Hi! I'm new to this whole fanfiction thing, sorry... Haha.

I will be trying my hardest to update this weekly! Maybe every Sunday! Or every Friday?

Anyways, I will explain more of this at the end of the story! Just so you already have a feel of it? Yeah!

Favorite! Follow! Review!

I do not own anything!


And it begins



"I ...can't..."

Recalling her sister's last words wasn't something she did often, or did at all, but the sight of the man and woman before him caused her to remember such memories. No, she wouldn't let these memories cause her to change her mind.

They deserve this punishment.

"Good evening, King Mitch."

Her voice was laced with venom towards the man, then again, why shouldn't it be? He was the one that caused her sister to be ignorant, to succumb to despair and turn into seafoam. A liar, a cheat, a goddamn joke he was. Oh how she despised him, loathed him even. He was the one who seduced her poor sister... her poor, poor naive sister.

Oh Robin...

Robin, adored princess of the seven seas, was nothing more but seafoam over the ocean waves. Heartbroken and betrayed, she still loved that man to the end... She couldn't even kill him! Ah, how Blossom remembered cutting off her hair, carefully intertwining the strands of hair to create a blade. But a blade wasn't enough, she had then cast an enchantment on it.

Robin, dear sister! Here, use this blade...

Kill this wicked man who has broken your heart!

Let his toxic blood touch your feet,

and then your tail will return.


I can't!

Is this was love does?

Death of the youngest princess, oh how everyone in the castle grieved, especially the eldest one. If love was the cause of this, she did not need it at all... And at that moment, her heart closed off, and she left.

Kill the witch herself and take place as the new Witch, the more improved one... If only, If only Robin didn't...

"Y-...your Majesty."

His words brought her back to reality. Curling her lips into a sinister smile, she turned her gaze towards the new Queen- ah, what was her name? She didn't care enough to remember it, really. All she knew from the woman was that she lied- she did not save the king, no it was her little sister who did! That woman didn't deserve to be queen, didn't deserve to be the reason her sister was dead.

Killing her would be extremely enjoyable, indeed. But for now, she must go back to the matter at hand. A party for whatever reason is happening at the moment, and Blossom herself was not invited. Now why was that?

"Your highness, I heard there was a royal party... " She looked around, her lips forming a frown, "Royalty, Nobles, even pigs are in here... It seems I was the only one not invited.. Why is that?" She cocked her head to the side, confusion evident on her face.

A moment of silence fell upon them, until finally King Mitch stepped forward.

"We... we had thought you were busy, and didn't... didn't wish to bother you..."

And that sinister smile appeared once again on her face. Pushing her long hair to the side, she took a step forward.

She had the appearance of a beautiful human, her tentacles were replaced with two legs- Legs that felt like she was being stabbed with every step she takes, but she wouldn't let it bother her. If her sister had to endure it, then so shall she. Even if legs were useless, even if tentacles were useless as well. She can no longer revert back to her beautiful red tail. She didn't care for clothes or shoes, but if she had to look presentable, she might as well.

But the pain, oh the pain of her legs. Her face showed one of pain, merely for a second, but the King and Queen saw.

No, she must not show weakness. She is in charge here, and she must strike fear into the hearts of the sinners. She didn't want them to take advantage of her pain, no, oh no! So she put back on her smile and kept walking.

"I would not be busy to see the newborn prince!"

She gestured to the child surrounded by the pure mages, ah, but she knew they would not dare attack her. They were weak and frightened by her as well, just like everyone.

The King and Queen both stared in horror as the Queen of the Deep Sea made her way to the prince. Guards came in close, but she only held up her hand. "Dare touch me, and everyone in this room will die." As she said those words, they brought their weapons down.

"I will give the dear prince a gift, a wonderful gift."

"N-...no, please don't give Brick a gift!" Queen Morbucks exclaimed, ready to tackle the Witch, but was held down by her husband. Blossom only raised her eyebrow in amusement, then let out a loud laugh. She turned towards the Queen and spoke in a cold, harsh tone.

"I don't care for what you have to say, you pathetic excuse as a Queen. I will give this child a gift, and if you speak out of turn once more, I will crush that pretty little head of yours."

"I-... Understood, my Majesty."


And she turned back to the baby, who was looking up at her with bright red eyes. Reaching out gently, she grasped him and began rocking him, just like a mother would.

"My dear Prince Brick,

you will grow up to be a genius, smarter than anyone in the land,

you will also be extremely handsome, perhaps the most handsome man in your kingdom,

lastly, you will be the bravest and strongest one in your family, loved by your family and your kingdom…"

She paused.


His body was being engulfed by a black mist.

"On your eighteenth birthday,

you will be in a trance like state

and fall into the depths of the ocean

and become into seafoam just like her…"

He was placed back on his cradle, laughing and giggling as the mist was absorbed within him. The Queen lets out a gasp and runs for her son, gently cradling him as she lets out choked sobs. The King glares at the Witch horrified, yelling at his men to kill her, but her only response was a laugh.

Blossom, Queen of the Deep Sea, Witch of Despair and Revenge, simply engulfed herself in darkness, and disappeared.

The woman with heart of stone lets out a sob,

"Sister I know you love him, but please forgive me…

They deserve to be punished for their


Buttercup never really had many childhood friends, but her favorite childhood friend was Brick Mitchelson.

The Island of Ville was divided into Kingdoms, the Utonium Kingdom in the East and North, and the Mitchelson Kingdom in the West and South. Buttercup and Brick were to be married when they were older, or so that was the plan before the Witch of Despair came and stole Brick's life away.

When Buttercup was four, and Brick was five, he was sent away.

Since then, she never really saw him.

Though sometimes, she would ask herself if Brick was doing better than her, having a better life.

He probably was, since he didn't have Ima as a mother.

Ima Goodelady was her stepmother. After Buttercup's mother died giving her birth, her father remarried. Though, the moment Buttercup became ten years old, her father unfortunately passed away. She was depressed, yes, but her step-mother, oh, she was elated! As the only ruler of the Utonium Kingdom, she became a rather… cold ruler.

A woman obsessed with beauty, that was Ima. Not only that, she had a magical mirror that she received from a Witch in the woods. Everyday, Buttercup would hear her ask the mirror who the fairest of them all is, and although she could not hear what the mirror would say, Ima would act negatively and throw a fit.

And each day, Buttercup was forced to cut her hair short, be beaten with her stepmother, and forced in rags.

She hated living in the castle.

That's why, when Ima was busy with some man trying to court her, Buttercup would sneak off to the Guard's grounds and practice with them. She was rather great with a sword and knife, but with the bow and arrow she was amazing. The guards took her under their wing and showed her all they knew, after all, she was their beloved princess.

While she did hate living with Ima, it didn't mean she hated her life. She was content, since the troublemaking princess learned so much on self defense, that she didn't need anyone to protect her! And she could defeat Ima if she needed to…

What a good life.

Unbeknownst to her, in the other side of the castle, Queen Ima is standing in front of a mirror.

"Mirror mirror on the wall, who's the fairest of them all?"

"Not you, my lady. Princess Buttercup is still the fairest of them all."

And the mirror breaks.

"That damn swine! Tell me, mirror, how can I be the fairest of them all?"

"My Queen, you need to get rid of her to be the fairest of them all."

"I see… I will be leaving."

The Queen turns gracefully, calling a servant to bring the best guard to her. She is aware of Buttercup sneaking out, aware of what she is doing, so she knows she's no match against her fake daughter. Nevertheless, she will get rid of her, erase her from existence and once she regained her title as the fairest of them all again, she will seduce the King Mitchelson.

Oh yes.

Her thoughts were interrupted when the servant called for her. She walked over there with grace and elegance. Like a Queen should.

"Ah, Ace Copular, good morrow!" She looked at the man in front of her. He bows deeply and then finally looks at her.

"Is there anything your highness needs of me?" He asks carefully, keeping his voice gentle and polite. It would be wrong to speak casually to the Queen, especially if it was Queen Ima.

And so she spoke to him.

"Hey Buttercup, I need you to do me a favor." Ace walked up the princess, grinning like always, except this isn't like always and he's feeling absolutely awful. Buttercup looked up from her bow and cocked her head to the side, "What kind of favor, Ace?"

He really is an awful kind of person, isn't he?

Ace looked around to make sure no one was around, and got closer to the princess. "Your mother wants me to go to the Kingdom of Mitchelson aaaand get rid of a beast inside one of their forests. If I do that, I might get promoted to knight." He lied easily, hoping the girl would buy it… And of course she did, she wasn't the smartest girl around after all. She let out an audible gasp and hugged her friend, "Oh my God! Congrats man! So… what do you want me to do?"

His grin widens, "I'm taking you with me."

"Thank you! Thank you!" She shouts happily, her eyes sparkling as she jumps up and down. "That's amazing! Wa...wait…. What about mother? Wont she get mad?"

"That's why I'll have the guards tell her once we're gone, so she'll have to deal with it by herself."

"Aaah! Ace you're the best person ever!" She continues shouting, "When do we leave? Oh God, I need to change into a better outfit! This dress wont work…."

"Hey, hey, calm down. I'm leaving now, since I got the horses ready with all the weapons… Just change real quickly and meet me by the gates, got it?" He places his hand on her shoulder, trying to calm down the screaming girl. She nods rapidly, and then bolts out of the field and into the castle.

"...Geez kid, you're going to make this hard on me…"

He slowly walks back to the gates, his hands going through his hair as he sighs loudly. That damn Queen and her damn orders… She knew damn well how to get under his skin, mentioning Sanford- God, that damn Witch. He curses under his breath.

He's in a tough situation.

"Yo, I'm here!"

He turns to look at the princess and puts on his fake grin. "Good! Just get on a horse and we'll be on our way, okay?" The princess nods and takes the closest horse, climbing it with ease.

"Come on Ace, hurry up!"

He laughs and climbs onto the horse. "Oh shut up, kid." She laughs back and then they leave the castle grounds.

"I'm sorry kid…"

"Buttercup, run."

The Princess glances at the man and raises an eyebrow, "What's wrong Ace…?"

"...Buttercup, you mother ordered me to kill you." He blurts out, hanging his head in shame. Buttercup stares at him wide-eyed, taking a careful step back. "No….nonono, you are not killing me Ace!" She hisses, taking out her sword.

"I'm not going to kill you! Listen, idiot." He sighs, "I need you to run ahead. I have a friend, and well, she'll take care of you. She might be sick, yes, but her house is being guarded by magic."

"Magic? My mother uses magic, Ace. How do you know she's not the one controlling that magic?" She narrows her eyes, not lowering her sword at all.

Ace bites his lower lip, wondering if he should tell her not… She might not trust the place after, but… ugh.

"Look, trust me on this one. Her name is Sara Bellum… I guess you can say she's a Witch? Please, trust me and go to her."

"Well, if I do, what happens to you!?"

"...Ima wants your heart, so I will just kill an animal and take its heart. Simple. She will believe you're dead and you will no longer be in the castle.. If I can, I will try to see you." He gently nudges her, "Please go now, Buttercup. And don't stop, because I heard there is a beast here… And I'm worried for you."

She looks down, fiddling with the hem of her shirt. This, this was the first time she would be alone. Sure she was aggressive and cocky about being the best guard and hunter maybe, but… actually being alone caused to feel… weak? No. Vulnerable was the word.

"She has a daughter your age, so I'm sure she'll help you get around Buttercup." He continued on. "I will be going now, so you please find Bellum and be safe."

It's not like he's giving her a choice. Nodding slowly, she looks up and weakly smiles. "Thanks Ace.. I'll leave too. Bye…" She gets back on her horse, heading off the direction Ace told her.

"Thanks for walking with me, Buttercup, Blossom."

Blossom shrugs, "I owe your mother a lot, so this the least I can do." The Witch explains, holding up the medicine she was holding, "I'm sad I don't have any healing spells."

Buttercup laughs and pats Blossom on the back, "Don't worry Bloss! I bet Bubbles like going to her grandma's house, so hey." Blossom only shakes her head, "Buttercup…"

"Buttercup is right!" The girl with the red coat spoke up, "Though Blossom… Why aren't you back in the sea?" She asked. "Hmm… yeah, when I first met you, you had important things to do at the sea…" Buttercup added, turning to look at the Witch.

"Well… You two are my only friends, and I like hanging out with you…" She responded bashfully, "Plus my assistant, HIM, is taking care of my duties… I think he likes being in control." She mutters to herself mostly, "I need to show him some discipline."

Buttercup and Bubbles exchange glances, but they don't say anything to the red-head.

"Ah, well this is my stooop." The loud of the trio speaks up, "Heard the beast lives 'round here, and I'm out to hunt him."

Bubbles giggles while Blossom crosses her arms. "Buttercup, are you sure you don't want me to help you?" Buttercup shakes her head, "...It's kind of a personal thing… He did kill A-...ace… I can't let that monster get away like that!" She huffs, frowning as her face turns red from anger.

Bubbles slowly goes over to her friend and gives her a hug. "There… there… there… there… Just, if anything happens, I need you to contact either my mom or Blossom." She gently hands Buttercup a shell. "This is Blossom's communication device."

"...Thanks, Bubs. You too Bloss.. Tell Sara I'll be home later, 'kay?"

They both nod and hesitantly leave the ex-princess.

"Hey Blossom, have you heard of the rumor about the Swan Prince?" Bubbles asked, waving the basket full of food and medicine around. Blossom stays silent for a moment, then speaks up, "No… I haven't. What's it about?"

"Well apparently a prince from a lost kingdom was cursed by a Witch! He became a swan and his subjects became like swans too I think? But like he's from this forest, in a secret lake, and every night he turns into a human and dances!"

Blossom stops her walking and gives Bubbles a look. "He dances? Are you serious… Why- what? Why doesn't he try removing the curse or something? What the hell is wrong with him!?"

"Hey! No cursing! And… I don't know why he dances, maybe he likes dancing? Just don't question it, shhh!" She playfully covers her friend's mouth. Blossom giggles and pulls her hand away, "Jeez, and why are you telling me all this?"

"Because I wanna know if you knew if it was true! You're a Witch and all, and you know other witches right?"

"I only know your mother, and …I don't think that rumor is true. I've been to every place in this forest, and I never encountered a secret lake with dancing men."

"Oh my God! Don't say it like that, you make it sound ridiculous!"

"Bubbles, it is ridiculous! Jeez."

"No it's not! Blossom, shut up!" The blond pouts, puffing out her cheeks and crossing her arms. The Witch lets out a laugh and continues walking, "You look like a fish."


"That's so rude! I'm telling Buttercup!" She yells loudly, hitting Blossom on the shoulder.

"Telling Buttercup what?" A voice calls out to them from behind. The girls both turn around and look surprised. "Miss… Miss Bellum! What are you doing out of bed?!" "Mom! Get back to bed now, this is not good for you!"

Bellum laughs weakly, "Sorry sorry… I was checking on something." Bubbles frowns and goes to her mother's side, helping her stand correctly. "Come on, we're like close to the house… I'll walk you."

Blossom looks at them and hands Bubbles the rest of the medicine. "Here, I should be leaving now… Miss Bellum, please take care of yourself okay? Bubbles, make sure she's out of trouble." And with that, the Witch leaves in a mist of darkness.

….I was sure that was the big bad wolf...

"Geez mom, you worried me!" Bubbles huffs out, opening the door to the house with ease and letting her mother go in first. "Lay down now while I give you your medicine!"

"Thank you… Bubbles…"

"...Don't thank me, thank grandma…"

Bellum looks at her surprised, then smiles weakly. "Speaking of your grandmother, can you… can you give her that basket on the table? I want to give her something in return for all the medicine.." She mumbles weakly, pointing to the basket.

Bubbles look at the table and nods. "Okay! But for now, I need to take care of you!"

This is a Reds, Blues, Greens story! Um, this is based on fairytales in case you didn't know?

Okay so...

Blossom is based on The Little Mermaid and Sleeping Beauty! [ With Brick as the Prince/Aurora! ]

Buttercup is based on Snow White and Beauty and The Beast! [ With Butch as the Beast/Big Bad Wolf ]

Bubbles is based on Little Red Riding Hood and Swan Lake! [ With Boomer as Prince Siegfried/Odette ]