Well, I decided to write a fanfic on this couple from the anime Kamigami No Asobi because I love them together and they need more stories! O_O So if you like this anime and you like Yui x Apollon then here is a story for you! Enjoy! :D


"Is Fairy going to be okay?" Apollon said. He was overly worried as he looked at Yui lying in bed. Thoth placed his hand on her forehead while the others waited anxiously on what he had to say.

"She seems to have a fever. Humans get sick like this from time to time. If she rests, she'll be back on her feet soon."

Yui felt miserable under the covers. As much as she wanted to get out of bed, she knew that she wouldn't be able to. Apollon gently grabbed onto Yui's hand. She looked over at him and saw the concern in his eyes.

"I'll stay by your side Fairy. No matter what, I won't leave your side."

"Well if Apollon is staying, then I'll stay too," Takeru said.

"I don't think so," Thoth replied, "All of you need to get back to your studies."

"He's right. Don't worry about me, I'll be fine," Yui said as she smiled. She didn't want to be the reason for the Gods getting behind on their work. Apollon kept his eyes fixed on her. He really didn't want to leave her side. Especially since she looked so weak and helpless, he was worried that someone would try to do something to her.

Yui looked back at him, the smile still remaining on her face. "Make sure to work hard. I'll be cheering for all of you in my dreams." The heaviness in Yui's eyes was growing heavier. She wanted to continue awake, but her eyes could no longer take it and closed shut.


"Well then, let's get to the classroom. We have a lot to cover today," Thoth said as he started to leave the room, practically pushing everyone else out with him. Apollon took one last glance at Yui before he made his way to follow after the others.

It didn't take long for Yui to enter into a deep slumber, as if she hadn't slept in days. It was partially true since she would stay up late most nights to practice with her sword. She also spent some nights talking with Melissa about her day and what the Gods had accomplished. Usually after a while of talking about all of that, Yui would remain focused on Apollon for the rest of the conversation. Melissa pointed it out the day before she got sick and to Yui's surprise he was right.

"Apollon…" she mumbled in her sleep.


After a long hour and a half of non-stop lecturing from Thoth, Apollon quickly rushed out of the room and ran down the hallway. Before anyone could yell at him or chase after him, Apollon made it his goal to go check on Yui first. He didn't want to let any of the other Gods be alone with her.

He tried to stay focused throughout the class so he wouldn't need to worry about studying later on. His main priority was to watch over Yui and make sure she got better. Making his way to her room, he silently and carefully opened the door. Inside Yui was still fast asleep on her bed. Apollon gently closed the door behind him before he walked over to her bedside. Her sleeping form was peaceful and beautiful.

"Are you going to just stand there and stare at her?"

Apollon quickly looked to the side and saw the yellow puppet standing on Yui's desk.

"I didn't know you were there!" Apollon nearly yelled.

"I was sleeping earlier and just woke up an hour ago. Yui still has a high fever."

Apollon looked back at Yui and gently placed his hand on her forehead. She was still hot and there was some sweat on her now. "How long will it take for her to get better?"

"I'm not sure myself. But Yui's a strong girl, so she'll get better in no time," Melissa replied confidently.

"Better in time for the second play we planned to have tomorrow night?" Apollon asked the puppet.

"Hmm, there is a chance she'll be fine by then. If she continues to rest and take medicine, then the play will go on as planned."

Apollon hoped Melissa was right. The first play they did was an unexpected disaster. Everything went wrong, but the other students ended up liking the chaos they had caused on stage. It was fun, but even so, Apollon wasn't able to kiss Yui as the prince of the play. This time he had gotten lucky again and gotten the role of the prince. He wanted it to be perfect when their lips would finally touch. He wanted to show his friends and everyone else that his love for Yui was strong.

Melissa kept his buttoned eyes on Apollon's pensive face. Looking at the young God he could easily tell that Apollon had feelings for Yui. The way he looked at her and worried about her were enough signs that told Melissa he was serious. If only Yui could express her love, but Melissa knew that the young girl was still denying that she had feelings for the blonde haired boy.

"I wonder what would happen if I ended up with Fairy…" Apollon mumbled under his breath.

"What do you think would happen?" Melissa asked in response. Apollon looked at him a bit surprised. It was obvious that he didn't think the yellow puppet had heard him, but alas Melissa did hear him. Putting his gaze back on Yui, he sighed.

"It ended badly with Cassandra…So I'm scared that something bad will happen to Fairy if we were to…" Apollon didn't even want to imagine something happening to Yui. He had suffered over Cassandra's death for a long time, only until she used Yui's body to tell him it was time to move on and that it wasn't his fault. So he took her advice and continued on with his life. It was then that he noticed how strongly he felt towards Yui.

"Listen Apollon Agana Belea, son of Zeus, if you let your fear consume you then you'll regret not taking a risk. Yui won't be in danger if she does end up accepting your feelings, but you won't know if you don't take the chance." Melissa wanted to help the two. Apollon was afraid to get hurt and lose Yui while Yui was afraid of admitting that she had fallen in love with the God of the Sun.

A smile formed on Apollon's lips. "You're right Melissa. I can't continue to stay silent. If I do I might just lose Fairy to one of the others. I'll figure out a way to confess my feelings."

"That's the spirit!" Melissa cheered in joy.

At that moment Yui began to open her eyes. Apollon and Melissa both quickly put their attention onto her. "Fairy! You're awake!" Apollon said in delight. Yui looked at him and smiled.

"Apollon…Did class end already?"

Apollon nodded his head. "I made sure to pay extra attention and take a lot of notes like Tsukito always does. Then I rushed back here once class ended to check up on you. How are you feeling? Do you need me to get you anything?"

"No, I'm fine. I think I might sleep for a little more before dinner."

"Then go ahead and sleep. I'll wake you up once it's time for dinner."

"Thanks," Yui said before she closed her eyes again and drifted off to sleep. Apollon felt the need to stroke her head. He liked being alone with Yui. He liked seeing her smile directed only to him. He wondered if he could even go as far as eating dinner alone with Yui in her room. He made it his goal to do just that.


"Hey Weed, do you want more soup?" Takeru asked from his place on the floor. Yui shook her head.

"No thanks Takeru. I'm starting to get full."

"Umm, Apollon, are you alright?" Hades said as he looked at his silent nephew. All the other Gods were sitting around Yui's room while they ate their food along with Melissa. Apollon looked up from his plate to look at his uncle.

"I'm fine. I think I just wished for too much," he said with a guilty smile.


Well there you go! ^_^ My first fanfic on Yui x Apollon! I'm still debating on whether or not I should continue with this story or just leave it a one shot. What do you think? Let me know. If I get enough follows, favorites and/or reviews then I'll consider it :D Thanks for reading! Reviews are welcomed and appreciated!