~ Epilogue ~
Gamora clenched her fists, reminding herself that she was used to dealing with pain, and that she had to keep quiet. The beings piloting the ship could not return and find her hidden here. Her teeth ground together as another wave of pain rose and subsided.
It had been months since she'd parted from Peter on Knowhere, and in that time she'd second-guessed herself at least a billion times. If she'd known it would come to this, she would have stayed with him. How would she get through this alone? Obviously, she hadn't known at that point she'd find herself in this situation...
After stowing aboard the Skrull ship, she had remained hidden for that entire journey, then, when the ship landed, she'd made her way to a Shi'ar refugee ship, using a false name. From there she'd managed to hitch a ride with some Krylorians, spending some time on their world. It was during that time that she'd realised what was happening to her. Pregnant. She'd tried to deny it at first, hiding her changing figure, continuing to live day-by-day, but eventually she'd had to acknowledge that she couldn't carry on that way. She kept moving for a while longer, but this time she'd had a goal- find somewhere where she could settle anonymously, at least until she had given birth. Such a place was hard to find, though, as she could not risk being recognised. After a brief trip concealed on a Badoon warship, she had spotted a Kree pioneering vessel. Usually, those crafts were used to scout out new territory for the Kree- places that owed no allegiance anywhere and knew little of current affairs in the galaxy. She'd stowed aboard, hoping that, wherever these Kree were going, she would not be well-known and perhaps she could be safe for the last few months of her pregnancy.
The voyage took far longer than anything Gamora had expected, months, and she'd had to ration her food very carefully- harder to do when trying to feed a unborn baby! Staying hidden all the time had forced her to think of something she had carefully ignored since she realised she was carrying. She didn't know who the father was. She hoped and prayed it was Peter, but Thanos had had her not a month before she'd been with Peter, so the timing was tight...
Another, sharper pain came and she nearly screamed. This was followed by a cry of shock as water gushed from between her legs, drenching the floor of the cargo hold. Gamora fought to steady her breathing. The Kree ambassadors had left the vessel some time ago, presumably to explore wherever they had landed, but she wasn't sure she was alone. Would it be better to get out of here, and take her chances on the people of this world, whoever they might be? Grimacing, she forced herself to her feet, leaning on the wall before managing to stand upright. Breathing heavily, she took a few lumbering steps towards the ship entrance, made it outside- then doubled over in pain, almost falling to her knees. The pain came again, so sharp she forgot where she was. Sweat poured down her skin as she struggled to breathe. She thought she might have screamed aloud, but wasn't sure.
Voices came to her, and looking up she saw the Kree coming in her direction. She tried to stand, to go down fighting, but her knees buckled. Black spots danced in front of her eyes, and swallowed her vision whole. The next few scenes came in stops and starts, punctuated by ever-sharpening pains and she wasn't sure what was real and what wasn't:
A blue-green planet visible from this world's surface.
The Kree approaching her, shouting accusations.
More voices, speaking in an ancient Kree dialect, running towards them from... a city under a dome?
Strange inhuman figures fighting the Kree- and winning.
Then her pains doubled (how was that even possible?) and she felt an incredible pressure between her legs, coupled with an uncontrollable urge to push. Digging her fingers into the cold rock surface she was laying on, she obeyed her body's commands. Everything around her faded out, the pressure building and building until, at last, something wet slid between her legs. Dimly, she realised that at some point she'd shed her clothes, but wasn't sure when. A shrill wail came from the crumpled form on the ground, and, struggling, Gamora forced herself upright, to see a tiny green-skinned baby boy, coated in black blood, still attached by the umbilical cord. Hands shaking, she lifted him carefully. The crying ceased, and, wiping the baby's face, she could make out blue eyes and a head of downy, light-colured hair. Peter's. He looks like Peter. She nearly cried with relief. Peter's, not Thanos'.
The beings who had been dealing with the Kree approached cautiously. One of them said something, but a wave of exhaustion engulfed Gamora, and, still holding her son, she passed out.
She woke with a start later, in some kind of infirmary, though not in a place she recognised. She felt sore all over, and her heart rate jumped as she remembered what had happened. She glanced around wildly for the baby, sighing in relief when she realised there was a crib next to the bed she was lying in. The baby was sleeping soundly and didn't seem to want anything, so she turned her attention to herself next. She was clean, no traces of blood or birthing fluid left and she had been dressed in soft white clothes- the sort most patients wore. Climbing out of bed carefully, she checked on the baby (her son! Incredible as that seemed- how had she managed to produce something so perfect?) then looked around for anything that would clarify where she was. Footsteps made her look up with a start.
A young woman, slightly younger than Gamora, with tanned skin, black hair and abnormally long fingers, walked into the room, a friendly smile on her face. A teenaged boy with brown hair and blue eyes followed, smiling but looking nervous. She noted their similar garb. Healers, perhaps? She edged closer to the crib instinctively. "Where am I?"
The boy looked to the woman, letting her speak first. She nodded. "In our home. I healed you as best I could. You did some damage to yourself during the birth, but you'll be alright." The woman paused. "I have been told to ask: how did you end up travelling with those Kree?"
Gamora thought fast. These people seemed wary, but not suspicious. But if the healer woman had been told to ask her, then there was clearly a higher authority who wished to know. Time to stall. "The Kree... are they all dead?" She let a tremor of fear enter her voice. Let them make of that what they would.
"Yes." The woman's face was blank. The younger boy stepped forward.
"Were you a prisoner?"
"Thane!" The woman admonished him. "That's hardly our concern." She turned back to Gamora. "I have been asked to take you before our leaders once you awoke. We tend to be cautious of outsiders." She pressed a few buttons on a console- alerting someone to the fact that Gamora was awake, possibly.
Gamora's eyes flicked back to the crib. "I'm not leaving him." Newborn or not, she felt a strong protectiveness towards this little thing, and wasn't leaving him anywhere.
The woman frowned. "I will keep an eye on him-"
"He stays with me." Gamora picked up the blanket-wrapped baby as gently as she could, staring at him in wonder before refocusing on the situation.
"I can accompany her to the throne room," the boy, Thane, suggested. "Then I can mind the little one while the King and Queen speak with his mother."
The woman looked as if she would argue.
"Come on, Kalikya, my studies are over today anyway!"
She sighed. "Go on then."
Gamora noted the woman's name as Thane led her out of the infirmary, also absorbing the mention of a king and queen. That narrowed down the possibilities about where she was- very few worlds had a monarchy anymore- but she'd need more information- or did she? If this place was unknown, what harm could it do to invent a past and remain here? If I introduce myself under a new name...
She followed Thane outside, making sure her son was snug in the blanket and not cold before eying her surroundings. That same view of a planet, are we on a moon?... And this city is the one I saw, only now I'm inside the dome. She ignored the stares of bystanders (of every size, shape and species, it appeared) as Thane led her through the streets. Entering the most majestic building in sight, they approached a huge set of ornate doors, flanked by two centaur like guards.
Thane paused, clearing his throat. "You're expected inside. Um... you'll have to leave the baby with me. Sorry."
Tensing at the thought of letting her newborn out of her sight, she gritted her teeth and did as Thane asked, relieved to see that he seemed to know how to hold the baby- better than she did, almost! Not that that would be hard... She took a deep breath before stepping forward. The guards let her pass wordlessly, and she stood tall as she made her way up the long room. Several figures watched her approach- a tall, muscular black-clad man, his face half covered by a mask, who was seated on the throne, a woman standing beside him, red hair writhing seemingly of its own accord. A smaller, wiry man with an oversized forehead and tattooed face stood to the left of the woman, and to the man's right stood a huge man, with long hair and- Gamora squinted- animal legs?
The goat-limbed man was the first to speak. "Tell us who you are and what you're doing here."
The red-headed woman reached over and slapped his shoulder. "Gorgon."
He hung his head. "My apologies, my Queen."
The woman turned to Gamora. "To put my cousin's question more politely, we do wish to know how you came to be here. What is your name?"
She took a deep breath. "My name is Liyana." She told her story, honest to a certain point; her people were gone, she'd grown up in slavery and she had no home. Now she had a child to consider and could no longer wander aimlessly.
Gorgon pressed for more detail, but she would not name her people or her former captors. The king's eyes remained locked on her as she spoke, and Gamora had the strangest feeling that he knew who she really was. He didn't speak, though. (In fact, he hadn't made a sound, which seemed odd, but not really important.)
Gamora stood as tall as she could, knowing that her next words would decide her fate. She swallowed hard. "There are things in my past that I cannot speak of, but still I ask you for sanctuary among your people, for myself and my baby. I have nowhere else to go." She thought of Peter and Titan, and worked to hide her grief. She would not be welcomed there, the mother of Peter's child or not; the majority of the Eternals would only ever see her as Thanos' weapon. "So I beg, please, let me stay and live in peace."
There was a lengthy pause, during which the king, queen and tattooed man (Karnak, apparently) exchanged looks, and Gorgon glared at Gamora, but finally the king stood, and nodded. The queen spoke, as if translating.
"We will not turn away someone in need. You are welcome to remain in Attilan, and we will provide accommodation, provided that you contribute to society if it is asked of you, abide by our laws and as long as you vow never to leave. This city's location has remained secret for thousands of years, and must remain so. Are you willing to agree to that?"
Gamora nodded decisively. "I am." She inclined her head in a show of respect. "Thank you for your generosity."
Another nod from the king, and Gamora was dismissed. She heard murmured voices as the door closed, but didn't really listen. She had a place to stay and they hadn't forced her to reveal her true identity. Her son would grow up safe- provided she didn't mess up raising him!
Young Thane was still outside, by now having an animated conversation with the baby, who was wide awake and looking bemused. Thane grinned, handing him back to Gamora.
"He's well behaved, isn't he?"
She settled the baby in her arms, smiling when he nestled against her. "I suppose... I haven't been around babies much."
Thane shrugged. "Me either. We Inhumans don't have that many offspring, and apprentice healers don't really get near them."
Inhumans. Gamora noted that name, remembering an old story Ronan had told of Kree genetic experiments, from eons ago. So this is what they wrought- a race of beings that seem to despise Kree. Ironic.
Thane looked up anxiously. "They are letting you stay, right?"
"Yes, though I don't see why you're concerned..."
He shrugged. "I've never been allowed to leave Attilan, but I've always wanted to go exploring out there." He gestured up at the sky. Hopeful blue eyes turned to her. "Maybe you can tell me some stories about life on other worlds?"
"I... if you want."
Thane nodded vigorously. "Thanks! Oh, by the way... what's your name?"
Gamora smiled. "Liyana." I'd better get used to it. The baby snuffled in her arms, and she stroked his hair, soothing him. "And this is Nisarr." Her real father's name had sounded similar to that, she thought, so it would be a fitting name for her son.
Thane smiled (again) and kept talking as he led her off to find somewhere to stay until an actual home was constructed for her. He liked Liyana, and was really looking forward to learning what she could tell him about other worlds. His mother might be gone, but he knew he had a father out there somewhere...
An image of Thane leading 'Liyana' and her child through the market was visible on a screen.
"Are we sure this is wise?" Karnak frowned. "Black Bolt, if your suspicions about her are correct, if she really is G-"
The king's raised hand silenced him. Medusa spoke for her husband, as always, her red hair shifting, though her voice betrayed no unease. "If she really is Thanos' adopted daughter Gamora, then she has been declared dead and as such will be safe. She has a child to care for, which negates the possibility of this being a trap of some kind. Besides which, having her as an ally may come in useful someday. As you know, the day may come when Thanos turns his gaze to us for... other reasons. Inside knowledge of the forces at his disposal would be invaluable in that situation."
Karnak nodded, accepting his king's words. Gorgon huffed, unconvinced, but he held his tongue.
Black Bolt kept his eyes on the image, his eyes unfathomable. Liyana was laughing at something Thane had said, as the boy gestured wildly, laughing himself.
The silent king turned away. Such a strange fate, to bring these two together. Whether it was a turn in their favour... only time would tell.
The End... for now!
Special thanks to Myth Queen and Llwydyn for their help, encouragement and reviews- you guys kept me going! And thanks to Glarinetta, ninjaoffallensakura, kakureru, kathyb, Deanine, Charmed Serenity, KUBBLE IS BACK, Procrastination Is My Game, LabRatsWhore, Faith Frost, jayswing96, Maw, br2nd66, Seven-Shades-Of-A, and any and all Guests for your favourites, follows and reviews :)
Stay tuned for a sequel!