Okay so I know almost everyone has done a fic for Oikawa based off Say Something by A Great Big World and Christina Aguilera and that one time someone mentions a girl dumped him because he was too obsessed with volleyball to the point where it has become absurd and overused...but I wanted to join the party! (((p(o)q)))

Also mine has a happy ending so *shrugs*

This is my first time writing for Haikyuu! and I think Oikawa is pretty OOC so any constructive criticism is greatly appreciated!

Say Something [Tooru Oikawa]

She tried to keep up with him for so long. He was fast, always a few steps ahead and beyond, but she had never minded. In fact, she loved it; she loved that he was so far out of her reach but still noticed her, she loved that he was always moving, always laughing, always happy.

He isn't happy now.

She reaches out for his hand and thinks he moves to slip his fingers through hers, lacing them together like so many loose threads. She takes a step forward and he does too, reaching out to cup her cheek in the palm of his hand. He slides it back up and threads his fingers through her hair, pressing her face into his chest. Her hands clutch at the back of his practice jersey, and he hears her suck in a deep, shaking breath.

"Say something." She whispers, and he realises he had never heard her voice quite like he heard it then. She whispers, but it is like she is screaming because all he can hear behind it is her torment and her pain, every bit of which he has caused her.

His other hand circles around her waist and she almost sobs. It is so familiar, yet so achingly distant. It has been so long since he took the time to hold her like this, and now it is finally happening again she doesn't know what to do. So she pulls back a fraction of an inch, ignoring the look of panic in his eyes as she moves away from him, and lays her hand on his cheek.

"Please." She tells him. "I need to know."

He swallows hard and she can see the tears in the corners of his eyes brimming, real, not like with Iwaizumi. Whatever he says now she will believe him, even if it's exactly the same as what he has been telling her all along; especially then.

"I love you." He promises her, and she feels her heart clench as the hurt becomes too much for his body to handle and the tears spill over, one beautiful, tragic drop at a time. It carves a path down his cheek, marring his perfect skin, but she is unable to brush it away like she has wanted to do so many times before if only he had let her. "I love you so much and this is what I want. But only as long as you do."

She looks away and buries her face in his chest, holding him as tight as she can without hurting him, because she wants this. She wants him so badly it hurts her; she loves him and a life without him wouldn't be worth it because she is in too deep and she thinks, now, that maybe he is the same.

"I do." She murmurs, and everything is quiet. She isn't sure that anything else needs to be said. He is stroking her gently, from her hair down to her back, over and over and she thinks that, if this is where their love brings them, maybe it isn't as bad as she first thought.

Being in love with him was hard. It almost wasn't worth it. But at the same time, nothing could be worth more. The pain they felt only went to show how much he meant to her and how much this was worth.

He breaks the silence first. She isn't sure whether he is laughing or crying, but he rains kisses upon her hair, murmuring 'thank goodness' to himself between them, over and over. She feels inclined to agree, but for now all she can bring herself to do is bask in the love he was finally showing her because from here it can only get harder, and it can only get better.