Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to the Harry Potter universe or the Mass Effect franchise. I do own copies of most of the material though.

"Sir, we just lost the last AA battery. Orbital strike."

General Williams only grunted in acknowledgement. It was only to be expected. The damnable aliens had been pounding at their defenses for over a day now. "Who did we lose with it?"

"Everyone who was there. That would be the remainders of the 401st infantry, the 663rd, and the 39th mechanized" the aide -a captain- replied.

Williams frowned at that. "Wasn't the 10th Armor defending that location?"

"They'd been ground down to nothing before that, sir. It was about an hour ago. It should have been brought to your attention then."

The General rubbed at his face wearily. "You're right, it was." Left unspoken was effect the long fight was having on all of them. Fatigue was starting to hit all of them, and things would only be getting worse. "Who do we have left in the reserves? Anybody?"

"Only the HQ Company, sir. Everyone else got taken out or bogged down in their deployment by now." Great. That meant there was another hole in their lines- and they didn't have the people to fill it this time. The loss of the AA battery also meant that fixed positions were now completely vulnerable to air strikes. It was time to disperse.

"Switch to Operation Posture Delta-36. We can't hold the lines anymore. Command devolves on local commanders, primary objectives stealth and civilian defense, otherwise targets of opportunity only." He turned to his staff commander. "Also start destroying everything we can't bring with us from HQ. We have to leave ourselves before they drop something on our heads, and I don't want to leave anything for them to capture." The blonde woman saluted and turned to leave the room.


Drawing his pistol, Williams whirled towards the corner of the operations room the sound came from, where he saw a black haired man standing. The man was wearing something that looked like a uniform, but it certainly wasn't one he had seen before, nor could he identify what it was made out of. It looked like some sort of scale, which was utterly ridiculous. Plus, no unit he had ever heard of used a crossed sword and stick as their insignia. Out of the corner of his eye he saw and heard his staff commander gasp in recognition and snap to attention.

Disregarding the guns pointed at him, the green-eyed man spoke. "General Williams, can your men hold out for another 10 minutes?"

Ignoring the question, Williams growled out a question of his own. "Who are you and how did you get in here?"

"I am Supreme Commander Potter of the United Magical Forces. My people will be acting in 10 minutes, primarily with anti-orbital defense and aerial superiority, but with some ground elements. Will your forces hold or do we need to deploy heavy ground forces immediately? We would prefer to maintain cohesion for the strike, but I can deploy the Goblins sooner if needed."

"Bullshit. Magic isn't real, and Goblins are fairy tales. And how the devil would you have anti-orbital capabilities still? Staff Commander Malfoy, get this lunatic out of here."

This drew the strange man's attention towards the blonde woman staring at him. "Malfoy? Any relation to Draco? You don't look like him."

"Squib Daphne Malfoy, sir" she saluted. "I take after my great-grandmother Astoria, sir. It's an honor to meet you, sir."

Potter nodded. "Yes, I see the resemblance now. I take it you are fully knowledgeable then. And you can answer my question. Can your troops hold?"

"I know the basics, sir. And I think we can hold 10 minutes, even without air cover, but not much longer. I can't be sure, because as you can see," here she gestured towards several blank monitors, "we lost all our battlefield sensors some time ago. We've been relying on reports only."

"Understood. I'll have my staff transfer here immediately. We still have intact sensor ward coverage. Additionally, full disclosure is authorized; code Phoenix One-Niner-Niner-Seven-Delta-Echo-Romeo."

Daphne's eyes widened. That was the code for the total and immediate reveal of the entire magical world, across all colonized planets. It was considered a worst-case scenario, and precisely one person could authorize it. She answered mechanically "Authorization confirmed. Ave Gaia."

Potter gave her a sharp nod. "Ave Gaia. I'll try to be back before the rituals go off." With that, and another *crack*, he was gone.

"Staff Commander what the hell was that!" General Williams had had enough. "I order you remove him, and you defer to him? You had better have a good explanation for this!"

After taking a few moments to compose herself, she looked him in the eyes. "Short answer, General, is that magic is real, and many things known as myth exist, and all of it has been hidden for about 500 years. Now the magical world is revealing itself to integrate back into non-magical society. Harry James Potter, the man who was just here, is a living legend, and effectively the leader of magical society, despite the lack of title designating him as such. I'm what is known as a squib, a non-magical born to a magical family. Since the Mars discovery, squibs have been encouraged to go into either the non-magical military or government, for better coordination and integration in case magical society decided to reveal itself-like now."

Silence met her statement, the only noise coming from the humming of the machines around them. A few moments later, General Williams broke the silence. "Let's say I believe you. I'll pretend that these exist, and you know about them. What about this has gotten you so shaken up?"

"Most revelation plans were to be over time. The magical world revealed itself piece by piece, to various groups individually. That code authorized an emergency plan. The entire magical world will reveal itself to everyone at once. Every enlisted squib will tell their squad mates. Every elected politician in the know will hold an immediate press conference to tell people about it. Every ward concealing the magical world from the non-magical will drop. Wizards and witches will stop caring who sees them doing common magic as they go through their day. People will start seeing the magical creatures around them. Every colony and every station has a magical population, General. Within a few hours, all of humanity will know about the magical world. I can't even imagine how people will react."

No one gave her an answer.

Harry James Potter, Supreme Commander of all Magical combat forces, leader of the Magical World (not that anyone had ever informed him of that), apparated into the heavily-warded bunker the Shanxi Planetary Magical Defense Command had set up at the beginning of the invasion. Striding into command room, silent in his dragonhide boots, he began giving orders. "Colonel Weasley, set up auxiliary command in the muggle headquarters. Take extra displays, their sensors are out. I'm designating you Planetary Coordination Officer. That's where their General is, there's a Squib there explaining things to him now. Make sure you're set up before Operation Basilisk goes off. Dismissed." The red-haired officer saluted and left, barking out his own orders to those around him. Harry continued, "General Bones, what's the status of the mobile forces? Are they in position?"

General Edgar Bones was the grandson of Susan Bones, Harry's classmate. Similarly, Colonel William Weasley was the grandson of Percy Weasley. While it was pure chance that they had both been deployed to Shanxi, they were grateful. The two had a strong friendship going back to their childhoods. Right now, in the midst of an alien invasion, that extra trust in each other was invaluable. "Yes sir. The Goblins are in position under the enemy lines, and the centaurs and giants are hidden in the forests flanking them. The dragons are armored up, and the escorting broom squads are ready to launch." Anticipating the next question, he continued. "The rituals are on schedule. The Anti-Orbital rituals are going for sure kills over number of shots, so it looks like they'll only take out four enemy ships. They're targeting the four biggest, hopefully that will suffice to halt the bombardment enough. The city-shielding ritual looks like it is a few seconds behind, but that shouldn't make a difference."

The rituals in question were the most powerful ever developed. Unfortunately, that also made them require a lot of time and energy to cast. The city shielding ritual was actually six coinciding rituals circling the city, each cast by a dozen powerful witches (and only witches, for some reason. Wizards couldn't cast it.) over the course of six hours. They created a massive shield over the city that would stop anything that wasn't attached to a person in some way. The result of that particular setup was that weapon fire and vehicles- which magical forces didn't use- would be stopped by the shield, but troops could still deploy in and out of it. Long-term bombardment would eventually wear it down, and it was unsure how long this one would last; after all, it had never been used on this scale before, or under these conditions.

The Anti-Orbital rituals were even larger. Set in the mountains around the continent that the capital (and only) city was located on, each of the four rituals took two dozen each of Wizards and Witches over the course of twelve hours to cast, and none would be able to do magic for a full week afterwards. As their name implied, the Anti-Orbital Ritual (it had an official name, but no one used it), sent a large beam of pure destructive magical energy in a line to high orbit over the planet, which would vaporize any solid matter it touched. A few seconds later, the beam would disperse harmlessly. The backlash, however, would cause an explosion comparable to several tons of TNT outwards from the ritual circle.

Harry gave a thin smile. "Good. I've had enough of Humans dying." He turned to the communications officer. "Connect me to all magicals. Wizards, Witches, Goblins, , Centaurs, Vampires, Veela, Giants, Elves. Everyone."

The communications witch gulped and nodded. A few runes and spells later, she paused and spoke up. "Sir, I need authorization codes for full connections. I don't have that authority."

"Phoenix Sigma-Alpha-Three-Niner-One-Niner-Four-Seven"

"Understood, Sir." A pause. "Connected, Sir."

Harry James Potter, age 177, most powerful wizard alive (and probably in history, but again, no one would ever tell him that), took a breath and began to speak to every magical being in existence.

"I am Harry Potter. As many of you know, a day ago aliens came to the colony of Shanxi. They attacked, unprovoked. They killed, and did not even attempt to give reason."

He paused, and across their corner of the galaxy, magical beings waited, doing nothing but listening. Quidditch players paused and hovered in place. Goblins ceased their smithing.

"Our non-magical brethren have fought bravely, tirelessly. They have done all they can to halt and avenge the slaughter. It has not been enough. Their soldiers, brave as they are, have died. Their lines have all but broken, holding together by stubbornness alone."

"And so we shall act. In a few minutes, Operation Basilisk will launch. Dragons will fly the skies openly once more. Witches and Wizards will strike where the enemy feels safe. Goblins will hold the lines, and push back the aliens. It will be the most open display of magic in recent history, and the largest magical combat action ever."

"But it will not- cannot- be a single event. The children of Earth cannot afford to be divided anymore. It is time. It is time for us, as magical beings, to join with our non-magical brethren. To fly between the stars with them. To walk the gates beside them."

"I am Harry James Potter, Supreme Commander of the United Magical Forces. By my authority, the International Statute of Magical Secrecy is hereby abolished."


So this is my first attempt at creative writing of any appreciable length. I hope I can expand what's in my head enough to actually become a story.