A/N: Okay, so it's been like months too long since I've updated it. Right now, it's not exactly my priority story, but I did reread it and start working on this chapter recently. I've noticed new interest in this since my SYOT started, and I can only thank you guys or liking my writing enough to read this. Also, if your one of those people who have read this because of my SYOT and are wondering why I haven't updated that, well I do have a few decent excuses. Recently, I've been obsessing over another series by Kiera Cass. It's a cheesy set of books, but they're creative and romantic, and I love them. Eventually, I'll probably write some fan fiction for those too, but I'm sticking to my 3 stories that aren't finished now. Also, I've had major block for the SYOT as you've probably seen. I hate reapings. Anyways, so I'm publishing this chapter for this story, so enjoy it and yell if you want for taking so long for a new chapter. Also I should apologize for the unnecessarily long authors note.

The rest of the day is dull without Tacey to talk to. I decide to stay in the tree and just wait it out until morning. I know I should try to sleep, but with the cold it's not easy still. I can only hope that the alliance I once had, a short one at that, is enough to give me the needed screen time so they'll leave me alone the rest of the night. I even sickeningly hope the Careers may find another tribute to weed out on their hunt. Of course, hopefully it would not be me, but someone who won't last much longer on their own anyway.

With Day 2 coming to a quick end, I can only imagine the excitement in the Capitol. 14 deaths in two days may be a record, but then again, maybe not. Also, with half of the Career's down already, it's looking like it'll be a year for the Outer Districts. I think of the remaining Career's, Marvel and Clove must be leading together. I didn't hear much of the District 4 girl, but she's managed to stick around. Still, no matter how hard I try, I can't quiet recall her name.

My thoughts eventually tapper off and my mind wheels down. Despite the cold, I finally feel myself drift into a decent sleep and enjoy the moment. Then, my thoughts become nonexistent and I don't dream through the entire night.

The next morning I awake rested for the first time in a while. It alarms me that I can actually sleep in such a deadly situation, but I also feel so much better that I push those thoughts aside. I stretch in the tree and u clip myself. I need to get moving before the gamemakers make me. They'll need some type of drama today, and with there being such few Career's, they'll start picking on us Outer Districts.

I decide to walk in the direction of my pond again. I have a water bottle in the pack Tacey gave me and it's already low. I allow myself to worry for her, and I can't imagine what she's doing. I don't want her to kill herself, but I also don't want her death to be drawn out and agonizing. Really, I just wish she would've stayed with me.

After about an hour or two, I reach the pond. I fill up my bottle and then start to go back to my original tree. But I'm stopped by a sight in front of me. There's a head turned around behind me, a girl I don't recognize immediately. I touch the sheath over my shoulders and then load my bow silently. Still, the girl seems not to notice me. I creep up, and grit my teeth.

I know I can't just kill her, it's different than a Career who I know would harm me instantly. This is different, I don't know this girl, I can hardly even put my finger in her district. So instead, I speak to her.

"Not smart to not check your surroundings."

She jumps harshly and I watch her slowly turn around. Her hands are shaking, and in one is a sharp looking stick. Basically, she's weaponless going against me. She chokes out a sob and looks at me with wide eyes. I can't help but recognize the innocence in them much like my sisters even though this girl has to be around my age or older.

"Just make it quick," she says shakily. Then, she looks up and whispers what I think is an "I'm sorry."

By now there are tears running down her cheeks and my heart swells up. I'm confused, I don't know what to do. I'll look weak if I don't kill her when she's basically asked me to, but I'll look ruthless if I do kill her. Plus, I'm not sure I can bear the thought of taking her life right now.

So basically, I do something stupid. Without dropping my stiff stance, I drop the bow over to one hand and move forward silently and grab her hand not holding the stick. I look her in the eyes with sympathy.

"Do you want to go, or are you just scared?"

At this she chokes out a sob and her eyes squint as they welt up with the sting of her tears. She looks at me as a few more dare to drop down her cheeks and smiles.

"I was never going to make it anyway."

Then, dropping my hand and her stick, she stands back and lifts her hands above her head. She looks up, and I'm confused for a moment. But I think this is her goodbye, a last moment spent taking in the sun and the air around her. Then, she looks back down at me and nods softly.

It takes all I have in me to load the arrow again. When I focus back on her, her heads tipped back again and her eyes are closed. She looks peaceful and happy. I pull back and release, sending the arrow deep into her heart. She drops and clinches the ground. I run up and hold her hands and she looks at me once more. Then, just before she closes her eyes for the final time, she squeezes my hand softly.

I walk away sobbing as the cannon fires. I didn't even know her name. She may have had siblings, a family that cared for her. Now she's gone, and by my own hands. Never mind the fact that she seemed serene, that she wanted to go. I killed her, an innocent person. I can never take that back.