So, I thought I should probably finish this as I've had some more followers of this story recently and didn't want anyone to have to wait any longer!

Now I can try and concentrate on the other projects…

Enjoy and thanks for coming along for the ride!


Snow fell quietly onto the raised wooden decking, covering the panels in a light dusting of white powder. The gardens were in a similar state, the petals of foreign flowers and the leaves of ancient tree's all dappled with the same ivory shower that had already cast it's hushed silence over the crowded village of Konoha.

Tired green eye's admired the view, her pink hair tangled from sleep and last night's activities with the man sleeping soundly next to her. At the thought of him she turned her head on the pillow, smiling at his relaxed face as his light snore's echoed throughout the peace and serenity of the early morning quiet. His hair had come loose and was a halo of tangles around his handsome face that she would almost certainly be brushing out for him later. She sighed happily, hardly believing where life and fate had taken her. She brushed her fingers gently along his bare arm and shifted closer to feel the warmth of his body near hers before turning her attention back to the beautiful view across the Hyuuga gardens.

Two years had past since that fateful night where she had affirmed her feelings for Neji and he had gifted her with his mother's jewel. She glanced at it, sitting proudly atop her nightstand next to the bed. A blush tickled her cheeks as she recalled last night where he had pulled it from her hair and placed it there before removing the rest of her clothing. Her head started to pound slightly as the effects of last nights drinking caught up with her. She moaned slightly, shutting her eye's briefly at the on coming headache. Movement on the mattress next to her distracted her thoughts momentarily and she opened one eye to see a pair of beautiful ivory ones staring back up at her.

She grinned, "Morning, sleepy."

He blinked, rolling over so as to wrap his arms around her waist and bury his face in the grove of her neck, closing his eye's tiredly again he replied quietly, "Morning."

She wrapped her arms around him, running her hands up and down his toned back in a soothing manner. "Still tired?"

He nodded into her, not replying with words.

"That's ok, it's early. Go back to sleep, love."

She assumed he had done just that when she received no response and went back to staring out of their large balcony doors, her hands still running soothing patterns into his back. His warmth radiated onto her skin and she eagerly welcomed it; they were both completely naked and there was a light chill in the air from where the heating hadn't kicked in yet. She sighed quietly, enjoying this rare moment of peace that allowed them to spend a few romantic hours just in each others embrace.

"It's snowing..." He murmured, his lip's brushing against her neck as he spoke.

Sakura glanced down at him to see his eye's open and staring out of the window, seemingly transfixed by the sight. She smiled, nodding. "Beautiful, isn't it?"

"My head hurt's.", was the reply she got. She rolled her eye's lightly, a chuckle escaping her lips as she brought her hands up to his temples and rubbed them gently, her green chakra echoing around his forehead as she healed his hangover. He squeezed her waist and kissed her skin softly in thanks. She did the same for her own head, relishing in the cool sensation of her healing chakra as it soothed her aching mind and dampened the nausea bubbling in her stomach.

Feeling more like herself now she shifted down under the covers until her head rested against Neji's chest, his strong arms wrapped tightly around her and their legs tangled together in a mess of limbs. She inhaled his scent and took comfort in the skin to skin contact.

"Can we just stay like this forever?" She muttered, pressing her palm's into his chest so as to look up at him.

His pale eye's crinkled slightly as he smiled down at her, leaning over and kissing her softly in response.

"One day..." He smiled against her lips as he spoke.

Butterflies arose in her stomach as he continued his ministrations, lazily drawing circles across her back as his lips worked magic against hers. She was transfixed, drugged by his presence as she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him closer, her free leg running slowly up the back of his thigh.

She was addicted, rendered incapable by his aura.

A knock at the door interrupted their moment.

"Master?", a maid called.

Neji groaned into Sakura's bare neck, burying his head into her skin as he tried to drown out the noise of they're early morning wake up call.

Sakura sighed, replying for him. "Thank you Aya. We will be out soon." She called softly, "Go back to the warmth of your bed until the preparations start."

"Thank you ma'am!" The muffled response came through the door, the young woman clearly pleased to be allowed to sleep in, "Your breakfast is ready and waiting."

Sakura listened, content, as the maid's footfalls became more and more distant. She sighed gently; when Hinata took the mantle from her father the first thing Neji and Sakura were going to propose was to abolish the ancient notion of having maids and butlers. There was no need, they could all look after themselves perfectly fine.

"You're thinking about it again, aren't you?", Neji raised his head to stare down at her, his pale eyes crinkled with admiration, "You are too good, Haruno Sakura."

"I wonder how long she has been up?" The pinkette mused, her mouth twisting with emotion, "How long has she has been making preparations just to make our morning that little bit easier? Even before she has looked after herself!" She buried her face into her hands, feeling an anger boil beneath the surface.

Neji smiled, nuzzling his face against hers gently, "We will fix this. You know we will. Just a little longer and my Uncle will become an elder and Hinata will be in charge. God save us all..."

She removed her hands, giggling as she nuzzled her nose against his and pressed her lips to his warm ones in a chaste kiss. Before his hands could wander any further she threw back the covers and threw her legs over the side. He flopped onto the mattress as she slipped from his hands and he groaned face down into the fabric as the cold from the early morning swept over the skin of his back, causing goosebumps to ripple across the surface.

"Come on, It's Christmas!" Sakura grinned, wrapping her kimono dressing gown tightly around her waist before tugging on the toes of his feet. "Let's go!"


Kakashi stared at his surroundings, finding them eerily similar to the last two years. Every christmas had now found him round at the Hyuuga's estate, fidgeting in his itchy grey kimono as he desperately tried to ignore all of the dignified elders that stared down their noses at him and instead tried to find his pink haired student who was the cause of all his discomfort on this particular day each year, and every year he always found her in the same place, stood next to Hyuuga Neji and greeting their guests as they filed into the large hall.

He quietly made his way over, joining the short queue of people that were lined up to be greeted by the Hyuuga's, stopping occasionally to discuss clan matters with Hiashi only to be hurried on by Hinata. He noted how Sakura was leant against Neji's side, her arm linked comfortably within the crook of his elbow as he used his opposite hand to shake guests welcoming ones. She was dressed in her usual white and floral kimono that had now been flecked with even more elements of gold that glittered and shone under the dim lights of the room. She had a pink blush scattered across her cheeks and her eyes shone with barely contained love for the man she was with as she constantly glanced up at his handsome face, admiring him with a hooded gaze before turning back to smile and greet the next guest.

"Kakashi-sensei!" Sakura grinned, removing herself from her partner as she took a step off from where they were stood on a small podium and wrapped her arms around him in a tight embrace. She wrinkled her nose at him as she glanced him up and down, "You didn't even straighten out your kimono!"

He glanced down over his mask at his attire, frantically trying to whether he'd dragged his iron out of the cupboard that day or whether he had dreamt it when Sakura's rising giggle interrupted his inner ramblings.

She slapped him on the arm, "Got ya!"

"Good one," He deadpanned; falling for the same joke every year was starting to show his age.

"Come on, lets go get a drink." She grinned, quickly escaping from the next group of haughty Hyuuga elders as she dragged him unceremoniously through the crowd and to the open bar.

The evening followed quickly behind and soon Kakashi found himself seated in the great dining hall and avoiding eating any food so not to remove his mask. Instead of being seated amongst the crowed, however, he found himself in an uncomfortable sandwich between Neji and Hiashi, who tried his best to make small talk with the silver haired nin but failed miserably each time. What on earth did he have to talk about with the clan elder anyway?

Soon the dancing commenced and the lights were dimmed as Kakashi joined Naruto on the sidelines of the crowd as they watched couples gracefully drift across the polished floor like water on a pane of glass, the women Kimonos flowing out behind them and desperately trying to keep up. He felt content, stood with his friends, a drink in his hand and soft music enveloping his being until he felt completely weightless.

A noticeable change in his demeanour occurred as his one free eye found his pink haired student and crinkled as he smiled, watching Neji swing her around the dance floor, her face flushed and a huge grin stretching her cheeks as she laughed at his antics. He was happy she had finally found peace; Sasuke's absence had left a hole in all their hearts, but hers was torn the most and he was worried she would never love again.

Yet here she was, in the arms of the most unlikely man he could ever of imagined.

His eyes widened slightly as he watched Neji stop, taking a step back from her holding her hands in his.

He felt his mouth drop open and his breath hitch as the Hyuuga knelt down onto one knee, cheers of shock and excitement erupting from the crowd surrounding them.

He felt his heart hammering in his chest as he watched Sakura cup her hands over her shriek of surprise, tears streaming from her forest green eyes and she looked on at the man she whole heartedly loved as he pulled a box from his haori and opened the lid onto a beautiful, dusty pink diamond.

He felt his chest swell with pride as Sakura nodded her head and threw her arms around Neji's neck as he spun her in circles, Naruto jumping enthusiastically beside him as he clapped him hard on the back in excitement, fist pumping the air and hollering loudly at the pair.

He felt his eyes water as Sakura span her head around, frantically looking for him until her eyes latched onto his and she sprinted over to him, throwing herself into his arms as he caught her easily, patting her head gently as he soothed her sobs. He knew why she was crying; she was not only mourning the loss of Sasuke, but the loss of her old self too. He felt his own tears trickle and he pulled back, rubbing at them embarrassedly as he smiled down at her, his free eye crinkling under the strain.

"Kakashi-sensei!" She gasped, showing him her hand, "Did you see that? Did you see?" She asked, rubbing her cheeks with her free hand as she tried to rid herself to the overwhelmingly happy emotion.

She had never felt so free.

"It's beautiful, Sakura-chan." he grinned, rubbing her hair gently with his bandaged hand, "Merry Christmas."

She smiled back up at him, ignoring the crowd for a moment as she enjoyed this moment with him, "Merry Christmas, Sensei."

The music engulfed their senses again as Neji came up behind her and hugged her from behind, he too was grinning from ear to ear and he let her go briefly to shake Kakashi outstretched hand, accepting his congratulations with a nod of his head and flash of his silvery, lilac eyes.

Soon, she had disappeared from view as the newly engaged pair were engulfed by hoards of people desperate to see the ring and shake Neji's hand. Kakashi watched them go with a small smile, finishing his glass of sake through his mask he set it aside and joined Naruto as he talked with clan elders in excitement about the now up coming wedding.

He finally felt contempt.

He finally felt complete.

Naruto was happy and Sakura was happy.

His work here was done.


Sakura stared at the ring that now sat on her finger, the light glinting across its surface as she turned her hand from side to side, admiring how the light pink changed colour depending on where she held it.

"It's so beautiful…" She murmured, clasping the arms that held her from behind.

"I'm glad you like it." Neji smiled, burying his head into her hair as he inhaled her scent.

They lay in bed, post coital and completely naked, the back of her head resting on his shoulder as he enveloped her from behind in his loose embrace. They watched the snow quietly falling across their balcony, its ivory flecks dancing wildly against the black shadows of the garden that stretched out into the night.

"I cant describe it," she started, "its like there's been this big hole in my chest all this time and now suddenly its full again."

Neji chuckled, "That's called love, dearest."

"I think it may be more than that," She tipped her head back to look at him upside down, "I think its fate."

He gave her a squeeze, "Maybe, but lets not interfere with it, hm? Let's, let it run its course. See where it takes us. We are entwined now so you are going to have to put up with me forever, I'm afraid."

She chuckled again, running her fingers across the warm skin of his arms, "I think I can live with that."

An image of Sasuke crossed her vision and she watched it carefully, blinking as he walked from the foot of the bed and to the balcony door where it sat open to let in some fresh air. He turned to her before he exited, a small smile playing across his lips before he lifted his hand and gave her a small wave of goodbye before the wind blew in, his head tipped back and he dissipated into the night.

She found her hand raised too, her body flushed with satisfaction at seeing Sasuke's approval.

"Are you all right, love?" Neji muttered, watching her hand settle back onto the sheets of the bed.

She nodded, smiling to herself.

She was whole again.

