Disclaimer: I do not own Cardcaptors so do not sue me I have NO money.

However I do own some of the characters like Paulina and Marshall but

you are free to use them if you ask me OK thanks.

Summary- Li left 3 years ago. Sakura is alone. Then she starts to have dreams about a new evil. This new evil is attacking her in the dream and she is saved by some one, but who is it and why is she being attacked in the first place? The answer will surprised you.

The dream is ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

OK now the story


Ch 1: The New Friend

As Sakura got to school she scented that some new powerful magic was

coming because she had already captured and transformed all the Clow

cards into Sakura cards. As she thought of the cards she remembered

Li. He had left her 3 years ago and the thought if him almost made her

cry but she had grown stronger in both her powers and her emotions.

So she just kept going and she didn't stop to cry and just past over

her thought and forgot about it.

When she got to school her best friend Tomoyo looked happy.

"Hi Sakura why so sad?"

Asked Tomoyo looking very cheerful.

"Oh nothing. Why are you so happy?"

Ask Sakura looking even more down.

"Oh I guess you didn't hear we have a new student."

Said Tomoyo looking surprised that Sakura didn't know.

"We do who is it?"

Said Sakura looking around.

"I don't know who it is. They should be here soon."

Said Tomoyo looking at the door.

Then the door opened the teacher came in followed by someone. As the

teacher sat down and you could see a young girl with long black and

red hair down to her knees next to the teacher. She had on a big smile.

(Did you think it was Li Ha Ha it's not)

"Hello class I would like you to meet are new student Lina she is from

America and this is..."

the teacher looked to her side and asked the new girl Lina

"Were is your friend."

The new girl then said

"Oh I think he's in the hall I'll go get him."

So she went out in the hall then a minute later she came back in holding a

boy by the ear

"This is my friend Davey, say Hi Davey"

she said still holding him by the ear and smiling.

"Your hurting me"

He said. So she let him go the he fell on the ground.

"Do you have to do that ever time"

the boy said red in the face. Then the girl answered


A sweat drop appeared on every one who could hear her answer.

Then they went to the back of the class.

The girl went up to Sakura and said

"Hi my name is Lina and this is Davey. What's your name?"

"My name is Sakura"

said Sakura looking happier than before. Then Tomoyo came up and said

"Hi I'm Tomoyo you look so Kawaii."

Said Tomoyo with stars in her eyes.

Then class began and the teacher started with the lesson.

After class Sakura when home. She eat dinner and did her homework but

she was very tried so she fell asleep.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~The Dream~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

She was dreaming that she was on a high tower looking at four people.

She had never seen before. Three of them were girls and one was a boy.

The boy had a sword and was wearing a blue fighting outfit with pants

under it. The outfit had white written on it. The written was in Japanese

on the front and in Chinese on the back. His outfit looked a little

like Li's but it was blue.

The girls had on all different color outfits.

One had a red fighting outfit on like the boy but without the baggy pants

it looked more like Meilin's outfit but it had cuts in the sides and was

longer. It also had knee high stockings under it. It had black colored

written on it in Japanese on the front and in Chinese on the back.

She had both a wand and a sword the sword was tided to her back

but she could get it out easily. The wand she was

holding looked just like Sakura's wand but longer and the star was red and


The next girl had the same looking outfit but in a different color it

was orange with red written in both Japanese on the front and in Chinese

on the back. She had a sword just like the other two.

The last girl had a white outfit with blue written in both Japanese

and Chinese. She had a sword just like all of them.

Then all of a sudden Sakura heard someone yelling it was the girl in the

red outfit. The girl had just through a card in the air and hit it with

her wand. Then she yell

"Windy release and dispel."

Sakura had no time at all to react. Less than a second later something

very powerful hit her and she was falling down the tower fast very fast.



Find out in the next ch please review.








































































































Jk here you go Please review.

Then she

stopped falling someone had caught her but before she could turn around to

see who it was her alarm when off and she woke up.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~End Of Dream~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Kero was there saying

"What's wrong Sakura are u OK?"

Then Sakura said still sleepily

"I'm fine but I'm going to be late for school.

Bye Kero."

So Sakura got ready and she skated to school as fast as she could. As

she stepped in the class room the bell went off. She was not late.


I hope you liked it anyway please review! Thanks it means a lot if you

do review. Thank You.**********************************************************************