A/N: sorry this took so long, i've not had a lot of free time and have done a few other one shots to pass the time, the rest should not take so long:)
reviews welcomed
Eli pushed back into the kiss with as much passion as Nozomi. She focused on the sensations of the kiss. Nozomis soft lips, her warm tongue, her strong hands that held her against the wall. The kiss came to an end and they just stared into each other's eyes. She stared into her twin emeralds, losing herself in them.
Nozomi found her voice and spoke first. "Could I stay with you tonight Elichi? No more fun, I just want to be with you" she said shyly, averting her gaze. Eli lifted Nozomis chin and again pressed he lips to hers, softly, quickly. "Of course you can, but there's no other bed set up, so I guess you'll have to share with me" Eli said slyly. "Does elichi wish to have some more fun so soon?" Nozomi asked, with a bit of hope and surprise in her voice.
"Not tonight, but who knows, we have all of tomorrow off, and arisa is with yukiho". "Come on, we should get some rest, it's late" Eli said, leading Nozomi up the stairs to her room. They entered and Eli climbed into bed, holding the sheet open for Nozomi. Nozomi took off her trousers and climbed in with Eli, immediately snuggling up to her, whilst Eli covered them both with the blanket.
"What made you come here tonight? Why didn't you wait till tomorrow?" Eli asked, curious as to her friends intention. "I couldn't wait to see you, I've liked you along time Elichi, I didn't want to wait any longer, I needed to see you" Nozomi said, shyer than Eli would have expected. Eli didn't say anything and just pulled Nozomi tighter. "I've felt this a long time too, but I was scared you wouldn't want me, I didn't know where your interest lay and I was scared you wouldn't like me and it would ruin our friendship" Eli said into Nozomis ear.
"Hearing you say to me what I feel for you, I'm so happy you're here with me Nozomi" Eli continued. "I love you Elichi" Nozomi said. She moved so she could kiss Nozomi, and kissed Nozomi lightly. "I love you too. Come on, we need to get some rest, we'll need our energy tomorrow" Eli said in a seductive toned hinting at what was to come.
Eli woke the next morning, well rested, and in a good mood, she rolled over and brushed into the still sleeping Nozomi. She looked at the girl that had been her best friend for her whole high school life, and she looked different. Eli couldn't tell how, but she just seemed so.. She didn't know the word to describe her. She snuggled into Nozomi who stirred from her sleep and snuggled into Elis embrace. "Nozomi" Eli gently cooed her lover. "Elichi needs more sleep" Nozomi murmured before reattempting sleep.
Eli pulled back, making enough space to readjust her position, and moved so she could kiss Nozomi. She placed a single peck on Nozomi lips. Then another. And another. Slowly, they became longer, and more passionate. Nozomi woke again whilst Eli gently bit her bottom lip. "I wouldn't mind waking up like this from now on" Nozomi quietly said contentedly, still waking up. Eli simply responded, by kissing the purple haired girl, who responded in kind. Soon they were roughly pulling each other closer, kissing hard. Eli then broke off and got up out of bed.
"No, come back to bed, we don't need to get up yet" Nozomi complained as Eli got up. "We should at least get washed and eat something, we are spending today together. As long as you still want to.." Eli said, unsure of herself again. Nozomi responded by getting up and wrapping her arms around Elis waist and pulling he into a tight hug. "No matter what we do today, I'll be happy as long as it's a day spent with you Elichi" Nozomi quietly said with her head rested on Elis shoulder.
Eli was surprised at how shy Nozomi was being, but also felt a warmth in her chest, and felt happy with the situation she stood in. "Well, I have a few things in mind for today" Eli said slyly spinning around, kissing Nozomi, then stepping back. She noticed Nozomi glancing at her body. "Hoping for a show?" Eli asked, and winked at Nozomi. "I wouldn't mind" she replied.
"It couldn't hurt" Eli thought to herself. Eli pushed Nozomi back so she was sat on the edge of the bed. "Well, you're in for a treat" she said, pouring as much seduction into her voice as she could. She stepped back from the bed into the middle of the room. She slowly lifted up her tshirt, emphasising every move she made, making sure Nozomi had a good view. When it came to her chest line she moved closer to Nozomi and pulled the tshirt over her head in one movement. Wearing nothing but a small pair of undies she straddled a gawking Nozomis hips and kissed her on the lips, holding her. Nozomi after recovering from her shock pushed back with a kiss. Eli broke off first. "Your turn" Eli whispered in her ear.
"Oh, my pleasure" Nozomi responded in a seductive tone. Nozomi stood picking up Eli with her and turned placing her on the bed. She moved back to where Eli had stood, and like Eli, removed her top, though not pausing when it crossed her chest line, though, she did make sure she put extra bounce when it came over her head. Though then Nozomi continued to stand, and her fingers went to the waist line of her undies. She turned around and slowly began to lower them. Nozomi stepped out of the underwear and turned to see Eli looking at just below her midsection.
"Like what you see Elichi?" Nozomi said in a voice that had more seduction in than Eli ever thought a voice could. Eli sat looking Nozomi up and down, as she walked towards her. Nozomi pushed Eli down and straddled her, grabbing her hands and moving them above her head, Nozomi Leaned down and kissed Eli on her lips. Eli kissed Nozomi back and was disappointed when it ended.
But then Nozomi kissed along Elis jawline, and down onto her neck, gently biting and licking her way down. Eli just lay enjoying the sensations she was experiencing for the first time. Nozomi stopped moved one of the arms holding Elis arms above her head and grabbed Elis boob and started to roll and lightly pinch the nipple which drew an audible gasp from Eli. Nozomi contined to kiss and lick and bite down Elis other breast. When she got there she kiss around the nipple lightly. Then without warning she gently bit the nipple at the same time as pinching the other.
"Eli was writhing in pleasure at te sensation which was painful yet strangely pleasurable. She could feel a hear building between her legs and a yearning for more. She tried to move but Nozomi held her down still. "No Elichi, this will last, and you'll love it" Nozomi said playfully, with a hint of lust in her voice. Nozomi continued to play with Elis nipples, as she squirmed beneath her. Nozomi knew that Eli was building up. She stopped and moved back up and kissed Eli on the lips roughly. She broke off and moved right down Elis body, releasing her from her grasp.
"Time for some release?" Nozomi asked innocently. "Nozomi.. Please" Eli begged between breaths. Nozomi hooked her fingers in both sides of Elis underwear and slid them down her legs. "Well, seeing as how you asked so nicely" she said. She moved between Elis legs and kissed inside midway up her thigh, and again. She continued to plant kisses as she slowly moved to the top of the leg. Eli fell back, struggling to contain her pleasure.
Nozomi reached the top of the leg, and started to lightly blow onto Elis core. As she felt the fist cool blow she yelped in surprise and pleasure. Nozomi did it again, and smiled as Eli gasped, more prepared for it than first. Eli prepared for a third breath, but it never came, instead she was shocked to feel Nozomi lick her core, she almost screamed with shock and the overbearing pleasure brought on by the one move, but she screwed her while face up groaning in pleasure, loudly.
Nozomi, spurred on by Elis intense reaction repeated hers and again licked her core. Eli felt Nozomi lick again, and she was so lost in the sensation she didn't realise how close she was and was pushed over the edge when she licked again. Wave after wave of intense pleasure washed over her, and she couldn't contain it any more and screamed in pleasure. Nozomi continued her assault on Eli, making her scream louder. Elis orgasm finally subsided and Nozomi crawled up bedside her.
Eli just looked at her friend, out of breath. Nozomi was grinning at her best friends speechlessness and kissed her playfully on the cheek. After minutes of lying with her lover, Eli recovered her voice. "That was.. Amazing" she said, still breathing quite heavily. "I know i am" Nozomi said smugly. Eli smiled and hugged her. Elis smiled fractured when she remembered where they were. "Nozomi.. Arisa.. She's still here?!" She said, dread filling her mind.
"No, it's ok Elichi. You don't wake up before me, not even today, I woke up and got her ready to go out and made sure she was out at an appropriate time, then came back and snuggled back with you. It was nice lying in.. With you" Nozomi said, blushing as she said the last bit. Eli smiled relieved "thank you Nozomi, I love you". "I love you too Elichi" Nozomi said, snuggling into Eli. "So, what are we going to do today?" She asked. "Let's get up, have something to eat, and we can talk about it then" Eli said. "Good idea, but can we stay in a bit longer?" "Of course we can, as long as your here" Eli sighed contentedly. She couldn't wait to see what their day held.