Disclaimer: I do not own Waterloo Road or any characters mentioned.

Chapter 39

Unfolding the letter slowly, Leo had no idea what to expect when he read the letter.


This might be cheesy as fuck; I don't even know why I'm doing this. You don't really want to speak to me, obviously. I should really learn to take a message, right. You told me I was a waste of time, so I'll not waste too much more.

That's not what I'm trying to say, I tried calling you because I really needed to talk you about something, but you didn't really want to, and I didn't know any other way to do this.

I'm moving back to Chelsea. I don't know for how long, but it's probably for the best. There's nothing for me in Greenock, and I think it's time we both focussed on ourselves."

Leo stopped reading for a minute as he was hit with a wave of guilt hit him. That was what Marco was calling about.

"I'm such an idiot." He whispered, as he read on.

"I know we didn't leave things on good terms, and it feels a bit shitty doing that. I want you to know I'm not angry, really. Shit happens, right?

I don't want you to hate me, I don't hate you. If you feel like calling, I'll answer, if not, whatever, it's up to you.

I still love you, and I probably always will, you little nerd.

I hope everything goes great for you, and you do really well in whatever you choose to do.

If it's the last time we speak, adios amigo!

If not, you know my number; I'm just a phone call away: D



Leo just stared at the letter, and re-read it, to make sure that was exactly what he'd seen. Marco had left, and this in his hands, was his goodbye.

"I'm such an idiot." Leo repeated.

Leo sighed. The last thing he'd said to Marco was that he was a waste of time, which he'd only said because he was annoyed, he didn't mean it, he wished he could tell him that.

Leo assumed Marco was long gone, probably back in his house in London, and ready to start moving on with his life.

Leo had to do the same, as much as he was kicking himself for letting Marco go.

The first person he'd ever loved in his life.


And it was all, his fault.

AN: The end, kind of. I was going to do 40 chapters, but I don't really want to drag out this anymore. You can all just imagine other people's reactions, because the only reaction I really wanted to show was Leo's. Sorry it is so short, again, just wanted everyone to see the contents of the letter, a good way to end it, for now.

I hope you all enjoyed the story, this was my first FF, and I'm super surprised it got so far, and thank you to every single person that helped me with this, whether it was just by reading, or following, or favouring and ALL the reviews! I was happy to get 10 reviews, never mind over 100, I'm amazed and honestly surprised, because I didn't know if it would even be that good at all. I hope my writing skills have improved throughout making this, and I love all of you so much.

I'm working on writing up chapters for a sequel, but I want to have quite a few written in advance so I'll probably not it up straight away. (Maybe by the end of the month, or maybe next month, I have no time scale for it just yet)

So, from this very Cynical Honey Badger, I bid you all farewell, and thank you for reading along with me.

I'll see you all soon (Hopefully)
