In response to blumoones story challenge ...


Twas the night of christmas and all through the safe house, not a vampire was stirring...exept for Jessica.

Jessica Hamby had always loved Christmas. It had been her favorite holiday growing up. She adored the colors and the lights and the carols and as a child she and her younger sister would wake up at six am every Christmas morning an enthusiasticly wake up their parents, before ripping into their gifts under the tree.

Her mother would always fix cinnamon buns or pancakes for breakfast, and then they would get dressed and go to her grandparents home to spend the day and have Christmas dinner.

These were all traditions of the past now.

Now she was a vampire, and no longer had the ability, or desire for that matter, to consume glazed ham and sweet potatoes. She did miss her family though, well, her little sister anyway. She didnt miss her human parents much at all she realized, she just hoped her sister was happy and safe wherever she was.

Her first Christmas as a vampire had been a bit of a let down to say the least. Her maker was all mopey and depressed about Sookie being missing, and he hadnt even bothered to put up a tree.

She was living with Hoyt at the time and they had only been able to afford a small Charlie Brown-like tree and had exchanged gifts with each other, but it wasnt the same. It didn't feel like Christmas at all, just like going through the motions.

This year, however, things were going to be different so it seemed.

The world above ground was somewhat post apocolyptic , all thanks to her dear maker, or as Pam often referred to him by his full name...Bill Bitchbag Compton...Pam had such a way with words.

After they all escaped from the authority, they had hastily retreated to one of Eric Northmans safe houses and had been there ever since. They would all watch the news footage of the world crumbling from the comfort and safety of the ten thousand square foot underground lair.

The government eventually managed to take him out, a task that was made rather challenging by his new "billith" status. That was six months ago and although the world was slowly being put back together, it was less than desirable conditions especially for vampires, so Eric decided it would be best that they remain hidden for now, which suited her just fine.

As one might expect, things weren't so warm and cuddly in the beginning, or even now...vampires arent very cuddly... they all annoyed each other and had the occasional disagreement, but all that aside, after almost a year of being cooped up in the same house together, they were like one big dysfunctional undead family.

So when Eric came walking into the sitting room a few weeks ago dragging an 8 foot douglus fur and a box of colored glass bulbs, she had practically burst with exitement, earning an eyeroll from Tara her BVF, and a few sarcastic comments from Pam, although she could see the contentment on both of their faces as they all came together as a family to decorate the tree.

The red headed baby vamp was currently standing in front of Pam and Taras bedroom door, internally debating with herself on whether she should wake them. She knew it was still early but she was excited and couldn't wait to start opening gifts.

Reaching her hand out tentatively, she paused once more, then finally she gathered her courage and knocked three times. No answer. She waited a few moments and tried again. Still nothing.

Jessica bit her lip. She almost turned and headed back to her room, but her excitement got the best of her and with a sudden boldness, she stepped forward, gripping the door handle and turned it slowly.

Peeking inside, she was relieved to see two motionless heaps under the comforter. As a vampire, she was used to a sexual lifestyle, it didnt bother her one bit... she was no prude, but after a year of sharing a wall with these two and hearing them make sounds and murmur things that should NEVER be heard by ANYONE save for the two of them, catching an accidental glimpse of their raw unbridled passion might've been enough to traumatize the baby vamp and scar her for the rest of her eternal death.

Tiptoeing gracefully towards the king sized canopy bed that looked like it was stolen from a honeymoon suite, Jessica couldn't stop the dopey smile from spreading over her face as she took in the sight of her slumbering house mates.

Surrounded by silky sheets and a big puffy comforter Pam and Tara lay peacefully still, Tara on her back arms wrapped tight around her maker whose body was prone atop of hers, face buried in the nook between the younger vampires neck and shoulder, blonde curls scattered in disarray all over the place. They looked so comfortable and relaxed, Jessica knew she couldnt possibly bring herself to disturb them, so she reluctantly decided to head back to her room and just wait.

Unable to help herself though, before she left she turned back pulling out her phone from her robe pocket and snapped a quick picture of the two of them. Even after a year she still couldnt get over how adorable the two of them were together sometimes. Smiling to herself, she tucked her phone away and turned quietly toward the exit.

"You should know, firecrotch...I once staked a vampire just for wearing plaid in my presence..." The eldest vampire in the room drawled icily, not even bothering to open her eyes or lift her head from its cozy spot against her progenys neck.

The sound of Pams voice stopped the forever teen in her tracks and she gulped audibly as she turned back around slowly to face her.

"That being said, I hope you have a terribly interesting and elaborate reason to be entering my bedroom unannounced and waking me at the crack of dusk..." Pam said, lifting her head a bit to glare at her.

"Well..." Jessica stumbled nervously. "I did knock. ...twice. Soooo I mean technically it wasnt unannounced..."

Jessica let her eyes land on Tara, desperatey hoping she would wake up and save her from Pams wrath, but much to her dissapointment the ebony skinned vampire remained motionless and in a deep slumber. Tara was a hard sleeper and had proven to be almost impossible to wake up at times.

"Its too early for technicalities, cupcake...tell me what the hell you want or go away!" The blonde vampire groused and Jessica rolled her eyes and sighed.

She opened her mouth to speak, but before the first word could roll off her tounge, the sound of Erics dismbodied voice came booming through the safehouse.

"Pamela..." Eric warned.

"Eric..." The blonde shot back sarcastically.

"Its Christmas." He replied.

Pam scoffed. "Im well aware of what day it is Eric, thank you...are any of you assholes aware of what time it is?!" The blonde drawled grouchily.

Eric just chuckled, which made Pam even more irritated, she clenched her jaw and shook her head slowly as her maker continued to speak in a bored tone.

"Get up. Now."

Pam rolled her eyes at the command and heaved a dramatic sigh.

"Fine!" She spat

She narrowed her eyes at Jessica who was still standing at the foot of her bed akwardly, causing the young vampire to immediately wipe the smirk off her face. When she failed to move after a moment Pam rolled her ocean blue eyes and sighed again.

"Run along cheeto...we'll be out in a jiffy!" The blonde quipped with exaggerated enthusiasm and a forced smile.

Jessica scurried out of the room to join Eric in the living room, shutting the door behind her, and Pams face finally relaxed.

She let her gaze drop to Taras still sleeping form and she smiled softly. Reaching down she carded her fingers through her progenys dark tresses briefly and then leaned in to press a few firm kisses to a cocoa pout. Atleast someone in this house should get to wake up peacefully, she thought to herself .

"Tara..." she spoke softly, stroking her child's cheek.

Taras eyes fluttered open and she yawned and arched her back a little, stretching before looking at Pam and smiling sleepily.

"Hey." She croaked, her voice tired and raspy.

The elder vampire vampire smirked and sped on top of her childe so that there faces were inches apart.

"Hi." Pam purred, kissing her softly. "Merry Christmas Mon Ange." She murmured against Taras lips. (My angel)

Tara wrapped her arms around her makers lithe frame and pulled her in for another kiss, deeper this time, her tounge slipping into Pams mouth.

"Merry Christmas" Tara replied, breaking the kiss and tucking a wayward curl behind Pams ear.

The blonde arched a sculpted brow then leaned back in and nipped and pecked at Taras lips playfully, moaning when her progeny brought her hips upward pressing into her own center firmly and started undulating slowly.

Pam brought herself over so that she was straddling Taras left thigh, pressing her knee against her progenys dampening center and thrusting forward causing them both to groan at the sudden friction, neither woman seemed to mind the cloth barriers of their pajamas.

Taras fangs clicked down as a wanton moan passed her lips and Pam chuckled, capturing her lips in another fiery kiss. The two of them soon became lost in the sensation as things heated up quickly.

Pam gasped into Taras mouth as she quickened her thrusts and cried out when her progeny began meeting them with her own. She could feel herself getting worked up very quickly and she screwed her eyes shut and tried to focus on bringing them both to climax.

"Pam..." Erics exasperated voice rang through the walls of their bedroom once again and Pam growled, if she had been able to breath fire, she would have in that moment. She stopped rolling her hips and opened her eyes, looking sympathetically down at Tara who looked a little disoriented as she hissed and looked around. Her progeny seemed to be annoyed and confused at the same time.

Gritting her teeth and regaining what she could muster of her composure, she willed herself to slide off of her lover and sit up.

"Cmon." She spoke in a defeated tone.

Tara looked at her and tilted her head to the side. "Come where?" She asked, looking up at her maker imploringly. She could feel how early it was, it was still light outside. They never woke up this early, and if they did wake up they certainly didn't get up.

Pam scooted off the edge of the bed and stood up, putting on a soft yellow robe over her silky cream colored pajamas.

"Its Christmas darlin...and apparently my maker and your baby vamp bestie have the mentality of eight year old children this year and are waiting for us out there." Pam groused irritably, gesturing her hand towards the direction of tge house where the rest of the vampires were undoubtedly waiting impatiently.

Tara snorted and propped herself up on her elbows, smirking at Pam. She couldn't help but chuckle to herself as the image of Eric and Jessica crowded around the tree waiting to open gifts entered her mind.

Pam just rolled her eyes. "Come love." She whispered softly holding out her hand for her childe to take.

Tara brought her eyes up to meet Pams and smiled as she allowed her maker to help her up. The young vampire pulled on a soft grey hoodie and they exited the bedroom to join the rest of their family hand in


There will be one more chapter to conclude this story. I will post it as soon as I can. Thanks for reading and reviews always warm my heart. ? Tamela 4 eva