Adam ran in the kitchen and jumped with excitement with a new years hat on, and a Whistle.

''Happy new year!'' Adam said then blew the Whistle really loud.

''AHHHHHHHHHHH!.''Chase got up off his seat screaming in pain holding his ears.

''Chase!?'' Donald shouted rushing up to Chase,then held his ears for him. Adam did an uh oh face. Bree got off her seat and grabbed the spray bottle,and she spayed it on Adam's face...''Bad dog,bad,dog.'' She said as she was spraying the water on his face,witch was making him flinch.

''Hey,hey,hey,what was that for?!'' Adam asked.

''Oh,I don't know,maybe,like you know, for one thing,It's not even new years yet!,and for the other,you hurt our little brother EARS!''Bree explained. The looked at Chase,he was taking a deep breath,with tears in his eyes. Donald was holding his ears.

''Are you okay?'' Donald asked. Chase sook his head. ''It hurts!'' He yelled. Bree looked back at Adam. ''Oh come Bree, it's almost new years and you're just worried about his ears?'' Adam said.

''Adam!?'' Bree shouted. Adam sighed.

''Fine, I won't mess with this Whistle, anymore.'' Adam said,throwing the Whistle on the floor,then walked down to the lab.

''Adam wait?!'' Bree said walked in front the door way a little. Bree sighed.

''Now what?''' She asked. ''Well,you can start by apologizing to him.'' Donald said. Bree sighed,crossing her arms.

''Yeah,I guess I could do that.'' She agreed.

''Are you okay Chasey?'' Bree asked in worried. ''I,don't know.'' He said, sill caching his breath. Donald still had his hands covering his ears.

''My ears hurt!'' Chase said. ''Im sorry.'' Mr. Davenport said. Then got Chase up off the floor still holding his ears. Chase nodded.

''Besides Mr. Davenport, Chase is still Glitching,he has been since from Christmas,sense now, and it almost the end of December.'' Bree said.


December 28

''AHHHHHHHHH!.'' Doanld Adam and Bree heard Chase in the lab. They all rushed down to te lab.

''OMG,He is still glitching?'' Bree asked looking at them, then back Chase,who was on the floor screaming and crying in pain. Donald shook his head a little,then they ran towards Chase. Donald and Adam grabbed Chase and held his tightly,holding his ears. Adam held his head still,while Donald was covering his ears, and Bree was stroking his hair. ''Shhhhh,it's okay,you're 're fine.'' Donald soothed. ''Shhhh.'' Adam said. Chase was still crying. ''Shhhh, you are okay.''

End Flashback

Back to December 29

Bree looked Donald. ''And that was yesterday!'' She said, throwing her arms in the air

''I know Bree.'' Donald said. They sighed. ''When is Leo and Tasha will be back?'' Bree siad.

''I don't know.'' Donald said, looking at the time. Donald laid Chase down on the couch.

''You,lay down,and I will fix you some tea...Okay?'' Donald asked,then kissing him on the forehead.

Then walked in the kitchen. Chase nodded,getting sleepy. Chase then yawned.''Hey Bree?'' Donald asked. ''Yeah,'' She replied.

''Maybe you should go apologize to, Adam, now.'' Donald said. Bree sighed crossing her arms, then looked at Chase in worried and saw that he was almost half asleep. then she looked at Donald ad he was looking at her. She sighed again.

''Fine., I'll go.'' She said. Then she walked down to the lab. Donald was done Chase's tea, then walked in the living room where Chase was dozing off a little. Donald sat down next to him. ''Hey?Wake up Chase?'' Donald asked Then He put a hand on his forehead. ''Are you okay?'' Donald asked. Chase nodded. 'Okay,well, I got your tea made.'' Donald said. ''Okay.' Chase said. Then he opened his eyes and looked at Donald. ''I'm tired.' Chase said. Then he closed his eyes. Donald smiled. ''Okay.'' Donald said. Then he lied him down and covered him up.

Then Bree walked in the kitchen. Donald got up and walked to her. ''Well?'' He asked her while she was getting some water. ''Well what?'' She asked,then sipping water

''Did you apologized?'' Donald asked. ''Oh yeah.'' Bree said.

''Did he except?'' Donald asked. ''He started to pout.'' Bree explained. Donald sighed.

''Okay, well Chase , is asleep. DO Not wake him up,got it?'' He asked.

''Got it, good I will talk to him.'' Donald said. ''Got it.'' Bree nodded. Then Donald headed down stairs to the lab. Bree walked in the living room and sat down. A couple minutes later, Donald went running up stair and so Adam. 'Bree?'' He panicked. Bree got up quickly.

''What!?'' She asked.

''There is a mission you guys have to doo.'' What?!' Yes, wake Chase,now hurry?'' Donald said. ''Chase wake up!?'' Bree shouted.

''Hmmm, What?'' He whined. ''Because there is a mission.'' Bree explained. Chase's eyes were widen. He then got up quickly. '' WHAT!?'' He said. ''Come on?!''Adam said. Then they headed to the lab.

''Guys.'' Donald asked. ''Go get you mission suits on. He asked. Then Adam and Bree headed to there capsules. Chase walked up to Donald. ''Ummm, Mr. Davenport?'' Chase asked.

''What what, what, Get your mission suit on hurry?!'' Donald rushed him.

''What if I start to,you know, glitch?'' Awww,Chase,Buddy,I don't think you will glitch'' Doanld assured. ''Okay.'' Chase said then got his mission siut on.

''Alright guys now go?'' Donald said.

An hour. At the mission.

Chase...Are you okay?'' Bree asked, getting worried. ''Bree.'' He weakly asked. '''What's wrong?'' She asked. ''It's...It's hot in here,get me out?'' He weakly asked. ''OHG ADAM we have to get out of here now!'' She asked. Adam rushed to them. ''What why!?'' He asked.

''Adam,Chase isn't looking so good, we have to tel Davenport?''

''I'm on it.'' Adam said, them grabbed his phone.

''Stay with me Chase?'' Bree asked slapping his face slightly.

''Adam?'' Chase whispered weakly slighting down the wall a little.

''Adam?!'' Bree said.

''What, I'm trying to call him.'' Adam said. Then he looked at Chase and noticd weak he looked.

''Oh my god,we have to go?' Adam said. ''Adam.'' Chase said dozing off. ''No,no,no stay with us. Please?'' Adam asked. Then Chase passed out. ''No!? we have to go Adam?!'' Bree asked.

''Let's go.'' Adam they headed out.

Hey Guys how was that...Feel free to review. See ya later!