
Torigagged chapter 1 . 12/30/14

Does Kim get tied up in the beginning?

Well..kind of.

Maddyliza1234 chapter 1 . 12/30/14

Love! Love! Love! I love this plot! Can't wait for the next chapter!

Tank you sis :)

autumn1999 chapter 1 . 12/30/14

I like this story so far! I like the plot too, its very different especially since Kim's ex is the one who kidnapped her. Hopefully she can escape this time with no problems. And hopefully Jack hasn't move on from Kim and is still looking for her. Great chapter! I cant wait to see what you have planned for this story! Keep up the good work! Please Update Soon!C:

Are you reading my mind or something..?

UnbreakableWarrior chapter 1 . 12/30/14

very good job with the start but update soon the next chapter please

That was a preview, and that's part of this chapter, so it's gonna be added in again, so it'll be read again.. ;~;

Evan Roberts chapter 1 . 12/31/14

Knowing Jack, he will never stop searching for her, but yes it is a possibility that during his attempts at finding her, he will isolate himself from others, go in a deep depression, stop interacting with people, and lock himself in his room to cry because Kim is the only girl that he loves and would never replace her with someone else, and when her ex is locked in jail and Kick is back together, there will be a romantic love scene when they lose their virginities to each other.

Okay, when I read that at first I smiled really big! Because I was just reading it to myself, and then "and when her ex is locked in jail and Kick is back together, there will be a romantic love scene when they lose their virginities to each other." and I just smiled. I know what'll happen but I can never say anything. That stuff is classified and the only person who ever reads it is me. And I usually never tell readers what's going to happen. If this was a book then maybe it would say on the back, but sadly, it's not.

Okay now..remember that preview? Well it start's off with what was in the preview, so if you already remember that part, you can skip it, and if you don't remember it, then you can read it again.

:D (in relief of finally writing this story)

(Btw this chapter has some 'bad language' in it..I'm not too comfortable with typing it, but it's censored.)


My name's Kim Crawford. I'm 17, out of school, and I do have a boyfriend. His name's Jack Brewer, and he's the same age as me. And he's hot! My mom moved into a different house and lent this house to us so we could live on our own. Everything was fine, until we got separated. 3 months ago, my ex-boyfriend shot me with a tranquilizer dart and he kidnapped me. How it happened was that Jack left the room, and my ex managed to shoot the dart through the open window and it hit me in the arm. He came in and got me, and I don't even know what happened next. Jack's been by himself since then, and he's probably been looking for me. And hopefully he didn't start dating another girl, thinking that I probably didn't like him. I really do, and he really likes me. I want to get back to him, but the plan I have never works because I'm never alone. My plan was to wait for him to leave, then just break out. Everytime I tried, he shot me again. And I wonder how he even gets those damn darts. His mom believes I'm his girlfriend. The only good thing about this is that he never hurts me, like he never tries to rape me, or anything. He only attempts to kiss me or make me..expose myself. You think I'm gonna do that? No. If he does that, he's either a pervert or is already trying to attempt rape, or both. The only time I'll let someone be less harmful in a sexual way is when I'm back with Jack. I still have my virginity, but he can take it if he wants, and I'd let him anyway.

Today's when it's been a full 3 months since I've been gone, and I'm not gonna wait any longer. I'm trying my plan again, and it's gonna work!

My ex still lives with his mom. In the morning, he tells her what he wants and she makes it. Since he's leaving to eat in a while, I have time to go. And I better hurry, because I think he has a plan to attempt rape already. You see, my top is the kind that's buttoned in the front. One of the buttons was just below my chest, and that's the one he undid, so he could see half of my chest. Finally, his mom called him. He told me not to try to escape, but too bad, it's happening. My wrists were tied, but not my legs. And it hurts. After taking gymnastics for at least 7 years, I should be flexible enough to untie myself. It worked, so I guess I still got it. And was he expecting me to try to leave, because his window was open. He needs to think, but at least he didn't this time. Before I could even leave, he came back.


"Where are you heading?"

I didn't even have anything to say. If he's gonna be an a****** to me, then I'll be the same to him. Which means I'll hurt him until he passes out, at least. Luckily I can fight better than him..because I learned how to. He just spent time on me.

"If you're gonna be a bitch to me then I'll be a bitch to you. Because I don't like the way you treat me." I knew where he kept his darts, so I backed towards them and grabbed one without looking.

"Oh, don't even.."

"Too bad. Like I said, if you be a bitch to me then I'll be one to you." I didn't want to throw it, so I just went over to him and stuck it in his arm. He was out in a second. I wanted to leave right away, but I decided it was best to call the cops on him. He deserves it, right?

Soon enough, the cops arrived and I explained what happened. This was good, because he was going to serve in jail for 5 years. He needs to learn his lesson.

My wrists had scars on them, but it was fine.

And finally..I got to go home and surprise my boyfriend.