Chapter8: sorry Gavin, but the whole world wants you dead

Disclaimer: afraid I don't own fablehaven, sorry, that honor has been bestowed upon Brandon Mull.

Demigoddess: thank you, I'm glad to have your opinion. Also don't worry no deleting for me.

Guest: I've decided against deleting chapter 7.

EmmyHippo: I love that your enjoying my story. I'm glad you like chapter 7.

Pie05: I'm continuing don't worry. Just been sort of procrastinating about updating. Glad you like my story.

Oreo Cupcake: why, thank you, I love your story as well.

A/N:I'm going to go ahead and continue from there. sorry for the long wait. I've made a couple OC's as Kendra's best friends ,just cuz. Don't let the chapter name deceive you I'm not gonna suddenly kill Gavin, he's my baby.


Kendra turned back to the car, "y'all should probably stay in the car for right now." They all nodded and watched from the car.

A guy about Kendra's age walked over. He had brown curly hair with Freckled skin. "Kens!" He shouted. Then proceeded to give her a huge nougie.

"Hi Ace," Kendra answered.

'Who is this guy?,' wondered Gavin to himself.

An older man walked over as well. He had a long gray beard and wore an expressionless face.

"Welcome back from your mission," the man spoke in a monotone tone. Seth immediately decided this guy was one of those cranky old senile guys. "Suppose that means you completed it."

"Yes, Archimedes " Kendra answered with respect.

"So the zzyx problem is done with," Archimedes questioned.

"Yes sir."

"And Ephria is dead?"

"Yes sir."

"And Gorgrog?"

"Yes sir."

"And Navorog?"

Gavin breathed in sharply. They wanted him dead.

Kendra hesitated, "Not exactly."

Archimedes narrowed his eyes, "What do you mean?" He growled.

"I can't kill him," Kendra spoke quietly, a blush tainting her face.

"Why not," Archimedes snapped.

Ace gasped, "You love him? Don't you?"

Gavin smiled a hopeful smile to himself.

"I never said that," Kendra corrected briskly.

"You didn't have to," Ace said simply, "I've known you for what ,about, 500 years."

"So you let that sniveling ball of dirt live because of your petty feminine feelings for him," Archimedes sneered.

Kendra's face hardened, "No, I let him live because I trust him."

Archimedes snorted, "And now he's probably out in the world doing things that would betray such trust."

Gavin's anger sizzled and then exploded. He got out of the car, ignoring Vanessa's protests. He slammed the door behind him, and faced the man. "No, he's right here doing all he can to keep such trust. Oh, and by the way it's Gavin."

Kendra face palmed,"you should've stayed in the car."

"You brought that thing here," Archimedes shouted, outraged. "You know very that your feelings do not guarantee trustworthy ness and yet you brought that demon scum here."

"If your really this confident about his lack of character," Kendra said, dryly, "how 'bout you test it with some truth potion? If he is trust worthy he gets to live and train here. If he's not you can go ahead and kill him. Oh, and you guys can come out."

The fablehaven crew came out of the car. They all stretched.

"Sure," Archimedes agreed, tossing a vial of truth potion. "Go ahead and drink it unless you want to go ahead and confess."

Gavin looked the older man coolly in the eye before downing the vial. "Yes you can trust me ,happy. By the way I think your a complete-"

Kendra quickly clapped a hand over his mouth before he could continue. Ace chuckled.

"Fine him and his friends can stay and train, but do not expect me to go easy on them. If they pass basic training they can be inducted, but if they don't they are going straight back where they came from." Archimedes then walked off.

Warren muttered, "well I don't think we made the best first impression."

Vanessa looked at him like he was stupid, "No... Of course we made a bad first impression Warren, you idiot."

Seth smiled, "you almost got killed." He pointed at Gavin.

"I realize that," Gavin spoke, annoyed.

Ace clapped him on the back, "don't feel bad sunshine. Archimedes hates everyone."

A girl popped out. She had coppery skin with two braids extending down her torso. "At least his little temper tantrum wasn't nearly as bad as when Ace, over here, set the place on fire."

Ace raised an eyebrow, smirking, " are we gonna start telling them embarrassing stories already, Emily."

They finally noticed Seth, staring at Emily, drooling. "H-hi I'm Seth, your pretty," Seth stuttered.

Emily jabbed a finger at him, eyebrow arched.

"That's my brother," Kendra explained, "he, apparently, finds you highly attractive."

Seth elbowed her, she elbowed him back.

Emily grinned, "so you and him," she pointed at Kendra and Gavin.

Bracken growled lowly. He was ignored.

"What would the ship name be," Ace asked grinning.




They both looked at each other, grinning, "Kevin," they agreed.

Kendra rolled her eyes and flicked them both in the ear. Gavin smiled despite himself. 'She might actually love me!' He cheered to himself.


Tell me what you think!

Opinions on my characters?

Review pretty please!

Oh, and by the way get ready for our favorite characters to get thrown through "basic" training.