16.1 [kingofsouls][wildrook][Theburper][Hvulpes][Evilhumour][Jesse Lee][Leviticus Wilkes][Anon e Mouse Jr.]
[Avatar: The Last Airbender] [Avatar: The Legend of Korra]
Zuko thought for a moment before saying "Never have I ever… been the Avatar."
As expected, Aang and Korra took swigs of their drinks. Unexpectedly, so did Katara. "Waking up from a 100 year ice nap not a fun way to start a loop." She admitted.
"Trust me, Korra makes being the Avatar look easy." Asami drunk as she replied to Katara's answer.
"Thank Asami." Korra grinned as she watched her girlfriend with a special look in her eyes.
To everyone's surprise neither Sokka nor Tenzin took drinks. "Wait...are you saying that the son of the Avatar...has never been the Avatar?" Bolin asked, confused at the turn of events.
"To be honest, I don't really mind whether I eventually become the Avatar during a loop or not. No, who I really dread being the Avatar is my brother. Again."
Jinora sighed, the urge to drink alcohol physical age be damned rose. "Oh I remember that loop. To be honest Amon never really saw Avatar Bumi coming. It was probably the fastest end to the Equalist movement."
Toph grinned. "I've never caused a volcanic eruption."
Bolin just groaned. "It was only one time Toph!"
"You're a Lavabender crybaby. There is no 'It was only one time!'"
"I've never been to one of Amon's stand up comedy tours." Lin admitted.
"You know, it's a lot like fishing." Asami drank, along side the other members of the Krew as Bolin called the little group. "Sometimes he's actually funny and sometimes… you just want to hope your ears suddenly stop working. Those puns can be murder."
"Never have I ever seen Amon do his rendition of Lonely Island," Mako said.
"Didn't that happen in Baseline?" Bolin asked him.
"No, I mean actually SINGING it. Amon pun included."
Toph clutched her drink for dear life. "Seen? No. Heard? Yes. I made him stop. Violently I might add."
"Never have I ever blamed the Ember island players being the Ember island players on the Ember island players." Sokka said.
Somehow, everybody drank.
"I never ever made out with Azula."
Zuko looked around the room and took a drink.
"Do NOT ask."
There was a thud sound as Sokka had downed the whole bottle.
"You too?" Sokka asked him. "Seriously, there's no double-standard for this... Well, you are royalty. Inbreeding isn't unexpected."
He received a glare. "Sokka, remember the loop where you switched with Zuko and I switched with Azula."
"Yeah, Katara so... crap. Need a lot of Cactus Juice, Stat."
"Always with the cactus juice," Toph muttered.
No one noticed Katara and Aang taking a swig after that.
"I never ever was a Fartbender." said Aang as he drank his cup.
Bolin though for a moment before he took his turn. "I've never destroyed a library."
Toph took a drink. "Bolin, using baseline against a lady? That is low."
Aang was quick to interject. "Toph… you didn't destroy the library. It just sank into the sand and went back to the Spirit World."
"Was that library never seen again?"
"Destroyed. It counts." Toph smugly announced.
"Not really," Zuko said. "Because you're not the one who made it start sinking - that was Wan Shi Tong."
Toph grimaced. "Okay, fair point."
The clink of a glass touching the counter announced that Jinora had joined Toph in drinking. "It was during my first visit to Equestria, as a Pegasus. I wanted to see how my Airbending translated to my pegasus body, so I… started experimenting. Needless to say, I somehow created a tornado and the library was no more..."
"Jinora. I am ashamed of you." Tenzin immediately went into concerned parent mode, despite the technical age gap between the supposedly younger daughter and the supposedly older father. "You know better than to..."
"Wait a minute Tenzin. I take it you haven't gone to Equestria yet ?" Sokka asked.
"Well, no, but..."
"First rule of Looping Tenzin: Twilight Sparkle's library will somehow be destroyed in some manner, no matter what.."
"Besides, Miss Sparkle was pretty understanding, as she watches it be destroyed every loop." Jinora explained. "I did offer to repair what I broke and make up for what I did."
"Yes, I once heard that they managed to get the Library to survive its destruction by Tirek... and the whole loop crashed." said Katara with a drink, a simple grandmother defending her grandchild.
Tenzin was appeased.
"I have never gone into outer space."
Everyone gave Tenzin that look. "We need to fix that." Sokka announced.
Mako smirked evilly at everyone. "Never have I ever walked in on Zhu Li and Varrick."
...no one took a drink, to their mutual surprise. Mako glanced around just to make sure. "You're kidding me. No one's ever walked in on those two?"
There was a collective head shake of "no".
Mako pouted.
"Never have I ever replaced Zhu Li."
All the girls as one took a drink. "Honestly, I hope it never happens again." Asami admitted.
"Varrick is tolerable in small quantities."
"Yea, he makes Kai look like a gentleman' gentleman." Jinora added.
"We never did get to the wedding when I was in her shoes." Lin mused. "What does she see in him anyway?"
Everyone was surprised to see Mako among the drinkers. "..."
"I have never been married."
Everyone rose an eyebrow as they just… looked at Jinora like she was that guy. "...What?"
"Wait, you and Kai never… you know..." Bolin suggested.
Jinora shook her head. "I'm fine with just dating him for now."
As expected, the entire Gaang took drinks, along with Tenzin.
16.2. Crisis
(Яeverse contribution)
[Johnny Bravo]
Johnny Bravo whistled as he strolled down the street. Things were looking up in the Loops for him. He'd gotten over his obsession thanks to that Mega Dude, Rock taking the time to look past everything and see something worthwhile in him and he'd even started making a few friends like that Taylor chika. Heck, one of his best buds had started looping recently too. Sure, Carl Shocker was a scrawny geek and could be a bit annoying and eccentric at times, but Johnny still kinda liked the guy. They were bros for life. Several of them in fact.
"Johnny, help!"
Speaking of the dude...
"Pops has gone crazy!" the local young genius dashed behind Johnny to hide. Considering how much muscle Johnny had on him and how thin the guy was, two of him probably could have hid behind Johnny. Maybe three.
And close behind him was Pops, the diner cook of... questionable ethics (to put it lightly). Sporting red markings under black eyes and grinning like he'd found his latest ingredients.
"You shall be Яeversed for Link Joker!" the man yelled crazily as he leaped at Johnny in an aggressive frenzy.
Johnny simply got into a stance, called up the power of his patent-pending Broforce, and punched the man in the stomach. Pops's eyes bugged out from the blow and the red marking and blackness over his eyes appeared to just pop off his face and shatter into dust.
"Now, ah, what was that all about?" Johnny blinked in confusion behind his ever-present shades. Did he miss the signs of a weird variant when he Awoke again?
16.3. bubblesage
[Power Rangers][Megas XLR]
Tommy looked at Coop wearily, trying not to glare daggers at the ton of fun man child. Coop in turn sighed, moving his chess piece. Surprisingly he was winning.
"I've heard about you." Tommy said as Farkas served them ice cream.
Coop nodded good-naturedly. "In my defense, best two dollars I've ever spent. If it's about the other thing, in my defense, it worked. I'd refrain from doing it again, but it worked."
16.4 Evilhumour
[Samurai Jack]
Jack blinked as he watched Aku being smacked around across the battlefield for the fourth time before deciding to intervene with the Scotsman joining him into the battle, with his army of followers and believers he had gained this loop against his non awake opponent.
He was older now, and he knew that this time he would defeat Aku for once and for all, with the robots army following their leader in defiance against their master after being upgrade to feel emotions and watching the demon almost kill the innocent dog.
With a shout, he lead the charge by slicing off Aku's arm, the demon howling in pain, with the Scotsman using his own blade to slice off the other arm. The robot, throwing away his empty guns, picked up the severed arms and began to smack Aku around as the rest of his army dealt with the still controlled robot foes.
"Thank you, Samurai, for protecting my dog this loop." The robot spoke, causing Jack to jerk backwards in surprise as well as dodge a blow from Aku. "Lulu, what a sweet thing and she will see a better world once we win."
16.5. Wildrook
(Shin Megami Tensei/Devil May Cry/Spongebob Squarepants)
Hurricane Billy
Dante and Naoki looked at Langdon as they were in the Looper Bar.
"And the worst part was," Langdon said, "he wasn't AWAKE. He wasn't AWAKE!"
Naoki looked at him. "I wasn't that bad, was I?" he asked Dante.
"No, you weren't," Dante replied. "Not even during THAT time. Hell, he did more damage in the Pony loop than you did."
Naoki cringed. "The sad part is I'm still not as relieved, and I still have to apologize to Flu-Yellow," he said. "I mean, I lost control that time. I've gotten better, so I can control that. But...what happened here was Criminal Stupidity. Kind of makes me wonder if there's a patch to keep idiots like that from Looping."
"If there is," Squidward said, catching them by surprise, "then I'm going to thank the Admin in charge of my branch to keep Spongebob and Patrick from becoming Awake. I can handle two idiots just fine, but three at ONCE? I'd crash the Loop and endure Eiken, thank you very much."
16.6. VS21
[Ed, Edd 'n Eddy]
Hurricane BIlly
220 Rathink Avenue was normally just another house on a relatively normal cul-de-sac, at this moment however you could hear loud music being blared out of the house due to the party currently being thrown inside. The 13 Loopers of Peach Creek have a tendency or rather more of an unspoken agreement to use every moment they could get to have a party at someone's house, with Eddy's parents having left the house this being around the time in their baseline where they ask Nazz to babysit Eddy, but with all of the Loopers present however they decided to take this time and celebrate the night away...
Well except for one person in particular though… Double D was in the Backyard by himself drinking a bottle of beer when Eddy came out after him..
"Hey, Sockhead we're having a good time in here! Come on in and join the party!" Eddy said but went over to Double D when he didn't respond. "What's eating you, had a bad Loop or something?" Eddy inquired as Double D was looking like he turned into stone.
Ed soon came out as well to get Double D to come inside as well, "Come on Double D! Rolf and Kevin are having a Rap Battle of the Loops!" He yelled to Double D and came over as well.
"I'm not in the mood to join in this party Eddy" Double D said after a while after he drank all of the beer. "Did you guys have any recent Loops with Grim and Mandy?" Double D asked his closest friends.
"Umm, nope, last time I saw them was in FusionFall," Eddy said.
"I Looped in as Billy!" Ed said with a smile on his face.
"So that's where you went… Anyway, last Loop I was the only one Awake and I Woke up pretty much as we got into the elevator at Ed Co." Double D said. "It was when we got to the moon that was the problem, Ed you said you replaced Billy right?" He asked.
"Yup!" Ed said. Double D sighed as he continued, "You know where we normally hang on the moon that Loop… Instead Billy Looped in as you Ed, and decided to jump up and down repeatedly at the very top of the moon and soon Eddy and I were falling down and crash-landed on the Cul-de-sac. Then the moon fell right on top of us." Double D said as he brought out another bottle of beer from his Pocket and began to drink heavily.
Eddy had nothing to say about that. "Grim and Mandy told me about him doing the same thing to Han and Anny from the Star Wars Loops," Ed said in reply
"That kid will be nothing but trouble for us," Eddy said "You feeling alright now Double D?" Ed asked with an anxious look on his face
Double D smiled a little at that "Well, do you want to tell the rest about this? Or rather just confirm it for everybody else?" Eddy said as he saw everybody else peeking in through his window and door as the music had stopped playing some time ago.
"Well it is always better to share with your friends what you've been through" Double D said as he led the rest of them back indoors.
16.7. Scorntex
[Avatar: The Last Airbender] [Middle Earth]
There were certain phrases a Looper never wanted to hear, certain choice words that could make some of the more battle-hardened ones break out in sweat. A lot of the time the word "pony" or "bat" tended to be involved. It depended on the Loop. Nicer, safer Loops meant these phrases held less danger, but in some, the ones that played hardball, the ones that forced their inhabitants down certain paths, or the ones that were just generally unsafe at any time, these phrases could spell doom for the best-laid plans.
Phrases like "we've got a situation", which was in fact a phrase that one such Looper had said to the Anchor of his Loop, and all but one of his fellow Loopers (said other Looper hadn't met up with them yet, and was likely taking their frustrations out of topiary and wrestlers.)
"A situation," Sokka repeated, slowly and carefully. "What sort of situation? Good situation? Bad situation? Appa's a muffin-crazed weirdo situation? Your sister's been replaced by someone who can beat your dad up in less than an hour situation?"
Zuko stared as deadpan a stare at the Anchor as he could manage, which even without centuries of practice would still have been impressively deadpan. "My father's been replaced," he stated.
"Replaced?" Aang asked.
"Replaced," Zuko repeated. Uncertain stares passed between the other three Loopers. Realising that vague wording wasn't helping, Zuko explained.
"I woke up in the usual place," which for Zuko meant the dingy little Fire Nation ship he almost always began the Loop in, "but apparently the reason I'm looking for the Avatar is different."
He paused slightly, staring at the small fire in front of them. "The Fire Lord's another Looper. He woke up some time ago and wants to meet the local Loopers. Which means us."
"And Toph," Katara interjected, on behalf of their absent friend and main powerhouse.
"Right. But he has no idea who they might be, so he sent me on a pointless quest to find the Avatar, probably because he knew as the son of the main cause of trouble I'd either be or know the local Loopers. But he didn't put it in that exact way, of course."
"Okay," Sokka said, "so the Fire-Lord's been replaced by a not-so-crazy guy this time around, who happen to be moderately smart as to how our world works. Great."
He looked about the room they were in, "Though it is nice not having to fight our way off a Fire Nation ship for once."
Shortly after finding the Avatar, Zuko had requested to be alone with the Avatar and his travelling companions, even with his still non-Looping uncle, who had quietly made his discomfort with the notion known, but he'd still left anyway. Zuko had a strong suspicion that he was, or had been, listening at the door. He didn't like having to keep the Loops secret from his uncle, but he still couldn't think of the best way to tell him, not without sounding like he'd gone completely Azula.
"What's he like?" Katara asked, shaking him out of his ruminations. Zuko just shook his head.
"Most of my memories of him are before he Awoke. Still acted mostly like my father, but louder. Nothing on him after that. Whoever he is, he's cautious, though."
He frowned. Well, Zuko's face usually existed in a sort of near-permanent frown, but at the moment it was frowning slightly more than normal. "Sorry, but I don't have much else about him."
"What's his name?" Aang asked. Sokka nodded.
"Good point. Maybe he's someone we've heard about." A dark look passed Sokka's face, "so long as it's not that bat-obsessed guy we got a few Loops back."
Zuko stared blankly. Sokka noticed it. "Don't ask," he groaned, "that was a long Loop."
"I wasn't going to ask," Zuko admitted. "But as for who his name is... it's a weird one. Smaug."
There was a sudden shift in everyone's mood, and not for the better.
"You've... heard of him then?" Zuko asked. This got an incredibly nervous nod from Sokka.
"Oh, yeah" he said, "we've heard of him."
"And not much of it good," Katara added.
"Are we in trouble?" Zuko asked. All eyes turned to Aang, the usual troubleshooter for Fire Lord-related problems. The Avatar was staring thoughtfully at the fire.
"I think..." he stated quietly, looking around at the small group, "I think it might be an idea to hold off meeting him right away, just in case."
"Detour via Kyoshi Island?" Sokka asked, with all the subtle hopefulness of a not-at-all subtle thing. Aang nodded.
"I do believe the specifics of my mission were to bring the Avatar back" Zuko said, absently, "I can't be held responsible if he's a child that gets seasick occasionally."
"And what about Zhao?" Katara cut in, "any plans for dealing with him? Or the rest of the problems we usually deal with?"
"Good point," Zuko admitted, "but I don't know how this Smaug thinks about the war."
Sokka shrugged, "Good thing we've got peace and quiet to work out a workaround if he's as big a jerk as your old man, then, huh?"
"I guess so," Zuko said, cautiously.
And with that, the group set to work, with a great amount of care to avoid saying anything about the Fire Lord and any plans pertaining to the Fire Lord too loudly, just in case.
Meanwhile, deep in the Fire Nation capital, in the innermost room of the royal palace, Smaug the Golden sat on the throne of the Fire Lord, utterly bored out of his mind. Of all the Loops he had to end up in, it was one where the local Loopers weren't even anywhere nearby.
He'd heard there was some kind of Avatar, devoted to worldly peace, which sounded like the exact sort of being to distract him from the tedium. Regardless of whether they were a Looper or not, he noted to himself, they were certainly taking their sweet time getting to his palace.
Suddenly the notion of instituting radical social reforms sounded very tempting, just to see what reaction it would get from the humans...
16.8. Leviticus Wilkes
[Attack on Titan] [Legend of Korra]
For Eren, it went without saying that Eastern Cultures fascinated him. The displays of brilliance, of difference from Western Cultures was engaging, enthralling even. The tenets of balance, perfection, self-control, melded together from years of social evolution was amazing to his eyes.
Which was why when he, Armin and Mikasa Awoke in Republic City, his first instinct was to bolt and see the whole world. He loved the Avatar world, and had been planning to explore it if he ever looped in. Maybe he'd start by tracking down the Anchor Jinora, or watching a Pro-bending match, or getting some food, or abandon the city entirely and walk the Earth Kingdom... and maybe kill the Earth Queen in the interim.
But Armin's stomach had been growling when they woke up, so first order of business was decided to be food. Mikasa evidently agreed, since she was already leaving their apartment. Armin and Eren fell into step behind her, and began the hunt for lunch.
Teriyaki stands, ramen sellers, curry carts and stalls of seafood as far as the eye could see littered Republic City's streets, catering to the multicultural tastes of the fifth elemental nation. Restaurants dotted the street sides, doors open and savory smells wafting from their depths, saturating the crisp, cool air of autumn with the aromas of adventure. Mikasa nearly dragged Eren and Armin into a noodle shop when the scent hit them. In seconds flat, the trio were in, seated, and waiting for their orders.
As the chef prepared their lunch, Eren took in the whole of the situation from his Loop memories. "So we're a few months before Avatar Korra shows up. Which means we're ahead of Amon and the Equalists ramping things up."
"Which also means that we're going to be dodging Equalists in the interim, since we're benders," Armin pointed out, accentuating his point with a slight water bending move.
The trio's dishes arrived after a moment, Eren dissolving the conversation with a heartfelt "Itadakimasu."
"And there goes Mako, opening round two with a barrage of fire bolts aimed at the Red Tiger Boars Earthbender."
Mikasa watched from the stands of the pro-bending arena as Mako and Bolin opened up a combo attack against the Tiger Boars, their movements and fluid teamwork unveiling their looper nature. A bit of popcorn found its way into her mouth. "Gotta shay, dose two are good," she said around her full mouth.
Eren chuckled as Hasook got blasted back into the second zone by a stray earth disc. "Yeah, they're probably the best Earth and Firebenders around, outside of Toph and Zuko." A thoughtful look crossed Eren's face. "I wonder if they'll awake this loop."
Armin shrugged, more focused on silently critiquing Bolin and Mako's barebones strategy than talking.
"Actually, they're not awake this loop. It's just the five of us," Asami clarified. "And Bolin's still better at Lavabending then Toph, but she's catching up."
The Titan Anchor's nearly jumped out of their skin when they noticed Asami. The heiress rolled her eyes in acknowledgement of the humor of it. "Well, since no one's given you three the welcome wagon, I figured I might as well."
Mikasa growled at her inattentiveness and eat another handful of popcorn. Eren on the other hand broke out a large smile. "Asami Sato. It's an honor to meet you."
Asami smiled self-consciously. "I wouldn't exactly call it an honor, but okay. It's nice to meet you... hey." A look of recognition hit Asami. "Aren't you those three... what were you called again, Indecisive Anchors?"
Armin broke from his strategy analysis to enter lecture mode. "Actually, we're called Nebulous Anchors. Our universe was damaged in such a manner that the Admins couldn't determine the most optimal Anchor candidate, since they couldn't determine who amongst us would survive until the Loop's full expansion. As such we were designated-"
"Armin, you're lecturing again." Eren broke his friend out of the mode. Armin grimaced.
"Okay, long story short, we all need to loop as a single Anchor, since any one of us may die in the Baseline. In fact, one of our loopers did die in the baseline. He was disemboweled by a Titan, incidentally-"
"Armin." Mikasa broke him out of lecture mode again.
The blond boy winced internally. "Well... yeah. That's it."
Asami looked sympathetic. "I'm sorry for your difficulties. It must be very hard for you to live like that."
Mikasa shrugged. "I have faith in my strength. I'll protect Eren and Armin to my death."
Asami smiled at her conviction, a smile mirrored by Eren and Armin. "That's very sweet of you Mikasa. Oh, and one more thing you three."
"Eh?" Eren asked.
Asami pointed helpfully at Armin's hair. "You may want to dye that something dark. You're the only blonde in the city."
A dark blush crossed Armin's face. Mikasa reached around Eren and patted him on the shoulder. "I like it blonde. Don't change it."
Armin nodded at Mikasa. "Okay then."
Asami cocked an eyebrow minutely, but made no comment.
"And there goes Bolin, slamming another barrage of earth bending blows into the Tiger Boars Water bender. This season's been kind to the bending brothers, and it looks like we're in for another win for the Fire Ferrets. If the Tiger Boars can't take them down, I don't know what will."
Mako spun left, ducked, spun right and countered left. Eren blocked high, back stepped, and leaned right. The fire bender lunged forward, delivering an arm bar to Eren's midriff and sent Eren through a textbook flip, throwing the boy ass over head and landing him squarely on his back. The Titan shifter glared at Mako. "I could have beaten you."
Mako smirked and helped Eren back to his feet. "But you didn't, and I won. Again?"
Across the room, Bolin and Mikasa were grappling. Mikasa's raw talent involving combat was fighting against Bolin's centuries of experience... and getting its ass handed to it. "Come on Mikasa, you're a badass. I know you can do-" Bolin picked Mikasa up and threw her. "Better than this."
Mikasa got back up and spat a lock of her hair out of her mouth. "Again."
Bolin threw himself at her, got the upper hand again and tossed Mikasa. "You need to widen your stance. Use your legs to keep me from getting inside your guard. Block me."
In the back, Armin and Asami were sharing a cake and pouring over a spare set of 3DMG, waiting for Korra to show up. "See, this control rod is what regulates the velocity of the user and tethers the speed triggers to the motor."
"But such a small motor can't possibly supply the torque to move the rider vertically at these speeds. The metal would warp under the weight."
"Which is why it's made out of an aluminum alloy. It's weight and durability make it the only substitute for steel."
"But even with Aluminum's strength, the pistol rods are too short. It's a good speed increaser, but it'll lower the torque to insurmountable levels. You can't climb walls with this."
"That aside, we do."
"Well maybe you just think you climb walls with it?" said a newcomer.
The locals and visitors broke from their conversation as Korra and Jinora entered the room, the diminutive Anchor postulating the solution. "Maybe you just think it works, and so it does. Suspension of disbelief is a powerful thing."
"You've replaced Rincewind haven't you?" Armin guessed. When Jinora nodded he continued. "Just so you know, we're not actually from a world like that. Ours is more... lethal."
Korra bent some water out of a cistern recessed into the ground, holding it over herself in a large arch. "How lethal? Vast swathes of land destroyed? Close, important people dying towards the end?"
"Towards the end, around the middle, at the beginning... my grandfather, Eren's parents, our friends, Eren himself-"
"I got better."
"Close friends, enemies, people we don't know, entire villages, good people, bad people... and there's a fair chance that one of us will die as well," Armin concluded tonelessly. "So... rather lethal."
Korra winced and lowered her water back into the cistern. "Ouch... that blows."
Armin shrugged, but didn't look Korra in the eye. "It could be worse. We're still alive."
Mako looked at Eren, then Mikasa, and finally Armin. "Well, you'll have a good run, at least for a while. And Death isn't permanent, not here in the loops."
Eren clenched his hand, crushing the heat that had sprung up inside it. "Yeah, we know Mako."
A few moments of silence held as the assembled loopers digested the fact that, one day, three amongst them could very well be dead. Korra pulled some water out of the cistern and tossed it at Armin, who caught it effortlessly and returned it. "Looks like you're pretty skilled with Tai Chi Zhang already, so maybe we can skip to some more advanced techniques."
Armin smiled, forgetting his morbid thoughts as the moment took over. "I wouldn't have it any other way."
Eren and Mikasa smiled, and together, they returned to their training, content in the knowledge that, at least for this loop, they were safe from death.
Of course, once they had returned to their world, Mikasa discovered the ludicrously adaptive earth bending techniques that Bolin had passed onto her had a very nice little application: sealing the hole in Wall Maria. But really, where was the fun in that?
Hannes watched from a nearby rooftop as the trio danced amongst the Titans, slaying anything that made it beyond a sixty meter radius. On one side of him, the Garrison's Shiganshina commander was staring slack jawed at the absolute carnage the three twelve year olds wrought. On the other, Grisha Jaeger was more surprised that his son and adoptive daughter were killing Titans... and making it look easy. He gulped quietly. 'Maybe I shouldn't have Eren eat me.'
16.9. Evilhumour
[Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy]
Mandy looked at the group of loopers before grinning, sharing their stories of their time in 1984.
"I looped in as a child of one the members of the party," the self proclaimed evil looper looked at them in their eyes, "I found myself soon in charge of all of Oceania; what a wonderful loop." Mandy just laughed at the horrified looks she was given before frowning. "Oh come on, you cannot be surprised by that, can you?"
16.10 Evilhumour
[Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy] [Star Wars]
Sith Lord Revan looked around himself and sighed heavily as he Woke up.
"Now, now Revan," Darth Mandy looked at him in a frighteningly peaceful way. "This is a neutral place for us Sith Lords loopers to talk. Isn't that right Darth Velocius?"
The Velociraptor cried out in agreement, nodding her head. The rabbit next to the dinosaur nodded his own head, biting down on a carrot as he glared at the group.
"Remind me why I am even here with you lot?" Revan rubbed his face, wondering how he had annoyed Nut this time.
"Because we need someone as our fourth, and it was either you or Pinkie Pie." Mandy glared at him. "And I figured that with you, we'd be left alone from the Admins and that the other loopers wouldn't bother us that much because they'd be trying to find out who the fourth member of group is to convince them to betray us. This way, people can begin to see your existence is real and you get to be a greater hero." Mandy then smirked. "You in for some evil across this galaxy?"
Revan shrugged his shoulders and sighed. "Might as well, I don't have anything better to do."
16.11. krspaceT
[Star Wars] [Toonami]
"Wait, what!?"
"Oh come on Ahsoka, it's just for one loop. I just need some time to figure out why the higher ups are such idiots. I'm certain that something's in the water..." the robot looper T.O.M, currently in his enhanced third state, assured the quite unsure Togruta in the Absolution's bridge.
"But me, doing your job? I don't even know what the hell you do for a living!?"
The robot chuckled at that one "Oh, it's actually a rather fun job. See, I harvest action programming from planets and broadcast it for the enjoyment of children and adults back on Earth"
"Uh, what?" Ahsoka was pretty sure that wasn't how cartoons worked.
Idly noting her 'what the hell are you talking about, you crazy robot' look, Tom smirked. "The Clydes are transmitting"
Before Ahsoka could ask what a Clyde was, a beam of light struck the ship.
"Data received. Beginning data reformatting." the unawake voice of S.A.R.A, in both a sentient and a looping way, monotoned "Data identified. Deadman Wonderland added to proto block alongside Bleach, Casshern Sins, Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, Ghost in the Shell and Cowboy Bebop."
At Ahsoka's surprised look, T.O.M gave the faceless robot equivalent of a smirk.
"Told ya."
As T.O.M flew off into the vacuum of space, apparently to go find his higher ups and test them for questionable substances, Ahsoka looked over the checklist he left her.
1. Air the block once a week from 12-6.
2. Continuously look for new programs to show on the block. Please note that I was able to remove the Higher Ups 'Right' Blocker, so you should not have to deal with that minefield. Also managed to increase memory space, allowing for longer program retention on more programs, as well as avoiding unexpected losses of programs.
3. Observe the return feedback from the aired programming. The Absolution's engines are powered by the rating feedback from aired programs. Adjust schedule accordingly. Note that overusing a program can be bad for ratings.
4. Review video games, give life speeches and create promotional videos to make watchers feel happy.
5. Have fun!
P.S If the block is cancelled again, the loop ends. Please try and avoid this.
Ahsoka idly noted the last one with a frown.
Fun, she wasn't sure of.
Having to do something so perfectly, all while walking a fine line between success and death...it sounded more like leading clones on a battlefield than having fun.
But, it was different. That was good, at least.
"From the dark ages of oppression, an old hero has returned" Ahsoka's voice rang across a promo video
A darkly dressed man, his face obscured by a mask covered by one way visible glass, appeared on screen from a burning flag.
"I am Zero!"
"To create a world safe for his younger sister, Lelouch vi Britannia will declare war on the mighty Britannian Empire"
Hundreds of soldiers, all chanting "All Hail Britannia" were now in the promo.
"But the question remains" Ahsoka continued "On how far a hero can go, and still be a hero?"
The shot then demonstrated a group of Britannian Soldiers, maniacal looks on their faces, holding a gun to their own head
"Let's find out"
Cue badass music and mech fights.
"Code Geass, next Saturday at 2:00"
"Only Toonami, on Adult Swim"
A grinning Lelouch ended the promo
"All tasks at hand have been cleared"
Ahsoka looked oddly pleased with herself as she finished the Promo.
That was rather fun, she had to admit. Even if some of the thoughts of how far a hero could go was something she did occasionally dwell on when dealing with unawake versions of her master.
But, perhaps that just put some extra poignancy into her voice when she asked that question.
"I've been down with the Pokemon Games since before I even saw the anime". It was true. Ahsoka had actually gotten the games from the hub before those worlds ever began looping. "So, when I heard that the next generation of Pokemon games were coming out on the Nintendo 3DS, I had to check it out.
Cue image of blond Serena posing in front of mirror.
"First things first, you can finally customize your look, and you can only get more unique as you go further along in the story. Of course, the goals of the game are pretty simple. Capture and train your Pokemon, win gym badges, and stop the oddly dressed bad guys"
Cue scene of a Fennekin using Ember on a Vivillion
"Now, there aren't that many new Pokemon this time around. There are only sixty or so new Pokemon in the entire game. But the game totally makes up for it, with the over 400 different ones to find, without trading. You have so many options before the second gym it's not even funny"
Cue catching montage, featuring a Riolu, Ralts, Dodou, Skiddo, Mienfoo, Axew, Croagunk, Fletchling and Pikachu.
"Even the pickiest of trainers are going to find the perfect fit to their Pokemon team in this game. You can even get the Kanto Starters early in the game, and let me tell you something, it really made me wish I didn't grab the Fire-Starter."
Cue image of Charizard mega-evolving.
"The graphics have greatly improved, and new mechanics to the game such as Mega-Evolution, Pokemon Amie, Fairy-Types and Horde Battles will keep you coming back for more."
Cue image of a stylus playing with a Lucario in Pokemon Amie
"It's not all badges and shinies though. Like any Pokemon game, you're not playing for the story, and the story might feel like a step backwards after playing Pokemon Black and White. But it's by no means a terrible game. In fact, it might be on the best Pokemon games in a while. I'm still not done with it."
"Toonami gives this game a 8 and a half out of 10"
Cue a Hydregion breaking out of a Ultra ball.
"Get in the damn ball!"
"The greatest heroes are coming".
Cue Dragon-Ball trailer music, before it's cut off
"Not them. No, I'm talking about the heroes of old.."
Cue the arrival of a blue and silver dressed blonde swordswoman.
"The Holy Grail War is upon us. Seven heroes shall be reborn in this world..."
Cue battle between said blonde swordswoman and a spear wielder.
"Six will die"
More badass fight scenes and music began to play.
"Fate/Zero! Premieres next week at 1:30!"
"Only Toonami, on Adult Swim"
A massive orange haired man descended from a giant chariot in the middle of a battle between the swordswoman and the spear user.
"To win, but not destroy; to conquer, but not humiliate: That is what true conquest is!"
Ahsoka noted the giant man with an amused smirk.
So, that was the guy Skyguy was talking about, the guy who got Thrawn on his side with mere words, and then later flirted with both Leia and Han.
"Sometimes, it feels like video games only exist to kill things, but on occasion non-violent games come out that are interesting. One of which, is the Zoo Tycoon reboot for the X-Box 1"
Screen proceeds to show bustling digital zoo with chimps, lions and elephants.
"Sure, I only got it so I could play video games with Luke and Leia that do not involve anything they could imitate or get nightmares from" there had been more than one unawake Luke or Leia who had taken earth vehicles or space vehicles on joy rides. "But it is surprisingly peaceful"
Cue scene of handfeeding a banana to a Giraffe
"...What, space is stressful"
Screen proceeds to depict medium sized exhibit being plopped down to in game cheers
"Look, this isn't a deep game. It isn't even all that much compared to the old PC versions, having a lot less customization and diversity. But that wasn't what I was looking for. I was looking for a game that could be a nice break in between high speed racing and shooting people and or zombies, and that's what I got."
"Toonami gives this game a 6 out of 10"
A chimpanzee smiling appears on the screen
"Huh, I'm starting to see the resemblance to my master here"
16.12. (Awesomedude17)
[Megas XLR] [Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy]
Kiva was in another loop involving Coop and Jamie being Awake while taking MEGAS out for a ride.
What was different this time was that there was another MEGAS following them.
"What's going on?"
A radio turned on.
"I know Kiva... it's Billy." Coop said with a hint of dread ever since that Billy-controlled giant robot kinda nuked the sun and crashed the loop.
16.13. (Awesomedude17)
[Codename: KND] [Avatar: The Last Airbender]
"So you're bald because you shaved your head?" Nigel Uno asked Aang.
"I lost my hair because of some jerky kids. You lucky little... AAUUUGH!" Numbah One stormed off.
16.14. (Masterweaver)
[Avatar: The Legend of Korra] [MLP]
"...so after the admins realized Sokka didn't live long enough to anchor the expansion, they tried to make Raava the new anchor. But her connection with Vaatu caused more than a few problems and in the end they dropped that idea, plucked up Jinora. Which, of course, means that sometimes she's Awake when she's in diapers..."
Applejack let out a low whistle. "That's gotta be a bit embarrassing fer tha girl... Still, guess it explains a lot." She slipped deeper into the swimming pool, idly giving her toes a wiggle; the sensation wasn't unfamiliar, but it was always strange being human after so long as a pony. "So, 'sides from me replacin' ya'll's ladyfriend-sorry bout that, by tha way-is there anything else I should know bout?"
Korra glanced over her shoulder, making sure none of the mansion's servants were around. "Well, your father is supplying the Equalists with weapons-he hates all benders at this point, but he usually mellows out after a few years in prison-and also there's Mako, who usually starts dating Asami after she accidentally crashes into him with a moped... Oh, and Varrick might seem like an eccentric CEO inventor, but he's ruthless when it comes to his company-"
The doors to the pool suddenly flew off their hinges and across the room. An old short woman stomped through the vacant doorway and stood firm at the edge, snapping out an arm to point at Applejack. "YOU! ME! EARTH RUMBLE! ONE WEEK!"
"GOOD!" The woman turned toward the still shocked Avatar. "You need to do more exercise, twinkle toes, your butt is getting flabby." And with that she lifted her hands, disappearing into the ground.
"...What the flameo was that all about?!"
Applejack chuckled awkwardly. "Ah didn't tell ya? Tha first time Ah was here, Ah replaced Toph."
"Course, Ah was a blind pony 'stead of a blind girl..."
16.15. Leviticus Wilkes
[Steven Universe]
Greg Universe, Bill Dewey, Pearl, Garnet and almost all of Beach City silently stared at what Steven and Connie had done. The remainder amounted to Amethyst, who was laughing out loud, and Ronaldo, who was taken photos to validate his conspiracy theories. The mayor didn't stop staring at what Connie and Steven had built but did, finally, speak up. "What are you teaching these kids Greg?"
"Don't look at me: I don't do magic," Greg counted lamely. Pearl blushed.
Atop the massive tower of vans that Connie and Steven had built with magic, the two long time friends had finished modifying the mayor's van. "Alright Connie, let's turn it on."
Connie hopped off the roof and swung into the front seat. Turning the keys, Connie started the can, and turned up the volume for the speaker. From atop a tower, consisting of every can in Beach City, welded together, a booming siren declared:
"Maaaayooooor Steeeeeveeeeen, Maaaayooooor Steeeeeveeeeen, Maaaayooooor Steeeeeveeeeen."
16.16 Leviticus Wilkes
[Avatar: The Legend of Korra]
The father and Air Master formerly known as Tenzin was staring at his daughter. "Jinora?"
"Yes father?"
"Why is my name Oscar this loop and why am I gold?"
"I don't know."
16.1 I never started a drinking game
16.2 Time to use the Bro Force
16.3 Coop and things that can turn big freaking robots is a dangerous mixture
16.4 Don't count this bot out.
16.5 The Billy Patch: prevents loopers of a low intelligence from Looping.
16.6 A moon landing that cannot be denied
16.7 A better dad you cannot ask for.
16.8 I just realized Avatar doesn't have any blond people.
16.9 I'm more surprised she didn't loop in as Big Brother himself.
16.10 It's like if an entire bar was that one shady corner where the bad guy/old weirdo sits
16.11 Cause even someone who watched TV for a living needs a vacation
16.12 Well, that town is doomed
16.13 The bald truth
16.14 Earth Bender Pony vs. Earth Bender Person!
16.15 He has my vote!
16.16 I don't get it either