a smile at Yuki, "But now I have spent a life time dodging left and dodging right." She looked back at Haru, "We agreed to fight tyranny, injustice and, evil." She shook her head, "That doesn't just vanish so we still have a war to fight." She held out her hand towards Haru, "This time let me be the first to say it. I Trust you to lead us in that war."

The Judge nodded, "We were made Digidestined to stop Tempusmon. We made ourselves Nobles when we decided the evil was bigger than him and, that we were going to fight it." He smiled, "I'll follow you General."

Steven let out a groan, "Fine! But childcare reform needs to be on the list of things to deal with."

Yuki laughed, "Count me in General. I still want to make things right."

Haru didn't speak for at least ten minutes. When he did so he also placed a handful of bills on the bar counter, "Well, we aren't going to change the future from here. Let's get some sleep and, then get to work."

**Scene Change**

The year was 2027. The Digidestined were having some type of get together. The Nobles of the Answer had not been invited. That was okay. The Answerers had their own get togethers. They saw each other via the internet daily. They met up in person as often as possible. It was easy to do since they were fighting the same war. They wouldn't be around forever and, one day the world would belong to the next generation. They wanted to leave a better world behind them when they left. So they founded two organizations: Project Cabin and Operation RECODE.

Steven lead Project Cabin and had very little to do with Operation RECODE. Project Cabin had created hundreds of crosses between safe houses and boarding schools that were scattered across the face of all four worlds. The teachers went through the strictest evaluations before they could even think of submitting their resumes. Not only did they have to be the best in their fields but, they had to know the Answer and be willing to live by it. They had to be good. Some of the students were rescued by Operation RECODE. Some were found and, some ran. They were all abused and, they all needed healing. They found it at the Cabins.

As far as Steven's personal life went it was finally looking up. After several false starts, dating fans, dating weirdos, dating people that just wanted his fame, Steven found Sarah. She was a violet eyed red haired beauty with a PhD in childcare and another in child psychology. She was Partnered with Veemon and, they were both artists. Due to a childhood accident she couldn't have children but, that didn't stop her from loving every child that came her way. She ran one of the Cabins and, made sure the others remained safe and nurturing environments. She was just as dedicated to Project Cabin as Steven was. She was demisexual so Steven didn't put pressure on her. Still Sarah had confided in Veemon who had confided in Petra that Sarah was thinking about it. They both loved each other deeply and, Sarah didn't pity Steven for not having a Partner or ask questions he couldn't answer.

Haru ran Operation RECODE. He was a warrior and he needed a fight. Operation RECODE was just that. It was a group of international soldiers that traveled the world rescuing children from wars, slavers and, other monsters. They were good too though recruitment wasn't nearly as strict as Project Cabin's. The members just had to prove that they could fight while defending people. They did have to know the Answer and live by it but, they could have a taste for violence. They just had to be able to control it. They were respected, loved and, feared worldwide.

While Haru was doing that he also finally married Petra. He did love her even if he wasn't good at romance. He left that stuff to Petra and, for the most part did what she told him to. She never undermined his male pride on purpose and, for the most part she left him alone to his Operation. They weren't a fairy tale story but, they were happy beyond happy. They made the cover of tabloids and gossip magazines weekly but, they ignored them. Besides their true fans knew they were devoted to each other.

Yuki almost personally funded both Project Cabin and Operation RECODE. As the holder of almost hundreds of technologies patents she could have been literally the wealthiest woman in all the worlds except for the fact that she gave most of it up. She wasn't so good with children so other than funding she had little to do with Project Cabin but, she did lead and elite Operation RECODE team called Dark Victory. It was a small team of humans and Digimon that were fantastic warriors and even better with computers. They found the targets to be destroyed and the children to rescue. Sometimes they were the first strike team.

She never had a relationship. Yuki didn't want one. She would admit to not understanding their purpose. As such she devoted herself to leading Dark Victory and inventing. She like knowing that her obscene amount of wealth was going to a good cause. She was obsessed with making sure she stayed several steps ahead of her competitors. She couldn't afford to fall behind. Her brilliant mind was being challenged for the best of causes and, she loved it. It wasn't about being a hero. It was about the smile on each safe child that didn't need to worry about where their next meal was coming from ever again.

While Steven was the expert in all sorts of childcare law Peter was the expert in criminal law. He focused on ensuring that the monsters that Operation RECODE caught received justice. He was good at it. The people that wanted to take advantage of the innocence of children didn't get away with their crimes. They also didn't get away to repeat their atrocities. Peter felt no sympathy for monsters. He also worked as a motivational speaker. Some of the demons children faced only existed inside their own heads. Those demons needed to be fought as well.

Personally Peter was seeing a boy named Jeremy. He had black eyes, black hair and, skin the color of hot chocolate. He worked as a crossdressing barkeeper with his partner Floramon. Jeremy loved being spoiled so was quiet willing to do what Peter told him to do. Peter wanted kids of his own but, Jeremy wasn't so sure. Right now they just took Cabin children that needed a more secluded environment. It worked for them and, Jeremy was slowing warming to the idea of surrogacy. He didn't know about the diamond ring Peter had brought him. Peter didn't know that would get him kids. Floramon knew both those things and, she was damn happy about it.

Petra was still a fashion designer, one of the best in all the worlds. She used her fame to her every advantage. To put it simply she was the celebrity spokesperson for both Project Cabin and Operation RECODE. She secured sponsors, donations and, did interviews promoting them. She also visited the Cabins frequently to give the children gifts and loving. Most of them adored her. She didn't really participate in Operation RECODE. That was Haru's project and, Petra knew that every alpha male needed something to do where his wife had no say.

In the end Petra had picked out her ring, planned Haru's proposal and, told him what to do. Haru was okay with that. He knew he was hopeless when it came to romance. Their wedding was the event to the year the year it took place. Petra had looked stunning. Haru had looked dazed. They both looked beyond happy. After their wedding they still fought from time. However, they were still friends and, they still loved each other. They always made up. Petra was expecting twins for her first pregnancy. They had picked out two boy names and two girl names; Dustin, Yusei, Sophia and, Hana. They thought about naming their kids after others but, decided to let their kids grow into themselves.

As for the Keepers they were doing well. Alphamon returned to his hermit ways but, he was always available if Haru needed help with Operation RECODE. Queenchessmon had restored the Chess Kingdom to its former glory. The first Cabin in the Digital World was in said Kingdom. Venusmon no longer listened to stories about her beauty. Instead she told stories about how the world could be better if selflessness was popular. Anubismon had returned to his job as the Lord of the Dead. He also had little sympathy for monsters. Beelzemon never once left his lady. He couldn't. They needed each other.

The important thing to remember was that the Nobles of the Answer never once forced anyone to do anything they didn't want to unless they were hurting others without consent. They had no patience for that kind of thing. The whole world knew it to. They didn't hide who they were. There was no denying that they were changing the world. Being good was becoming the norm. They were finally aging as well. Life was good.

**Scene Change**

Haru kicked the ball and, watched as Yuki Digiprogrammed a path for the ball to follow straight to the goal. The point won the game for Team Victory, Haru, Yuki, Venusmon, Peter and, Queenchessmon. Team Alpha, Alphamon, Beelzemon, Steven, Anubismon and, Petra, lost. They may have been saving the world but, they were still human. So they were recovering for a day or two or a week in the Digital World. As the game ended Petra moved to pick up Dustin and Hana. Peter moved to Jeremy and, Steven moved to Sarah.

Jeremy wrapped his arms around Peter's neck, "You were amazing babe." The younger boy kissed the Noble, "I'm so proud of you."

Peter pecked his boyfriend, "Then maybe," Another kiss, "You can reward me," one more kiss, "By joining me for dinner tonight."

Floramon let out a screech of excitement as she tugged on her Partner's skirt, "YES! Say yes Jeremy!"

Jeremy smiled at his Partner, "It's just dinner Floramon." Then he smiled back at Peter, "But dinner sounds perfect babe."

Peter kissed Jeremy, "Thanks sweetheart."

Yuki was standing with the Keepers, "I swear he's just as bad a Haru."

Beelzemon nodded, "It would seem so Lady Programmer."

The Black Queen laughed, "It seems that the Corvines had a type." She smiled, "People who can't see what is right in front of their noses."

Venusmon and Anubismon nodded while Alphamon stated, "Strong people that don't aren't afraid of being who they are but, are willing to be bossed about by their loved ones."

Yuki snapped her fingers as she pointed at Alphamon, "That one."

Meanwhile Steven was talking to Sarah, "I'm worried about her."

Sarah knew instantly who he was talking about, "You lost. She's smiling and gossiping." She looked over at Yuki, "What is there to worry about?"

Steven's furrowed his brow, "We only lost by two points. She's distracted."

Veemon spoke up, "It's just the new VR education system for the Cabins. She wants to make it right to make things easier for you."

The Diplomat sighed, "She's always working. Even I know that I needed to spend at least some time every day not working. She just works until we drag her out to play these games." Steven turned to Sarah, "Damnit I'm sorry."

Sarah was taken aback by that, "Whatever for?

Steven sighed again, "I shouldn't let Yuki get in the way of our relationship."

Sarah laughed at that one, "Today it's Yuki. Tomorrow it's Kate and, the next day it's Lucas. You worry about your siblings." She pressed her lips to his check, "It's one of the reasons I love you. I promise I don't feel they get in the way."

Suddenly Petra's head snapped around as she smiled brightly, "The dinner with the United Nations is soon. We need to get ready!"

Haru stopped in his stretching, "You seem to be in a good mood."

His wife laughed, "Life is good! We're married! We have kids. Steven's has a significant other. Peter's getting married. Yuki isn't bored. Project Cabin has more support than ever before and, Operation RECODE is more effective than ever!" It's a happy ever after!"

Jeremy started to freak out, "Wait! Peter's getting married? When? To who? When were you going to tell me?" He looked like he might cry, "Are you breaking up with me?"

Yuki looked Peter in the eye, "Just like Haru."

**Scene Change**

It had been over three hundred years since Tempusmon had been defeated. Medical advances had greatly increased humans' lifespans while it was discovered that Digmon, mostly Partner Digimon, died of old age. It wasn't quite the same as Deletion but, it was still permanent. Partners rarely outlived each other. It was largely agreed that the human and their Partners were actually two parts of one being. They had two different minds, two different souls, two different hearts and, two different bodies but, they were still the same being. This explanation bordered between religion and philosophy with no real scientific backing but, it was still the best theory out there.

So nearly three hundred years after the Nobles of the Answer's first battle Yuki was the last Answerer alive. Petra had died in her sleep a little more than a year before. Haru had died a little less than an hour later. They had left behind four children, 10 grandchildren, 25 great grandchildren and, countless great-great grandchildren. They had left a mark on history that would never disappear.

Peter had died three months later. He had left his husband, Jeremy of course, behind. He had also left behind three kids, nine grandchildren, 17 great grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. Jeremy had been heartbroken and he had mourned. However, the crossdresser had never once cursed his husband or hated being abandoned. It had seemed almost inevitable that Peter wouldn't last long without his twin. Still he was a historical figure the same way held in the highest regard.

Sarah had died a month ago. Steven took care of the final legal matters and followed her two weeks later. Though they married eventually they never officially adopedt children. Still they had saved countless of children that had become known as Cabin Children. The vigil for them lasted a week as the countless people saved and rescued by them mourned. The Cabins had never once faltered and, it didn't look like they ever would. It was the biggest family in all of history.

Anubismon and Venusmon had died in battle. It was an Operation RECCODE mission to protect a Cabin that was under attack by the Tempest, who still thought the Nobles needed to die and, that all the Answerers had stood for needed to be destroyed. This mission had happened after Petra and Peter had died and, their Deletion had provided the needed advantage to keep the Cabin safe. It was time for them to go. Those who knew them knew they belonged to the Children Born. Since the Comforter and the Judge had left it was time for the two Mega Digimon to follow them.

The Chess Kingdom thrived on the turnover of their leaders so Queenchessmon had groomed her replacement and, allowed herself to be killed a hundred years ago. The new Queenchessmon's training had been completed by Steven. The Diplomat was returning the favor he had been given so many years ago. He missed his Keeper but, couldn't mourn her for long. She never would have let him waste his time that way when there was work to be done. So he honored her by fighting the fight for the Answer.

As far as anyone knew Alphamon was still alive. The Hermit Knight showed up whenever Operation RECODE needed him. He couldn't just watch anymore. The General had given him a taste for fighting for those weaker then himself. He also showed up when it seemed like Operation RECODE was losing its way. That happened far less frequently then when his help was needed to fight. There were few people who knew that Alphamon was timeless; unless he was Deleted he would live forever. There were even fewer people who knew that his time with the Nobles of the Answer had given him his fight for the next forever.

So that just left Yuki and Beelzemon. She had left Dark Victory when her age finally caught up to her. Her mind never once failed her but, her body was not ageless. She couldn't move the way she used to and, years of wearing nothing but high heeled boots had done irreparable damage to her feet. She hadn't walked in years though she still made sure that the technology for Operation RECODE and Project Cabin was still the very best. Beelzemon had gone with her even though he could still fight. There was never any question about that. Dark Victory still operated and the Programmer was still their leader.

Right now Yuki was sitting in a wheelchair with Beelzemon sitting on a bench next to here. They watched as the kids rushed about the museum they were in. It wasn't just a place full of exhibits to look at. It wasn't just an activity museum. There was something for everyone here. They had clearly come on the day of a school field trip. Actually Yuki was willing to bet that it was several schools. The children were rushing about screaming in excitement and joy while the adults hurried after them when expression that were crosses between harried and bemused. Yuki had a small smile on her face and there was amusement in her Keeper's eyes.

The Museum was called the Arena and, it was a memorial to the Nobles of the Answer. It was a beautiful and logical building that Sovereigns had made between the four dimensions for the sole purpose of honoring the five people that had change the world for the better all on their own. In each of the four corners and the exact center of the fifth dimension were statues of the five Keepers. In the center the titanium Alphamon had his Granalpha pointed straight at the sky. In the corner that represented the Digital World the limestone Anubismon had his wings extended and his finger extended like her was tracing patterns in the sky. Next to him in the corner that was the Real World the gold Venusmon had her face tilted to the sky with her arm curved above her almost like she was doing ballet. In the corner for the Wishing Well, and across from Venusmon, was Queenchessmon made of black onyx. She stood as a sentinel with her Queen's Stick as a diagonal line across her chest. The last corner was the Dark Ocean with Beelzemon made out of some type of black metal. He was kneeling and preparing to draw his weapon.

Then there were statues for the Recodes made from granite scattered though the museum. Shintakumon was made of a white stone. He stood ready to punch someone at the entrance Yaboumon was suspended from the ceiling in the Digital World area. He looked like he was flying somewhere. He was made out a smoky grey stone. Jihimon was made out of shite stone with gold flecks while Siegimon was white with silver flecks. They were in the Real World area laughing as they held hands. Shourimon stood in the Dark Ocean section with her hands splayed out to Digiprogram. She was made of a dark grey stone.

The statues for the Melds were made out of wood with chips of gems for their eyes. Ambitiomon was made of dark cherry wood. He was slamming the hammer end of his weapon down on the ground in the Wishing Well portion. Once again Misericodiamon and Iustitiamon were together. They had their interlaced hands raised to the sky in the Digital World. She was made out of mahogany while he was made of oak. Fiduciammon was made of ebony and, was near the statue of Alphamon. He had his shield in front body and his sword raised to strike. Victoriamon was once again in the Dark Ocean but, she was on the opposite end from Shourimon. She was made from wood from wild orange trees. She had her Berenjena SDX in her left hand with her Holy Staff in her right one.

However, the statue that everyone wanted to see was in the spot farthest from the entrance. It was made out of materials and was so well done that it looked life like. It was based on the picture known as the Khaki Photo that had been sent during the Separation. It was the Nobles, their Partners and, their Keepers posing for a photograph. They were dressed in white shirts and khaki pants. They were young. They were happy. They were incredible. That statue was the one that truly showed who the Nobles were.

Yuki didn't care for the statues. She enjoyed watching the kids learn. There was one that kept pushing the button for the exhibit that explained Haru's workout routine. There was another that looking at the Code for the Sincerest Program. There was a whole group of kids snapping pink and orange streamers at each other. Some were dressed as Keepers, others as Melds and, some as the Nobles. The Programmer wasn't good with kids but, the never ceased to amaze her with their innocence and joy.

Then quietly she asked her Keeper, "What will you do when I'm gone?"

Beelzemon knew that would be true soon so he simply answered, "I plan on going back to Dark Victory Milady. I imagine they would take me back."

Yuki smiled, "13 hundred years and Milady is the least formal I've ever gotten from you." She didn't bother asking that he use her name, some fights couldn't be won even by Victory, "Dark Victory could use you. I find myself relieved that you will have a purpose after me."

The last Demon Lord shrugged, "I swore to follow you. I won't kill myself when I am dead. That doesn't feel like following to me. So I'll fight for your cause until the day I am Deleted."

Yuki held her hand out to him, "But you'll stay with me until the end."

He took her hand in his to let her squeeze it, "Always Milady."

Yuki smiled, "Ah my faithful Keeper. What would I do without you?"

Beelzemon didn't answer as his lady turned back to watch the children. He just let her squeeze his hand as tightly as she could. As such he felt when her gripped slackened. He turned to look at her face and wasn't surprised to see the closed eyes and peaceful smile. It was his turn to grip her hand tight as slowly her chest ceased to rise.

When she was gone he whispered two words that would never be heard or recorded, "Goodbye Yuki."

It was the first and last time he used his lady's name. Beelzemon returned to Dark Victory with a broken heart and a determined mind. His soul was strong and his body was willing. He was with them for five years before he simply couldn't be anymore. Still he fought and, was glad when his Deletion was finally here. Alphamon was in that battle with him and, the Demon Lord's last action was to reach out to his last living friend and, tell him that he was going to his lady.

Alphamon believed that with every fiber of his being. However, he had no reason to go to the Nobles. Someone had to make sure the Answer wasn't forgotten. It was too valuable to lose to the test of time. If that happened Tempusmon would had won even if only he knew it. So the Hermit Knight fought; aided new Digidestined and new Nobles. Evil would always exist but, Alphamon would see to it that so did good. To be honest there wasn't much he had to do. Good was stronger after all.

Author's Note: LadyAnnaLee here! How are y'all this week? This is the last chapter. I hope it was a good one. Here's one more thing I just couldn't figure out how to write. After they die the Nobles are reunited with their Partners but, as the Melds. They will be the Melds for eternity but, it won't consume them. Queenchessmon moves on. Venusmon and Anubismon had reincarnated and meet the Melds again but, they don't remember the Melds even though the Melds remember them. Alphamon doesn't ever die but, he does meet with the Melds again. Beelzemon defies fate and destiny to spend eternity with his lady. So the humans and the Digimon Partners die but, the Melds don't. I hope that made sense. Now on to reviews. To enarmonios: I'm really glad you liked the band AU. I was worried you wouldn't. As for why Tempusmon became a Meld in the first place; that never seemed important to me. This isn't his story but, it seemed important to the readers. I liked the way that flashback came out but, I only did it for you guys. I almost didn't because I don't think it's important. The Sincerest Program is just a Program. Yuki could have easily made them giant robot suits or tanks or something similar. They decided to use their hidden ace as a way to honor their Keepers. It was just a costume shift. Sacrificemon was an actually change in beings. I don't know how else to explain it. Lastly: very good! That's exactly what happened. The Partners are dead. However, like I said early, when the humans died they were reunited as Melds.I hope that made sense. Now a big shout out to everyone that ever reviewed, followed this story or, made it a favorite. THANK YOU SO MUCH! I really do hope you liked it. Thank you for baring with me though all my hiatuses and, being supportive. Also THANK YOU to anyone that is now following me or made me a favorite. You flatter me. As always please remember to review and, ask questions and, forgive typos! I'll starting school soon so I don't know when I'll see you again. Love, LadyAnnaLee.

PS. I do not own Digimon. Anything you recognize is not mine.