Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or any aspect of it, it all belongs to Masashi Kishimoto

Note: There is a lemon in this chapter

A Scarlet Exchange

"You're going to get sick again if you keep worry like this." Sasuke said, folding his arms across his chest. Hinata glanced up at him from her plate and smiled at him softly.

"Sorry." She apologized. Sasuke scoffed, his hand rested on her bare knee and he circled her knee cap with his finger. Hinata's face turned red and a smirk etched its way across Sasuke's face.

"If you get sick again, I'll have to cure you." He teased. Her face reddened more and he chuckled lowly. "You look like a tomato." Sasuke's teasing calmed her nerves, she didn't care what Hiashi would say about Sasuke, he was perfect the way he was.

"I must admit that I will have to clean up when I meet him." Sasuke pulled his hand away and leaned over in the booth. "Your father lives in the richer parts of Konohagakure doesn't he?"

"Un." Hinata affirmed.

"Yeah, I'll have to cover my tattoos and try not to look like a thug." The Uchiha informed. Hinata couldn't help but giggle and she waved her hands in front of her.

"I-I don't w-want you to feel like you have to do anything." He looked the other way and scowled.

"Let's just say I want to make a good impression on my girlfriend's father." She didn't know how Sasuke had managed to get off from the strip club but he had showed up at her job and took her out to lunch. And although, he would never admit it out loud, he would do anything for her. After she had gotten off the phone with her father, Sasuke made her chicken noodle soup and she ate it in bed with him lying on her stomach. Not only was her father on her mind, the relationship between Sasuke and her was deepening and Hinata wondered if Sasuke had saw himself being in love with her.

After all, she was falling in love with him.

"Hinata." Her thoughts were once again interrupted, she looked back up at Sasuke and he stared at her intently. "Do you plan on telling your father about your modeling?" Hinata chewed on her lower lip and her eyes fell to the plump strawberry on her plate.

"I-I do." Hinata informed. "I-I just don't want…." Her voice trailed off.

"You are afraid he will be ashamed of you." Sasuke finished. Hinata nodded silently. "Well, fuck him if he does."

"D-does your family k-know about your stripping?"

"Yeah, they do."

"A-are they okay with i-it?"

"The problems with my family run much deeper than just a career." Sasuke stated. She scrutinized him carefully and reached underneath the table, grabbing his hand. Their eyes met, he smirked at her and sighed. She picked back up her fork and with the strawberry on the other end, she nudged for him to take it. The Uchiha cocked an eyebrow at her, he tightened his grip on her hand and leaned over, taking it. He reached up his hand, resting it against the back of Hinata's head and she squeaked. Sasuke pressed his lips against hers, she made a muffled sound as he opened her mouth with his tongue and slid a half bitten strawberry in her mouth.

It was the sweetest thing she had ever tasted.

Hinata nearly whimpered when he broke it and his devilish smirk grew. "Delicious." She nearly fainted. As much as Hinata didn't want the lunch to end, she had to get back to work but before she left, she kissed Sasuke.

"Text you later." He informed. Hinata nodded, waving at him before she went into the bakery and even when she got in.


He couldn't help but chuckle at her childish behavior. Sasuke drove off, heading back to the strip club, the taste of her was still as sweet as ever on his lips. At a stop light, he rubbed his temples and cursed to himself.

Sasuke inwardly admitted, he was enamored with her and although, he didn't tell Hinata. He was a bit on edge about meeting her father, fuck, he had never wanted anyone's approval but he would be lying to himself if he were to say there wasn't a small possibility of him wanting it from her father.

He didn't want no one else but her. He cared for her much more than he would like to admit.

Sasuke thought about her own question about his own family, he had been so recluse with her about his own family but didn't she have a right to know? He was sure she would want to meet his family at some point.

What was wrong with him? He thought about Hinata when they were away, hell he found himself even checking his phone wondering what she was doing and if she wanted some company. She broke him with her delicate fingers and when he was at work, he could not suppress the feeling of disgust that arose in the pit of his stomach when another woman looked at him.

She had given herself to him and knowing it was by him made him feel alive. Did this mean he was in love with her? Before he met her, Sasuke would have derided and laughed at the idea but now, he found himself chuckling because it couldn't be closer to the truth.

And he knew that she loved him, he could see it in her eyes. He reached over, opening the glove compartment and light up a cigarette. As he lit the cigarette, a car honked behind him and he glanced over in his review mirror. An old lady was mouthing "go!" to him and Sasuke looked back up at the light to see it had changed.

He flicked off the old crone as he floored the gas pedal. When Sasuke arrived back at the apartment, his phone vibrated in his pocket and the caller ID read:


He grimaced and slid over the key.

"What?" He seethed.

"Whoa dude, what is up with you?' Naruto asked curiously.


"Fight with Hinata?"

" Don't want to talk about it." Sasuke said, clicking his teeth. A long sigh came from the other end of the line.

"Well whatever it is, you should apologize." Naruto recommended.

"What are you even talking about, Hinata and I are not fighting."

"Whatever, man. I have never seen you get so worked up about anything in your life. It's like you're in love." Naruto snickered. A pregnant silence was exchanged between the two before Sasuke heard a gasp come from the other end of the line. "Wait! Are you in love with her?"

"What did you call me for?" Sasuke evaded.

"I just wanted to see if you wanted to come over for a guy's day tomorrow."

"I can't, I'm busy."

"What? I thought you were off tomorrow."

"I'm meeting Hinata's family tomorrow."

"I have never seen you go to such lengths, man you are whipped."


"Wa- Sasuke hung up the phone and spat a series of curses. Naruto was such a pain.


By the time Hinata got work, she could smell nothing but sweet icing. When she came back from her lunch, a customer came in wanting a series of cakes for a banquet, Hinata had never done so many roses in one day. As she gathered her things, manumit came in and smiled at her.

"So you and that guy are getting serious now huh?" Hinata turned red and tucked her hair behind her ear.

"Y-yeah." She said with a girlish smile.

"He comes almost every day to get you for lunch." Mayumi grabbed her own stuff and Hinata followed her out.

"H-he does a lot for m-me." Hinata muttered. Mayumi giggled at Hinata's timid visage, Hinata pulled out her keys and Mayumi waved at her.

"I will see you in a couple of days." Mayumi stated.

"S-see you." Hinata got in her car, texting Sasuke that she was on her way home and she drove off. Kobo greeted her at the front door when she arrived home, Hinata poured him food and collapsed on her couch. Her phone vibrated once more and she slid over the key.

"Be over your house tomorrow at eight"- Sasuke

"I really appreciate you coming to meet my father"- Hinata.

"Anytime" -Sasuke

Hinata knew that she wouldn't be able to get a wink of sleep tonight. Her phone rang again and the caller ID read, Neji Hyuuga. She answered.


"I apologize, mistress but I won't be able to stay too long upon your visit tomorrow but I have to go to the doctor with TenTen tomorrow?"

"Is Tenten o-okay?' Hinata asked concerned.

"She has been having pains lately." Neji explained. "I am going to recommend the doctors induce her."

"I-I think that's best." Hinata stated.

"I also heard that you were bringing a man over to your father's house tomorrow." Neji began. "It is all over the Hyuuga house, I look forward to meeting him."

"I-I'm sure that you will l-like him.' Hinata informed.

"I see, well see you tomorrow."

"Un." Hinata knew that she wouldn't be able to sleep. When she laid in bed, she found herself missing having the Uchiha beside her as the bed felt empty.

-The next morning-

Hinata put on a blue shirt and a long white skirt with a matching pair of white flats. She braided her hair in a half ponytail and made herself a cup of tea. A knock came at the door and when she opened it, Sasuke stood there with a bag.

"Here you go." He offered. Hinata was taken aback by his appearance but she did not let it reach her face. He looked like completely different person with all his tattoos covered, Sasuke handed her a bag and she smiled at him warmly.

"W-what's this?"

"I got some coffee and bought you a doughnut." She opened it to see a French cruller in it and giggled. Sasuke cocked an eyebrow. "What's so funny?'

"T-this is my favorite, t-thank you." The Uchiha chuckled softly, leaning over and pressed his lips against hers. She returned the kiss, wrapping her arms around him and he pulled her closer. His cologne filled her legs, her face turned red and she broke the kiss. He growled dissatisfied. "R-ready?"


"L-let me grab my purse." Hinata ran back inside, grabbing her thermos and purse. She locked the door behind her and she walked downstairs with Sasuke holding her hand. She got in the passenger seat and Sasuke programmed the GPS to her father's place. Hinata scrutinized Sasuke as he sipped on his coffee, his black long sleeve top covered all of his tattoos and she found herself disappointed that she couldn't see them. She wondered if he was nervous and Hinata pursed her lips, trying to read him. He took notice of this, their eyes met briefly and she turned away, embarrassed.

"Why are you staring at me like that?' Sasuke inquired.

"I was just w-wondering if you w-were a little n-nervous about meeting my family." Hinata fumbled with her fingers. "m-my cousin and sister are g-going to be there too."

"And what are you going to tell them about me?" Sasuke now stared at her intently. "About how you met me."

"A-a friend's party." It was the truth.

"And what I do for a living?"

"Graphic designer." Hinata answered.

"Are you going to tell them about my real job?"

"I-I will."
"W-will you be ashamed t-to tell them?" Sasuke face hardened at his own question, Hinata shook her head and grimaced.

"Of c-course not."

"Come on, Hinata. You didn't even tell them about your lingerie job."

"I-I can't tell m-my father on the first day you m-meet him." Hinata defended. She saw him scoff and redirect his attention to traffic. "W-what's troubling y-you?"

"Nothing." Sasuke said flatly.


The car was silent for a long time after that, the Uchiha looked back over at Hinata to see her fumbling with her fingers but staring out the window with a saddened look. He was such a dick for getting her worked up before seeing her father. He was frustrated with himself about everything he was feeling and not her. The Uchiha turned the corner, pulling off the side of the road and she looked at him, perplexed.

"I don't want your father to get the wrong idea about me." Sasuke explained. "After all, I'm going to be around for a long time." He glanced back over to see her giving him a warm smile and she nodded.

"I-I understand and I have to t-tell you something."


"I-I think I-I like your older look better." He chuckled at her and pulled off in the direction of her father's. She was going to be the death of him.


Hiashi's place hasn't changed much from what Hinata could remember, he still had the huge rod iron gates but perhaps he had more attendants to his place. Sasuke pulled off into a private parking area and Hinata got out of the car. She took Sasuke's hand, he shoved the other in his pocket and walked towards the front of the house. The house was a modern Japanese one, the garden was breathtaking and a servant greeted them.

"Good morning, mistress. We are pleased to see you back." Hinata glanced back over her shoulder at Sasuke who seemed unfazed by everything and she slid open the front door only to be treated by Hanabi. Hanabi smiled at her and wrapped her arms around her.

"Hinata, I haven't seen you in such a long time." Hinata hugged Hanabi as hard as she could and pulled her away, giggling.

"Y-you've gotten tall, I think you might be taller than me."

"Maybe." Hanabi said with a shrug.

"H-how is school?" Hinata questioned.

"Good. I am at the top of my class." Hanabi peered at Sasuke and she placed her hands on her hips, pointing. "Who is that?"

"T-this is my boyfriend" Hinata admitted shyly. "Sasuke, this is my sister Hanabi." The Uchiha walked over to the younger Hyuuga and extended his hand.

"Pleased to meet you." Hanabi shook his hand and crossed her arms. "So how long have you two been dating?"

"A while now." Sasuke said vaguely. Hanabi pouted, he could see that was not the answer she wanted but she didn't press anymore. She was a precocious one.

"Where is father?"

"In the dining room, he had breakfast made for your arrival." Hanabi elaborated.

"Oh." Hinata followed her sister to the dining room, nothing had changed about the place the same coldness still lingered and with the coldness came nostalgia. When Hanabi opened up the doors, her eyes fell on Hiashi who sat at the end of the table and TenTen and Neji sat on the other side. Her father did not smile at her.

"Nice to see you back." Hiashi informed. His hard eyes fell on Sasuke and they narrowed. "And is this your guest."

"Yes, this is Sasuke."

"Nice to meet you." Sasuke said with a bow.

"What's your last name?" Hiashi asked.


"I see, I do business a lot with your family." Hinata sat across from Neji and Sasuke sat next to her.

"How are you doing, TenTen?" She asked curiously

"I'm okay." TenTen assured.

"She was up all night," Neji said taking a bite of food.

"Let me know what the doctor says." Hinata stated. "Sasuke, this is my close cousin, Neji and his wife, TenTen."


Sasuke stared at Neji and Neji stared back at him, silently affirming their mutual dislike for one another. The Hyuuga estate reminded Sasuke too much of the Uchiha estate, and he glanced at Hinata. She was different than here.

"Hello." Sasuke greeted monotonously.

"Hi." Neji replied momentously.

"So what do you do for a living?" Hiashi questioned.

"Graphic design."

"I see."


Hinata could tell that Hiashi didn't care much for Sasuke's answer, she began to cut the egg on her plate and smiled at her father.

"Y-you should see some of his work, it is i-incredible." She said fondly. The Uchiha looked back at her, surprised and Neji crossed his arms, muttering underneath his breath. She could have sworn he said,

"Maybe, he is good for her after all."

"How is your job?" Hiashi questioned. "Are you still working at that café?"

"Yes, I-it's good."

"You don't make much money there do you?"

"I do since I a-am the main c-cake decorator there."

"Do you have any furtherer plans?"

"I-I'm trying to f-find a job where I can decorate cakes for occasions."

"And your apartment? Neji tells me it is a reasonable size."

"It is." Hinata confirmed. Hiashi seemed reasonably pleased with her answers, Neji and TenTen left about an hour later after their arrival and Hinata and Sasuke stayed for two more hours. Hinata talked to her father while Sasuke waited for her in the garden.

"I don't like him." Hiashi stated.

"Father, y-you haven't even got to k-know him." Hinata defended.

"Why bother if I do not like him?"

"W-with all do r-respect, I am going t-to keep seeing him no matter what you say." Hinata clarified. "T-this is why I-I left in the first place, I-I want to live an l-life outside of your control."

"You are my daughter and I want the best for you." Hiashi stated.

"A-and I know w-what is best for me." Hiashi remained quiet after that, she chewed on her lower lip, thinking that she went too far and Hinata headed for the door.

"Let me know when you get home." She turned around and smiled, feeling her heart swell.

"I-I will." She promised. Hiashi was not a man of words, words of endearment such as I love you were never spoken but instead he showed his love through his actions. She was elated to have reconciled with her father and perhaps, her father would be willing to try to like Sasuke because he wasn't going anywhere. She met up with Sasuke in the garden and he grabbed her hand.




"I'm sorry." Hinata apologized when they reached the car.

"For what?"

"My father being that way, he i-is like that to e-everyone."

"W-was he like that w-with Naruto?" Sasuke asked.

"Y-yeah." She giggled. He sighed, releasing her hand and placed both of them on each side of her. She gasped as he pushed her closer against the car and leaned over, pressing his forehead against hers.

"You surprised me." He admitted. Oh god, now he was verbalizing his emotions.

"I-I did, h-how?"

"You stood up on your father for me." He pressed his lips against hers now and she placed her hands on his shoulders. "You said my designs were incredible, no woman has ever done that for me and it was quite unexpected from you, I like your more direct side." He broke the kiss, running his tongue along her lower lip and she squealed.

"N-not here." She managed to wiggle out of his grasp, he grumbled a series of unintelligible words and unlocked his car. She climbed in to the passenger seat, trying to control her frantic heart beat and Sasuke got in. He needed a cold shower, no he wanted her and Hinata played with the hem of her skirt. Sasuke pulled into an abandoned underground garage, she looked at him shocked and he drove to the top of the floor.

"S-Sasuke, w-what are we doing?" Sasuke turned off the car and smirked at her.

"Picking up where we left off." Her face turned ten shades of red and for a moment, he thought she was going to pass out. She was so cute. He leaned over, brushing back her hair and kissed her neck.

"W-what if s-someone sees us." Hinata said flustered.

"No one is going to see, this place is desolate and who comes to the top of the floor anyways." Sasuke soothed.


"B-but what if a cop comes by?" Hinata bit back a moan as he rolled out his tongue and made his way to her ear where he began to nibble on her lobe.

"We will be done by then." Sasuke stated. He placed his hand on her knee, hiking up her skirt and she flinched. He stopped. "Are you afraid?"

Hinata shook her head. "N-no."

"I'll get in the back." Sasuke crawled over the arm rest and into the backseat. Hinata looked back at him, he patted his lap and smirked at her. "Don't worry, princess. Your prince will protect you." She giggled, crawling into the back and he helped her onto his lap. The Uchiha spread her legs, one on each side of him and his mouth was back on hers, desperate and hot. His arm snaked around her waist, bring her closer and she moaned lowly. Hinata couldn't believe she was going to do this in her car, inwardly she admitted it was a bit exhilarating. His tongue was back on her lips, begging for permission and she granted it.

She reached up her hands, touching the buttons on his shirt and began to undo them. He hymned in satisfaction.

"Do whatever you please to me." He stated in between their kiss. She broke it, burying her face in the crook of his neck embarrassed and he chuckled. Sasuke played with her hair, admiring the way it slipped through his fingers and Hinata pulled away from him. Very quickly, she kissed the base of his throat and he groaned her name. "Devour me in your sweet kisses, Hinata."

Sasuke ran his fingers up her skirt, she shifted herself on his lap and felt his hardened member through the fabric of her underwear. She turned redder than ever, he ran his fingers up and down her thighs, admiring the softness of her skin. Hinata gulped, leaning over and kissed his sternum. He sucked in a hard breath, she kissed his sternum and then back up his neck.

He pulled her away from him, unbuttoning her shirt and she moaned as he cupped her breast.


"Hm?" Their eyes met as he unclasped her bra.

"I-I'm falling in love with y-you."

"I am too." Sasuke replied. "Do not mistake my words for being in the heat of the moment, I mean them." Hinata felt her chest swell, he reached down and unbuckled his pants, pulling them down. She lifted up for him as he pulled down her underwear and the head of his member teased her region.

"Ah." She breathed. Sasuke groaned and he rubbed himself against her. He pressed his lips against hers again, she moaned lowly and he flipped her onto her back. Her back pressed against the back seat, her legs wrapped themselves around his waist and Sasuke entered her with one deep thrust. She screamed in his name and he grunted hers. As they picked up the pace, Sasuke found himself giving more and more of every fiber of his being to her, she was the only woman for him.

Hinata knotted her hands in his hair, each thrust was deeper and deeper and his name was hot on her breath. He leaned down, kissing her breasts and played with her lips as he pumped in and out of her. It was enough to drive her over the edge and when she came, he rode out her orgasm. Sasuke loved when she came, the feeling of her walls closing around his member, milking him drove him insane. He spilled into her, she held him and ran her hands up and down his back. He laid down on his back, pulling her down and took off his shirt, placing it on her.

"D-don't we have to go?" Hinata asked curiously.

"Yeah but let's just stay here longer." He buried his face in her hair and she snuggled closer.

She could stay like this forever with him.

If you would please review the chapter, it would greatly be appreciated as there will be more to come- TheValkyrieGladiator