Thanks for the reviews so far everyone xx
And I'll whisper quietly
I'll give you nothing but truth
If you're not inside me
I'll put my future in you
"Hey Jess, have you seen this." Nick came charging into Jess's room, with a pregnancy book in his hand.
Jess who was sitting on her bed knitting, jumped when Nick came into her room. "Remember that thing called knocking that you told me I had to do before coming into someone's room, could you please trying doing it you scared me there!" moaned Jess.
"Yeah sorry." he said not taking much interest in what Jess had told him. Nick sat down on Jess's bed and began to read a passage from the pregnancy book. "It says at that baby can hear from inside the womb, how fascinating is that!" Nick was getting very excited and getting into the stuff to know what happens during pregnancy.
"Nick, sorry to burst your bubble but, it happens around the fifteen week mark, and well we are at just a few days over the twelve week mark." she told him. "But in saying that I sometimes sing to the baby." Jess added rubbing her little bump and she had the biggest smile on her face.
"Do you think, you know I could sing, I mean talk to the baby?" Nick asked Jess. Although it sounded silly it was his child growing inside her, but yet he still asked.
Jess was taken back by Nick saying this to her, she was seeing this different side to Nick she never saw. When they were together, they talked about the fake future as Nick called it. It was something he was afraid of even thinking off, which sort of resulted in there break up even though they still love each other.
"Sure, go for it, do you want me to lay back?" she said as she put her knitting down.
"Whatever way suits you." Nick said.
Jess then lay back on her bed and so did Nick, but his head was down more at Jess tummy.
Nick began talking to the baby bump. "So, what do I say to you, this a quite weird, don't even know if you can hear me in there, but if you can I'm your dad, Nick, Nick Miller and well I'm sorry already on behalf of your name, I lost a bet so you're going to have to be called Reginald Veljohnson." Nick was stopped by Jess hitting him on the head with a pillow.
"Let's get this straight now Miller there is no way that our child is being called Reginald Veljohnson, just cause you couldn't flip a pancake!" Jess told him off.
Nick at this point had lifted his head up and was looking at Jess laughing.
"It's not funny Nick, what if we have a girl we can't call her that!"
"We can just call her Regina." he said then being whacked by a pillow again. "Fine we can maybe see if Schmidt will somehow change his mind." Nick then rested his head back on the baby bump. "Sorry buddy I was rudely interrupted by your mother." he continued on. "Well if you're a boy, dude sweet we can totally go out to the bar for some father son bonding time, help you pick up the ladies by letting you into some of the moves I use. If you're a girl well I'm sorry there will be no bar's for you ever and also no boyfriends until you're at least fifty."
Nick talked about other things to the baby bump for at least another half an hour, in that time Jess had gave up and went for a nap, but she woke up to hear the end of Nick's conversation with the bump.
"I know, you might find it strange but there will be other kids out there like you were their parent's aren't together, but remember this we will both love you, and daddy will always love your mummy not matter what. You need to know you have the best mum in the world and you will love her so much." Nick looked up and saw Jess was awake and was a bit embarrassed as she heard the last bit of what he was telling the baby. He sat up on the bed again and so did Jess who was starting to fill up with tears.
"Please don't cry." he said padding Jess on the back to comfort her to stop the crying.
"What's gotten into you?" she asked him wiping her eyes.
"What do you mean?" he was confused.
"I didn't expect you to be like this. I thought you would have been half away across the country when I found out I was pregnant. Now you're doing all these things like talking to the baby, holding my hand during the scan, and just being so darn attractive while doing it all!" she blurted out. "Espeically for a guy nearly who nearly a year ago, if you mentioned babies, would freak out and moonwalk out of the room!"
"Don't get me wrong Jess I'm still the same I'm scared, I don't know what the heck I'm doing, and I know babies freak me out but I'd never run out and leave my kid without a father, but ever since you told me something inside just clicked. I know I need to do some growing up cause someone is going to have to depend on me. I remember when we had to make that baby toy, you said that you can see the future us on Christmas day and our kid not having nothing to play with. That future of us is scrapped the future I see now is me making this kid their Christmas toy a year before Christma.." Nick was stopped by Jess as she pulled him by the shirt to bring him closer to her and she kissed him.