I'm back! :3

Thank you for all the wonderful OC's! Their life in this story isn't going to be the most pleasant. Some may get incredibly injured and maybe in extreme cases, die. 0.O But I actually like them all. So I'll most likely kill my own. I just don't wanna anger/upset people.

And when I write what's happening what's happening with another group which doesn't contain the Divergent character/ OC whose perspective Im writing from, it will be third person.

Disclaimer: I do not own Divergent, it's characters or sadly most of the games I play. But, I do own the plot line, my OC's and readers own their own OC's.


"Zombies." I breathed.


Tris POV

The chaos that had threatened to erupt earlier had now erupted. There were the smarter betas, who knew they didn't stand a chance against the reanimated corpses fleeing from the oncoming horde to shouts of 'cowards', strings of swears and damnations to hell.

Meanwhile the other betas -who still hadn't realised they were screwed- stayed to fight.

I was frozen in place, watching as the horde tore through more and more betas. There were groups heading for the exits from the stands and others on the pitch.

The exits looked relatively safe, but there would probably be a small horde or two lurking in the hallways shadows.

A male beta limped towards me, with his army uniform torn and body riddled with bites. He dropped to his knees in front of me pleading with me to help him, his sea green eyes filled with fear.

His health bar was suddenly projected up by his TechCuff. The betas name was Tyson and he didn't have a chance: his health was near gone.

All I could do was watch as it drained completely and his body fell to the ground, unmoving. His inventory spilled out across the ground and I quickly snatched up some more ammo for my pistol and a few painkillers as well, which probably served as one of the things that restores health in-game.

Strangely, I didn't mourn Tyson. Maybe it was because I didn't know him.

I knelt down beside his shoulder and using my fingers, gently shut his eyes. For some odd reason I felt short, warm puffs of air against my palm.

My first instinct was to pull away. I knew what was probably going to happen next. For now I kept my hand there, over his face, trying to calm my breathing.

His breathing had stopped completely a quarter of a second later and I slowly drew my hand away from the dead teen, my mind turning for a short second towards Tyson's now permanently broken family.

I was getting up to sprint towards and exit when I heard a soft moan come from the body.

Then his eyes snapped open and the newly reanimated zombie practically threw its self off the ground towards me, jaws snapping.

I yelped in shock before running as fast as my short legs would allow me, heading for the nearest exit.



Freya winced as she pulled herself up against a wall. She wished for the third time that minute that the tall, long-haired male teen than sprinted past a very short time ago had seen her. Maybe he would of helped her.

But at the moment Freya really wished she had a book, or anything really to take her mind off the agonising pain in her leg.

One of those creatures had made a large, deep gash in the side of her leg. Freya had nothing to bandage it up with, and had nothing to cut the fabric of her army uniform.

So all she could do now was wait.


Thankfully, the exit I'd just reached wasn't swamped with zombies.

Instead the only thing there were more betas. A few were keeping watch on the oncoming horde, while the rest were throwing themselves at the door like a pack of angry dogs.

I just stood and watched. I was exhausted after running; I'm not one of the fittest people in the world.

"Thirty metres!" One of the betas keeping watch barked. "Get that door open!"

The two at the door started throwing themselves at it with renewed energy and speed.

The door groaned softly and caved in under force applied to it and the other betas scrambled through, with me going last.

Which was probably a big mistake. The group was already running full pelt down the hall, simply running past any zombies that tried to stop them. There was no way I could catch up.

So I was stuck walking until I got my energy back. Or, until I was ruthlessly torn into and eaten by the horde of undead whose groans and growls were echoing in the hall behind me.

I picked up the pace to a slow jog, hoping to clear some distance between me and them.

The halls weren't all that hard to navigate. I did run into a few zombies, but they were easily taken care of.

I was sure that I had out jogged the horde for now as the stench of death and decay was not as dense here as it was in the last hallway I was in.

I slowed to a walk and gently pulled my pistol out of its holster, clicking the safety off.

Just because I couldn't see, hear or smell the zombies didn't mean they weren't here.

The pistol was way heavier than it looked. But since it's probably made wholly out of metal, it makes sense.

I turned another corner, gun first.

I heard a soft moan -get those dirty thoughts out your heads- coming from a hallway branching from the one I'm currently standing it. It didn't sound as low or throaty as a zombie's, and there was no smell of decay. So, I came to one conclusion: it had to be a beta.

I slowly lowered my gun. "Hello? Is someone there?" I ask cautiously.


I slowly and cautiously stepped towards whoever had made the noise.

It turned out to be a short, tanned girl with a large gash in her leg. I dropped to my knees beside her and opened my inventory using my TechCuff, the other beta's brown eyes trained on me the whole time.

I flicked my hand across the holographic screen until I found the painkillers, in amongst a bunch of other items I didn't even know I had.

I double-tapped the painkillers and one magically appeared in my hand.

"Here." I said to the tanned girl, handing her the painkiller which she immediately swallowed.

"Thank you." She said softly.

I only smiled back before starting the conversation back up again about half a minute later.

"I'm Tris by the way."


The conversation dropped again, and I had no idea how to pick it back up again. I knew I would have to get back up and leave, but I didn't want to leave Freya where she was, and I knew the chances of her coming with me were slim.

But for now I decided to stay here. That was, until I heard groaning and shuffling echo through the hall.

Freya stood and walked over to the end of our hall. She was walking fine: her leg must've healed.

"We've gotta run." I tell her. "If there's one, there'll be loads more on the way."

I jump up and started running. I was sure Freya was following because I could her her footsteps echoing behind me.

We ran for what seemed like an hour before a metal door with a lit up 'exit' sign above it.

I shoved it open, waiting for Freya to pass through before I shut the door with a loud clang.

We were greeted by an almost empty street, with only corpses, zombies and dirty, rusty unusable cars littering it.

The sky somehow had shifted to bright colours of red, orange and some small streaks of blue.

I let out a short whoop of joy. I'd made it out of the stadium.


Well that's another chapter over and one of roughly nine OC's introduced. There'll be more introduced in the coming chapters and just a heads up; it starts to get a bit more gory from this point onwards...

The next chapter should hopefully be longer though. I tried making it as such past the current ending point but failed. XD

See you all next chapter!