Lucy looked down at her shoes in sadness and remorse. She didn't know what to do or what to say. She got what she deserved with Sting. Or so she thought. Reality was catching up to her quickly and she knew this fear wouldn't be over. It'd never be over no matter how much she wanted to believe it would. Lucy didn't hear the footsteps approaching her until warm arms wrapped around her and a head rested on the top of hers. Lucy didn't even need to look to know who it was just by the gentleness of his arms.
"Shhh." Natsu shushed her before she could even start. All was silent as they watched the sunset together. Natsu holding Lucy close and Lucy on the verge of tears.
"N-Natsu... I'm sorry."
"Luce, you have nothing to be sorry about." Natsu whispered softly, turning the blonde around the pepper kisses all over her cheeks. Lucy blushed but couldn't help but feel loved for once. "I love you, you know that right?"
"Y-You love me? L-Like actually?"
"Yes Lucy. I do." Natsu smiled sincerely and cupped Lucy's face between his hands. Natsu didn't have this kind of relationship before. Even though he use to be dating Lisanna, she never made him feel like this. Every time Lucy and himself kissed, he felt like he was walking on clouds. His heart would hammer rapidly in his chest. He didn't want to lose Lucy because of some prick that changed her way of thinking. She was amazing, kind, intelligent and, above all, beautiful.
"I-I... I think I need to visit someone..." Lucy mumbled, knowing exactly who she needed to see at a moment like this. A person who was like Sting but part of her family. She was scared, thinking of having to see him again but it was a must.
"And who would that be?"
"My father."
"Lucy, might I say, this is quite a surprise." Jude spoke his usually tone, dead but with just a sprinkle of emotion. Lucy was nearly having a panic attack, sitting in front of the blonde hair man before her. Natsu was outside the door and she knew, if need be, he would come in for her. Natsu was everything Lucy wish she could be.
"I-I just thought I would talk to you again."
"Ah yes. About you taking over my company, I hope?" Lucy gulped and inwardly shook. This wasn't what it was about. It was about clearing things up with her father. She wanted to marry Natsu and visit her father often. Maybe even have kids and bring them over for Christmas dinners. She wanted her father to be accepting and loving like he once use to be, before Lucy's mother died.
"N-No... I just-"
"Then I have nothing more to say. Please leave." Jude pointed to the door, turning his back on his daughter and approaching his desk.
"Bye Lucy. If you are interesting in taking over the business then let's talk. Other than that, get ou-"
"CAN'T YOU TALK TO ME LIKE YOUR DAUGHTER INSTEAD OF YOUR WORKER?!" Lucy screeched. Jude looked taken back, eyes wide and mouth hung open. Lucy was trembling as tears rolled down her cheeks. She wanted a father, not a business partner. Jude sighed, turning around and looking at his daughter break down. It broke his heart. The look plastered on Lucy's face was the same one when Lucy's mother thought he was cheating on her and left.
"Layla please! It's not what it looks like!"
"Layla, please let me explain! S-She was coming onto me a-and-"
"YOU LIAR!" A loud slap echoed in the air as the rain poured down on their heavy bodies. Layla ripped open her car down, glaring out the window as she started it up. "AND I'M TAKING LUCY AWAY FROM YOU!"
"W-Wait! I LOVE YOU!" That was the last time Jude ever saw Layla again.
"I'm sorry I-I'm not the daughter you want me to be." Lucy hiccuped. Jude's eyes softened for the first time in years. Jude walked over to lUcy, who in return, cringed expecting a punch or a slap. What Lucy wasn't expecting was a hug. It was awkward and warm, making Lucy's hiccuping quieter. Lucy wrapped her arms around her father and clung to him, crying into his shoulder. Jude smiled at that, holding her tighter.
"I love you." Jude had never said that before to Lucy. Never. And finally hearing it made Lucy's once quiet crying louder.
"I-I love you too dad!"
"Can I get in on this hug?"
Jude and Lucy pulled away, seeing how Natsu was peaking his head through the door. Jude looked at Natsu with suspicion while Lucy ran over to him, glomping him in a hug.
"Lucy... Who's this?" Lucy looked back at her father before smiling.
"Dad this is-"
"Natsu Dragneel, your future son-in-law." Natsu winked at Lucy before strutting over to Jude to shake his hand. Jude couldn't help but laugh as Lucy was blushing like a tomato.
"Is that right. Well Natsu, you better treat her right or I will hurt you."
"Dad!" Lucy squeaked.
"The last thing I plan to do is hurt her, sir. Besides he healed each other." Natsu looked at Lucy with a bright smile which was eagerly returned. Jude grinned at that. Jude never knew about Sting but that was something that wouldn't want to be remembered. Lucy and Natsu had each other. they completely each other, destined to be soul mates from the very start. It was almost like...
They mended each other's broken hearts.
Hello everyone! I did not forget about this story! Sorry for such the long wait! Ik you guys deserve an update and I wasn't going to be one of those author's that are like "One day I'll update" and it's like "you said that two years ago..."
I haven't given up on writing either, just Nalu though because a lot of people didn't seem to like my work or appreciate it. I've been writing Eremin stories though and, man, must I say I have 22 stories now. xD I started a poll for those to answer if I should post my Eremin oneshots on here [though it would be like a chapter book but with oneshots]. Feel free to vote! Ik lots of people will say no and some will say yes (mostly everyone will probably say no, I bet) but I kinda wanna share my Eremin stories with you guys. :) I've been posting them on AO3 and I was hoping to post them here. But I really don't want to post them so Nalu followers will comment saying "STOP POSTING AOT AND POST FT AGAIN!" I gave up on FT because of those people. But anyways, I'm doing good! :)
I also started an Eremin chapter book called Penalty! I was iffy about doing it since a lot of you guys were quite demanding of updates (I'm not naming names) but most of you were pretty good. And this time I made it clear I will update when ready. Plus Eremin fans are actually really nice! :D
Anyone see the new Star Wars? Omg, I found it so good! I'm thinking of writing stories for that too but probably will post them on AO3. AO3 stands for Archive of Our Own if non of you know though instead of com at the end, it'll be org.
Anyways, thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed! :D