{A/N: Happy New Years everyone! This is my first one being alone... yay... Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy this fanfic. }

The herd of six bigger men surrounded the innocent, with his back pressed to the corner. He pleaded a negotiation for the gang to release him. He tugged at the collar of his undershirt to express his insecurity. The leader of the gang stepped forward as screeches from a familiar Vespa echoed the narrow alley. Each member backed away from the boy, curious to where they heard the sound.

"Hiro!", the young man riding the clean bike frantically gripped the boy's arm, yanking him on the leather seat. His hands testing the gas pedal to find their nearest escape route.

"T-Tadashi! Just in time!", Hiro steady himself holding his brother's shoulder's. The young man placed a child sized helmet on him, letting Hiro buckle it for himself.

"Are you hurt anywhere?", Tadashi kept his eyes on the street dodging every grove and indents.

Hiro looked down at himself then back to his brother, "No I'm-".

"Then what were you thinking!", Tadashi maneuvered his arm punching his younger brother playfully yet disciplinal. He fixed himself back at the wheel in time to notice the wall approaching them.

"Tadashi look out!", Hiro grasped tighter on the broad shoulders and ducked his head into his brother's shoulder blades. Tadashi twisted the break on his Vespa and turned slightly to the right for a sudden halt. The older brother's quick wit, boosted them in a U-turn.

"Why were you out bot fighting again?", his lips pursed in a thin line as he twisted the throttle.

"Look out!", Hiro warned him of the reoccurred men standing in front of them.

Tadashi rugged up the engine to full throttle and leaned to the right, "Hold on!" The Vespa's wheels found the wooden ramp forcing them to jet up in the air and gliding over the gang. They landed roughly, skidding the wheels on the uneven road.

"Yea-ha!", Hiro lit up with a huge grin across his face.

"Bot fighting is illegal Hiro!", His head throbbed with irritation. Hiro crossed his arms to his chest, "Bot fighting is not illegal! Bot fighting for money, well... that's illegal... But it's so worth it!" He tucked his right arm on his brother's shoulder and flashed him the wad of cash. Both their eyes caught sight of the police lights.

"Heh... woops..."

The two brothers got released from the jail cell and exited the main door. A woman in her thirties was waiting by her car, pacing back and forth to calm herself.

"Hey Aunt Cass...", the two sheepishly spoke.

"Oh are you boys alright?", she placed a hand on each cheek. "Yeah we're fine...", Tadashi's glimpsed at his younger brother.

"Oh good...", Aunt Cass lowered her arms to her sides. "...Then what were you two thinking!" They both rose their arms to shield themselves from the fist poundings.

Hiro scurried up the stairs after the lecture his Aunt gave on "stress eating" and "how much she loves them". He plopped down on the rolling office chair and quickly typed in his computer's password.

"You better apologize again to Aunt Cass", Tadashi put his helmet on the coat rack. "Before she eats the whole café."

"Yeah okay", completely neglecting his brother's suggestion. He popped up the nearest bot fight.

Tadashi sighed, "You're going bot fighting again, aren't you?"

"If I hurry, I could make it in time!", Hiro adjusted his jacket and tightened his shoe lace.

"Fine, I'll drive you. I can't stop you from going", Tadashi found his hat to put it on once more.

"Really? Cool."

The Vespa parked beside the curb and shut off. Hiro grew puzzled as he took in the surroundings, "This isn't downtown? We're at your 'Nerd school'."

"I just need to grab a few things", The young man stripped off his helmet and made way up the stairs. Hiro rolled his eyes and leapt off the vehicle to follow behind his big brother.

When they entered the secluded hallway, through the double doors, there inside were assortments of inventions. Hiro met with Tadashi's friends GoGo, Wasabi, Honey-Lemon, and Fred. After the encounters with them, Hiro met Tadashi's invention, a robot named, Baymax. He got to test him out and finish by saying, "I'm satisfied with my care." A man who was intrigued by his knowledge offered him a scholarship to go here. His name, Professor Callaghan, the inventor of his bot fighter.

The elevator ride down to the lobby was stilled silence. Hiro remained muffled standing on the stairs. He stared up at the building. His voice was light and airy, "I have to go here..."

"You ready to go to that bot fight?", Tadashi smirked, folding his arms.

"I have to go here! If I don't go to this 'Nerd School', I'm going to lose my mind!"

Hiro completed his presentation at the competitors fair. Everything went accordingly as planned. Aunt Cass was loving, his new friends ecstatic to be working with him and most importantly, his brother was proud. He laughed and fist bumped his younger sibling.

Both smiling while walking to the nearby bridge. The oldest brother rested himself against his arms on the railings. Hiro bounced around explaining how he felt. Tadashi was so proud...

An emergency alarm went off from a building. San Fransokyo Institute of Technology...

"The school!", Tadashi panicked and bolted off the wall, running straight for the fire blazing building. Hiro chased closely behind.

Tadashi helped the coughing woman get ahold of herself, "Are you okay?"

She coughed in her hand, "Yes but... Professor Callaghan is still inside!" Tadashi reacted off an instinct. He ran almost to the bottom of the stairs, only holding back to the scream of his brothers voice.

"Tadashi, no!", Hiro felt his body go numb with fear. He saw his brother face away to the building and then back on him. He wasn't going to stay. He was going to go get Callaghan.

Before Tadashi could reply to his younger brother, Hiro was already in a sprint. He jumped up on his brother, knocking him to the hard concrete. The explosion of the building was strong enough for the impact to thrust the pair backwards.

In and out of hearings of fire trucks, sirens, and screams. Hiro weakly pushed himself up on his elbows. His eyes rolled to his left to see a passed out Tadashi on the ground, covered in ashes and scratch marks.

"Tadashi...", his voice cracked, sounding worn out. "Tadashi!" The feeling of hands gripped under his arms and lifted him up on a gurney. A woman was asking him questions but all he could think was about his brother. Another medic team got Tadashi on a stretcher. Instead, he had an oxygen mask.

"Can you please tell me your name?", she repeated the question three times. Hiro looked at her and replied the appropriate answer.

"H-Hey wait... Where are they taking Tadashi? Tadashi!", His body irked up. She carefully pushed him back down and whispered to the nearest medic.

"D-Don't separate me from him! Stop!"

Beeps from the screen were becoming annoying to Hiro. His eyes fluttered open, exposing his dilated eyes to the blinding hospital lights. Everything was calm yet slow moving from his perspective. Must've been the medication. His thoughts occurred to him that something bad happened last night. Then, everything clicked. He shoved the thin covers off him, and got on his feet.

Tadashi. Where is Tadashi?

"Come on Hiro... snap out of the drugs...", he whispered his pep talk. "Just gotta find him..." He saw on the white board that he shared a room with, "Hamada, Tadashi". He whipped his head to face the giant curtain that kept him from seeing his sibling. His shaky fingers clung to the edge and pulled it wide open.


He was sitting up on his hospital bed, looking at the end of the sheets. His gaze never drifting away from that spot.

"Hey... Are you okay?", Hiro walked to the bedside and propped his leg up to sit. His brother bit his bottom lip to refrain from crying. His hands flew up to caress his temples.

"...Callaghan's gone... a-and I couldn't help him...", Tadashi shook his head in shock. "It's all my fault..."

Hiro opened his mouth to argue but nothing spilled out. He closed his lips tightly together and dropped his chin to look at the floor. No matter how many times he'd tell him "It wasn't your fault", he'd ignore it.

The stunned man briefly cocked his head up to check on his brother. If it wasn't for Hiro, he could have blown up in that fire just like Callaghan...

The sound of sniffling and groaning started and Hiro knew his brother had begun to cry. A gentle smile grew on his face as he hugged his older brother. He patted his back for support with the embrace.

"Everything will be okay Tadashi...", Hiro had tears welling up in the corner of his eyes.

"...We just have to stick together."

Review please. Love you guys! :)