Seven- A Scorpion fanfic

(A/N) This is my first fanfiction for a while, so please be gentle! But still, review!

Seven, their were seven reasons Walter could think of off the top of his head. They were in his notebook, his notebook of his observations of Paige. He wasn't even sure why he had written this, it was just something he needed off his chest. Seven reasons why She made him, well, he couldn't say happy, (his lack of emotions kept him from that). More like, well, he couldn't descibe it.

#1- She was always smiling.

Having someone who is always, (well mostly always) optimistic can improve not only my mood, but the teams as well, he had written.

Walter remembered when Owen, the little boy with the kite, had been trapped in the sinkhole, which was gradually filling with water. Paige, throughout the whole expierence, had been helping Owen, keeping him calm and telling him that they would get him out,

#2- She was gracious.

Paige might just be giving a good role model for Ralph, so he would say his please and thank you's- (I believe it's a waster of time) but I doubt it. Paige is very good natured. I will admit, it has rubbed off on me a bit.

Walter had to give her the keys to the van and take her car, for the built in wi-fi, so they could stop the curator who had stolen the painting. (Well at least the one they had switched the real one with) he had told her, "I'd appreciate it," and noticed the surprise on her face.

#3- She was the reason he knew Ralph.

I wouldn't know Ralph if it wasn't for Paige letting me get to know him. If Ralph letting me get to know him. If Ralph had a mother that wasn't as understanding of my misfit group, I wouldn't get to see his genius capabilities.

Walter would never forget that day in the diner. The day he walked in and saw that little boy playing chess with the salt and pepper shakers. The moment he saw the boy he knew was a genius, and he wanted to know him. Paige, after he explained that her son was a genius, let him.

#4- She binds the team

Paige keeps our Cyclone from falling apart, she is like Toby in a way, but a whole lot less cocky. She explains things to us and corrects us if we're out of line. I admire that she is bold enough to do that.

Walter couldn't count all the times Paige had stopped him or any other team member- telling them that they needed to cool off, or just take a step back. Paige kept them from overloading.

#5- Her devotion to her work.

She is always trying to do something, always wanting to be useful. Not many people would drive an almost complete stranger through LA to get to an airport to save thousands of lives. Paige is willing to do anything for the team.

#6- She cared for everyone in the Cyclone.

No matter what, she's there for anyone. Doesn't matter what the problem is, she'll listen- and try to help whoever it is with the problem. This is an important asset to the team, one that we've never had before.

The day when she had approached him, telling him that for a guy who didnt have emotions, that he was sweet. Walet smiled at the thought. (He had never had these, "feelings," before he had met Paige)

#7- I, might have so called, "feelings," for Paige.

She is beautiful, I'd be dumb not to notice. (And I am most certainly not dumb) and she is kind, and smart, and cares about what I do. Whatever I'm feeling, it scares me.

Walter would never, ever, forget the night they danced. The feelings that stirred within him that night were indescribable. How close they were to each other, the way he enjoyed holding her. Her lips, dangerously close to his...

These are seven reasons, and there are most likely infinitely more. Through all of this, Walter realized something, He realized that whatever he had been feeling, might be love.