Disclaimer: I do not own Hero: 108.
Lady Green turned to look at Lin Chung. He still looked pale, but Woo the Wise had reassured them that he would be fine. The poison on the blade had had serious effect.
He had only survived due to the healing balm that they had.
Woo the Wise's counterpart, Wu Yong, had helped them with it, having had made it, and had saved the life of the last descendant of both Lin Chong and Hu Sanniang. After waiting for a day, Gu Dasao eventually concluded that they weren't coming back.
Searching for them, they found the dead bodies and the horses waiting patiently for them.
After they returned back to Big Green, Lin Chung found a stack of scrolls from Wu Yong that detailed his family history, and all helped him piece back together of what happened to his family.
Not long after, things returned to normal - except for the fact that Lin Chung had asked Lady Green out. Surprised, she accepted.
Now, about a year later, they were still together, and a couple supported by many.
In fact, Woo the Wise had started comparing similarities between Lin Chong and Hu Sanniang's love to theirs, wondering if they were a reincarnation to give the two spirits a second chance.
Speaking of the two spirits, no one ever saw them again, but Lady Green could've sworn that she felt their presence when she and Lin Chung first went out.
Life settled down quickly in Big Green after the discovery, but it became more chaotic.
People started to learn the truth about Liangshan, and more descendants of the Outlaws were being discovered everyday. Those who would've liked to be kept in secret sought out Big Green, who guaranteed them the secrecy.
Slowly, the ranks amongst Big Green grew.
Eventually, they would find the Emperor, the rightful Emperor of East Citadel. They would fight a fearsome battle that would result in victory for the side of Big Green. They would reinstate the Emperor as the rightful ruler of Hidden Kingdom. They would swear absolute loyalty to the Emperor, and to no one else.
And, one day, the inhabitants of Hidden Kingdom would welcome the newest child of Lin Chung and Lady Green.
Hu Sanniang stood on a cliff not too far from Hidden Kingdom. She smiled as she saw the celebrating people of Hidden Kingdom.
This had been what all of them had been fighting for. For the people of China, now Hidden Kingdom, to be free.
Free from the reign of Gaoqiu and the ruthless Emperor.
Governed by a new Emperor, by a new law, helped by the heroes who had seen it all, who knew how to adjust to fit the people's expectations and demands.
She looked at Lin Chong, who was looking down, his face expressionless. His hair wasn't tied up - he preferred to keep it down now. He wore his usual black robes, much like her own, but hers were more feminine and red. He held his staff behind him, posture straight and perfect as always.
"They look happy." she noted to him, searching for his reaction.
He turned to her, letting a smile play on his lips. "Isn't that what we had been fighting for all this time?"
Hu Sanniang smiled at him as she took his hand in hers, and rubbed her thumb over his knuckles. "So, where to next?"
"Already? I thought you would've wanted to settle." This was said jokingly, but Hu Sanniang sent a mock angry look at him.
He chuckled, as he reciprocated, rubbing his thumb over hers. She smiled, anger immediately melting into her shoes.
They would be alright.
Hu Sanniang smiled tiredly at the small bundle in her arms. Gu Dasao and Sun Erniang leaned forward, both their eyes gleaming with anticipation. Gu Dasao smiled gently, looking at Hu Sanniang. "He's gorgeous."
A wider smile now framed Hu Sanniang's face as she looked at the child in her arms.
His hair was covered thinly with silky dark hair, his face still red as he cried to his heart's content. However, his body was still, only rattling sometimes as his chest heaved. His eyes were surprisingly large in his small face, and Hu Sanniang knew without a doubt that those were his eyes.
She smiled at the child.
Sun Erniang leaned over, waving her finger in front of the child's face. Seeing it, the child instantly quietened, grabbing it and giggling, mood swing suddenly over.
"Aw…" Sun Erniang smiled softly, so different from her usual demeanour.
Later on, after Hu Sanniang had gone to sleep, Wang Ying would take the baby to the other Outlaws to see. A lot of cooing would go on, all admiring the child, and laughing as the child mimicked their movement, smiling brightly.
The baby, in a few days, would be allowed to be handled only by those trusted by his parents.
When Wu Yong would look at the baby, he would see something familiar in those large eyes and face, but would say nothing, merely thinking that it must look like either Hu Sanniang or Wang Ying, but he just hadn't had the opportunity to compare.
When Lu Zhishen looked at the baby, he would note that something was indescribably familiar at the way the baby smiled at him, eyes wide and adoring. Hu Sanniang, likewise, would note that the baby seemed extremely comfortable in the hands of the tattooed giant.
However, Lu Zhishen shook it off, not wanting to disrespect either Hu Sanniang, Wang Ying, or the third party involved.
Because he was sure he knew who the third party was.
As he looked between Hu Sanniang and Wang Ying, he realised that his sworn brother-in-blood would only do something like this if allowed to, or if something had happened. Thus, he kept his mouth shut, and stared at the baby every moment he could, drinking in the features of his dead brother-in-arms.
But, for now, Hu Sanniang looked tenderly into the baby's eyes, seeing the large eyes finally fix adoringly on her.