Disclaimer: RWBY is owned by Rooster Teeth.
Author's Notes: I have a mountain of excuses about this chapter and the last, but it can be summarized in "I either didn't have the time or the will to write."
Maybe I don't understand the role of an epilogue, but I wanted to write this and hope you enjoy it.
Endings are hard.
He carefully balanced on one foot, resting the overlarge bag of groceries on his knee as he rummaged through his pocket for his keys. "I always knew that I'd one day regret these damned locks..." he muttered around a third bag clamped in his teeth, his fingers searching the bottom corners of his pants. A gentle breeze made him wobble, his eyes locked to the precariously placed bag as it flapped in the wind. "Don't you dare fall off..." he growled. The eggs were in that bag.
Something hard and pointy poked against him as he groped blindly, and he pinched his gloved fingers together, careful to be absolutely still as he extracted the keys from his pocket. "Gotcha..." Keeping on one foot, he pushed the key into the lock, turning it right and then left, sighing in relief when he heard the latch unlock. He removed the key and turned it around, inserting the opposite end into the bottom lock. He turned it a quarter to the left, then a full turn to the right. He shoved the key back into his pants and snatched the tipping bag off his knee, pushing the door open with his shoulder.
He walked straight to the kitchen, depositing the groceries on the tall kitchen island. "Finally..." he breathed as he pulled the bag out from his mouth, placing it beside the others. He stepped back to the door, slamming it closed and reaching up for his bowler hat.
Oh no... His heart raced as he heard the scrabbling of clawed feet rushing along the upstairs hallway. He pushed himself against the door, his face twisted in panic as the sound of low, curious growling crept from the top of the stairs, getting louder and louder as the beast descended. His eyes searched for an escape. He could hide behind the couch, maybe. Treading lightly to reduce the noise of his footsteps, he moved as fast as he could into the living room, crouching behind the recently reupholstered sofa just as a long, furry tail disappeared into the kitchen. "Fwhew!" he whispered, wiping his brow. He seemed to be safe, for now.
"Eep!" He cringed, eyes wide as he slowly turned his head to face the monstrous canine prowling towards him. "G-Good doggy..." He was shivering as cold sweat dripped down the back of his neck, reaching a hand forward for the hound to sniff. The beast ignored his hand, its hungry eyes staring at his own. "Good doggy?"
"BARK!" it roared, taking two bounding steps and leaping at him, clawed, furry paws ramming into his shoulders and forcing him to the ground.
Its cold nose nuzzled against his face; the rough, smelly tongue lapping at his chin and the hands he raised to defend himself. "Stop! No! Down! N-NEO!" he shrieked, struggling to keep his face free from the slobbery mouth. "Get your mutt off me!" He pushed against the dog's shoulders, heaving it off his chest, but it only laid beside him and continued to lick at his neck. "Help meeeee!"
Three sharp claps came from the other side of the couch, and Roman gasped in relief as the dog's ears perked up and the beast lurched from beside him, trotting around the sofa with its tail held high. "Thank you, darling..." he said as he used the couch to pull himself to his feet. He leaned against the back as he caught his breath, scowling at the beast as it rolled around on its back at Neo's feet, the short girl smiling and stroking its belly. "I distinctly remember saying 'nothing large' when we were shopping..."
Neo glanced at him, rolling her eyes and waving away his comment. She reached into her pocket and pulled out a treat, tossing it to her dog. Roman flinched as its jaws crashed closed, the treat disappearing just as easily as could a finger, or the whole hand. "Why did we even get a dog?" he asked himself, pinching the bridge of his nose as he stood. Oh yes, because Neo wanted one... She caught him by surprise as he walked around the couch, burying her face into his chest and wrapping her arms around his waist. "I wasn't even gone an hour..." he said, unable to keep from smiling as he brushed his hand across her head. She beckoned with her finger, and he rolled his eyes as he leaned down and kissed her hello. "I got you something special!" He grinned at her excited expression. "Some chocolate, some vanilla, and some min-"
Roman jumped at the noise, clutching at his chest as he glared at the dog sitting at his feet, eagerly wagging its tail. "For the love of Dust, stop scaring me like that." Neo covered her mouth to hide her giggles, leaning over to pat the large Mistralian Shepherd.
As they had strolled the streets of Vacuo, they had stumbled across an eager-looking young woman running a dog adoption stall. Neo had taken one look at the dog, with its white, brown, and gray fur, then tugged frantically on Roman's sleeve and pointed. "That one huh?" He had said, recoiling when he glanced at the beast. "Darling... that's way too big. Nothing large, remember?" But he could see why his princess had fallen in love with the dog. It had multicolored eyes, one pink and one brown. He had sighed and pulled out his checkbook, conceding to the whims of she who held his heart. "What shall we name it, honey?"
"Strawberry! Get off the damn couch!" he shouted from the kitchen, glaring as he placed the eggs into the refrigerator. He had never understood why Neo had chosen that name. Honestly, he's really more of a 'Rocky Road'... "So, did anything interesting happen while I was gone?" he sweetly asked the girl standing next to him. Neo shook her head, putting another spoonful of mint chocolate chip ice cream into her mouth. Her eyes suddenly flashed open, and she smacked Roman on the arm and put the gallon of ice cream on the counter before skipping into the living room, her spoon poking from her mouth.
Roman raised an eyebrow when she returned with a cream-colored envelope, the front decorated in gilded lettering spelling his name. "What is this about, hmm?" he asked rhetorically, slicing the letter open with his small knife while Neo resumed eating. Elegant, flowing handwriting covered the thick paper, the black ink smelling like fresh raspberries.
Dear Roman Torchwick, and by extension Neo,
You are cordially invited to th-
"Did they seriously invite me to this? ME?" he scoffed and handed the letter to Neo for her to read. "I wouldn't be caught dead at such an event. In fact, if I did go, I probably would get killed..." He watched as Neo's eyes scanned along the invitation, her eyebrows raising in confusion. "I know, ridiculous isn't it? Inviting two criminals to a gathering of huntsmen and huntresses? I mean, what would we even bring to the we-"
He was interrupted by Neo pulling on his collar, waving her finger between the two of them and energetically pointing at the letter, her eyes glittering. "Really? You want to go?" Frantic nodding. "Do we have to?" She huffed and stamped her foot, firmly nodding once. "But-" Neo very, very slowly crossed her arms, tilting her head down to stare at him from below her eyebrows. Roman sighed and covered his face with his palm. "Okay..." he surrendered, dragging his hand across his face. "Urf-!" he grunted as Neo pressed against his stomach, squeezing him in a tight hug. He should have known it was impossible to resist. His princess, his darling, his love always got what she wanted. At least now I get to see her in a nice dress...
"Alright, alright..." he said, gently pushing her away by the shoulders. "Now," he grinned, shaking his head at her gleeful expression, "what do you want for dinner?"
Her hands were clasped together and resting on the edge of her desk, squeezing each other gently as she waited for the call to appear on her scroll. The small, white device was laying in front of her knuckles, quiet and still. He's late for his check-in... she thought, her mouth twisting into an annoyed, nervous scowl. Just as she reached out a hand to call him herself, the scroll buzzed, dancing along the top of the desk. She picked it up and spread it open, placing it in the thin plastic holder designed for just such a purpose. "Mister Crown. You are late."
"Sorry, Professor Schnee. There were a few more Ursa than expected." the student apologized, wiping his brow with his sleeve. He looked sweaty and exhausted, and there was a small, bleeding cut on his jaw.
"Is everyone alright? You look a little beaten up..."
"Cage is wrapped up, but he'll be fine. He's a tough bugger. Rest of us are just scraped and bruised, nothing major. You worried about us, Professor?" he said with a cocky grin.
She sniffed and turned her head. "Hardly." she said derisively, but the hands in her lap relaxed. "So, was the mission successful? Were Miss Blackhawk's calculations correct?"
Crown nodded. "Yes. We found the deposit of Anulonium exactly where we thought. Third one this month. The pick-up team has been notified and the SDC says they're on their way."
"Excellent work, excellent work. Congratulations, mister Crown, you have succeeded in passing my class." She fought down a smile while watching the bright happiness spread across her student's face. "Well," she sighed, glancing at the clock that hung on the back wall, "I'm afraid I have an important event to get to. Good work today, mister Crown. I'll notify your professors of your expected absences, and Headmaster Ozpin will find a commendation request on his desk first thing in the morning."
"Thanks, Professor. It's been great working with you."
"And you as well. Goodbye." The screen turned to black and she closed the device, finally allowing her neutral expression to break into a happy smile. Damn brat has come a long way since the beginning of the semester... she thought, in an endearing way.
After Crown had joined her Pyromania 'task-force', other students had approached her about the extra credit opportunity, including miss Blackhawk. Together, they had pored over the Anulo Lux, using her knowledge about Dust and the students' enthusiasm to identify its substance and track down larger quantities around Remnant. Fairly quickly, the Schnee Dust Company was able to fabricate a system to treat red Dust in their factories, neutralizing the crystals' inherent energy before it ever reached the consumer. After rates of Pyromaniacs dropped overnight, the Council of Generals removed the restrictions and red Dust returned to Atlesian markets.
There was a knock on the lecture hall's big wooden door, the sound echoing in the empty room. "Come in!" Weiss called as she packed her scroll into her purse, hooking the bag over her shoulder.
The door creaked open and a grinning face with silver eyes and shining red hair poked in. "Hey there, Weiss!" Ruby crowed, stepping into the doorway.
"Ruby!" Weiss' smile grew wider. "You're right on time, for once." she said, beginning to climb up the steps to the exit.
"Yup! And I brought someone who wants to meet you!"
"Oh?" Weiss raised an eyebrow, pausing on the steps. "Who is it?"
Ruby wiggled, clutching her hands to her chest. "Ooooh, it's a surprise!" Her eyes were alight with excitement, her grin spreading to her ears. I should probably be worried... Ruby leaned behind the door. "Okay Drei, go say 'Hi'! Go say 'Hi'!"
Weiss rolled her eyes. Oh, it's just her cute, little puppy... "Come here, little guy!"
"BARK!" It was not the sound of a puppy, nor of a little dog. It was a booming roar that shook through her bones and crashed through the classroom, reverberating off the large glass windows.
Weiss' eyes looked like blue dinner plates, watching in shocked horror as a massive, drooling hound pushed around Ruby's legs and charged into the room, heading straight for her. "FuckDustShitBAAAAAh!" she screamed, leaning backwards and spinning her arms as she lost her balance on the steps. The monstrosity leaped into the air, its huge jaws lunging for her throat. It slammed into her chest like a ton of bricks, beast and girl tumbling to the floor in a thrashing pile of gray fur and pale arms. "Ruby! Help! It's a BEOWOLF!" Weiss shrieked, lying helplessly on her back as the dog's tongue smeared slobber across her face.
Ruby was lying on the floor in tears, doubled over and clutching her stomach as breathless laughter shook her body. "O-Oh my DUST! You should have seen your FACE!" Another burst of chuckles coursed through the tall redhead, her legs kicking in the air. Finally she stood, wiping her eyes and whistling, calling the giant Atlesian war-hound off the struggling heiress. "Whew, I wish I'd had my scroll ready..." she gasped, catching her breath. She stiffened as Weiss pushed herself to her feet, her lips puckering in fear.
Weiss' hands were claws, her face a red-tinged mask of pure fury as she turned glacially on her heel to glare at the huntress-hound pair. "You..." she growled, her voice sending shivers along Ruby's back. Drei whimpered and slunk behind the cloaked girl's legs. "...are very, very, very lucky you're cute." She resumed her climb up the stairs, her glare never leaving Ruby's eyes.
Ruby blinked in confusion. "Uh... me? Or Drei?" she asked, pointing to the dog and her chest.
Now standing beside the troublesome duo at the top of the stairs, Weiss harrumphed and turned her head. "Both of you." Ruby breathed out in a long, relieved sigh. "Now come along, we're going to be late..." Weiss said, grabbing the hood of Ruby's cloak and dragging her away.
They made a brief stop at Weiss' house, the heiress needing to change out of her slobber-covered teaching clothes and into the proper attire for the upcoming occasion. Ruby changed as well, the cloak, her armored corset, and the tall black boots not really fitting for the big event. Each girl gasped when they saw the other, squealing in delight and jabbering to each other about how fantastic they looked in their dresses. They left Drei behind with a big bone, Ruby kissing the dog's head in goodbye before skipping to join Weiss in her car and assuring the heiress that her couch would still be intact upon their return. The drive lasted a little over twenty minutes, which were spent chatting about the approaching ceremony and who they expected to attend.
"Yang said they were inviting Roman. Do you think he'll show up?" Ruby asked.
"Not if he's got any brains..."
They joined a multitude of cars in a small parking lot at the end of a trail that lead deep into the forests of the Forever Fall, hiking up the ends of their dresses so they didn't wind up covered in the dark red leaves. Squirrels chittered and birds tweeted as the pair of huntresses emerged from the woods into a large cleared pavilion covered in crunchy, blood-red leaves. The old, wooden picnic tables had been appropriated by the caterers and grouped into a long table that was being stocked with dishes, silverware, and covered plates of food. Three rows of sparkling white chairs faced a polished oak veranda, a thin podium standing alone in the center.
Weiss and Ruby appeared to be among the last to arrive, mostly due to Weiss' professorial duties, and they walked hand-in-hand along the winding path toward the chairs, waving hello to old friends and familiar acquaintances. A blond man in a crisp white parade uniform spotted them and crossed the lawn, waving as he approached.
"Weiss, Ruby! Hey guys, long time no see!" he said, a goofy smile splitting his face.
"Hey Jaune!" Ruby said, her face lighting up at the sight of her old friend. "I heard you're a Major now! Congrats!"
Jaune rubbed the back of his head and looked away, a slight, embarrassed blush creeping across his cheeks. "Heh heh, yeah... It's nothing special, really..."
Weiss rolled her eyes. "Jaune, take it from a native. It's a big deal. You should be proud."
"I am, I am!" he said, bobbing his head. "It's just that... I got it for... you know..."
Ruby cocked her head, blinking inquisitively. "What?" She looked to Weiss. "I don't get it. Why'd he get promoted?"
The heiress' mouth thinned and she rolled her eyes again. "Oh, he's just upset with himself because-"
"JAUNE. ARC." Jaune stood at full attention, sucking in air and pushing out his chest at the sound of a furious, yet distinctly womanly voice calling from the edge of the forest. Weiss and Ruby looked over their shoulders to spy a tall warrior goddess, her luscious red dress with gold trim billowing around her as though she wore a flag of victory. She marched across the grass in golden-brown heels, her glare fierce enough to rust steel and curdle milk, her blazing green eyes locked to the panicking blond.
"H-Hey P-P-Pyrrha..." Jaune whimpered, raising a shaking hand in greeting. "H-how... How are y-you?"
"I am very upset, to put it mildly!" Pyrrha growled, stomping her foot as she stopped in front of the sweating huntsman, shoving her grimacing face into his.
"As if we couldn't tell..." Weiss whispered aside to Ruby, who snorted trying to contain her laughter.
Pyrrha ignored them, putting her hands on her hips. "I get back from a tournament, and guess what I hear? That JAUNE ARC, my former team leader, has reported his friends to the Atlesian police! His friends who needed help, not a jail cell!"
Jaune was leaning as far away from the raging huntress as he could, his sweat-covered hands held defensively in front of his face. "I- uh... I can... I can explain?"
"You'd better." Pyrrha hissed, narrowing her eyes. "You are in deep..." She paused, seeming to struggle with her words. "...shit, mister!"
Both Weiss and Ruby looked at each other, their eyebrows skyrocketing. "Jaune made Pyrrha swear!" they whispered to each other, turning back to watch as Pyrrha grabbed Jaune by the ear and started dragging him to one of the tables.
"You're going to sit by me and explain yourself. And so help me, if you misbehave I'm going to magnetize you to the nose of a Bullhead." She stopped, turning around with the sweetest smile on her face. "Hello Ruby, Weiss. You both look wonderful. If you'll excuse me..." She continued walking, tears pouring from Jaune's eyes.
"No! It's okay! I fixed it! I told them they were cured! I fixed it! They're not wanted anymore! Somebody save mee~ee!"
Weiss and Ruby turned away from the tall boy's pitiful weeping, walking through the rows of chairs and taking their seats in the front row. "I don't think I've ever seen her more beautiful..." Weiss said, her head tilted to the side, gazing past the redhead beside her.
"Hmm?" Ruby asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Your sister." Weiss answered, pointing over Ruby's shoulder to the deck of the veranda, where Yang was pacing back and forth. She was wearing a long, glittering dress that flowed like molten gold, intricate black heels adorning her feet and tasteful pearl earrings shimmering in the warm light. Her hair, usually a barely manageable mess, had been brushed and combed and brushed and combed again until it glistened brighter than the sun. A black necklace of obsidian and onyx diamonds hung around her neck, jangling as she walked toward the pair of huntresses. "Never more beautiful." Weiss said as she and Ruby stood to greet the blonde. "Or more nervous."
Yang hopped down from the veranda, her hands wringing each other raw. Her shoulders were raised to her ears, and her smiling lilac eyes were wide and pale with fear. "Ruby, Weiss. Good, you're here. Thank Dust. How do I look? Do I look okay?" she asked, her words coming fast and loud.
Ruby smiled and lay a reassuring hand on her sister's shoulder. "Yang, calm down. You look great."
"You're my sister, you have to say that. Weiss, how do I look?"
Weiss stepped back and stroked her chin. "You look... okay."
Yang's jaw fell and she slumped over. "That's it? That's all? 'Okay'? I need to go change..." Ruby gave Weiss an incredulous glare.
Weiss sighed, grabbed Yang by the arms and shook her gently. "That was a joke, Yang. You look gorgeous."
Yang sniffled, tears welling in her eyes. "You choose now to try and get a sense of humor?" She straightened, breathing deep to calm herself. "Do you think she'll like it?" She asked, pawing around her necklace.
Ruby grinned and put a hand on Yang's back. "She'll love it, Yang."
"Just what Ruby said, she'll love it."
The words seemed to relax Yang, the shoulders lowering back to where they should be and her eyes regaining some of their laughter. "That's a relief. Is it hot here? It feels really hot. Oh, I knew we should have had it inside! It's too hot here! Weiss, can't you do anything about the heat?"
"What? Why me?"
"Because you're the Ice Queen!" Yang barked a quick, nervous laugh as the heiress glowered at her. "Really though, I feel hot. And sick. I think I need to go throw up." She leaned her head back, covering her eyes with her hands. "Oh Dust, oh Dust, I can't do this. I can't. I need to go..."
"You're not going anywhere, Xiao Long..." Weiss said, grabbing the blonde by the mouth. She pulled Yang's head down to her own, scared purple eyes flicking back and forth between steely, cold blue. "You can't leave, because this is not about you. This is about her." Weiss' eyes narrowed and her fingers pinched harder into Yang's skin. "Do you love her?"
"Yesh." Yang said through squished cheeks.
"Do you really love her?"
"More than life? More than Ruby?"
"Then you'd do anything for her, right?"
"Then you can do this." Weiss released her captive, slightly relaxing her glare. "Because this is for her." Yang seemed more confident now, standing straight with her head held high and the hint of a grin at the edge of her mouth. "Now go wait at the altar and think happy thoughts!" Yang nodded and left, her steps long and purposeful, but Weiss could still see the girl's nerves in the fists that were clenched by her sides. She sighed and turned away, flinching slightly when she found Ruby smirking at her and trying to suppress giggles. "What?"
"Nothing..." Ruby said, her smile growing. "I was just wondering about who's going to calm you down when it's our turn..."
Weiss scoffed and rolled her eyes. "Who says we're having one, hmm? Oh, don't give me the puppy-dog look..." she said in response to Ruby's crestfallen face. "Now try to keep her calm, I'm going to check on Blake."
Blake was getting ready in the lodge at the end of the parking lot, an average-sized building normally equipped to hold a dozen huntsmen as they prepared to venture into the Forever Fall. Today, it was filled by leftover catering supplies and a tri-fold mirror hidden behind a privacy wall for Blake to use as she got dressed. Weiss padded down the soft carpet, her hands holding up the edges of her dress so she didn't trip herself. "This is why skirts are better!" she grumbled as she walked, forcing her face to relax out of its scowl as she neared the dark-haired faunus. "Blake!" The woman turned, and Weiss sighed at the sight of Blake's frightened eyes and pale face. "Oh, not you too..."
"I'm not ready Weiss. I'm not ready! I don't know if I can do this! What if... what if...!"
Weiss threw her head back and groaned. "Ugh. Okay, stop." She took Blake's hands and guided her to a chair, making her sit and take deep breaths. "Now, tell me what the problem is..."
"What if... what if she doesn't-"
"She does."
"But what if she goes back-"
"She won't."
"But... how do you know?"
Weiss sighed and knelt in front of her friend, taking her hands. "Because you love her and she loves you, and you've already been through hell and come out the other side." She stood and put her hands on her hips. "And you two are the strongest couple I know and I can't think of anything you two can't overcome when you're together."
Some color returned to Blake's face, and her eyes gained a familiar gleam. "You're right. Thank you, Weiss." She wiped her eyes and stood. "Whatever happened to the Ice Queen?"
"She melted. Now come on, they're waiting for you. She's waiting for you."
"Right. Right. H-How do I look?" Blake was wearing an open-backed purple dress that strapped around her neck and kissed her ankles, waves of thin ruffles decorating the bottom half. Her shoes were brilliant gold, and probably would have been tacky at any other occasion, but on Blake they looked stunning. A wreath of yellow and white roses rested on her head between her fuzzy ears, the flowers making her eyes shine.
"Beautiful." Weiss breathed. "Everyone's going to be jealous that only Yang gets you."
Blake smiled and covered her mouth as she giggled. "Thank you, Weiss." She breathed out and shook her body, her eyes opening and filling with determination. "Okay. I think I'm ready."
Weiss grinned, taking a step back and crossing her arms. "Good. I'll meet you out there." She turned and started to leave.
"Oh! Wait! Yang forgot her bouquet!" Weiss turned and followed Blake's pointing finger to two bouquets laying on a bench. One was filled with yellow irises and tulips, the other composed of black roses and lilies. Weiss grabbed the latter and waved goodbye to Blake, exiting the lodge and quickly walking back to the veranda.
"Yang. Here, you forgot this." she said, handing the flowers to the blonde.
"Oh! Yes! Thanks Weiss!"
"Sure." She stepped off the platform and took her seat beside Ruby, the redhead wiggling in her seat. "Can you calm down?"
Slow, gentle organ music began playing, filling the Forever Fall with deep melodic tones. Ruby's eyes filled with excited glee. "No!" she whispered as everyone turned to face the clearing's opening.
Blake was walking slowly along the twisting path, holding her bright yellow bouquet in front of her chest and smiling with more pure joy than Weiss thought existed. A soft gust of wind blew through the forest, a large cascade of red leaves swirling around the dark-haired faunus. Weiss stole a glance back at Yang, and the image of sheer adoration and perfect love on the blonde's face would stay with the heiress for the rest of her life. "Me neither..." Weiss whispered back to Ruby.
The bouquets launched from the hands of the happy couple, seeming to hover in the air as dozens of arms reached upwards for the flowers. Weiss was content to watch Yang and Blake as they sprinted into the Forever Fall, her hands clasped patiently together behind her back. She couldn't get rid of the smile on her face. A single red rose petal drifted downwards to land on her nose, and she blew it off with a gentle puff of air. An elbow pressed into her side, and she regretfully turned away from the laughing pair disappearing into a sea of red leaves, surprised to find Ruby's face inches apart from her own, the girl's hands held behind her back. "What?" Ruby smiled, whipping her hands in front of her and brandishing the beautiful arrangement of black roses and lilies. The younger girl waggled her eyebrows at the heiress, who blushed redder than the leaves. "You cheated, didn't you..."
Ruby chuckled and looked away innocently. "Maaaaybe."
Both girls turned their heads at the sound of scuffling and angry grumbling. "Neo, what are you-" Roman was reaching above his head, trying to get a grip on the short girl standing on top of his hat, pushing it over his eyes. In the small thief's outstretched hand was the yellow bouquet, and she squealed silently as she dropped onto Roman's shoulders. "Oh deary me..." Roman said, lifting his hat to the sight of flowers and twinkling brown-and-white eyes.
They ran. Hands gripping each other with the strength of passion, they ran through the showering leaves, smiling and laughing and reveling in the feeling of togetherness. They ran, the sound of cheering and their talking friends fading into the distance as they rushed through the red forest, the hems of their dresses flapping about their legs. They ran until Yang tripped and tumbled to the ground, pulling Blake down with her and together they laughed, laying on the leaf-strewn soil and catching their breath. Their heads were beside each other, two pairs of eyes staring at the sky in wonder. "Wow..." Yang said, her voice quiet as she shook her head. "That was a thing..."
Blake chuckled. "Yes, that most certainly was a thing." They turned their heads to look at one another, Yang shuffling closer to press her lips against Blake's. "I love you, Yang."
Yang's hand searched for Blake's, and when they touched the faunus' hand was wrapped in soft, comfortable warmth. Yang pulled their hands up, casting shadows across their faces. Their eyes were drawn to the sparkling rings on their fingers. Yang wore a dark band of black Anulonium, with a strip of golden amber tracing around the center. Blake had a glittering ring of gold, girdled by light-purple opal, a streak of dark black lying underneath. "I love you more."
They kissed again. "Impossible."
Author's Notes: This is the end of the journey. I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.
Special thanks to: Energywelder, Ann E. Casap, MarcusMebadd, The Crazy Saeko, and Lemonteaz for giving me so much feedback and keeping me on track. To the rest of you, thank you thank you thank you thank you for reading my silly story. I'd always get excited every time I saw an email from FF, or whenever I checked the traffic statistics and watched them grow over the course of a day. It means more than you know. Now that it's done I don't know what I'm going to do with myself...
Thank you so much for reading.
Your final review challenge is to give an overall review of the story.
Keep moving forward.