Disclaimer:I do not own any of the character in this story, all rights belong to NBC Chicago Fire, and I have taken bits and pieces of the show and incorporated my own twist. Enjoy.

If only everything could be simple. If Gabby had not accepted the spot as candidate on Truck 81 then everything could be a whole lot simpler. Matt had realized that being a firefighter was something that Gabby wasn't going to give up hope on. But when Gabby was offered the spot on Truck 81 Matt had thought that she should have given it more thought before she hopped right up and accepted the job. First of all he was terrified to have her on any truck, but having her on his truck, being responsible for her life was one thing that he had a really hard time with, and secondly this meant that they had to put off their wedding and that they had to hide their relationship for the most part of their lives except for when their were at home.

The two of them never thought that this job was going to take the toll on their relationship that it had. For Gabby and Matt their work life was separate from what happened at home, but after Gabby had disregarded Matts orders at the oil spill, it effected their home relationship. When Matt was upset with Gabby she had no one to talk to, at times like this she would be able to go and talk to Shay, but since she had passed away that was not an option. After the oil spill disaster a stream of horrible events seemed to follow, starting with Matt thinking that Gabby didn't want to marry him, Matt thinking he cheated on Gabby, ending with Matt telling Gabby that their whole relationship was maybe too much.

For a short instance in time Gabby and Casey were back to their normal self's and then one thing lead to another and a blonde bimbo came into the fire station to return Matts phone, when Gabby went to Matts office to give him his phone back another fight broke out between the two. It ending with Casey saying, "Maybe this whole thing is too big for us, I'm trying to be a lieutenant and your fiancee and you can't respect either one." As soon as those words came out of Casey's mouth Dawson's whole demeanor changed. She was very hurt from what he said and all she could say was, "Request permission to leave shift Lieutenant" and Casey replied with was, "Granted Candidate" and with that Gabby walked out of the station to her car fumbling with her keys. As soon as she got the door open sat in the drivers seat with her head on the wheel. After Gabby managed to somewhat pull herself together the put the keys into the ignition and began to drive home.

One stop light away from home Gabby was stuck sitting at the longest red light, as soon as it turned green she proceeded through the light, as Gabby turned to look out her drivers side window a Coca Cola Semi smashed into the side of her car, resulting in her small car being flipped 3 times landing upside down resting against a tree. Gabby's vision began to go dark as the car came to a stop.

After Dawson had left Casey went back into his office to finish the pile of paperwork that he had to have done by the end of the day, about 15 minutes later the bells rang, "Engine 51, Squad 3, Truck 81, Ambo 61, two car accident on BROADNAX Edward L. 7833 Peoria St." As everyone began to pile into their different vehicles, Casey's mind was all over the place, he didn't even realize the accident was on the same road as his apartment. As Engine 51 arrived at the accident Casey saw Dawson's car smashed against the tree and his heart began to race.

Author's Note: This is my first Chicago Fire Fanfiction, I hope you enjoy the plot line that I am creating, read and review:)