What if...Cam hadn't killed himself

"Maya! Maya, wake up!" Katie Matlin shook her sister hard, trying to wake her up. Maya rolled over groggily, not wanting to move. Yesterday Cam had sent her a text telling her that it was over and she wasn't looking forward to seeing him in French class today.

"Go away, Katie," she groaned, burying her face into her pillow so her sister couldn't see that she had been crying, "I don't feel well." That part wasn't a lie; Maya really did feel awful. Her head hurt from crying, her nose was so stuffed up she couldn't breathe, and she could barely talk, her voice was so raw. But Katie kept shaking her frantically, screaming that she had to get up, so she did.

"Maya, hurry up and get dressed, we have to go now!" Katie was in a state of complete and utter panic; her eyes were wide with shock and fear and all the color had drained out of her face. Maya figured she forgot a speech or something and brushed it off, trudging to the bathroom to get dressed. She threw on her black skinny jeans and a t-shirt before running a brush through her hair and throwing on a hoodie...Cam's hoodie. Oh well, not like he's going to miss it. Katie practically ripped Maya's arm off while dragging her to Jake's truck. She had been in such a rush, Maya hadn't even had time to grab her cello or her backpack.

"Katie, where are we going? I don't even have my backpack," Maya protested, noticing how freaked out Katie looked. Katie and Jake shared a look before starting the truck.

"Maya, Cam...he tried to kill himself...Eli, he-he found him in the greenhouse yesterday afternoon...if-if he hadn't found him when he did, Cam would be dead right now," Katie finally seemed to regain control of her nerves, "We're going to the hospital to see him, Mr. Simpson called to tell us this morning." Maya stayed silent the rest of the ride, nervously playing with the ends of Cam's hoodie. She knew Cam was depressed but she didn't think he would try to...kill himself. When they arrived at the hospital, Mr. Simpson escorted them up to Cam's room. Maya froze in the doorway, taking in the scene; lying in the middle of the room, on a white hospital bed, was Campbell. He had tubes running through his arms, an IV beside him, and there was a long red mark running across his neck.

"Oh Cam," Maya took the sleeping boy's hand and shuddered, he was ice cold, "why would you do this?"

"I thought it would be better if I was gone," Cam croaked out weakly, "I thought you'd be better off without me."

"You're an idiot! I love you," Maya gently turned his head so he was looking her in the eyes, "Do you know how upset I was when you broke up with me yesterday? The thought of losing you makes me sick."

"I'm sorry, Maya."

"Don't be sorry, Cam," she bent down and kissed his cheek, "just get better. I love you."

"I love you too, Maya."

Campbell spent the next few days under the protective watch of his mother, who had taken the train from Kapuskasing to Toronto after Simpson called her, and his older brothers; Justin, Mick, and Jesse. His teammates had even been by to see him.

"Cam," his mom smiled softly at him, "you have visitors." The room was soon filled with guys in Ice Hounds letterman jackets, all looking at the small boy awkwardly.

Dallas was the first to break the silence, walking over to the couch where Cam was laying and wrapping his arms around him tightly, "If you ever feel like doing that to yourself ever again, tell me." Cam smiled, allowing Dallas to crush him in a hug. Dallas let out a choked sob and hugged Cam tighter. He had always thought of his teammates as family and he never wanted Campbell to feel like he didn't belong or like he had to be perfect; he loved Cam like a little brother and, though he gave him a hard time sometimes, he wanted Cam to be happy. The next to the Campbell Saunders hug fest was Owen. Owen had always been fond of Campbell, especially since he had become friends with his younger brother, Tristan. Owen wasn't really good at comforting or supporting people so he settled for hugging Campbell tightly and promising to beat the living shit out of anyone who messed with him. The last of the boys to comfort Campbell was none other than the tormentor himself, Luke Baker. Luke's usual sneer and arrogant attitude was replaced by a blank expression and a tense, awkward atmosphere.

"We'll leave you guys alone to talk," Dallas nodded to the other guys and they left as Luke sat down next to him on the couch.

"I'm sorry," Luke sighed heavily, twisting his purity ring on his finger, "I didn't mean for things to go this far, I was just harassing you because you were the rookie. I didn't mean to-"

"You didn't. I mean, your harassment didn't help but it didn't make me want to kill myself either."

"Oh." That was all Luke could say. He felt uncomfortable apologizing and admitting to being an asshole but he knew he needed to do it. He needed to try to become a better person...for the sake of his family.

"Luke, you didn't have to apologize."

"No, I do. I shouldn't have teased you so much, you're my teammate and you're...you're like family to me. And I'd do anything to protect my family."

To anyone behind those doors, nothing significant happened. But to Cam and Luke, it felt like the world had been lifted off their shoulders. Luke worked harder to be a good person and Campbell worked hard to get better. When Campbell came back to school the next week, he was greeted with a passionate kiss from his girlfriend and a round of hugs from his hockey team. For the first time since coming to Degrassi, Campbell felt like he belonged.

There's the first one for you guys. If any of you have any plots that you want me to rewrite, message me.

-Madame Degrassi