A/N: {Well hello everyone!~ Beautiful day isn't it? Oh... I know I haven't posted in quite some time... I apologize for that. I haven't had time to write any of my stories. Hope you all enjoy it and if you do, leave a comment! :D }

Hiro blankly stared at the plain white wall in utter fear that his older brother may have got himself into serious trouble. He can't just freely leave to go find him! After all, Aunt Cass was reading a magazine next to his bed and all the staff were completely surrounding his room due to that incident he caused by escaping earlier. The horrible feeling at the pit of his gut made him want to try though. If anything, he should at least strategize and go for it!

Aunt Cass heard the shifting of the boy laying in the hospital bed. Her gentle eyes were relaxed while her lips were pursed, "What are you thinking about, young man?"

Hiro shivered at the tone of her voice, not expecting his Aunt to have been watching him, "Thinking about? Haha... N-Nothing?" The older woman nodded her head playing along with his charades, "Well if anything, your face is in that state of 'thinking', Hiro."

The boy shrugged his shoulders and rolled onto his side, turning himself away from his nosey Aunt, "I guess I'm... Worried about him..." He heard the sigh release from his Aunt's lips and the tapping of her heels scoot closer to his bedside. She hovered over him and loosely hugged his side, not wanting to harm his previous injuries.

"Hiro... Tadashi is okay. I mean, we don't have any proof or signs that he gave us... That doesn't mean he's in danger...", she freely let go these small lies, scowling at the lump she held in her arms. It wasn't long before she began to feel at the pit of her stomach the knot that continued to expand. In her mentality, she'd hope that her nephew would take into consideration of her words and believe them.

"Thanks... Aunt Cass...", he unrestrained his right arm from under himself and laid his palm against the back of her hand. She felt her heart beat, unsure of how to react to this affection her nephew possessed. If it wasn't for these boys, she'd be alone in her small café, most likely still unmarried and no children, having to tend to strangers and never be able to go upstairs and talk to someone about hers or their day. It was because of Tadashi and Hiro that made her feel complete. Though she never intended on having them, she's grateful to take on the children as her own.

"Erm... Aunt Cass?"

The woman was still reminiscing about her past, until she let the adolescent's voice go through her ears, "Oh! Yes Hiro?"

"You're... Kind of crushing me..."

Without knowing, she had been in that state of dream for a few minutes unable to pay attention to the boy's squeal of 'help'. Her body maneuvered off of the lump and stood back up, straightening herself from that awkward position of a hug. As soon as she planted her feet on the ground, her stomach rumbled forcing her eyes to look down at the noise.

Hiro irked a brow at her, "Maybe you should eat?"

Aunt Cass nodded at his statement, "Yeah..." She met his gaze and saw the paleness that consumed his once pink, flushed cheeks, "Do you want anything to eat?" Although she knew his every response, it was still something she had to ask in case he changed his mind.

The boy rolled onto his back and let out a yawn, "No thanks..." A thought struck him as if he was dodging the idea purposefully. This was his chance to try and sneak out again to search for his older brother! "You know Aunt Cass, if I get hungry... I'll call you so then we can eat together?" He slyly smiled up at her hoping she'd buy his lie.

The woman gleamed down at her nephew seeing the faint smile appear on his thin lips, "Oh thank goodness! I thought you were going into a state where you couldn't eat anything, or, or... Or you were so sad that-"

"Aunt Cass?"

She paused her rambling sentence and nodded with a chuckle, "Yeah, alright! Call me if you need anything to eat! Or if you want to come down and join me!" Without any further interruptions, she waved the boy off and headed down to the cafeteria.

Hiro's eyes scanned the room cautiously, knowing there were guards and nurses all around his room specifically. He propped himself on his elbows to help give the leverage he needed to push himself out of the uncomfortable mattress. His feet smacked the ground louder than anticipated, letting his chin dig into his broad shoulder checking out the only door incase someone had heard. Sighing with relief, he scoped out the room once again having his pupils dilate at the window. "Bingo!"

Quietly, he tiptoed over to the windowsill and placed his index and thumb on the lock. With a push and flick, it unlocked. He lifted up the panel until Hiro finally realized...

He was three stories up.

"Dang... Come on Hiro.. Use that big brain of yours...", his voice faded away remembering his brother's constant saying to him. A nearby nurse peeked her head around the counter from her seat, "Hey! What are you- Stop!" Hiro's heart dropped causing him to panic.

"...Come on!", he squinted his eyelids tight. "YES! That's it!"

The nurse rolled her body from the office chair and jogged down the narrow hall towards his room. Hiro raced back to his bed and gripped the sheet with force. He scampered away from the mattress and leaned himself over the edge of the windowsill to situate himself on his behind. Fumbling with the sheet in his grasp, he clutched two corners into each hand and took a a final glance at the charging nurse.

"Stop! You're idiotic to go and kill-", she caught herself on the empty windowsill, sticking her head out the window watching the patient fall down the three stories. "Yourself..."

Hiro's makeshift parachute helped him fall softer onto each stories' windowsill, until he finally reached the ground. The nurse looked down at him in utter disbelief at what the boy just did.

The dork of the boy turned himself around to wave off the lady grinning and ran out into the streets in his hospital gown. He shouted into the streets...

"Tadashi, I'm coming!"

"... You're telling me that Professor Callaghan, he's the one responsible for the building blowing up?", Tadashi was pressed up against the wall, while the kabuki masked man kneeled in front of him.

"Mhm... I am... Look, I'm sorry if this is all a shock to you... but Tadashi, you and I, we really have to get going. You of all people should know how to stop Baymax! He's your design", Alistair Krei spoke calmly, but strictly to the point. If he continued to mess around and ignore the consequences of Callaghan's plan, everyone will be in danger.

Tadashi studied the man's features contemplating on why the man he once thought was dead, is now trying to destroy San Fransokyo. In all honesty, he was ecstatic to hear that his Professor wasn't pronounced dead. All that worry and blame he had put on himself, had turn him into a more depressed man. This was the healing he needed to hear in order to fix himself.

Tadashi met gazes with his new companion, "If we're going to stop Baymax... It will have to be tonight."

Alistair Krei with a straight face nodded, "Yes, tonight."