Review Questions-

To Skeleton Rose; Question; Can you add in Ivypool and Dovewing? (And possibly JayXBriar and IvyXBreeze?)

Answer; Yep. Ivypool and Dovewing will come in later. I'm more or less following the plot line of the books. And maybe I'll do some shipping. Not huge on the romance though.

Guest; Question; Where is chapter 2?!

Answer; Chapter 2 is right here!


Answer; Don't panic! New Years is coming soon! Really soon. Hopefully within the next few weeks.

Cinderblaze380; Question; WHERE IS THE NEXT CHAPTER *explodes*


Redfeather; Question; Hi! I want to ask if u are excepting OCs and if u are can u add her?

Answer; Uh, maybe. Can't make promises but I'll try.


Character reference for the chapter

Darth Vader = Scourge

Han Solo = Greystripe

Luke Skywalker = Firestar

Princess Leia = Sandstorm

R2-D2 = Jayfeather

C3PO = Lionblaze

Chewbacca = Brambleclaw

Sith Lord = Hollyleaf

Star Wars Day

The doors slid open, and a cloaked feline strode in, a hidden smoke machine adding to the affect. "Master," he bowed before a figure clad in even more black.

The chair in front of him swung around, the master smiling evilly. "Little Vady, welcome back."

Little 'Vady' shot him a glare, his voice barely controlled, shaking with violent intent. "How many times do I have to tell you, Sith Lord... I'M NOT LITTLE! AND MY NAME IS DARTH VADER, NOT IN ANY WAY VADY!"

The master shrugged, "Stubby wubby got a problem?" Then the Sith Lord grinned, paw extending and cool lightning magic stuff shooting out. "Wittle Vady wanna get electrocuted?"

Wittle Vady growled, but managed to control his anger, "Master, is there a reason for you summoning me?"

"Besides to watch the cool effect of you walking in?" The Sith swung around in her chair, "I mean seriously, how much to you pay those people to follow you around, playing music and activating the smoke machine?"

"Two squirrels an hour," Darth Vader grumbled, "But that's not important. Like I said, what do you want?"

"Someone is trying to blow up the Death Star again," Sith said dismissively.

Darth Vader narrowed his eyes. "Are you serious? We just got a new one."

The Sith Lord sighed, twirling around in her chair, "I know right? Maybe I should stop installing a self destruct button."

Vader stared, "That was you?"

Sith shrugged. "Does it look like I have anything better to do? Now go. Shoo shoo. You have a couple of intruders to, quote, unquote, 'air strangle'."

"It's called chocking them with the force," Darth hissed before trudging out of the room, epic music and smoke following him out.


"This is soooo cool!" Shouted Luke, rubbing an orange paw against the side of the air duct. "I can't believe they built another Death Star! These things are soooo much fun to destroy!"

Behind him Han Solo grinned, "I know, it's been like, what? A month since the last one? How do they even make these that fast?"

"Why do they keep putting self destruct buttons on them?" Leia muttered to herself, ignored by the two boys.

"Hey, R2-D2, how's it going out there, bud?" Luke asked into his communicator.

"Oh, I'm just dandy here. What do you think? I am in plain sight! There is literally a pile of enemies at my paws!" Came a screeching voice from the other side.

"Cut!" A voice called, and the cameras stopped rolling, while the lights turned on. A very irritated directer marched over, snatching the communicator away from Firestar. "Jayfeather! For the hundredth time! You are playing the part of a robot! You do not speak. You beep in an annoying way!"

"Well then, BEEEEEEEEEEEEP!" Jayfeather screeched at the top of his lungs over the communicator, making the director shriek like a little kit. "That better?"

"I'm going to go deaf before we finish filming this," Firestar muttered, shuffling back down the vent to his original position as they prepared to restart the scene.

"And... Action!" A crew member called when everyone was back in their places. They filmed Luke, Han, and Leia talking once again, before returning to the part with R2-D2.

"Hey, R2-D2, how is it going out there, bud?" Luke asked into his com.

This time various assortments of sarcastic sounding beeps and bloops came over the mic.

"That's good," Luke replied, clicking off the com, having no idea what the robot actually said.

"Master," Yet another robot voice reverberated from his communicator. "We've run into some trouble. The giant fluffy looking teddy bear thing got into the ice cream stash. And he won't share!"

Luke inwardly sighed. "You don't have a mouth, C3PO. You can't eat the ice cream anyway."

"I know, but it's not fair!" Drawled the whiny voice.

"R2-D2, can you kindly tell your fellow robot to stop bugging us?" Luke growled.


For a few seconds, it was silent. Then C3PO started crying. "He's mean. I know you can't understand, but in robot language he told me to-"

Luke turned off his communicator. He shuffled a few more metres through the vent, before finally coming to an opening. He paused for a second, narrowing his eyes but seeing no one.

"Okay, here's the plan," he turned to look at his companions. "Hammy, you cover me. Make sure to make lots of pew pew noises at the enemy. Leia... You don't suppose you can take the garbage monster, do you? They always have one."

"Oh no," Leia narrowed her eyes. "Not again. Whacking spiders for you two is quite enough. Kill your own freaking garbage monster."

"B-But LeLe! Please!" Both Luke and Han Solo begged.

"No. And I'm tired of crawling through vents," She shoved her way past the two boys, dropping through the opening into the hallway. There were several screams, followed by gunfire. Then silence.

Both boys looked at each other, then back at the opening. No one moved.


Leia sighed, trudging through the hallways, a pistol in one hand, a half dead garbage monster in the other. Apparently they did have one on every Death Star.

Her hair was out of their usual twin buns, and instead was pulled back in a messy ponytail down her back. She's switched her white dress for camouflage and army boots, dirt streaks staining her cheeks.

She happened to glance down another passage, stopping as she spotted R2-D2 sitting with a grumpy expression in a pile of guards. "Hey," She greeted him, shooting another guard with a nerf gun as she passed. "You didn't happen to know how to blow up the Star, did you?"

R2-D2 sighed, not even glancing her way. "I've been staring at the self destruct button for half an hour now."

Leia gave him a quizzical look. "Don't you normally beep and squeal? And um, aren't you blind?"

The robot glared in her direction, "Not after I threatened the director. And I've got robot optical sensors, so I'm good."

"Ah," She nodded in understanding, coming over to stand beside him. Both looked at the giant red button on the opposite wall, labelled self destruct button.

After about thirty seconds, Leia sighed, already bored. "I'm gonna go shoot some more stuff. You have fun."

"Uh-huh." R2-D2 grumbled, glaring at the button.


"Where the cherry apple tart, is that total annihilation button?" Luke grumbled as he and Han Solo made their way down the hall.

"Is that it?" Han pointed down one of the halls, that was filled with unconscious troopers. Standing among them was one very unimpressed R2-D2, glaring at a button on the other wall.

"Nah. It's gotta be more obvious than that. Like some weak spot we've gotta shoot using a space ship with a hundred enemies on our tail." Luke muttered.

"Okay," Solo didn't question it.

They passed C3PO and Chewbacca, who were currently duelling each other in a slap fight over the last tub of ice cream.

Suddenly, the door ahead of them slid open, and epic music began to play. Somewhere a smoke machine was fired up, as a masked figure strode in.

"Darth Vader!" They gasped in union. Chewy and C3PO came over to see what was happening.

"You're shorter than I remember," Han Solo suddenly stated.

Darthy glared at him. Then he raised his paw, and suddenly Han started chocking.

"Stop it!" Luke cried, "Daddy! Don't be mean to my friends!"

Darth Vader glared at him. "I am not your father."

Luke stared. "W-What... No... No... NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!"

Suddenly Leia ran up, "What's happening? What's going on? Wha-" Then she say Darth Vader. "Father?!"

Vader glared. "I am not your-"

"Hey guys," R2-D2 drawled, coming over. "I pushed the self destruct button. We literally have less than thirty second to get out before we're toast," He deadpanned.

Everyone stared at him.

"What?!" Vader screeched. "You did not just destroy the Death Star, again!"

"What's your problem?" R2-D2 grumbled, while everyone inched towards the exit. "Just make another."

"LIGHTNING ATTACK!" The Sith Lord suddenly screeched, appearing into existence. Blue magic stuff shot from her hands.

Everyone screamed and ducked for cover, except for R2-D2, who faced it head on. "You didn't think I was a mere mortal, did you?" He challenged, absorbing the blow into his paws. He hugged his chest, as the energy settling around his heart. His blind eyes glared at her. "I am the Chosen One."

Suddenly he released the energy, firing it back at her. She deflected it back at him, and suddenly it was a battle of wills. The Sith Lord faltered. "No..." She whispered. "No it can't be!"

"Yes, it can," R2-D2 growled. "I was never blind, you fool! I can feel the universe moving around me. I can see time tick by, feel space unravel. I was Chosen. How do you, a mere Sith Lord, expect to defeat me?!"

"No... Spare me please! I'll do anything you say!" The Sith Lord begged.

R2-D2's eyes began to glow completely blue, and pure raw power radiated from his body. He lifted off the ground, hovering several inches for effect. A strong wind shot outward, causing everyone to fall to the ground.

Somehow, the Sith Lord managed to keep the lightning from killing her, but it took all her strength.

Most would think this could not get any more epic. Except it did. The Death Star exploded around them. A loud blast, followed by a wave of pure energy that annihilated every planet in it's path.

Somehow, everyone survived, encased in a glowing forcefield created by the Chosen One. They watched from inside the blue sphere, as each twinkling light slowly went out as the blast wave hit it. Soon, there was nothing but empty black space, void of any planet.

"I see everything," R2-D2 whispered. "I can feel the heartbeats of the worlds. I see them all dying. And yet with a flick of a paw, I can bring them all back."

Suddenly, they all saw the past. They saw the Death Star like it was moments before. They saw themselves facing each other. Then the Death Star deconstructed itself.

It was space for a while, before and explosion formed another Death Star taken apart as well. This went on and on. An endless cycle.

Everyone watched in awe, as the galaxy changed around them. Centuries must have passed, but they all realized time was meaningless. Everything was meaningless.

"This is how I see things," R2-D2 continued. "Meaningless. Like staring at that self destruct button for an hour while you guys got to eat ice cream. Not fair."

"We'll give you ice cream," The Sith Lord promised, "Just return us to our time! Let us all survive the explosion!"

"Promise?" R2-D2 questioned.

Everyone nodded eagerly.

"Fine." He snapped his claws, and suddenly they were back in their correct time. The Death Star exploded, but they were all in escape pods gliding away, and the destructive wave created wasn't nearly as big as it should have been.

"I can't believe we lived through that!" Luke cheered gleefully.

"Uh-huh," R2-D2 mumbled, happily eating a tub of ice cream.

"By the way, I don't remember that being on the script," Greystripe commented, as the filming stopped and the lights turned on. They all left the escape pods, stepping off the set where they were swarmed by crew members.

"Well I, you know, wanted to add lib, keep things interesting," Jayfeather told them. "Besides that I also tied up the director and stuffed him in a closet, so he didn't have anything to say about it."

Lionblaze shrugged. "Fair enough. By the way, can you really see the universe?"

Jayfeather looked at him, "I see everything. Isn't that obvious?"

Then he strolled away, before smacking into a post.

Lionblaze decided not to comment. Instead he nibbled on ice cream happy to be alive.

Scourge stormed by, taking off his helmet and complaining about how he wasn't that short. Several cats trailed behind him, playing music and activating a smoke machine.

"I freak'n hate Star Wars," Sandstorm grumbled, before she was pelted with mini lightsabers.

A/N; I'm baaaaack. It's been a long time, my friends. I don't know why, but I really wanted the Star Wars chapter to be posted on time. Anyway, this has nothing to do with the plot line of Warrior Holidays 2. Well, except for Jayfeather's seeing everything. That might pop up later. This was more of my way of saying that my four months of silence might be coming to an end. Emphasis on the 'might'.

For today's news, the New Years chapter is actually pretty close to done. I'll be sticking to shorter chapters for now until I can get back into the groove of things.

I just want to say thanks to all of you who commented, demanding updates. I cannot tell you just how inspirational and motivating it is. I'm hoping the New Years chapter will be posted sometime in the next few weeks. Hopefully.

Quick update on all that's happening with my other stories;

The Fallen- Next chapter should be posted soon. Hopefully by the end of the month.

Imprisoned Soul- Excalibur's personality was giving me a headache. I will still be continuing it. However, it's not top priority right now. Hoping to work on it over summer.

Heads up that I'm planning to rewrite Beyond the Stars and delete the old one. More sorrow, more awesomeness, more death, all that jazz. Will give a notice before I do so. That won't be until I've finished some story or another.

Anyway, that's all for now. Really hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. I can't wait to continue writing WH2. Looking for inspiration and ideas for future chapters. Can't thank you enough for all the support, and hope to see you all again! Bye-bye!