Non-humans: Vampire Sanji, WW Luffy, WW Robin

Modern AU

Sanji, startled by Luffy's sudden shift in demeanor, did not act quickly enough to stop Luffy from leaping into Robin. She held up her hands on instinct to stop him, and he bit into one of her arms, drawing blood and a hiss of pain.

"Luffy, stop!" Sanji yelled, gathering himself. Luffy crouched on all fours and growled, his gaze trained on Robin. Keeping his eyes on Luffy, Sanji moved towards Robin. "Mrs. Nico?"

"What in the world," Robin began, but couldn't finish her sentence before she fainted, slumping in her chair.

Sanji swore under his breath and glared at Luffy. "Stay. There," he hissed, eyes glowing red. He moved an empty mug on the desk so it would be in front of Robin when she woke up, and moved her chair closer to it, positioning her head so it rested on the desk.

"What did you do?" he said, coming back around and smacking Luffy, who growled at him. "What is wrong with you?"

"Let me attack the human," Luffy snarled. His lip curled and his eyes moved to examine himself in confusion. "Body's . . . different?"

"What the fuck," Sanji said under his breath. A noise made him turn and Luffy moved again, but Sanji snapped his gaze back to him with a quick order to stop too soon for Luffy to cause any more damage.

"Luffy, what's—" Robin lurched and vomited into her cup before she could finish her sentence. She coughed and sat up in her chair, recovering. "What's happening to him? Does he need a doctor?"

"He's fine, I think," Sanji said, keeping his gaze on Luffy. "Mrs. Nico? How do you feel about werewolves?"

Several minutes, a horrified apology, two explanations, and plenty of evidence later, Robin was left sitting in her chair, clasping her hands and staring at her desk.

"I don't think I have any choice but to believe you," she said at last.

"Mrs. Nico, I'm sorry," Luffy offered again when she didn't continue. "I dunno for sure if you're a werewolf now. I mean, you probably are, but—"

"It's fine," she said with a reassuring smile. "At least now I know why you're sleeping all the time, Sanji."

Sanji yawned on cue.

"As for being a werewolf, what do I need to know if that's the case?" Robin asked Luffy.

"Um, you'll be really sick on the day of the full moon, and then you'll transform at night," Luffy said. "Also, you'll get a tail after you transform, and that's just there forever. Colors get weird and so do your eyes. I think that's it. Also, you get a good sense of smell."

"Thank you. Now, are you sure you're fine?"


"The buses have left by now, so I'll drive you two home if you want," Robin said, standing and picking up her mug. "Just let me clean this and get my things."

"You're back early," Franky said from the couch as Robin walked through the door.

"I brought my work home with me. And so are you."

"Yeah, well, business was slow, I closed up early. Yo, what happened to your arm?"

"This?" Robin said, holding up the bandaged arm. "One of my students accidentally bit me. I'm fine."

"How do you accidentally bite someone?"

"It's been too long since you were in high school," Robin remarked. "In any case, I'll tell you in about . . . half a month?"

Franky raised an eyebrow. "Uh, sure. So, how was the rest of your day?"

When Robin woke up sick on the early morning of the full moon, she reached for the phone. Given her excellent record, she was granted the day off, and she fell back asleep as soon as she'd shut off the phone. She was woken up a few hours later by a knock at her door.

"Hey, you're late," Franky said, poking his head in. He frowned. "You okay?"

"I'm sick," Robin said hoarsely, pushing hair back from her forehead and trying to sit up. "I think I'll transform tonight."

Franky assumed he'd misheard her, or she was delirious with fever. "Okay, okay," he said. "You just stay in bed. I'm heading out in like, an hour, do you want anything?"


Franky disappeared and returned with a glass and cold, damp towels. He set these on her nightstand and felt her forehead. "Ow," he said sympathetically. "Does the school know?"

"I called. Don't come in tonight."

"Super. I'll go tell Brook. Get better soon. You want medicine, or—? No? Cool, I'll see you later."

He shut the door on his way out, and Robin groaned in the throes of a headache, burying herself under the comforter again.

"She's still ill," Brook reported, withdrawing from Robin's room and shutting the door behind him. "I offered to pick up some medicine, but she declined."

Franky scratched the back of his neck as Brook shut the door to their bedroom and started undressing. "She's not the type to get sick. Is it flu season?"

"We all had our shots. Are there 'types' who get sick?"

"I guess not. Well, no, there are sickly people, but—"

A strangled cry came from Robin's room and Brook and Franky froze.

"Yo, Robin?" Franky called, standing while Brook opened the door again. They went to Robin's door and leaned against it. Franky knocked on the door and got no response.

"Robin?" Franky said, reaching for the handle and knocking again. "You okay?"

A loud growl and a bang against the door made Franky and Brook jump away.

"Geez, okay," Franky said, backing up with Brook. "We'll leave you alone. Night."

"She sounds very ill," Brook said as they went back to their own room.

"If she needed the hospital, she would've said something," Franky pointed out, shutting the door. "She just sounded angry. Must've got tired of us checking up on her."

"I hope you're right," Brook said, glancing in the direction of Robin's room when he heard another growl.

Up bright and early, Brook knocked on Robin's door shortly after sunrise the following morning. "Ms. Robin?"

"Yes?" came the sleepy response.

Brook cautiously opened the door to find Robin still under her comforter, bags under her eyes and the blanket pulled up to cover her chest. "How are you?" he asked, looking away.

"Much better," Robin said dryly. "The fever broke, and you smell like tea and rosin."

"Pardon?" Brook said. "Are you sure you're well?"

"As well as I can be."

"I'm glad to hear it. Incidentally, I must apologize if Mr. Franky and I annoyed you yesterday. You must understand, we were only concerned for your health."

"Annoyed . . . ?"

"You let out a terrific noise last night."

"And you thought it was because I was angry?" Robin said, smiling. "Is that why you didn't check on me?"


"I wasn't angry . . . because you were checking up on me. That was very nice of you. I did tell both of you to stay out of my room, though."

"You did, didn't you?" Brook said, chancing a look at her. "Again, forgive us if we bothered you."

"I didn't sleep at all last night," Robin said, settling back down onto her pillows. "I'll see you later today."

"Please do get some rest, then."

"Afternoon," Robin said, coming into the kitchen in pajamas a little after noon. She was still tired but her eyes were brighter. "Has Franky already left?"

"He has," Brook said. "Would you like anything to eat? Where in the world did you get that?"

"Toast, if you don't mind," Robin said, sitting down. "Where did I get what?"

"That tail," Brook said, pointing.

"This?" Robin said, turning her head to look at the sleek black tail poking out from the hole she'd cut in her pajama bottoms. "It seems to have stayed with me after I transformed back."

"Transformed—? Oh, Ms. Robin, please," Brook exclaimed. "I meant, where did you buy it?"

"At the school, with my blood." Robin's tail moved lazily as she smiled.

Brook pushed the lever on the toaster down and looked at her. "Ms. Robin, I dislike this kind of humor."

"I am having fun, but I'm not kidding."

Brook jumped. "Oh, your eyes!"

"What about them?"

"Ms. Robin, please, you know what I mean! They're yellow now, instead of brown!"

"Is that so?" Robin said. "I appear to have gone colorblind, and I couldn't tell."

"Ms. Robin, you're hurting my feelings."

"I don't mean to," Robin said, standing and going to him to pat his shoulder. "The thing is, I'm a werewolf now."

"Ms. Robin, please, I must ask you to cease and desist at once!"

"I'm not wearing contacts or anything. Look closely. And does this look fake to you?" She wagged her tail. Brook jumped, and jumped again when the toast popped out.

"This isn't good for my heart," he whispered, clutching his chest as Robin removed the toast and got out a knife for jam.

"Why do you think I wanted you two to stay out?" she asked, getting the jam out of the fridge. She unscrewed the lid and frowned. "We're almost out."

"It could have been any number of reasons!" Brook grabbed a pen from the counter and went to the fridge to add to the grocery list. "You mean to say you knew this was going to happen?"

"I had an idea. One of my students, who is a werewolf himself, bit me by accident a few weeks ago. He and his vampire friend explained the situation. They were very nice about it."

"Please don't mention vampires," Brook said in horror, leaving an ink trail on his cheek as his hands flew up to his face, still holding the pen. "Ms. Robin, why didn't you tell us earlier?"

"I didn't know for sure it was going to happen until I fell ill," Robin explained. "I did tell Franky I would transform, but I don't think he heard me."

Brook capped the pen and set it down. "I don't like this, Ms. Robin."

"But you believe me now, and I appreciate that," Robin said with a smile and a wag of her tail. "Want to put off work and watch a movie?"

"Hey, you're feeling better?" Franky said as he shut the front door behind him, seeing Robin working on papers at the coffee table with Brook. "How've your guys's days been?"

"Wonderful," Robin said with a sunny smile.

"Jarring," Brook said, hanging his head.

"Glad you're doing okay now. Brook, what happened? Did a dog try to bite you or something?"

"More like a wolf, Mr. Franky."

"I did not try to bite you," Robin said, placing a hand over her chest.

"What?" Franky said. He spotted the tail. "Nice costume. Brook, did you get scared by that thing?"

"Franky, do you remember when I was bitten by a student, and I would tell you more details later?"


By the time Robin had finished explaining, Franky was sitting at the coffee table with them, his mouth open and a cola in one hand.

"So—so you knew this was going to happen, and you didn't—?" he exclaimed.

"I told you I was going to transform," Robin said with a shake of her head and a sigh.

"But I—I didn't think—oh, my god. Oh my god."

"On the plus side, I'd like to wait a while longer to make sure, but being a werewolf may have made my period stop," Robin added. Franky frowned and was about to say something but then thought better of it, and Brook bent over his papers, working furiously again. "I was in the midst of it when I fell ill, and now it's stopped completely."

"Oh. That's . . . good? If you're not sick?"

"It is, isn't it? You smell like cola and diesel."

"I do?" Franky said, grinning. "Super!"

"There is nothing super about this situation," Brook said under his breath.

I've been thinking about the future of this story. I still enjoy writing it, but I also have so many other projects I want to get to, and my current ideal story rotation is only six stories (it's seven at the time I'm writing this, but I plan to knock one off the list as soon as it's finished). Since this is a story without a plot, it could conceivably go on for a very long time. As such, I'm thinking about eventually taking either a very long break from this story or marking it complete and being on my way.

This itself won't happen for a while, though. Before anything happens, I at least want to finish the requests I have to do (I currently have chapter requests from PorterHawk96 and Gamma Cavy, and stuff to add in to chapters with their own plots from kdh1997 and Gamma Cavy), as well as any requests that might come up in the meantime. In other words, requests are not closed right now!

I'll make another announcement about this when I draw closer to finishing the requests I have on hand as well as any chapter ideas I have myself. I may have a better idea of what I want to do by that point.