Life in Dauntless

Chapter 1: Initiation begins

I wake up to Aaron saying my name, I open my eyes and smile at my best friend. Well, he's my best friend but I've been feeling something more than just friendship for years now.

"Time to wake up, we have to be in the training room in half an hour." He tells me.

"Okay, why don't you go and grab us some breakfast and I will meet you in the café." I suggest.

"Okay, see ya." He says, rushing out of the room, smiling.

I get out of bed and grab some clothes out of my bag before walking into the bathroom joined to the sleeping area. Everyone else is still asleep. I get washed and dressed, I had a shower last night so I don't need to bother with having one this morning. I put on my black leggings and my dark red vest before tying my hair back into a ponytail, letting the shorter bits at the front of my head frame my face. I then put on a little bit of make-up, just some foundation, eyeliner and mascara. I put on some deodorant and leave the dorm, heading to the cafeteria.

I walk into the large cafeteria and find that hardly anyone is here, just some initiates and the trainers. Initiation starts at seven and most jobs start at eight so most people are probably in bed or getting ready for work, or school.

I find Aaron sitting at our usual table alone, eating breakfast. I smile and walk over to him. I sit next to him and see that he has my favourite breakfast ready for me to eat. Pancakes.

"Thanks." I say.

"No problem." He says, smiling.

We continue eating and five minutes before training starts we head to the training room and get there with two minutes to spare. Our initiation instructors, Zeke and Uriah Pedrad are setting up the guns.

"Hey guys!" They yell in unison when they see us.

"Hey!" Aaron and I yell back to our friends.

We talk and laugh about random things as we wait for everyone else to arrive. And they do, five minutes late.

"Why are you late?" Zeke asks in a stern voice.

"We overslept and went to breakfast." One of the boys I don't know says.

Though I am Dauntless born the only person I know here is Aaron. Well, and Zeke and Uriah. Everyone knows me though, only because I'm the oldest child of the Dauntless prodigies Four and Six.

"Just because you're Dauntless borns it doesn't mean that you can arrive late to training. You have the same rules as the transfers, so, if you arrive late again I won't hesitate making you factionless. I am a leader, I can make anyone I want factionless. So be good people and turn up on time. Okay, Pansycakes." Uriah says, copying his brother's stern voice.

The others nod, a lot of them looking scared, some of them snickering because Uriah said 'Pansycake' which is a word that means coward that no one uses anymore, well, except our group. Apparently Uriah taught me how to say Pansycake and whenever my parents made me pancakes I called them Pansycakes.

"Today we will be learning how to shoot guns, I know some of you already know how to but you need to get better and maybe we can teach you some special moves, but right now we are doing the basics. Zeke, will you do the honours." Uriah says.

Zeke nods and grabs a gun from the table before aiming it at the target and shooting, hitting the target dead centre.

"Everyone grab a gun and get shooting!" He yells after shooting.

We all grab a gun and shoot.

Aaron and I already know how to, our families taught us. The other initiates however don't as really you aren't allowed to shoot a gun until initiation, but because my parents are leaders they decided to teach us things so we would pass initiation with flying colours.

We keep shooting and shooting, everyone gets better the more we shoot.

At one we break for lunch and all head to the cafeteria. Aaron, Uriah, Zeke and I go and sit at our usual table where everyone is already sitting. I sit in between my mum and Aaron.

"Hey, Hope, how's initiation going?" My mum asks, smiling.

"Great, thanks." I say as I grab a hamburger and some fries, putting them on my plate.

"They are both doing great. They are the best in the class, by far. They turned up two minutes early, everyone else turned up five minutes late. They are the best at shooting. They're most likely going to pass. We're doing fighting techniques this afternoon." Uriah says.

"Great." I say.

It is seven and we finished training for the day an hour ago, we have had dinner as well. Now Aaron and I are sitting on my bed talking, everyone else has gone out to get tattoos or whatever.

"You wanna get a tattoo?" He asks me.

"I don't know. I already have one, I just don't know what else to get." I answer.

"What have you got already?" He asks.

I turn so my back is facing him and move my hair out of the way so he can see the tattoo of the words 'Be Brave' on the back of my neck, in between my shoulder blades.

"It's pretty." He says.

"My dad said it to my mum when she was in initiation and ever since they have been saying it to one another, and to each of us. I thought it might help me be brave." I tell him.

"You are brave," He says. "…and selfless, and honest, and intelligent and kind."

He has no idea how true that is.

"Thanks. You are too." I say.

"How many piercings do you have?" He asks.

"Three in each ear. Two in my lobe and one in my helix. Then I have my belly button pierced as well." I say, showing him the piercing in my belly button. "Do you have a tattoo, or any piercings?"

"Well, other than the obvious piercing in my eyebrow I have no other piercings. I don't have a tattoo either." He says.

"Oh. Do you want one?" I ask.

"I don't know what to get." He says after nodding.

"Well, get something that means something to you. People who get tattoos just for the sake of it are stupid. Tattoos are meant to have meanings, they're not meant as just decorations that pattern your skin." I say.

"I'll think about it." He says.

"Okay." I say as a group of initiates enter the dorm.

"Why don't we go to our special place?" Aaron suggests.

I nod and we stand and leave the dorm, walking to the abandoned room we found when we were ten. It was basically a large closet, and when I say large I mean huge. It was down a dead end hallway with no other rooms down it. No one ever goes down there and it's not easy to find, we went on an adventure and found it. We then turned it into our own space. There was an old large couch in there already, big enough to fit a maximum of four people on there. We put that in the middle of the room, found a TV and some old DVD's and we come here and watch them when we're bored. We have a fridge full of food and drink in here, we have a dining table with four chairs, and there is also a small double bed. We got a lock and two keys so we are the only ones that can enter it.

We are the only ones who know about this place and we come here a lot.

When we arrive we sit on the sofa, facing each other.

"Do you wanna watch something? We don't have to be back until ten and it's only twenty past seven." He asks.

"Sure." I say. "You can pick something."

He stands and walks over to the box of DVD's, flicking through them to find something we can watch. He puts a movie in and comes over to me after pressing play. He wraps an arm around my shoulders and I lean my head on his shoulder. He kisses the top of my head and we watch the movie, in silence.

When it is finished it is only half nine so we decide to just sit there for a while and talk.

"Hope, I know I'm younger than you…"

"You're eleven weeks younger than me, it isn't that much time." I tell him, cutting him off.

"I know, but still, I'm younger than you and I know you probably want someone older, but I've been having these feelings which are more than just friendship for a few years now, and I know we're young, and I know you probably don't like me in that way, and I know that tons of boys have a crush on you because I've seen the looks they give you and I've heard them talk about you, and I know that you probably fancy one of those guys…"

I cut him off with a kiss, it's sweet and gentle but we have never kissed in this way before. It sends jolts of electricity through my body, just like every touch, and every kiss on the head or the cheek does.

He pulls away after a few seconds, smiling,

"Will you be my girlfriend?" He asks.

"Yes." I say before kissing him again, but more passionately this time. I've never done anything like this before, I've never had a boyfriend before, but this feels right. I wrap my arms around his neck and he wraps his around my waist.

"We should probably head back to the dorm." He says as we break apart to catch our breaths.

"Yeah. Are we telling anyone about us yet, or shall we wait?" I ask.

"Let's wait." He says.

I nod and stand, taking his hand in mine and pulling him up with me.

We walk out of the room and he locks it before taking my hand in his. We hold hands all the time so it doesn't look any different to everyone else as we walk through Dauntless. But it feels different. He's my boyfriend now, he's not just my best friend. He's everything.

When we arrive at the dorms it is two minutes to ten and everyone else is in bed, sleeping. I change into some black shorts and a black t-shirt before getting into bed. Aaron changes too, I don't watch though. When he's done he comes over to me and kisses me sweetly.

"Goodnight Hope." He says.

"Goodnight." I say, smiling.

He smiles too as he climbs into his bed, which it next to mine. We are on our sides, facing each other, both of us still smiling. We say one last goodnight before falling into peaceful sleeps.

Hey Ravens, here is chapter one of your sequel.

Happy New Year!

I know I said I wouldn't write anything today but I found some free time in my plans and decided to start the sequel because I am a generous person, but I can't update anything else today. Sorry.

Also I need a ship name for Hope and Aaron, what do you want it to be? You can decide, the person who comes up with the one I like most will get a shoutout. If you need any additional info about the characters to help you then PM me and I will give it to you.

I will update when I can.

Please review!