Chapter 1: I'm Alone
Disclaimer: I do not own Supernatural.
Dean's P.O.V
Sam Winchester.
My precious baby brother who, now that I think about it, is not such a baby anymore. After all he proved it by leaving Dad and I behind. Sadly this means I failed as the big brother. I laughed bitterly at my own thoughts. Even dad agrees with me. I thought back to the last thing he said before leaving.
"You worthless piece of shit, you failed at taking care of your brother and now he is gone because of you"
Now I lay beaten on the ground. I mentally sighed before I got up and went to the mirror in the bathroom in a motel we were currently living in to inspect the damage done by my father, John Winchester. Dad and Sammy have been butting heads since Sammy learned of the things that go bump in the night. I love my family but they always focus on their needs and desires. If I try to interfer in their arguments they push the blame on me. I just want to not hear them fighting every five minutes. I try so hard to keep my little broken family together but this time it wasn't enough. I stared at my bloody face in the mirror. When was it ever enough? I sacrificed everything for my family. Tears flooded my vision. I'm tired so very tired of everything. I stared at the mirror as someone else's tears ran down my dry cheeks. I sighed as I began to clear the blood and bandage the wounds while wiping the tears away. I wish I truly had no emotions it would make my life so much more easier. I exited the bathroom and fished out my mom's photo out of my duffle bag. I smiled sadly and remembered the very few memories that I had of her. I was suddenly over whelmed at the feeling of need for my mom to be here. I then noticed the angel statue behind her. Where was god when mom was dying? Where was god when dad was hitting me after a night of drinking? Where was god when my family was leaving me to bite the dust!? I tightened my grip on the photo. Both Sammy and Dad know what they are doing with their lives but I don't. I thought about this for a few minutes before I decided that I'm leaving. It's a perfect time. Dad's probaly out on a hunt ot trying to bring Sammy back and even then he has his eyes set on getting revenge. Sammy's too busy trying to live the apple pie life to even notice my adsence. I'm determined to find my own place in the world. I gathered my things, jumped in my baby, and went a few cities away from where we were staying. I made a stop and decided to call dad. I took a few deep breaths amd dialed his number and just like I thought it would it took me to his voicemail.
"Hey dad. I'm not sure if your going to get this but I decided to find my own place in the world. Don't try to find me. I'm getting rid of all the spare phones. I'm still going to go hunt just not with you here to help me. I'm sorry that you have to find out this way. See you later dad... and please be careful."
I winced at the raw emotion at the end and knew that dad was going to notice and call me a bigger disgrace because of it. I sighed as I continued on driving and for the first time in a while I prayed for my family and for myself to a god I don't believe in.
Author's note:
Hey! Okay so this is the first fanfic I have ever written so please be nice. I hope you like it and review please! I would really appreciate it. :)