A/N: I truly want to thank everyone invested in this story. I'm beginning to love writing this version of them again and I appreciate anyone taking the time to read. It's time I move this Olitz along to their full potential. Regardless of the situation I'm ever writing them in, I will always believe their love is strong enough. Xo

Chapter 13: As Long As You Need

"I survived because the fire inside of me burned brighter than the fire around me." ~J. Graham


It was nearly half past nine and Olivia decided to call Reed. Fitz still wasn't home yet and as each hour passed she became more and more worried. Both Karen and Jerry returned back to Mellie earlier that morning and Olivia was grateful they weren't there to witness what was going on. She knew Fitz needed space but she never expected him to be gone for such a long period of time.

His fathers confession took everyone by surprise...especially Fitz. The second Mellie confirmed what Karen shared the police didn't hesitate in arresting the former senator. Rowan called them just before dinner to let them know Fitzgerald Grant II was officially being charged with conspiracy to commit murder. The Santa Barbara police department was in the process of arresting Maddox Cline, the person hired by Gerald to kill Olivia.

When they got the phone call, Olivia had never seen Fitz become so angry. His hands began to shake and the next serious of events happened so fast, all Olivia could think to do was call Reed. He answered on the second ring and she tried her best to remain calm.

"Olivia? Are you alright?" His voice had an edge to it and she instantly heard the concern on his voice.

"Fitz hasn't come home. I'm sure you know about the confession. He left hours ago and he isn't answering his phone."

"I'm on my way to him now...he's drunk-"

"Where is he!" Olivia demanded. Worry set in and she put her hand on her stomach trying to remind herself she had someone inside of her that was depending on her to not get upset.

"Secret Service called me...he's at a bar about an hour outside of Carmel." Reed paused and Olivia checked her watch for the hundredth time. She knew Reed had more to say and was in no mood for guessing games. Her hormones got the best of her and she demanded answers once again.

"Where. Is. He." Olivia repeated.

"I don't know the name of the bar, just the address. You're not going there, Olivia. Secret Service didn't call you for a reason. Let me help him."

"Reed, this isn't him."

Olivia's voice cracked and she sat down in the nearest chair, resting her head in her hand. Moments later, Huck appeared and sat across the room. He arrived earlier that morning and was under specific instructions not to leave their new home under any circumstances. She ignored her friends presence and continued to allow her tears to roll down her face.

"It's not...you're right. But he needs to grieve his, Olivia. A person can only take so much."

Olivia shook her head at his words and couldn't believe this was happening. Reed of all people was giving her relationship advice...the person who typically didn't speak more than five total words at a time.

"I don't know how to help him..."

She spoke these very words to her mother not too long ago and they still rang true...at least to her. She felt hopeless and completely unsure of what to do.

"Yes you do. There's no one else for him, Olivia. There never will be."

Her sobs were now in full force and she thanked Reed for being there for Fitz. He was the brother he never had and Olivia was now beginning to understand exactly why Fitz wanted someone like him in his life. She eventually hung up the phone and dropped it on the table before lifting her other hand to her head. She continued to sob quietly for a short time until Huck cleared his throat loudly. The sound actually startled Olivia and she forgot for a brief moment she wasn't alone. She turned to face her long time friend who remained seated and silent.

"What it is, Huck?" Silence greeted her until Huck finally spoke, his words twisting her heart into a knot.

"Help him like you helped me."

Olivia stood and walked over to him, unsure if she heard her friend correctly. She wiped her face with the back of her hand and sat in the empty seat next to him. Huck remained quiet and stared straight ahead until Olivia touched his hand, resting hers gently on top.

"Want do you mean?" She spoke softly and without any notice, more tears welled up in her eyes. Huck slowly looked in her direction and began to share exactly what his words meant.

"You never gave up on me."

Olivia smiled and squeezed her friends hand, a swarm of memories now flooding her mind. They had their fair share of obstacles over the course of the years but one thing was certain...regardless of what people felt or said, OPA was Huck's home and he would always have a place there.

Huck turned his head away from Olivia and once again stared straight ahead. He was never big on words and Olivia knew there was no more discussion to have. Thoughts of this past weekend began to take over her mind and she couldn't believe how quickly things changed within a few days time. She looked around a home she barely knew and tried to make sense of how they got here.

Moments later her cell rang and Olivia quickly looked down to check the caller ID. It was her mother calling and just the sight of her number made more tears return. She stood and lovingly touched Huck on the shoulder before heading into the bedroom. Olivia wanted privacy for this phone call and hoped her mother could share some words of wisdom.

"Olivia, I've booked you a flight tomorrow morning...come home, honey." Confusion set in and she couldn't believe her mother was starting the conversation like this.

"Mother! No! I'm not coming home. And don't mention this again. I need you right now...please don't argue with me. I'm trying my best to stay strong."

Silence filled the line and Olivia sat on the edge of her bed but didn't speak any more. She was too tired to argue and was beginning to feel weak. She'd hardly eaten anything for dinner and it was starting to catch up with her. Maya eventually replied and much to Olivia's surprise began to tell her exactly what she needed to hear.

"I'll fly out tomorrow then and look for a hotel when I arrive. Please tell me you're taking care of yourself."

Olivia rubbed her small stomach at the question. At times and depending on what she wore, you wouldn't know she was even pregnant. Her tiny physique stayed in tact and without thinking she stood from the bed and walked into the bathroom. Her eyes were red and black mascara marked her skin in heavy blotches. She looked were a complete mess and she reached for a nearby towel, bringing it up to her face.

"I'm trying, mother. Things are bad right now. Fitz is taking this hard."

"Of course he is, Olivia. No one wants to hear this type of news about their father. Where is he? Is he there? Is he still going to the interview tomorrow?"

"Mom! I don't know! Stop with all the questions already! He's not here. And I have no idea what he's planning on doing about the interview."

Olivia couldn't bare to tell her mother the truth about Fitz's whereabouts and she prayed she didn't ask. Maya didn't reply and silence filled the line as Olivia began to wipe her face with the dampen washcloth. Her mind soon shifted to her father and she decided to ask Maya about Rowan.

"How's daddy? Do you think he'll come with you?"

"No, not any time soon. You know your father...he's worried sick about you. He flew to Washington a few hours ago, after he called you with the news. It's important to him this case is solid, Olivia. Fitz made it clear he wants to press charges. We both admired how much confidence he has in us, Olivia. He trusts us and I know Rowan wants to do right by him. He's staying with an old partner of his in DC."

Olivia paused and brought the washcloth down, her mind going into several different directions. She knew if the media got wind of this, it would make national headlines. That was the last thing any of them needed. Her focus suddenly shifted and without hesitation told her mother she needed to go. After a few moments, she ended the call and finished washing her face before calling Harrison. He answered on the first ring and placed her on speaker phone.

"We're all here, Liv. Your Dad left about an hour ago. We're trying to decide who should come to California."

Olivia thought for a moment and appreciated the fact OPA was being so proactive. They were beating her to the punch and their concern for her meant more than she could ever express. It was late in Washington and she tried to imagine her father at OPA at such an odd hour. The last time he was in DC she was beginning her firm and both him and Maya brought her flowers when visiting. Nostalgia set in and her hormones again took hold of her. She cleared her throat and finally shared her two sense about who should go where.

"I think you should come here. You have that contact at the LA Herald. Bring Quinn with you. I want Stephen and Abby to stay put for now."

Harrison agreed and continued to share other concerns the team had. Olivia tried to focus but couldn't help but look at the time. It was now close to 10:00 and her thoughts began to drift. Reed was certainly at the bar by now and she prayed Fitz was alright. She wanted to give him space yet had the urge to swoop in and save him all at the same time. It was an inner battle she often struggled with, especially where he was concerned.

For the remainder of the conversation, Olivia pushed her fears aside and tried not to worry. They had overcome so much in such a short time, she had to believe all of this was for reason. She owned it to herself not to run.

And she also owed it to Emmie.


Fitz downed his glass of whiskey and ignored the pair of eyes staring at the back of his head. He poured himself another drink and heard Reed's voice talking to Tom behind him. He chose to ignore both of them, focusing on his new found salvation ahead. Irritation set in that Secret Service would go behind his back and call someone. For the first time in his life he wanted to become physically violent- his subconscious feeding him lie after lie after lie in his head.

Reed slipped into the empty chair next to him and Fitz lifted his glass and downed the newly poured glass of whiskey in one gulp. He slammed the glass back on the table and practically pushed the bottle over with one hand towards his friend. Within seconds the bartender brought a new glass over and Reed poured himself a generous amount. Silence grew between them and Fitz continued to stare ahead at nothing in particular, hoping his demons would gradually disappear. He grabbed the bottle once again and poured himself yet another generous amount of liquor.

"Olivia called."

Fitz's arm paused mid air and he turned to look at Reed but didn't respond, instead placing his glass back down onto the table. Hearing her name made his heart ache and he couldn't for the life of him understand why she would still care.

"Is she okay?" He asked despite already knowing the answer.

"No," Reed replied. Fitz appreciated his honestly and rubbed the sides of his face with the palms of his hand. He closed his eyes and tried to push the phone call he received out of his mind.

"He wanted her dead, Reed. It didn't matter that I loved her. The presidency mattered more to him...it always did. All I've done is think about all the backstabbing and lies and bribery it took to get me exactly where he wanted me. But it wasn't enough. Olivia threatened him in every way that mattered. He knew she was my Achilles heal. And she could've died because of that."

Saying the words out loud felt wrong and another wave of nausea set in. Reed remained silent and Fitz took another long drink before continuing to spill all his feelings out into the open.

"How am I supposed to look my daughter in the eye when she's born?"

Fitz shook his head in disgust at his own words and once again took another drink. Reed reached for the bottle of liquor in front of him and handed it to the bartender. This was his way of cutting Fitz off. He normally would've felt angry over this gesture but he was past anger. All he could see was despair.

"She won't blame you, Fitz. And neither will Olivia. You're not him. He might be your blood but he's not your father. He stopped being that a long ass time ago."

His internal self loathing continued and two more swallows later he finished what was apparently his last glass of whiskey for the night. He wasn't able to listen to Reed or take his words to heart. His anger kept him from thinking rationally because the entire predicament he was in felt so wrong. In his mind he was convinced this would forever be his legacy.

"Are you willing to lose both of them?"

Fitz resented the question and stood up to stand, completely taken back. The room began to slightly spin and Reed's hand instantly steadied him in place.

"You're dead to me too, if you ever ask me that again."

"Your threats don't work with me, Fitz. I'm asking because you need to realize what you'll be giving up if you continue to blame yourself over something you have no control over."

Fitz reached in his back pocket and took his wallet out. He grabbed some cash and threw it down on the table, ignoring Reed. Deep down he knew he was right but nothing was getting through to him tonight. He was too drunk to think and was ready to get back to Olivia. Even though he was ashamed to return home in this manner he knew better than to stay out all night.

"Do you love her?" Reed asked before Fitz turned to leave.

The question struck him odd and he froze in place thinking about the woman he loved. He more than loved her. He needed her. Wanted her. Desired her. But if he was being really honest with himself...he didn't feel worthy of her.

"Why are you asking me this? You know the goddamn answer!"

"You need to be reminded of what IS going right in your life, Fitz! We don't all have what you have. I've known you my entire life and I will be DAMNED if I let your piece of shit father ruin the good in you. You're actually capable of love. Look at your old man, he's only capable of loving power and greed. That's. It. So, I'm going to ask you AGAIN...do you LOVE Olivia."

Fitz turned to look at his long time friend in the eye and nodded, saying the very first thing that came into his mind.

"The sun rises and sets with her."


Olivia awoke to bright sunlight peeking through the bedroom window. She turned to look at the clock and it was a quarter to eight. The guest shower could be heard down the hallway and knew in her heart Fitz had finally returned home. She never heard him come home last night and the fact he didn't wake her made her instantly worry.

She slowly stood and grabbed her long silk robe from the edge of the bed and draped it across her body. Although she was eager to see Fitz she decided to make her way into the kitchen and prepare some coffee. Her stomach growled but she had no desire to eat. It wasn't until she turned to open the top cabinet when she caught glimpse of the sofa in the living room.

It looked as if it had been slept on the night before and she quickly put two and two together. She went to the sofa and picked up the blanket, placing it high into the air. It smelled just like Fitz and she folded it neatly in half before returning back into the kitchen. Once the coffee was brewing, Olivia took a few moments for herself and freshened up in the small half bathroom. She honestly was nervous about seeing Fitz and had no idea what their interaction would be like. It was understandable he was scared but last night frightened her for so many reasons.

When she finally returned back to the kitchen Fitz was walking down the hallway. He wore a dark crisp button up with matching dark slacks and looked as handsome as ever. They both stopped simultaneously when they saw each other and Fitz gave her a weak smile.

"I didn't want to wake you last night. How are you feeling?" She could hear the caution in his voice and decided to tackle this head on and not pretend that she wasn't angry.

"Why didn't you answer your phone?" She responded, ignoring his question. This above all else bothered her the most.

"I'm sorry, Livvie. I knew Huck was here making sure you were alright. I just needed some time. I needed to deal with this in my own way."

Although she knew what he was saying was true, it still hurt. Part of her couldn't help but want to be his savior but she knew his issues were deep and something only he could figure out on his own. She decided to head back into the kitchen and pour herself some juice, leaving him standing alone. Fitz watched her from afar, his hands now in the inside of his pockets. Olivia grabbed a cup and poured him some coffee placing it on the table next to her. It was her way of asking him to join her while also giving him the space he seemed to need.

"Are you still meeting with Richards this morning?" She asked taking a drink of orange juice. Fitz slid into the seat next to her and grabbed the coffee taking a sip.

"I am," was all he replied.

Silence filled the room and they both looked at one another for a few moments, each of them trying to find the words. Olivia's robe parted at her knees exposing her skin and Fitz instinctively caressed the top of her knee. It was the first contact between them and that familiar imaginary pull instantly came alive.

"Don't ever make me go to sleep alone again." Her words were truthful and honest and said exactly what she felt inside. Fitz inhaled slowly and she watched a range of emotions spread across his face.

He finally reached for her, bringing Olivia's body in between his legs. She wrapped her arms around his neck and inhaled his scent, burying her head against his skin.

"I'm sorry, baby. I'm was so afraid of losing you." Olivia lifted her head and looked him directly in the eyes.

"I love you, Fitz. You're not losing me. And I'm going to keep telling you this for as long as you need to hear it."

Fitz grabbed her again and it was his turn to bury his face against her neck. Olivia comforted him for a long time, kissing his head repeatedly until he was ready to face the outside word. Eventually he broke contact and looked her over, touching her growing stomach with his hands.

"How's my baby girl?" He asked, his voice cracking with every word.

"She's good...kicking up a storm." Fitz smiled and kissed her belly, resting his head against the silk material.

"I'm going to take the job. If we're serious about starting over here, I need to work." Olivia didn't respond and hoped he wasn't pressuring himself into doing something he didn't love.

"My mom is flying in today. She's going to stay for a little while. And so is Harrison and Quinn. I talked to them last night. They're going to make sure all this stays as quiet as possible."

Olivia wanted to be honest with Fitz. She needed him to know they were people behind them...people who truly had their best interest at heart. Fitz nodded his head but didn't ask any questions. Olivia returned to her seat while Fitz stood and opened the refrigerator door taking out some food to prepare for breakfast. His mention of last night's events made Olivia turn around to face him.

"Reed told me something yesterday that really got me thinking. He told me I know what love is...and that's what makes me so different from my father."

Olivia listened and processed his words. Reed was right and his ability to love whole heartedly was because of his mother. He continued talking and Olivia listened, watching him get the food items in order for breakfast. He loved to cook and he often used this time to process - something she also did while in the kitchen.

"I need to call her," he said, grabbing a pot from a bottom cabinet. "I'm sure she's going through her fair share of heartache right now. I'm not sure she will ever come back to California, Liv. I mean, would you?"

She could hear the disappointment in his voice and checked her watch. As if on cue, a knock on the door sounded. Fitz left the items on the counter and made his way to the front door, opening it for Genevieve. Olivia watched the beautiful encounter from across the room, trying her best not to cry.

It was exactly what Fitz needed.

"I was just taking about you, mother."

Fitz was completely shocked and welcomed his mother inside with open arms. Genevieve kissed him on the cheek and hugged her son for a long time, telling him again and again how much she loved him and how sorry she was all this was happening. You could tell she had been crying, prompting Olivia to stand and grab some nearby tissue. When she got to the living room, they were both now sitting on the sofa and she reached for Olivia's hand and thanked her for contacting her last night.

"You're not facing this alone," Olivia said, gently touching Fitz's shoulder.

He turned around to look at Olivia and his eyes filled with tears. Emotion took over and his mother reached out and grabbed his other hand equally verbalizing she would be there for him every step of the way. It was a symbolic moment, each of them uniting together and pledging their promise as a family.

"Thank you," Fitz finally choked, looking at Olivia and then to Genevieve. "Thank you."

It was all he could manage to tell them and because they loved him unconditionally it was enough.