Firstly, thank you all very much for taking your time to write the reviews! Thank you also for adding my story to Alerts and Favorites! Hope you enjoy the epilogue!


Thranduil tapped his fingers impatiently. She was late. He threw a gaze at Legolas, who was standing to the right of his throne. There was a clear look of impatience in the prince's eyes as he shifted from one foot to another, and Thranduil had to suppress a smile. Legolas was clearly worried about the former Captain of the Guard.

There was some commotion at the gates, and the Elvenking raised his gaze. She was there, dressed, as always, in her green outfit. She was holding her head high, also as always, as she came near the throne (too near, judging by his guards' nervous and questioning looks).

"I was informed that the king wished to talk to me," Tauriel said.

He leaned back in his throne, scrutinizing her with his look, not hurrying with the answer. She had made him wait after all; now it was her turn.

"I did indeed," he finally said. "Tell me, former Captain of the Guard, what is your current occupation?"

She jerked her head back, as though surprised, probably not expecting that kind of question.

"I…" she said, her posture stiffening. "I am deciding what to do right now."

"Aren't you getting bored?" he said, an ironic smile appearing on his lips.

"I am never bored, Your Majesty."

Her eyes met his; there was confusion in her look, confusion and defiance.

"In this case, former Captain, you may return to where you came from."

Tauriel looked at the king intently. Why did you call me then? He could read that question in her eyes, and was actually surprised he did not say it aloud. Then she turned around and left, escorted by one of the guards, as though he was afraid she would return and attack the king. Thranduil smiled again; that blind fidelity towards him was sometimes endearing.

Legolas was looking at him reproachfully and desperately; Thranduil did not need to see it to know that. He had made his son a promise and had refused to keep it.

"Legolas," Thranduil said.

The prince approached him, his head lowered, his reproach mute. He would not say anything to his king and father, not a single word; everything was perfectly clear without words.

"Go after the former Captain of the Guard, Legolas, and tell her that, in case she is, despite what she has just said, bored with her current occupation, she may stop being former Captain of the Guard and become the current one."

Legolas clasped his hands to his chest, bowed slightly, gratitude written in his sparkling eyes, and followed Tauriel hastily. That time Thranduil did not even attempt to hide his smile.

Then the Elvenking went out, to the fresh air of Mirkwood, and just stood there for a while, feeling the calming breeze on his skin. It had been quite a lot of time since that party, when he had emerged from his room like some ghost, sensing everyone's surprised and frightened looks. They had managed to get used to their king once more, despite that there was still a lot if things they could not understand. But they still trusted him, his elves trusted him, and that in itself was important. They had to trust him to be able to face what was surely approaching.

Thranduil breathed deeply, and looked at the sunset. The golden light illuminated the trees of the forest of Mirkwood, his forest. He held his head high, turned around, his silver cloak flying in the air, and walked into the gates of his Halls.

Thank you a lot for reading!