The gentle rattle and rumble of the train echoes through my cabin as we pass through a gorgeous green field. Little white flowers poking out from the grass near the tracks zoom by my window as I appreciate the landscape.

My seventh year back at Hogwarts starts today, I'm alone this time. Harry and Ron are out in Wales training to become Aurors. Before Ron left, he promised to be back as soon as he could and we would be married.

Just the thought of him is enough to lift my spirits. We both wear matching gold lion necklaces around our necks, something that symbolizes that we will always be together, no matter how far apart we may be. I finger it softly.

I had gotten my shopping done in Diagon Alley just the day before. One thing I had been looking forward to more than anything was reading my new book I had bought called "The Adventures of Captain Merak". It isn't often that I read fictional books, but this one looks really exciting.

Of course I had also bought the required things for school at Hogwarts. Everything from slugs for potions to a new telescope for Astronomy. As well as a new copper cauldron, since mine had been broken over the summer.

But one thing had been nagging on my mind more than anything else; the new professors for Potions and Defence Against the Dark Arts. Potions, I really didn't care about, but Defense Against the Dark Arts was one of my favourite classes, even if we had never had a truly proper year with it.

I hope whoever it is is a good teacher. When I don't like a professor, the whole class is a bit of a wreck. I heard that it's a woman, but you can never be sure, it could all be gossip.

My new book sits on my lap, it's gorgeous golden cover is shining up at me, beckoning me to open it and read. I give in and let my mind slowly drift off to another land.

"Hermione! Get up! We're at Hogwarts!"

My eyes flutter open and the pale, freckled face of Ginny Weasley is looking back at me. Her hair is braided into a red rope draped over her shoulder. She is dressed in a pretty baby blue dress that brings out her eyes gorgeously.

"Already?" I straighten up and brush my hair out of my eyes.

"Yeah. You must have fallen asleep reading. I came to your cabin about an hour ago to check on you and you were out cold! This book looks good." She hands over my book that I had been reading.

"It is, you should borrow it after I'm finished."

"Will do! Enough chitchat! Let's go before we miss the carriages!" She grabs my arm and runs out the door with me clumsily tripping along behind her.

Once arrived on the platform, the first years walk off with Hagrid, whom I wave to happily. He glances around for Harry and Ron before remembering and nodding at me knowingly.

I sit in a carriage with Ginny, Luna and Neville. Lune and Neville are holding hands and giggling merrily, are they a thing now? I look at Ginny, puzzled, and she nods with wide eyes, mouthing, "Since the beginning of the summer.".

Ginny and I bury ourselves deep in conversation, catching up on latest gossip and exchanging our feelings on Ron and Harry. The other two carry on with their whispering and chortling.

The whole ride goes on as so until we finally reach the front, where we climb out of our carriages and make our way into the castle, up a few flights of staircases and into the great hall.

Since last year, the place has been completely restored to it's former glory. Every window has been mended, the candles are lit and the ceiling even glows with stars. Each student pauses to look around in amazement at the magnificent room before seating themselves at their tables to begin the sorting ceremony.

I'm just as amazed as everyone else, but then I look at the table of professors. Almost all the professors from last year have returned. Only two look a bit out of place.

Second from the end on my right side sits a man with a bushy grey beard and hair. His robes are fit very neatly around his slim frame and as he surveys the students, I can see his startling blue eyes looking as though they are x-raying each one to see their inner thoughts.

Shivering, I turn to the other. The rumours are true. A woman with a shock of curly brown hair, she looks like she is dressed for a royal ball with her elegant emerald green Victorian dress and fancy jewelry. I start to feel a bit dizzy when a wave of déjà vu hits me...

"Students! Welcome to a new year at Hogwarts. Hopefully this one goes more smooth." Everyone laughs. Professor Mcgonagall has stepped up to give the introduction.

"First off, you may have noticed our new teachers!" She turns to the staff table and motions to the man and woman. "This, is Epsilion Virgo. He will be teaching potions now. I'm sure you will be fascinated with his style of teaching, I am myself." The man with the beard stands up and bows deeply before sitting back down.

"And this," she turns to the woman, "is Bellona Fulks, she will be your new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher." Bellona stands and smiles at the students, waving her hand elegantly and then also taking her seat.

In that moment, I don't know what came over me. I turn to Ginny as everything starts to go blurry. I can't help it, I lose consciousness and my head falls onto the table with a thud. Everything goes black.