Hey everyone! Got a new idea for a story and you guys know I just love Mikey! :'D This is inspired by Emi The Ninja's Little Brothers, Big Problems andLittle Mikey by SweetGirl55! I wondered what it would be like to try my hand at my own version. Thanks for reading!

"AHHHH!" Leonardo and Raphael looked at other in alarm from their seats on the couch. They instantly jolted up at the sound of Donatello's distressed cry. However, when they opened the lab doors and saw what Donnie was staring at, their mouths dropped halfway to the ground.

"What the shell is this?!" Raphael screamed as he slapped his hands on his cheeks. There, laying in a mess of armor and nun-chucks, was a tiny Michelangelo. Leo could only stare in utter surprise and horror. Small Mikey blinked up at them with wide blue eyes and a mouth formed in a small but cute 'o' position.

"He...I...of all the scientific mistakes!" Donatello cried while not moving. Leo was staring at him and Raph finally moved his hands to take a step towards small Mikey. "I..I didn't mean to...-"

"Donnie, calm down. Now..what happened to Mikey?" Leonardo asked trying to soothe the shaking Genius.

"I told him Leo...I told him not to mess with it..." Donnie choked while grabbing Leo's arm.

"Why do you insist on bothering me almost every time I'm trying to make something?" Donatello asked looking up with annoyance swimming in his eyes. Michelangelo just grinned, his hands under his chin as he leaned on Donnie's desk. "Ugh, just watch yourself."

"Sure Donnie!" Mikey grinned while watching the tall turtle work. "What's that?" Donnie stopped him from touching it without looking.

"A reject batch of mutagen...it's levels are unstable so do not touch it." Donatello explained and Mikey let out a soft 'Oooohhh'. It was silent for all but a moment before a grin slipped on Mikey's face.

"So why do you not throw it away?" Mikey asked while drawing on his desk with one of his fingers. Donnie sighed while holding the bridge of what should be his nose.

"Mikey, if you can't stay quiet and refrain from touching anything then get out." Donnie commanded and Mikey let out a sigh.

"Alright, alright!" It became quiet again and Donnie looked out of the corner of his eye to see his younger brother look bored.

"Why are you here anyways?"

"Leo and Raph are fightin." Mikey replied and they both shared a bored and upset look. They both hated the way the two eldest fought all the time. "Why are you always alone in here?" Donnie looked surprised.

"Cause you guys mess up my equipment." Donnie retorted quickly and Mikey rolled his eyes.

"Sure dude. I just wish we could spend more time together." Mikey whispered quietly and he knew Donnie heard him. The tall turtle looked at Mikey in surprise and a bit of remorse.

"Sorry Mikey, it's just...you know how badly we need retro-mutagen.." Donnie felt lame in the way he explained his loss of time. Mikey nodded and put on a smile. Donatello went back to working as Mikey hummed a tune. After a couple of minutes Mikey looked at the beaker full of reject mutagen. 'Last time I got shell acne...what would happen this time?' Mikey wondered curiously. He looked up to see Donnie peering into a microscope. Mikey was picking up the beaker and swishing the liquid around with a small smile.

"Mikey!" Donatello growled while banging a fist on the desk. Mikey had only but jumped slightly, standing tall as the beaker in his hands slipped and spilled over most of his shoulders, plastron and legs. Donnie and Mikey gasped as Mikey began to freak out.


"Are you serious?!" Leo demanded in surprise. Guilt flashed in Donnie's eyes as he looked at small Mikey. "It's okay Donnie, you can fix him right?"

"I can try Leo..." Donnie said while immediately running equations in his head. A small baby noise caught their attention as small Mikey fumbled over to Raph and hugged his leg. Raphael blushed and tried to shake him off gently.

"Oh...oh no...get off!" Raph pleaded while Leo grinned and Donnie chuckled. Mikey blinked as he tried to grab Raph's leg again and fell on his plastron clumsily. Leo blushed.

"Aw, he's so small now!" He gushed while taking a couple of steps forward. Mikey blinked up at him with a smile and Leo blinked back with wide eyes. "Was...was he always that cute?"

"Cute? What are ya..." Raph choked on words when Mikey made another happy squealing baby noise. "Oh no you don't...you ain't getting me!"

"What happened Donatello?" Master Splinter came running in finally and paused in disbelief when he seen Michelangelo's current form. "What is the meaning of this?" Leo looked serious and Raph looked at Donnie, who was shifting.

"Ah...well S-Sensei...he got into the reject batch of mutagen..." Donnie explained sheepishly. "I have to study why he mutated this way..and it will take some time." This caught the eldest's attention.

"How much time...?"

"I'm not sure...a few hours...or..a couple of days..." Donnie muttered and Raph stood up straight.

"You mean to tell me we have to take care of the dork for a couple of days?! Look at him, he's practically a baby!" Raph yelled and Splinter whacked him with his cane. "Ow!"

"You will take care of your brother Raphael...besides...he seems to like you.." Splinter and Leo snickered as Raph's eyes widened. The little thing was already smiling and trying to trot over to Raph.

"Ahem...well...I guess if I have to..." Raph amended his words, earning a grin from his family. Leo turned to Donnie just as Raph grabbed Mikey into his arms.

"Don't worry about it tonight Don, it's late. Tomorrow you can start finding answers." Leo smiled trying to ease the tension from him. Donnie gave a nod and a grateful smile.

"Ugh, hold still Mikey!" Raphael complained when Mikey began to climb up his arms and hugged his head. "What the?!"

"Looks like he's sleeping with you tonight Raph." Leo snickered while Raph blushed and looked the other way.

"Don't move Raph, I gotta clean the mutagen.." Donnie ordered while Raph froze, looking near his feet. Mikey giggled.

"It ain't funny baby Mikey." Raph growled and Mikey giggled again. Leo turned to Master Splinter, who was rubbing his chin with a fond smile.

"Sensei, do you think has his regular mind or is he...?" Leo seemed to not know how to finish the sentence.

"I believe he is not in his right mind anymore, my son." The old rat answered with a sad smile. Donatello finished cleaning and Raph moved around him.

"From my observations he has been mutated back to his tot years...I'd say around three or four years old." He observed and Mikey smiled wide, hugging Raph's neck.

"I'm so gonna kill ya for this Don." Raph groaned while carrying Mikey away to the couch, laying down with him on top. Donnie sighed as he looked at his lab but Leo forced him away and they both sat on the couch near Raph.

"I'm sorry guys..." Donnie said looking down with those eyes that Leonardo and Raphael hated to see.

"Hey, as far as I know it is Mikey's fault." Raph muttered and Donnie looked up. "So don't get so down."

"Yeah Donnie, and from the way you say it, it is not entirely Mikey's fault either." Leo added while patting Donnie's shoulder. Donnie smiled gratefully and leaned his head on Leo's shoulder.

"Wou hae' me...?" Mikey asked looking tearful on Raph's plastron. The three older brothers looked at Mikey in surprise. His voice was so cute but it was shaking as light blue eyes locked onto shocked green ones.

"No...no I don't hate you bro..." Raph said and sat up gently. Mikey nodded and hugged Raph rubbing his head on his plastron. Raph blushed again and found he was not alone. As Mikey sniffed and eventually went to sleep Leo smiled wide.

"Awww...now I can't be the only one to think that was cute..!" Leo exclaimed and Donnie chuckled. Raph rolled his eyes and crossed his arms around Mikey. "I'll get some blankets."

"Raph, do you want me to hold him?" Donnie asked curiously. Raph glared at him and shook his head. Donnie smirked. "Okay, you don't have to be so greedy..."

"I-I'm not!" Raph yelled and put a hand on his mouth when Mikey stirred slightly. Leo came back with three blankets respectively and eyed them.

"You're not what?" Leo asked while sitting back next to Donnie. Raph shook his head and Donnie only smirked, nuzzling against Leo's shoulder again.

"Mikey, don't you ever walk off alone again, you hear?" Leo commanded in a worried tone. The little turtle glanced up at Leo with fearsome eyes. When Leo came out of the bathroom Mikey wasn't in the pit or the kitchen. He had wandered into the dojo and Leo couldn't help feel protective of Mikey with all those weapons.

"Okaaay." Mikey said with guilty eyes this time. Leo picked up the turtle in his arms and hugged him.

"I'm sorry Mikey, it's just that you could get hurt by those weapons." Leo apologized and Mikey put his forehead under Leo's chin. "Mikey?"

"Swoy Weo..." Leo smiled and hugged him harder, walking out of the dojo to find Raph standing there with wide eyes.

"Raph?" Leo asked slightly confused. Raph breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Mikey.

"I didn't know where the little rascal went!" Raph said and Leo gave him a smirk. Raph growled, feeling embarrassed. However, Mikey noticed Raph and smiled wide.

"Waph!" Mikey mispronounced and Raph choked on his next insult to Leo. Raph blushed as Mikey looked between Leo and Raph excitedly. "Waph, airpwane!" Leo chuckled and handed their baby brother to Raph.

"Okay ya little dork here we go!" Raph couldn't help but grin when he lifted Mikey up in the air and he giggled happily. Leo chuckled once more to actually see a genuine smile on Raph's face.

"Guys...?" A tired Donnie emerged from the shadows of the lair and smiled slightly when Mikey's eyes landed on him.

"Hey Donnie." Leo said smiling and Raph nodded. Mikey, however, was so excited to see all his brothers.

"Onnie, onnie!" Mikey giggled while jumping out of Raph's arms, almost giving him a heart attack, to jump into Donnie's.

"Oof! Mikey, be more careful!" Donnie scolded and Mikey just grinned.

"I...I wa paying wih Waph! Airpwane is welly fun!" Mikey babbled and Raph rolled his eyes. Leo laughed while holding his mouth.

"Is that so...? So you love big brother Raph?" Donnie asked with a smirk. Raph's eyes widened.

"O courswe!" Mikey beamed and Raphael blushed hard.

"What about me and Donnie?" Leo asked feigning hurt. Mikey's eyes went wide with surprise.

"Yesh, I wove wu Weo and Onnie!" Mikey yelled and Donnie chuckled, snuggling his baby brother.

"He was just playing Mikey." Raph couldn't help the grin that was on his face. After a few moments Leo seemed to sober up.

"So how are things going Donnie? Figured out anything?" Leo questioned and Donnie frowned, looking down at Mikey's wide curious eyes.

"I did. Of course, the levels in the mutagen were unstable. It was one of my reject batches of retro-mutagen that had problems with it's molecular levels." Donnie began and paused to see his brothers barely hanging on. "Um, basically...Mikey has been exposed to a close batch of retro mutagen. It was close but not close enough to revert him to normal. It turned Mikey back into a toddler though."

"Which means that you're close to making a retro-mutagen?"

"Yes Leo, but a retro-mutagen wouldn't help Mikey. Basically, this reject batch has to wear off on it's own." Donatello explained with tired eyes. Mikey reached up to play with the mask under his eyes. Donnie grabbed his hand, smiled at him, and held it there.

"He's stuck like this until it wears off?!" Raphael asked with narrowed eyes and crossed arms. "How long is that!?"

"Calm Raph, you're freaking Mikey out." Leo warned while they all looked to see Mikey looked at Raph with wary eyes that were slightly wide.

"Sorry little man, just...how long?" Raph asked quietly. Donnie seemed to be out of this world as he looked at them in the eyes.

"A few weeks is my estimate..." Donnie said while frowning at nothing in particular. Leo seemed to swallow the information as he stared at the bundle hanging onto Donnie. "I could try to make a special mutagen but that would take longer than a month, so waiting out the few weeks seemed like a better idea to me." Raph sighed.

"I don't believe this.." He muttered while not looking any of them in the eye.

"We...we will have to just deal. In the meantime we all get shifts so we don't go insane. Donnie you can get the morning, that way you can recharge for the afternoon and night. Raph you get him in the afternoon and I will handle the night shifts.." Leo ordered while a finger was on his lip.

"Why do I get afternoon? You know I like to-"

"Raph, no objections. You're doing this. You know good and well you're too cranky in the morning and wouldn't want to take care of him at night." Leo pointed out. Raph seemed to paused and then groaned.


"Okay, then that means you get him right now." Donnie grinned while handing a sleeping Mikey into Raph's waiting arms. Leo nodded and walked away. "Wait Leo, where ya going?"

"To update Master Splinter." Leo replied over his shoulder and left, leaving the purple and red branded brothers to look at the baby turtle in Raph's arms.

"Waph, pay wif me?" Mikey asked, in his big brother's lap. Raph groaned, looking from the TV to small Mikey.

"It's Raph, Mikey. Raph..."

"Waff?" Mikey questioned while looking so frustrated that Raph smiled and hugged him around the neck. "Waff? Waph?"

"Never mind little bro, never mind." Raph chuckled and Mikey squealed when he tickled his sides. Suddenly Master Splinter entered the room and smiled fondly at them. "Hey Sensei."

"Hello Raphael, Michelangelo." Splinter replied while sitting on the couch next to them. Mikey looked at the old rat and got overly excited again, which he thought was cute.

"Daddy, I was pay wif Waph!" Mikey said while climbing out of said turtles lap to sit beside the tall rat.

"That's nice, my son." Splinter smiled and felt himself all warm inside to see his son a toddler again. He picked Mikey up and Mikey grabbed his robe to inspect it with curiosity.

"Hey Sensei, where's Leo?" Raph asked looking around in confusion.

"He is in Donatello's lab." Splinter answered while tossing a smile his way. Raph seemed to consider leaving to find the eldest.

"I wanna pay wif big bo' Weo!" Mikey said with sudden wide eyes. He snapped his gaze to Raph's eyes and Splinter was surprised and had to withhold a chuckle to see jealousy in his green gaze.

"Why do ya wanna play with that guy when you got me Mikey?" Raph teased and Mikey blushed looking down and holding his thumb. It was just so cute.

"What's wrong with playing with me?" Leo asked suddenly in the room, causing Raph to jump and Mikey to giggle uncontrollably. Mikey looked up at Splinter with wide eyes and almost fell backwards. "Awwww!"

"Leo, you worry me a lot." Raph muttered while staring at Mikey himself.


"I think you like Mikey too much as a baby." Raph grinned and Leo rolled his eyes.

"So do you!"

"N-No, shut up!" Raph yelled and Mikey giggled once again. The turtle was watching the two eldest with interest.

"Where Onnie?"

"You mean Donnie?" Raph tried to pronounce for the baby turtle. Mikey nodded with an excited gleam that was not going away. "Probably in his lab." Leo smiled and sat on the ground to receive Mikey from Splinter.

"Weo is big!" Mikey realized while touching Leo's face with his hands. Leo immediately froze because the act itself was so cute. Leo smiled warmly at Mikey. He was so small, you could almost hold him in both of your hands...well their mutated turtle hands.

"Okay...okay guys...I figured something out.." Donnie said and looked less tired than before as he sat cross legged beside Leo.

"What's that?" Raph asked while crossing his arms behind his head. Donnie sighed in disappointment.

"There is seriously nothing I can do. I've been studying the mutagen's chemical components and the risk of Mikey losing his memories-if it even works-are way too-"

"Wait, lose his memories?" Leo asked looking away from Mikey to look at Donnie with a slightly horrified look while Raph was sending him wide eyes.

"Yes, the risk that he would lose his memories are too high. It's up to us to take care of him until the chemicals in his body regulates themselves and turns him back to normal." Donnie explained while watching Mikey's movements in Leo's lap.

"And...and will he lose his memories when he regulates or whatever?" Raph asked, betrayed by the worry in his tone.

"I'm not sure Raph...we will just find out..." Donnie replied sadly, eyes cast downward. "I did all I could...I tried...I searched...I really-" Splinter put a hand on his shoulder.

"My son, you could not have worked harder for your brother and that is all that matters." Splinter smiled and Donnie's eyes widened a bit. Leo was smiling and Raph was huffing in agreement.

"Onnie sad?" Mikey asked looking him dead in the eyes. Donnie smiled and shook his head slightly. "My fault?"

"No Mikey...it just happened...a freak accident." Donatello explained and Mikey looked at Leo for confirmation. Leo nodded and had to hold a squeal when put Mikey in his hands and the toddler tried to touch his face again.

'This will be a long month,' Every member of the Hamato family with the exception Mikey sighed as they seemed to have the same thought while Mikey looked at them all with a confused face.

How as it? I just love the whole 'baby bro' theme! It is tooo cute! ^_^ It will get even more fluffy, just you wait! *squeal* Thank you for your support and future support! You guys are awesome!