A/N: So here's part 2! This might end up being a 3 parter with an epilogue if all goes according to plan.
It was late into the night at the Sato apartment and Korra was making herself a drink. Though in Asami's opinion, it looked more like a liquefied meal, something called a 'protein shake' apparently.
"You want one?" Korra asked her with a wide grin, holding up a rather viscous looking concoction, looking to be made up of several ingredients that were never intended to be made into drink.
Asami shook her head no. She internally praised her decision as she watched 3 whole peppers make its way into the blend.
"We should get some sleep soon," said the engineer, having changed into silk pajamas a while ago. She stretched languidly on the couch. "I need to be up tomorrow for a meeting with Varrick."
"Mm?" said Korra through a mouthful of shake. "What for?"
"Dunno. He said it was a surprise," Asami made air-quotes, "'Revolutionary', apparently."
"I swear, if it's another one of those things….", Korra blushed, hiding in vain behind a gulp of her liquid concoction.
Asami giggled at her partner's reaction. Despite being one of the bravest and strongest people she knew, Korra could be hilariously inept when it came to discussions regarding relationships and intimacy.
She decided to test the waters. "I am keeping an eye on that project though. Seems like something two consenting adults could have fun with."
That little comment resulted in a coughing fit and a very red-faced Avatar.
"Kidding!" said Asami amidst giggles. "We're taking things slow, remember? But…nothing wrong with a little teasing, right?"
The wink that followed almost undid Korra who let out a most undignified gurgle. She finished the rest of her shake and made her way to the sofa.
"Ehem…so, any thoughts on LinKo?"
Asami raised an eyebrow as Korra sat down beside her. "And who came up with this cute little pet-name?"
"It was a collaborative effort between Bolin and yours truly."
The green-eyed heiress nodded appreciatively. "I guess it has a nice ring to it. And I'm also guessing you're for this theoretical relationship?"
Korra shrugged. "Bei Fong's a good person. She's brave, got a good head on her shoulders, has a pretty good career…."
"You sound like Mako's mother," said Asami with a very unlady-like snort.
"Well, so what?" said Korra, crossing her muscular arms. "He's our friend. I have a right to be concerned about who he dates."
Asami watched as her girlfriend continued to simmer.
"Something on your mind?"
The dark skinned girl let out a heavy sigh. "I just…don't tell anyone, but…I feel sorry for Mako."
Asami was silent, lightly picking on the hem of her shirt.
"I mean, please don't get me wrong Sami, this is the happiest I've been in a long time…but…"
"You want Mako to have that too," finished the older of the two, putting a hand of top of Korra's. "I know. I want him to be happy too."
"But he's not. You heard Bolin – he's barely at home, likely working himself to death. I just…I wish…he had what we have."
More silence ensued as the two young women were lost in their thoughts.
Asami decided to speak first. "…do you ever feel guilty about this?"
"Huh? No, spirits no! I love you!"
The heiress smiled at her girlfriend. "I love you too, sweetie. Let me rephrase….I mean, do you ever feel like we abandoned him?"
A sigh from Korra was her response. "Sometimes. I remember a couple of months ago when he joined us, or Bolin and Opal out to dinner, and he'd just….he'd look so lost, so lonely. I mean, it's been six months, Sami! He doesn't have anyone but Prince Wu for company!"
Korra felt an involuntary shudder come over her as she remembered their WuKo theory (she and Bolin were admittedly not very creative with the names).
"Maybe we should just let him take his time with this, Korra," Asami said in a soft voice. "It's not written anywhere that everyone should be paired up after the end of a catastrophic event."
"I know. You're right. I just thought that….we were Team Avatar, y'know? We saved the world so many times and changed things, and….and, dammit, we deserve to be happy! All of us!"
Asami put a gentle hand on Korra's neck, massaging it lightly.
"Have I told you this is one of the many things I love about you?"
"What do you mean?"
"How you want everyone to be happy. It's so cute."
Asami bit her thumb to keep from laughing as her girlfriend puffed up indignantly. "Cute? You think so?"
The next morning, Korra was meeting Bolin for breakfast. A new place had opened up and, to her earth bender friend's delight, had exclusive reserved seats for the Avatar and her companions.
"Korra, over here!" called Bolin from one of the booths, waving his fork in the air. "You should try the strawberry pancakes here. They're awesome."
"I think I will," said Korra with a nod and a smile towards a waiter who scurried off for her order. "So, any plans today?"
Bolin looked up at her, taking a break from polishing his plate. "Hmm? Don't you have plans with Asami?"
The waiter suddenly reappeared and delivered a stack of pancakes in front of Korra who smiled gratefully and began to dig in. "She's at work – oh, thank you— won't be back 'til tonight."
"Hmm, guess that makes her the man?" asked Bolin, his arms folded in contemplation. "In your relationship, I mean."
Korra just looked confused.
Bolin decided to elaborate. "I mean, I always assumed it was you, with the muscles and the bending and all…."
His female companion let out a quiet chuckle.
"No one's the 'man' Bolin. We're both women."
"Yeah, but she wears the pants."
"Don't deny it. She's got you wrapped around her finger."
"Y-you're the same with Opal!"
Bolin smiled wistfully, his hand under his chin. "I know. It's so great."
"I do have work you know."
"Wow, really? You got a job?"
"My job is being the Avatar! It's an important job!"
"Psshh, that's not a job. A job is when you go to work for money."
Korra was about to make another comment when a familiar tall figure walked in, wearing a dark brown tunic. He was wearing a hat that obscured his features but it wasn't enough to get past the two people who had known him longest.
"Is that…" Korra whispered, quickly turning to Bolin
"…Mako? I didn't know he was back!" he whispered in return. "He never told me he was home! Oh no…we're drifting apart! I've been so busy with Opal lately and he resents me!"
"Bolin, quiet! He'll hear you!"
The two continued to observe as the figure who looked a lot like Mako sat like a statue and ordered a glass of water. He took a small sip and looked at his watch.
"He's waiting for someone," said Korra, hiding her face with the menu. "He doesn't want to be seen with them."
"Why here if he doesn't want to be seen?" asked Bolin. "Why a new place with tons of people?"
"It's the perfect place. It's new so there'll be a crowd. They'll be focused on the food and the decorations. No one's gonna remember some weirdo in a hat."
Bolin's counter-argument got stuck in his throat as someone entered the restaurant. His eyes widened as he saw who it was.
"It's Bei Fong! Holy shit!" Bolin rasped out, hunching even further in his seat. "It's her! She's a…"
"…a cougar-wolf!" murmured Korra, eyes bright with conviction.
The earthbender gave her a weird look. "What?"
Korra's cheeks shone pink. "It's...um...what they call older women who go for younger men. They're vicious predators."
"Oh yeah, you're right!" Bolin said in a hushed voice, his face full of realization. "I've seen this one mover where this cougar-wolf tore a full grown air-bison apart!" He turned pale. "She's gonna tear Mako apart!"
Korra's ears turned red. "Uhm...in a manner of speaking. Man, will you look at her!"
"What? What's she doing?"
"No, nothing, I just remembered all the crap she gave Tenzin for dumping her for someone younger!" said Korra, flushed with vindication.
They continued to watch in silent fascination as Lin sipped her coffee and Mako took a few clinical bites from his scrambled eggs. The two talked in somewhat hushed tones, betraying no emotion whatsoever. There was the occasional raised eyebrow from Lin and smirk from Mako, but other than that...
"...they don't seem very...affectionate," observed Bolin. "They're just...talking.
Korra squinted, trying to read lips. "I can't tell what they're saying. Who knows, maybe this is as affectionate as Lin gets in public."
"Hmm, maybe you're HIDE!"
There was a light scramble as the two spies put their respective menus in front of their faces. Both Mako and Lin stood up and made their way out of the restaurant.
Bolin breathed a sigh of relief. "That was...weird."
"You didn't pick up any couple-y vibes from them?"
"Not really," said Bolin, scratching his head. "I mean, Bei Fong is his superior officer, so he would still have to report to her right? Maybe he just wanted to get it over with once he got home."
As they took a stroll in the newly constructed park in the Avatar's honor, Bolin noticed said Avatar deep in thought. The thing with Korra was that despite her power, she could be very easy to read when she was stressed.
"What's bugging ya?"
Korra glanced briefly at Bolin. "Hm? Nothing. It's...nothing."
"It really is. Nothing."
Bolin shrugged. "Whenever you're ready."
Korra sighed, rubbing one arm in embarassment. "Mako...ever tell you how he found out about us? Me and Asami?"
"Hmm? Oh yeah...he...uh...well, it was his fault, he really should've knocked..."
The Avatar blushed at the memory of Mako walking in on a very passionate make-out session between her and Asami. It was right after their Spirit World vacation and both of them were craving some privacy.
She remembered him looking very surprised. After that, actual, genuine happiness combined with a sign of resignation in his eyes.
Korra remembered feeling extreme embarrassment then feeling like the worst friend one could have.
She and Asami had been stressing out how to tell him about their new relationship that they had told basically everyone but him. This and unlucky circumstances worked together in making sure that Mako found out in the worst possible way.
"Congratulations," he had said, all smiles and reassurances.
That was a week before his month long mission in the Earth Kingdom.
Then came the two month negotiations in what used to be Ba Sing Se. Then another month on Kiyoshi island.
"Does he ever tell you...does he think..." said Korra, feeling a leaden weight in her belly. "Did he think that he was...that he was just...I dunno...that I was just messing with him?"
"What are you talking about?"
Korra stopped walking and leaned against a brick wall, observing the many residents of the city enjoying the calm of the park.
"I really did love him you know. Asami...she loved him too."
Bolin put a reassuring hand on the gloomy girl's shoulder. "He knows that. Of course he knows that."
"I just don't want him to think that he's...used goods."
Korra felt a pang of irritation as Bolin snickered.
"Sorry...go on."
Korra glowered, crossing her arms in barely restrained fury. "Did you know they were making fun of him in the hospital? And the police station?"
Bolin's smile faded, replaced by bafflement and anger in his eyes.
"'Oh, look! It's the guy who turned both his girlfriends lesbian for each other!' 'Hey, it's Mako, the guy who made the Avatar give up on men!'" Korra imitated in a high pitched voice. She turned to Bolin, a vein throbbing on her temple and her muscular arms bunching up in fury. "First off, I'm the Avatar! I don't give up on anyone!"
Bolin gave a nod. "Damn straight."
"Kuvira tried to blow us all up with a giant damn laser gun and I didn't give up on her! Second, Mako's the only guy I've ever been with before Asami! Why would I give up on men after dating one guy?"
There were a few minutes of stony silence as the two stewed in irritation.
Bolin sighed. "I can see your point, but I know my brother. He's as tough as they come."
"I know. He just...he doesn't need this."
"Do you know if Chief Bei Fong is seeing anyone?"
Kya gave Bolin a bewildered look. The two had barged into her guest room when they had learned that she was visiting Tenzin for the week. They found her tending to a bonsai tree and reading a book on advanced healing techniques.
"No...where, exactly, is this coming from?"
"She was acting kinda weird when we went drinking with her," supplied Bolin helpfully. "We're thinking it might be over a guy or a girl."
The older waterbender gave them a blank look. "You think Lin Bei Fong, the woman they called Full Metal Bitch when she was younger, is drinking away her sorrows, over a guy?"
Korra gave Kya an incredulous look. "Full Metal Bitch?"
"Oh yeah, that was her nickname from way back. Up until, you know, she started throwing boulders at anyone who said it."
Bolin and Korra exchanged nervous glances. "What about girls?"
Kya shrugged. "Dunno. I've never really paid attention to Lin's type. Although considering my brother, she likes 'em quiet on the outside and freaky on the inside."
The healer stifled a laugh as she watched Korra turn green.
"Ugghh….anything in that book about healing psychological scars?" she moaned. "Cause that little bit of trivia really did a number on my mental well-being."
"Sorry about that," said Kya with a small grin, still absorbed in the book. "It's just kind of strange I guess. I mean, whoever's got the stones to date Lin Bei Fong must either be a monk or a masochist."
Bolin frowned. "A masochist? What's that?"
Kya continued flipping through the book, eyebrows knitting in concentration. "It's when someone gives you crap and, for no discernible reason, you keep putting up with it."
Korra coughed lightly into her hand, as she watched Tenzin's sister's silent struggle to not get agitated. She sighed as things clicked into place.
"So…Fang Wu's visiting?" she asked, suppressing a giggle as she watched the older waterbender turn crimson from a combination of agitation and embarrassment.
Kya recovered in a second and feigned nonchalance. "Hmm? Oh, I, uh, guess he is."
"Alright. Say hi to him for me okay?"
"Who's Fang Wu?" Bolin asked later as they continued to walk Republic City.
Korra smiled slyly. "Oh, he's this brilliant healer in the Southern Watertribe. Some people say he's the best watertribe healer, period, second only to Katara. He's kind of a dick, though. Only takes patients that he finds interesting."
"Was he one of the healers who rehabilitated you? Doesn't get more interesting than the Avatar."
"Yeah." Korra said, pouting as she remembered Fang's frankly awful bedside manner and that horrible cane he carried around for his bad leg. "He and Kya both trained under Katara when they young. They fought for days about how to go about with my treatment before they finally came to an agreement."
"I take it they don't like each other?" asked Bolin.
Korra gave a short laugh. "No, they're crazy about each other. They're just both too thick to figure it out."
Bolin blinked. "So, how'd you figure out he was coming to visit?"
"Because Kya's read that book cover to cover almost a dozen times already and memorized it cold. But she starts freaking out and forgetting things whenever he visits."
There was a beat of silence as Bolin remembered a new word he had learned a while ago.
"Oh, definitely."
"You think….Mako's like that?"
Korra sighed heavily. They were getting nowhere fast. It was time to pull out the big guns.
"Come on, let's go see how King Wu's doing."
A/N: Sorry for the delay guys. I'm working as a medical resident and that does tend to get in the way of my recreational writing sometimes :-)
Comments and constructive criticism will be much appreciated. Oh, and I've absolutely NO IDEA what House, M.D. is. Nope, nada.
Next chapter: Korra and Bolin explore the concept of bromance while Asami makes a few discoveries of her own.