Ice and Fire

Chapter 1


" , you have one last patient to see tonight." One of the many nurses said to me. I sigh. I'm just ready to go home after a long shift but I love my job. Being a pediatrician has always been my dream. I love working with kids. The way their minds work is very interesting. How they can be mad at you for a minute and the next they love you unconditionally. I wish we all were like kids. Always happy with each other and if we got mad, it would be only for mere seconds.

I walk into my last patient. I assessed her and made her a happy little girl when I brought out a candy from my lab coat. That's what I lived for. To see those smiles everyday. I could never get enough.

I was ready to go home but to my luck, I knew something would come up to ruin the afternoon I had to myself. I got a call from Lauren and quickly answered. "Hey Amy!" "What's up, Lauren?" "I need your help. Can you swing by my house for a little bit?" "As long as it doesn't take all night," I said. I love Lauren but sometimes I wish she could do without asking for so many favors. She held a day care at her house. Not that she needed the money. She was married to a guy named Kevin who was a lawyer. She just held the day care to have something to do throughout the day. Secretly, I think she just wants the practice. I feel like she wants to start popping kids soon. I laugh at the thought. She can be very persistent to what she does. Always achieving what she wants.

I pull up to Lauren's drive way. It's almost completely dark. I walk up to the door and she swings it open. I didn't even get to knock on the door. Almost as if she was spying on me make my way to the door. "Weirdo," I grinned at her. "Shut up. I have a situation." "Is a life or death? Because I think you're better off going to the ER," I said in a concerned tone. "It's not me. One of the kids I babysit swallowed a small toy but she didn't choke or anything. She literally ate it and went about her day." I could tell she was scared as hell. You never want to mess with anyone's kids. The parents will become very protective. Like. Lioness and her cub. "Well, if she's not dying then I'm sure she'll be ok." "Do you mind checking her out? Just to be safe?" "Sure. Is she still here?" "Yeah, her mom will be here shortly. She's the last kiddo I have left." I turn to look for the little girl and she's sitting on the dinning table coloring. I smile. She was adorable. She had auburn hair and a porcelain skin. I walk up to her and say, "hey there princess, are you feeling strange or anything?" She smiles at me and shakes her head side to side. "That's good, what's your name?" I said trying to break her from her shyness. She hesitated a little but soon enough she spoke. "My name is Rachel." "What a pretty name." She smiled a little embarrassed. I checked her throat to see any bleeding that the toy could of caused. She was alright. I gave her a lollipop and her eyes grew big. She smiled and thanked me. Yup. All those smiles I live for.

"She seems fine to me. We just needed the little toy to pass and come out the other end. No big deal. This happens all the time to kids." I said walking to Lauren. "Thank God! Her mom is outside about to come in. Do you mind explaining what happen and how she'll be fine? And can you put your doctor face on?" I chuckle to what she said. Do I have a face when I'm a doctor? Hmm. I hear the doorbell. Lauren goes to open it and I go sit next to Rachel. I see a beautiful woman walk up to us. She has auburn hair with porcelain skin as well. Yup. This is Rachel's mother. I get up and I introduce myself and extend my hand. "Hi I'm ." She looked so beautiful when her eyebrow furrowed in confusion. "Hi I'm karma. Rachel's mother." She said extending her hand. We shook hands and I felt something totally different. The physical touch was like small electric bolts making their way down my spine. 'Weird,' I thought to myself. "No need to panic. I'm Lauren's sister. She had called me saying that little Rachel here swallowed a small toy." Karma laughs a little. "Man, she's always doing that. Seems like I have to buy her some toys that are easier to digest." I smile at her. She took the news way better than Lauren. Poor Lauren, at least she's getting the practice. "My name is Amy by the way. Lauren asked me if I could do the whole doctor thing so I could tell you the diagnosis since, well, I am the doctor." She lets out a small laugh. Wow that sound was amazing. I want her to do it again. "So what's the diagnosis, Doc?" She said with a grin on her face. "She'll live." We both laugh. There was that sound again. 'What is going on' I thought to myself.

They were about to head out and we had said our 'goodbye's' and 'thank you's' when Rachel came up to me and hugged me saying a small thank you for the candy. She was the most adorable little person I've ever met. She was so polite and well behaved. "Nice meeting you Amy." Karma beamed as she started walking out to the driveway. "You too karma." I say and smile at her. "See ya Rachel ," Lauren said while waving. The little girl gave a small smile and a wave.