Disclaimer: I do not own Star Wars nor shall I ever.

Dedication: Periwinkle Pineapple, Elvish Fairy, Jedi Takato, Nebula, Skyla Doragono, JoJo

Title: Fire's Passion

Author: Insane Pineapple from Naboo

Summary: A young force-sensitive boy is cast out into the wild, and is hunted far and wide by the Jedi. Why is he forever on the run?

Timeline: Between Phantom of the Menace and Attack of the Clones.

Author's Notes: My schoolwork is a bit hectic right now so updates will vary. Enjoy!

Prologue: Alone

Wind flipped the boy's hair out of his eyes. Normally it would have fallen in his eyes no matter what he might do to it. There was no one around to help him with it since he was alone.

Always alone.

His family had abandoned him to a life in the wild out of fear. Fear drove them to leave him in the heat of parish. Fear drove everyone around him away in a forgotten past. Even the smugglers of Correlia would have nothing to do with him. Nobody would listen. Nobody would understand.

He was abandoned by his mother on Endor when he was five. That was when he had gotten his first vision. The vision had been about a young force-sensitive boy on Tatooine winning a pod race. His vision was pushed aside as if a human could never run in a pod race, let alone win one. When word had gotten around that a human boy had actually won a pod race on Tatooine, everyone wanted him for himself or herself. However, when his next vision cam about everyone wanted to banish him. War was foretold by him, and even though it was yet to come to pass denial and fear spread like wildfire.

A council meeting had decided that he would be cast out into the jungles to starve and eventually die. An enemy of the Republic destroyed the planet of Riverie within the next five years. Warnings shouldn't be taken likely he had tried to tell them.

Tried and failed.

This after he had been cast out into the wild at age four visions became more frequent even though he stayed away from talking life forms as much as possible. He had traveled from Endor to Corellia on his first attempt to stay in a warm home. At age ten he was still cast away by the smugglers of Smuggler's Central. It didn't matter that none of them knew about his visions; they all knew something wasn't quite right about him.

Alone once more.

Living off anything from rats to rotten apples, fourteen-year-old Lyon never starved because of his need for survival. Lyon knew he had to survive in order to fulfill his destiny. A destiny that could not foretold by any other. The power of the Jedi and the Sith flowed at his fingertips, but neither could find him. Growing up in the wild refined his reflexes and cloaking abilities. Tapping into the power of one Anakin Skywalker had taught him many other Jedi techniques as well.


Survival had come in many forms, as did any way of life. A spaceship had finally been found around his seventh birthday. Jobs varied from kitchen work to running errands to help pay for the fuel. Whatever was left of that money (which wasn't much) was either used for food or savings in case of an emergency. Clothes had also been bought by these few earnings.

Lyon could never stay in one place for too long in the fear of being found out by the Jedi or Sith. They would try to use him in the war to come, and if he wasn't careful the visions would slowly drive him insane. As it was he could barely block some of them out. Some of the nastier ones, he prevented them from happening in his secretive way.

Once, he had actually been paid for saving a life. Word had traveled fast about the strange boy who saved a village from near destruction, and he nearly had a run in with Obi Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker themselves. They were now hot on his trail, and only his visions kept him from being caught.

Sacrifice and despair.

A woman had been sacrificed to save that village and he had mourned for hours afterward. Nothing could have been done to save her life though, as he was just one person unlike the Jedi Knights and their apprentices. Nothing could prepare him for the loss he felt every time he let someone die to save another. He was one the run and nothing would stop him from completing the destiny he had started at the beginning.

Author's Notes: Was that short? I can't quite tell. Oh well, that's what I get for leaving my notebook paper at home. Would anyone like to beta this for me? The next chapter should be out soon enough. Don't worry, I'll bring in all of the usual characters next chapter. Well, I can just hope for reviews, So read and review for me please. Ja ne ~Insane Pineapple from Naboo