"Gilmore? Are you even listening to me?" Josh was frustrated. It seemed as if nobody on his staff had their head in the game today. All of his interns were texting, his graphics guys had decided superimposing each other's heads on photos of Beyoncé was a better use of their time and his features department had nothing for him.
"Tweets? Yeah I got it" Rory nodded slowly, reluctantly looking up from the laptop screen that was obscuring her face from t rest of the staff.
"This is why I hate small town America. You come here thinking that being a journalist is like being freaking Sex in the City where you swan in and out of the office and write about whatever the hell you want to write about" He slammed his travel mug down on the table.
"Actually I think its Sex and the…" Jason silenced the helpful intern with a glare before turning his attention back to Rory.
"20 men you want to be." He said simply "are you going to explain this brainwave to me?"
Rory nodded, quickly pulling up the files of research she'd already compiled "20 New York men, all with jobs that your average joe could get with the right amount of drive. Photograph them in their apartments, quick interview about what they do" She could already see the disinterest in her editors eyes "Emphasising the types of women they date, the parties they attend and the clothes that they wear. Sort of the GQ 30 under 30"
Josh nodded slowly "I like it. Writers, artists, wall street guys. All good looking. All successful. Megan put some feelers out for the up and comers in the city. The next, next big things all of them. Rory is going to need it by the end of the day." He turned his attention to one of the photographers, idly scrolling his iPad "You can take this guy, it's not going to need a real photographer. Let's make it ten men. 500-800 words in each profile."
Rory nodded again, already wishing she'd ordered the extra-large coffee that morning.
"I'll check in with you Monday on the progress"
Rory sighed, and fell back into her chair as the staff meeting went on around her, and she could once more return to refreshing her email inbox. It had been nine days since she'd emailed Jess. Nine days without so much as a polite brush off in a text message.

Three hours and six coffees later a tired Megan found Rory in the break room chatting with some of the other staff writers about going out for drinks that weekend.
"You up for a bar tonight Megan?" Alfie, the youngest writer on staff who in his spare time wrote a successful blog under an alias detailing his exploits from tinder, asked hopefully.
"Apparently I'm the only researcher around here "Megan sighed deeply, handing Rory a stack of papers printed with profiled of men in the city. "while you writers spent your afternoon playing games and making plans I've been emailing a load of pretentious Jackasses asking if they wanted to be featured in a GQ article"
"Any of them seem nice?"
"A couple, there's a Wall Street guy who looks like Channing Tatum, an internet start-up guy who seems pretty cool and my personal favourite this guy in publishing who's written what they're tipping to be the next Hunger Games" Megan pulled a profile out of the stack "Jess…"
"Mariano" Rory breathed looking down at the grainy photo Megan had clearly pulled from his Twitter page of him in black and white staring directly at the camera.
"You know him?"
Rory couldn't reply immediately "Did you tell him that would be me writing the article?"
"Of course I did. I'm good at my job remember" Megan rolled her eyes "What's the deal?"
"We're old friends but things are a bit weird between us…"
"So you've slept together" Alfie interrupted "Gilmore you dirty dog"
"How did you know that?" Rory asked in disbelief.
"You haven't got many friends have you?" Megan laughed "This is why I suppose I'll have to come out drinking tonight. You need to learn how the world works when you don't live in small town America"
"Why is that the insult of choice today" Rory muttered, still staring at the profile in front of her. He knew she was writing the article?
He knew she was writing the article and he wanted to be a part of it.

"Shots shots shots shots" Alfie led a chant, hammering their hands on the sticky table a group of around ten of them were squashed into later that evening.
Rory rolled her eyes and drained the remainder of her beer. They'd ended up in a hole in the wall bar boasting live bands.
"The vogue girls are heading to the plaza for drinks" Megan sighed as she wiped her hands on her jeans for the millionth time that night.
"Are we those kind of girls?" Rory asked thoughtfully, working at a GQ meant that female staff were few and far between and that evening none of the other female staffers had wanted to come. "This is much more fun"
As a tray of shots were placed on the table, somewhere across the bar the band began setting up.
"What are we drinking to?" A drunken co-worker asked, lifting the small glass in the air.
"To love?" Luke suggested
"To friends?"
"To Love, To Friends and to GQ, giving us an impressive magazine to tell our parents we work for"
The shouting of the group was attracting other patrons in the bar.
"Rory?" Megan suddenly hissed in her friends' ear "By the stage. That's the guy from earlier isn't it?"
Rory glanced up, expecting Channing Tatum Wall Street guy. Instead, leaning against a speaker talking animatedly with the guitarist was Jess.

A/N – Hello! I'm so sorry this has taken so long for this rather fillery chapter. I won't lie to you, it's been a busy month. I've had an operation myself then as I was recovering my mother had a stroke, something nobody was expecting because she's only 46. Combine this with my daughter impending birthday and everything has just been hard.
Excuses excuses.
I love the idea of Jess accidently writing a teen novel. I know it seems slightly OOC but has anyone ever seen that family guy episode when Brian writes the self-help book as a joke and ends up published. Well that's kind of how Jess wrote his teen novel. Pitching it to his editor as a joke in desperation kind of thing?
Anyway thank you for your comments, messages and follows and faves and general loveliness. Thank you for all the constructive criticism as well!
As usual all of this is welcome for this chapter too!
Usual disclaimers apply, all I own I the characters who do not exist in the traditional Gilmore Girls universe.