This is a full remake of The Shadow Hunter. I decided to remake the whole story because it felt like I fucked up Daniel entirely, and that I would like to change him.
Not completely to the point he becomes an entirely new person, but to make him more natural, more normal...

Well... as normal as you can make an OC these days, without making them a Mary or Gary Stu in fanfiction world.


A new life has begun for Daniel "Urufu" Darkscryer after making a pack with his father(s). He and his adopted sister Zaikaria "Enjeru" Vyner Darkscryer, make their way to the Hunter's exam, wanting to achieve and try something new.


Killua X Daniel (OC)

Character Description

Name: Daniel Darkscryer

Gender: Male

Aliases: Urufu

Birthday: 18/06

Age: 12 years old

Eye Colour: Azure Blue eyes

Hair Colour: Black

Hair Style: Long, un-styled, bed hair. From behind he is mistaken for a girl.

Distinguishing Features: A wolfish face which is more noticeable with a toothy grin

Height: 149 cm/ 4'10"

Weight: 47 kg

Body type: An average build.

Personality: Argumentative, loner, careless and a joker

Back story:

Daniel A.K.A Urufu (Adopted sister's Aliases) grew up with two dads Vastorie (Mother figure) and Nathaniel (Father figure). He lived in a family of semi-assassins.

His father Nathaniel refused to allow Daniel to go down that path (Assassin) and instead, trained him to defend himself as well as weapon master training alongside defence. Although his touched on multiple weapon styles, he mastered the spear and chain whip by the age of 12.

He briefly touched on Nen and has learnt only 'Ten' so far.

With his skills, he decided to take the legendary Hunters exam, hoping to travel the world and discover what his truly looking.

Personal Goals: To find out the nagging feeling at the back of his mind.

Bad Habits:

* Not listening to others when he wants to do it his way, even if he's wrong.

* Doesn't take things seriously. Unless, it comes to family, friends, people he cares about, or when the situation calls for it!

* He's afraid of his actions and how they will affect his future.

Current attire

* Red shirt

* Black vest, jeans and shoes

* A messenger bag that's a silvery black colour and a large werewolf on all fours, printed on the side.


Name: Zaikaria Vyner Darkscryer

Gender: Female

Aliases: Enjeru

Birthday: 28/05

Age: 23 years old

Eye Colour: Green

Hair Colour: Fiery Red

Hair Style: Long and curled

Height: 165 cm/ 5'5"

Weight: 63 kg

Body type: Slim

Personality: Serious, playful (Sometimes), perfectionist and a controller (Only on certain things).

Nen: Specialist

Distinguishing Features: Fiery red hair?

Back story:

Zaikaria grew up as an orphan with only with her mother's maiden name, Vyner. For most of her life she had been hearing loud voices which scared her. After being called a monster for four years, she was kicked out of the orphanage and became a homeless child.

With little to no skills, she fended for herself for two years, before running into Vastorie Darkscryer. He opened his hand for her, offering a new more stable life. She took his hand and began a new life as a 'Darkscryer' while wanting to keep her mother's maiden name 'Vyner'.

She learned to master the voices by age ten and Nen by the age of twenty.

When Daniel was born, she made a vow and wanted to protect the child of the one who gave her a chance in life.

Zaikaria is a Specialist and her Nen ability is called Endless Noise. Only Vastorie and Zaikaria are aware of her Pros and Cons, seeing as Vastorie helped her develop the ability and learn to control it.

She can read minds and alter memories (Removing, Locking or Changing) the original memory.

Personal Goals: To one day find out what happened to her mother.

Bad Habits:

* Her way or the highway.

* Loves to tease people, and play with their mentality.

Current attire

* Loose white V-neck shirt

* Blue jeans

* Black high heels

* Pink duffle bag with a cat printed on the side.

Daniel stood around the Hunter's gathering hall, flicking his tag which displayed the number 64. He sighs impatiently, looking up to his sister, hoping to find out when something's going to happen.

"Hey Zaikaria," Daniel open up a conversation, met with a somewhat distant voice "Hmm...?"

Daniel continued, even without her full attention "When-"

"Is the exam going to start?" Zaikaria blurts out without a single care in the world.

Daniel freaked out, retreating into his mind for a moment "You always freak me out when you do that..."

Zaikaria chuckles, turning to give Daniel her complete attention "I'm you big sister! I should always know what you're thinking..."

Daniel nods after taking in the information.

Zaikaria calmly blurts out next "Doesn't help that you're predictable as well..."

"I'm not predictable, Enjeru!" Daniel huffs, quickly turning away to exaggerate his anger towards Zaikaria. Zaikaria chuckles as she reaches down to pat Daniel on the head. Daniel instinctively swats away her hand, quickly muttering under his breath softly "You know I don't like that..."

Zaikaria nods as she looks back at the crowd "I know... but you shouldn't let it stop you from feeling some sort of comfort from others. What if a girlfriend wants to-"

"Or boyfriend!" Daniel responds dryly, "I might like guys too..."

Zaikaria's mouth softens into a warm smile.

During that time, Daniel failed to notice the smile, too busy focusing on the candidates.

"Ok, what if the person you love, wants to touch your hair? Are you going to say 'screw you'?"

Zaikaria chuckles at Daniel's obvious pout.

"I'll just tell them they can't. Anything but that... or... I don't know..." Daniel cuts himself off in uncertainty "I've only known one person who's gotten away with it..."

Zaikaria frowns slightly, trying to avoid Daniel from seeing it "Nathaniel?"

Daniel shakes his head as he looks up at his sister, noticing her smile straight away "No... I have a feeling I know them... But at the same time, my mind feels like I don't know them at all... It's weird..."

Daniel clenches his hands a few times, looking down at floor in hopes of gaining some sort of answer "It feels like this person is close to me... yet so far away..." He sighed, continuing to look down at the floor.

Zaikaria murmurs "It's probably just your heart calling out for attention..." She rests her hand on Daniel's shoulder, hoping to gain his attention. Instead, she's cut off by a short stubby man with a huge nose.

"Hi, I'm Tonpa! You girls must be new."

Daniel lifts his head, turning around to look up at Tonpa curiously "Excuse me?!"

"Correction, this is my brother Urufu." Zaikaria smiles in a joking manner.

Tonpa raises a hand to the back of his head, feeling quite stupid and awkward for mistaking someone's gender "Sorry, sorry. The long hair made me think otherwise..." Tonpa shakes Zaikaria's hand.

As Tonpa attempts to shake Daniel's hand, he raises an eyebrow when the boy raises a hand to object "That's my Aliases, only by her. My name is actually Daniel and she's Zaikaria..." Daniel then sighs, lowering his head back down "Anyways, I get that a lot... You aren't the first and you certainly won't be the last..."

Tonpa smiles, next pulling out a couple of soda cans from his messenger bag, hoping to offer to the boy and his sister.

Zaikaria smiles, lifting a hand to turn down the drink "I'm fine... I'm not feeling thirsty at all." Daniel mutters a 'thank you' under his breath as he takes one from Tonpa, opening it to take a sip. As he's about to take a sip, Zaikaria speaks up "You do realise that's tomato juice flavoured."

Daniel eyes widen in shock, spitting it back out before he could swallow "Are you serious?!"

Tonpa looks in shock as Zaikaria lifts a finger to her cheek, smiling cunningly soon after "Sorry, it was orange flavoured... my bad."

More like dirt flavoured now... Daniel thought as he wiped his mouth clean, before muttering out loud "You don't just make a mistake like that... Sorry Tonpa, looks like I spilt my drink."

Tonpa offers another "No problems you can have another, there's plenty more to go around."

Daniel smiles shyly at Tonpa, apologising again "Nah. I feel bad for taking another. Give it to someone else."

Tonpa nods before moving on to greet others.

Zaikaria sighs, lightly touching Daniel's shoulder "It's a good thing you didn't drink that... it was poisoned."

Daniel looks up in concern at Zaikaria "Poisoned?! How would you know something like that...?"

She sighs, moving on to scratch the back of her head with a huge smile "It's the way he looks. The weird eyebrows were... a dead giveaway. They looked like two huge angry caterpillars on his face... He seriously needs to trim those monsters!"

Daniel snickers as he looks up at the roof, trying to force time to move faster with his mind. To no avail, he instead focused on what he assumes to be the sound of a skateboard rolling by. As Daniel's head drops, he sees a kid close to his age skateboarding by without a care in the world.

He smiles on the inside, barely muttering out loud in a nonchalant tone "His cute..."

Zaikaria looks at Daniel in shock "Whose cute?"

Did I really say cute...?Daniel thought, raising a finger to try point out the white haired kid "Number 99... I think. The white hair kid on the skateboard..."

Zaikaria flinches as Daniel looks up her in concern "You've look like you've seen a ghost..." A smile widens across his face, Zaikaria freaking out on the inside I have to end this now before Daniel starts to break down my mind barrier.

Turning to look at Daniel, she retorts back calmly "He looks like one... And it's rude to point!"

"I'm only making it easier to find him..."

"How many white-haired kids do you see... or even kids for that matter?!"

"Right... two, including myself..."

The elevator chimes, letting the people know that there's someone else here. Daniel sighs as his eyes drift to the elevator "Probably another old guy..."

Much to Daniel's surprise, another boy close to his age, as well as an older man and teenager steps off.

"He looks cheerful..."

Daniel head drifts to look at Zaikaria "How so?"

Zaikaria shrugs "The best way to put it, he looks like a bright sun glaring at your face in the morning... after trying to sleep with the drapes open. It's impossible to not notice..."

Daniel nods as he looks back, realising everyone else has stopped to stare as well. The kid in the group exclaims loudly "Excuse me..." though; he stops immediately after realising something. He dropped his hand to comment on the situation "Everyone's really tense." The kid looks around as he speaks, looking directly at Daniel after spotting him.

As their eyes connect, Daniel gives a weak smile, lifting a hand to wave at the kid. As the kid waves back with a huge smile, Daniel mutters under his breath "You right... He looks really happy!"

"What about him? Is he cute...?" Zaikaria asks. Daniel shrugs "I guess so... I still... I don't know there's something about him..." Daniel loses his track of mind, unable to find the words he wants to voice out. Please shut up brain... you shouldn't go there!

His so damn persistent...!Zaikaria thought to herself before interrupting Daniel's train of thoughts "I don't know... That kid didn't look like he knew the meaning of smiling..." Daniel looks up at her to flash a toothy grin "Everyone smiles... they just need a reason to..."

Zaikaria shrugs "I still don't know... he gives a bad vibe..." Please let it go! I don't want...

"Maybe his just bored like me... You don't know!" Daniel growls as Zaikaria is taken back, the sudden hostility intriguing, and frightening her track of thoughts "Who got your panties in a bunch...?! You never defend strangers..."

Daniel shakes his head in bemusement, keeping silent over the comment. Zaikaria raises an eyebrow, quickly turning away.

I can't believe that even happened! His somehow resisting the memory block, and for a second, his anger on the night released...Our father is one cocky bastard! I'll show him... I'll stop Daniel from chasing after Killua... I'll prove that you that I can change fate! I just hope it's soon... before he remembers anything! Before... he realises he even has feeling for him, or more like had... or is it had a crush?

Zaikaria looks at Killua, seeing a faint line of aura connected between them.As Zaikaria is thinking to herself, Daniel had thoughts of his own.

I don't know... He looks like he just needs a hug and a friend... Maybe I can be that friend... Don't know about the hug though... He doesn't look like the type who openly wants a hug...

A scream of agony echoes throughout the room, silencing both Zaikaria and Daniel's take of thoughts as well as making everyone look in the direction of the noise. Daniel and Zaikaria's heads jolt up, they barely see the red flower petals float up into the air, before floating back down towards the ground soon after.

Zaikaria shivers in delight as a low irritated growl escapes a man's lips "Oh, how peculiar... His arms seem to have become flower petals. No smoke and mirrors here..."

He pauses to let the words sink in.

"Oh... he sounds and looks hot..." Zai murmurs, only to be rebutted by Daniel soon after "He looks scary... and gives clowns a bad name..."

"Do YOU see a red nose?!"

Daniel shakes his head as the man continues on, before Daniel could say anything else. "Do take care. When you bump into someone, you really should apologize."

Murmuring can be heard throughout the room as Daniel barely hears who he assumes to be Tonpa's voice among the crowd "That Psychopath is back again." Daniel's ears perk up, hoping to hear the name of the man "Number 44, Hisoka, the magician."

He failed to hear the next part. Sighing, Daniel whispers the name "Hisoka... the Psychopathic magician clown... Avoid him if I want to live..."

Zaikaria waves a hand to jokingly dismiss Daniel's comment "More like Hisoka the hottie with a perfect seductive voice..." She clasps her hands together, fluttering her eyes as if she's already planning their wedding.

Daniel grumbles in disgust, imagining her in a wedding dress and Hisoka in a tuxedo, walking down the aisle as flowers fall down behind them "Disturbing..." Zaikaria snaps out of her daydream, looking down at Daniel "What?! I'm only kidding!"

Daniel lets out a sigh of relief, which in turn makes Zaikaria lets out a long throaty laugh before calmly responding "Still... his so dreamy..."

"Yeah... if you didn't mind possibly dying..." Daniel sighs.

Zaikaria pouts over Daniel's response "What makes you think that, hmm...?"

He looks up at her weird "He just turned a guys arm into flower petals... because he didn't apologising after bumping into him..."

She nods with a huge smile "Even then, I'm only just teasing you..."

"I already get enough of that from my father... Thank - you - very - much!"

A ringing noises echo throughout the room for a few seconds before being silenced. As the door behind everyone opens, they see a tall thin man in a purple tuxedo and pink hair, holding onto a weird object.

"I apologize for the wait. The entry period for the Hunter applicants has ended. The Hunter Exam will now begin!"