Me: Hi again, I'mmmm Baaaaaaaaccckkkkkk

Danny: T^T yay...

Me: heheh don't we all just want to see Danny's secret be reveled again

Danny: *changes voice and covers mouth* Nooooooooo

Danny: *back to normal* hey looks like the readers don't want another chapter sooooo, bye *tries to walk away*

Me: *pounces on him* nope, we're doing this chapter even if the readers don't want me to

Danny: but Firestar...

Me: no buts! we have a story to write

Danny's POV

"Cujo! get back here!" I yelled chasing after the small green ghost dog, because of that I was also flying closer to the ground than normal-that was my first mistake-because of that I crashed into an all to familiar football jock.

Dash's POV

When I was walking down the streat, the last thing I expected to happen was for a ghost to crash into me-let alone Danny Phantom.

"hey are you ok?" I asked after he hit the ground, that's when I noticed he was unconscious, wow either I really caught him by surprise, or I'm way stronger than I thought...

My thoughts were cut off by some kind of ring of light appearing around his waist...ok I may not be a ghost expert...but I'm pretty sure that's not normal, even for a ghost.

I watched as the light changed his jumpsuit into a white t-shirt and ordinary blue jeans, his boots to sneakers-and finally his face-his snow white hair became midnight black, and under his closed eyelids his toxic green eyes replaced with icy blue ones.


Danny's POV

I slowly opened my eyes and sat up, "well that hurt," I muttered rubbing the back of my head, I haven't looked up yet, just what was that anyway, I thought as strands of black hair fell into my eyes-wait black?

I looked at my fleshy-definitely not white gloved covered hand, then looked up to see what-or who-I hit, to see a blond haired blue eyed teen staring at me in shock.

And in that moment I learned just how much the universe hates me...

Danny: yeah more like how much Firestar hates me...

Me: come again?

Danny: N-nothing, please review your likes/dislikes or any comments or questions you might have *and please get me out of here*

Me: PS sorry this chapter was so short...

Me: PPS I would also love for you guys to send me any chapter ideas you might have ^.^