The girl lunged at Bellatrix.

It was a swift fluid motion. Flawless and quick. It was as if she didn't actually just receive the splendor that was a taste of Bella's favorite hobby. The girl was now on top of Bellatrix, pinning her to the floor. But really what could the girl do, she looked like one of those muggles to Bella.

She smiled up at the girl with some twisted joy. Her new friend wanted to play. "Go on then, love, show me what you're made of."

She grabbed a fistful of Bellatrix's curls, nails digging sharply into her scalp.

Not bad. Bella mused. Not bad at all. She felt her head jerk forward, the girl's face now only inches from her own.

She smelled of floral perfume.

Expensive floral perfume.

Her breaths falling harsh and heavy on Bella's face, tickling her nose. "Well, what do you got for me, love?"

The girl answered with a small flame. It was of a sapphire color and quivered softly on and around her slender fingers.

Bella's brows furrowed, this wasn't part of the plan. "What are you?" She whispered before the flame met her face. She didn't cry out, she wouldn't give the girl the pleasure. She did however give the girl a forceful shove.

She clung tightly to Bella's hair, the shove dragged both of them down. However this time it was Bella who was on top.

The girl struggled, managing to land a few more kicks and punches—some of which laced with fire. Bellatrix drew out her wand and let the magic set to work on repairing the worst of the damages. And again she poised her wand at the fiery girl—pressing it uncomfortably into the soft part of her neck. And from there to the girl's forehead.

And so it was that the girl bit her. Reflexively Bella let the wand fall to the ground, where it rolled some distance away. "YOU STUPID GIRL!" Bellatrix shrieked, her eyes widening with a wild gleam, she wasn't about to lose her own game. The girl beneath her didn't so much as cringe.

And then Bellatrix calmed. That wicked gleam leaving her eyes, muscles relaxing. She loosened her grip on the girl and let her scramble a few feet away.

The flames sparked on her fingertips once more.

"Put that down girl. Bella isn't gonna hurt you. Not anymore anyways." Bellatrix shrugged. "See, I like you. You're fun, you don't cry and scream like the rest of them—though screaming and crying is always an ear pleaser—it gets old."

The girl didn't out the flames, if anything she let them rise another inch higher.

"I'm rather curious about you, love." Bellatrix dared step a footfall closer. "I've never met a witch of your nature. How do you do that? Make fire without a wand?"

"I have no clue what you're talking about. No one I know needs a stick to waterbend." The girl spat.

"Waterbend?" Bellatrix tilted her head. "I haven't heard of such magic. And I promise you this, I'm very good at what I do."

"So am I." The girl was still breathing heavily, those golden eyes angry and insane…daring Bellatrix to come any closer. "So am I." She repeated, this time making a show of those otherworldly blue flames.

"Yes pretty, pretty. Wonderful too. Now put the fire down." Bellatrix commanded.

"Or what?" The girl hissed. "You don't have your waterbending stick. You can't hurt me."

Bellatrix chuckled. "Bella is very good at what she does, love. I don't need my wand to hurt you." She took another snide step forward.

The girl's eyes flashed with a more intense fury. Bellatrix could say it was a wild gleam.

"I know that look. I see it every day when I'm combing my hair or putting on makeup. I think we can get along. I can help you get back to your world."

"I don't want to go back there." The girl scowled. "I'm not gonna let them lock me up again.

"It seems we have more in common than we thought, love. How about this? Put the fire out and Bella will help the little fire girl get used to this stwange stwange world." Bellatrix cocked her head. "What do you say, love?"

The girl let the fire in her hand fade to smoke.

"Good, good." Bella grinned. "So what's your name, girl?"

She stepped forward and punched Bella squarely in the jaw.

"Yes, yes, you know how to play Bella's game. You've already showed that."

"My name is Azula. Rightful heir to the Fire Nation throne." Azula replied.

"Fire Nation?" Bellatrix questioned. "You and I have a lot to learn from each other. Of course if we're going to get anywhere, you're going to have to march with us."

She took hold of the girl's hand—trying to do so with as little malice as possible—and turned it palm up. Her skin was so pure, so untainted, she almost felt bad that she was going to ruin it. "You're gonna have to get the mark, love."