Hey there everyone! So, imma be honest with you, I'm not 'Squidney'. Nope, I'm Mckenna. 'Squidney' or Sydney as her name is, is my younger sister with an ULTIMATE passion for writing. SO I let her use my account to post anything she wants. So, at school we had this presentaion about being safe online, and the women said for us to do web searchs about ourselves. So I did my real name (which I will not tell) and then my pen name. And I went to images and found something interesting. I found a picture of Connor, and when I clicked on it, it brang me to this website called...I am so angry I cannot say it. But it's for the worst fanfics ever penned. Infuriated but curious, I scrolled down to see what this 'Guest' said about my sisters fanfic. She practically bashed on about how BAD the fanfic was. It was so bad to the point that I was blinded with anger. So I decided to cool off and go for a walk. When I came back, I found my sis in the basement, where the computer is, CRYING her eyes out. I asked what happened, and I saw the website about the bashing of the fanfic she wrote. She was sobbing so much, my heart felt like it was ripped out of my body. My sister is 10 years old, and thinks she is an AMZING writer. She is! Trust me! I'm the one who introduced her to and Assassins Creed! So, if that guest is out there reading this, let me tell you and quote one of my favourite authors...
GROW SOME BALLS AND FIGHT ME BRO! YOU MADE MY BABY SISTER CRY HER EYES OUT AND GIVE UP ON WRITING! You may be like "Well, if she's gonna be a writer, then she has to get used to the hate and critism on her books," and bullshit like that. Yeah, I know. But thats when she's OLDER and more mature! She is just a 10 year old girl!
I am sorry I never told you guys the truth. I am the one who wrote the Big Hero ^ fanfics, but My sis is always there to write the rest, so she just signs her name and not mine or ours together. I really apologize for my rant, but I just wanna rip that persons eyeballs outso they can't read. If you wanna know the website, go to google, google image my name, click the one with two anime characters kissing, in the suggestion box, click the pic of the guy in a white hood. There. That's what it's all about. All about my sisters fic. I WILL keep this story up because it's for my sister, and I intend to keep it up for her. Again, I am REALLY sorry I never said I was the real author. Don't worry, Big Hero 6 with a Twist will be updated tomorrow on Saturday or Sunday at the latest. Posting it on all my stories. Bye for now!
P.S: yes, my sis watches Pewds XD