Chapter 1: New Student

"Of course I understand the gravity of your situation; it's just that we have a wide array of students here that would want nothing more than to destroy you." Said Mephesto, a very oddly dressed demon sitting before me.

"Look, I'm not that person, but I don't just go around telling people about that. That's kind of the reason I have a fake name." I said rolling my eyes, what did this guy think that I was stupid?

"I know, I know. Look, try not to tell many people and try to refrain from using your magic. I know you don't have the blue flames but people would ask about your physical change as well as the black aura around you." Said Mephesto, obviously bored of this conversation.

"My lord will do his best! He knows of the consequences of any of his actions! He's not stupid you know!" shouted Ashiya.

Mephesto looked at him like how a bored child looks at a bug, "We can't have you running your mouth like that. You just can't go around saying things like 'I will never let you talk bad about his highness' it's just weird you know?"

"Fine", Ashiya huffed, a sour look on his face.

"Good, anyway I can give you guys some money for food. Will 50,000 Yen be a sufficient amount?" asked Mephesto.

Ashiya looked like he was about to cry from joy, before he could say anything that would embarrass me I spoke up, "Yes that would be more than helpful. I thank you for such kindness."

Mephesto had a smirk on his face when he handed me the bills, "Good because that was all I was going to offer you."

"I still thank you." I said, even though what I really wanted to say was something more along the lines of, you're a real cheapskate aren't you?

"No problem, in return could you try to stay out trouble? That would be a big help."

I looked at Mephesto with annoyance in my eyes, "I already said that I wouldn't alright? You do know that I'm not stupid right?"

Mephesto sighed then nodded, "Of course I know that you're not stupid. Good day boys, oh and by the way you will be sharing a dorm with Yukio and Rin Okumera."

"Wait aren't those two demons! They're sons of the devil are they not? Won't they see right through us?" questioned Ashiya.

"It's true that Rin and Yukio still want to kill Satan, but I feel like they would understand it if when they found out you tell them the full truth; the whole truth about the portals to separate dimensions and everything."

Ashiya stood up and slammed his fists down on Mephesto's table, "What if they don't understand our intensions and they try to kill us? What then?"

"Look as I said before they will understand if it comes to that. Now like I said before, good day gentlemen." At this Mephesto turned his chair the other way then waved, signaling that there would be no more discussion that day.

I got up with Ashiya by my side and left the large room, wondering what Rin and Yukio would be like.