This is my first time writing anything else than a school report, so please be considerate. Also, english is not my first language and even though I try very hard for it not to happen, I do make mistakes sometimes. Your feedback is absolutely welcome.

"Hey Maur, what's up?" Jane asked as a greeting when she saw that Maura's name come up on her phone.

"Hi Jane," smiling at the nickname "I was actually wondering if you wanted to go out? It's Friday, and our curfews are at 12 tonight so we have time to do anything you feel like doing." She wanted to let Jane choose their evening's activities since she just came back from her baseball practise. Even if she's quite tough, she doesn't want Jane to over-do it.

"I'd love to go out." She knew why Maura didn't suggest anything but instead of calling her out on it, she took advantage of the offering "Be ready in 30 minutes, I'll come pick you up."

Even if Maura had no idea what Jane had planned, she decided to roll with it and wait to see what she was up to. Contradictory to her curious nature, she liked surprises; she liked them even more when they were from Jane.


When Jane picked up Maura's call, she was had just gotten out of the shower, so she had time to go prepare a little something to eat for their night out. She wanted to prepare something nice for Maura, but she was also tired from the trying week she'd just gone through. Maybe a relaxing night out with her girlfriend was what she needed after all. After packing a dinner and letting her mom know about her plans for the evening, or at least the simplified version of them (opening herself up for some "are you going on a date with a nice boy?" questions, but brushing them off), she took off in her old and rusty pick up truck that she bought with the money she'd made working at a local sport's goods store during the summer, and went to pick up Maura.


At 5:09, 28 minutes after Jane had told her to get ready to leave, Maura saw the brunette's truck pull into her drive way. She saw that Jane's features were tense, but decided to wait until a bit later to address to reason behind that. She saw the athlete get out of the truck and heading towards the passenger side, probably to open the door for her, but before she got halfway through her small walk, the blonde had found herself in her girlfriend's arms, kissing her thoroughly.

"Hey beautiful." Jane said after pulling away to catch her breath.

Blushing, still not used to getting gratuitous compliments, Maura just kissed her again instead of having to respond. This time though, the lanky Italian sat her girlfriend on the hood of her small truck when the kiss started getting heated. Realizing that they were still in her driveway and that her parents could see them, the blonde broke the kiss and softly pushed Jane back.

"Although I really enjoy making up with you, I think we should wait until we get out of here."

When Jane just giggled a bit, Maura looked at her with that little head tilt thing she does whenever she is unsure of something.

"It's making out Maura, it's so cute when you try to use colloquialisms." When some people got impatient with Maura, Jane would just correct her without a note of condescendence in her tone, because even though a lot of people found the blonde's limited informal vocabulary annoying, her girlfriend found it endearing.

"Anyways, are you ready to leave? Our supper's getting squished in the box of the truck."

"Hopefully, it's not the only thing that's going to get squished in that box tonight…"

The way Maura said this, with a come-hither smile on her face, left Jane imagining a bunch of pleasurable scenarios in her mind, but she had to focus if she didn't want them to crash into something.


When they arrived at their destination, a quiet little secluded clearing in the woods close to their school, where they had talked for the first time, Jane got out of her truck and after opening Maura's door and extending her a hand to help her step out of the vehicle, she went in the box and set up a couple of blankets and pillows, she helped her girlfriend up and they ate. Even if their supper was eaten in silence, they were comfortable.

After 30 minutes of just laying there, her head resting on the left side of Jane's chest, right above her heart and listening to the constant heartbeat of her girlfriend, Maura decided it was about time she'd ask the brunette what was bothering her, because she really had no idea about what it could be.

"What's been bothering you honey?"

Not surprised that her ever-observant girlfriend noticed her inner turmoil, she decided she'd put off this conversation long enough. "I um, I got accepted to BCU…"

Not understanding the problem, the blonde didn't answer right away. This brief hesitation told Jane she'd need to explain herself a bit more. "I know it's a great school, it's a great opportunity and for you there isn't any problem, but my parents can't afford to send me there, and I don't want to start off my life with a mountain of debts just because I wanted to go to a good school, when I could have gone to a cheaper one and had the same degree."

Knowing that Jane really hated to talk about their monetary statuses, Maura decided she wouldn't press the issue even if she had really been looking forward to going to the same school as her girlfriend. Instead of ruining the pleasant evening they were having, she avoided the inevitable confrontation that would have come up if she'd suggested she help her girlfriend out financially. "I understand Jane, I won't try to influence the choices you make for your future. It's all your decision. Although, what I don't understand, is why is it affecting you like this. You yourself said that you were just applying to see if you could get in, you weren't really looking to go there."

Maura could read her like a book. It had been like that for the entirety of their 3-year relationship. She knew that even if she'd try to hide the real problem, the questioning would only be held off until another time, so she might as well come clean right away and save both of them some troubles for the coming days.

"Maura, I made a decision I was contemplating for a while… It really wasn't easy and even now that it's going to be official, it's not even gonna be easier really… I made sure that you'd enjoy this evening because I really have no idea of knowing how long you're going to hate me over this… This really isn't anything about you and I want you to know that I'm so in love with you, it was really hard to sign those papers…"

By that time, Maura's face was streaked with tears and she was sobbing, so much that she did not really register the last part of Jane's speech.

Before finishing what she was saying, the brunette tried to console the blonde, she realized how her speech sounded like and she didn't want to lose her girlfriend over this. "Maura, please listen to me, this is not what it sounds like." Now that the sobbing subsided to faint sniffling, bright hazel eyes met deep brown eyes and saw that Jane's eyes were also filled with tears. Now that she had her girlfriend's full attention, the Italian decided that she could break the news. It was now or never.

"I'm joining the army. I'm leaving for boot camp right after graduation."