Quick AN: Act Three kicks off one day after the last scene of Act Two's Epilogue; five days after the Senshi's return from Ruin's sanctum.
Usagi stared down at the bodies of her friends in horror. Ami! Rei! No, it can't be! You can't be dead! Ami stared back at her with empty, lifeless eyes, her neck bent at an impossible angle. Blood pooled under Rei, spilling from the ragged hole in her chest; she hadn't even had time to scream.
She turned to her last remaining friend. Minako! She was held aloft by Sailor Crimson, high over the Marauder's head. Her hand reached out desperately; Usagi had never seen her so terrified.
"Please, help me!"
Crimson smiled coldly, and slammed the blonde down back-first on her knee. Usagi tore her eyes away as a horrific crack echoed through the room.
Please, make it stop, Usagi thought frantically. Please! Someone! Anyone!
Minako let out a bloodcurdling scream of pain as she hit the ground and lay there; writhing in agony as tears streamed down her cheeks. Sailor Fury stepped out of the shadows, the tip of her sword producing sparks as it scraped along the floor.
"Don't worry, sweetie. I'll put an end to your pain. Forever…"
Minako's eyes were wide with fear; she reached desperately for Usagi again. "Please, Usagi! I can't…I can't feel my legs! They won't move! Please, help me!"
Try as she might, Usagi couldn't move; she was rooted to the ground. Sailor Pride stepped out of a mirror beside her, and smirked.
"This is what always happens, isn't it, Princess? You get yourself into trouble…and your friends show up to save you. Time and time again, they fight for you…they bleed for you…and, finally…they die for you. All while you stand there and do nothing!"
"No…" Usagi whispered. "That's not true!"
"Isn't it?" Pride asked. "Go on, then. Go to her rescue. Save your friend. Save Sailor Venus from Fury!"
Usagi began to cry. She wanted desperately to rush to Minako's side, but her legs just wouldn't obey; she was powerless to act.
"Why won't you help me?" Minako's words were almost lost amidst her hysterical sobs. "Please, Usagi! I need you!"
"I'm sorry, Minako…I failed you." Usagi closed her eyes and waited for the inevitable. There was a loud swish as Fury's sword swung through the air…followed by silence. She opened her eyes again to find Queen Serenity herself standing before her.
The silver-haired monarch shook her head sadly, and turned away. "Oh, my dear Serenity…you've failed just as I did…"
"Mother!" Usagi sat bolt upright; Luna let out a startled howl as she was kicked to the floor. The blonde looked around, momentarily disoriented. This was…her bedroom. It was all just a dream. The battle with the Marauders didn't end that way; her friends were still alive. She reached up to rub her face slowly. No thanks to me.
"Usagi?" Luna managed to pull herself back onto the bed, collapsing in a heap beside her. "Is everything alright?"
"It…" Usagi cleared her throat awkwardly. "It was just a bad dream. I'm sorry I kicked you."
"Oh, I'll be fine." Luna stretched and headed up the bed to nuzzle against her arm. "Would you like to talk about it?"
She closed her eyes, and shuddered as she saw an image of her friends' broken bodies almost immediately. "Uh, no, it's okay. It's already fading. You know what nightmares are like." If only that were true.
There was a hint of concern in Luna's voice. "This is the second time you've woken up screaming this week. Are you sure there's nothing bothering you?"
"Yes. It's just…everything that's happened in the last few days." Usagi settled down against her pillow, and turned away. "My mind must still be working through it all. I'm sure it will be fine."
"Alright." Luna didn't sound convinced, but she didn't press the issue – something Usagi was thankful for. "Well, it's only four AM. Try to go back to sleep. I'll be here if you decide you need to talk after all."
"Thanks, Luna." Usagi closed her eyes, and stifled a whimper as she saw Minako again, screaming in pain. How can I be queen? How can I be responsible for an entire world's worth of people, when I can't even keep my friends safe? If my mother failed…what hope do I have?
The morning sun streamed through the window, casting long shadows across Rei's bedroom floor. She sighed as she put down what must have been the eleventh or twelfth university brochure in a row. There were so many choices; not just for campus, but for subject as well.
"Ancient Literature…" she said softly, "or Shinto Studies?"
Those two courses seemed to call to her the most, but she couldn't make up her mind between them. Shinto Studies was much more beneficial in the long run; after all, she planned to be a Head Priestess one day. But Japanese Literature had always fascinated her in school, and Ancient Literature seemed the logical continuation of that. How do I choose, she wondered. Which of my passions do I go with?
"Good morning, Rei."
She glanced up as her grandfather entered the room. "Morning, Grandpa."
"What's that you're looking at?"
Rei sighed as she placed the two pamphlets in their own pile. "University brochures. I can't decide what course I want to take."
The old man settled in beside her and peered at the two brochures sitting apart from the others. "Shinto Studies, hmm?"
"I'm considering it."
He nodded as he stroked his chin. "And your other choice?"
"Ancient Literature. I always enjoyed it in school…and to have a reason to read and dissect such classic works? It would be amazing!"
"Take that one," he said.
"That was awfully quick." Rei glanced up at him, narrowing her eyes. "Why?"
"Rei…" He put his hand on her shoulder; he was fortunate she was kneeling. "If you truly want to be Head Priestess of this shrine someday, you're going to spend a lot of time studying Shinto. Take my advice; have some fun first. I can tell just from the sound of your voice that you want to take Ancient Literature. Enjoy it; worry about Shinto Studies later, when you're preparing to become a priestess in your own right."
Rei smiled. "Thanks, grandpa. That's really good advice."
Her grandfather laughed quietly. "Not at all, Rei. I'm glad. You seem happier lately. Calmer, somehow." His hand slipped from her shoulder. "Now…I'd best get to the chores…"
"Not so fast, grandpa." She reached out and took hold of his sleeve. "We've decided what I'm going to study, but there's still the question of where."
"Oh, but-"
"Sit." Her tone made it clear it wasn't a request. He sighed, and sat slowly beside her. "Now, this campus is nice and close, but this one has a reflection garden. Then, there's this one…"
Ami stared down at the letter in her hands. Dear Miss Mizuno. Due to the recent withdrawal of another student, we are very pleased to offer you a position in our pre-medical program commencing next year. She had made it; her dream of studying abroad in Germany was within her grasp…and yet, Ami couldn't bring herself to be excited.
The timing's all wrong, she thought sadly. When I didn't get in last year, I assumed that was it. I let myself move on. I invested in my life here, with my friends. With…Ryo. And now, suddenly, it's all up in the air. How do I tell everyone? How do I tell him? Anecdotal evidence suggests that long-distance relationships are doomed to fail…and the thought of that is unbearable.
Ami sighed heavily, and folded the letter up again. Whatever I decide, it has to be soon; if I am going to Germany, it isn't fair to keep hiding it from Ryo and my friends like this. Though, knowing Ryo…he already knows, and he's just waiting for me to tell him.
Minako stood in the centre of her living room, wearing her Sailor Senshi uniform. Her parents circled her, peering at her intently. Five days, she thought miserably. For five days I managed to avoid this. But when mother insists, there's no refusing her. She had removed her sling as a precaution, and her back brace had vanished with the rest of her clothes, so Minako was doing her best to stay still.
Between her and Artemis, they had managed to explain pretty much everything of any importance. The Moon Kingdom, her past life as Mina, the attack by Metalia and Earth, her reincarnation, and then Sailor V and the rest of her activities in her current life. Even after all of that, her mother decided she wanted to see 'the outfit' up close. So here I am, she thought. Standing here in my own living room while my parents inspect my 'outfit'. This whole reveal is nothing like I expected it to be; somehow it feels like I'm still seeking mother's approval. Her parents shared a silent look - the meaning of which she couldn't decipher - and finally backed away.
Her dad glanced down at her legs and frowned. "I'm not criticising you personally, honey...but does your skirt have to be so short?"
"It does seem impractical," Fumiko agreed. "It barely covers anything at all! With even a gentle breeze, you'll be showing off your...well…"
"It's a leotard, mother," Minako muttered. "And believe me, you're not asking anything we haven't already."
Fumiko pressed a finger to her cheek – a mannerism Minako was beginning to realise she'd inherited from her – and looked her over again. "I have to admit, it's a cute look. Orange has always been your colour, and you certainly have the legs to pull off the skirt, but...as your mother? I'm just not feeling it." She glanced down at Artemis. "I'll bet you had a hand in designing the uniform, didn't you? It seems like something a male would dream up!"
"I had nothing to do with it," he protested. "And I resent the implication!"
Minako sighed. "We don't know who designed the outfits, mother. This is just the way it is. And Artemis really isn't that kind of guy...for the most part."
"For the most part?" he repeated slowly.
She rolled her eyes. "Oh, I've caught you peeking at me before and you know it!"
Artemis was mortified. "But those were accidents! I had no intentions of-"
"Accidental peeking is still peeking, Arty." She winked to let him know she was just kidding; a fact apparently lost on her father.
"Just you watch yourself, Artemis," he growled. "Nobody peeks at my daughter; not even talking cats from the moon! Keep it up, and you'll be out on the street!"
The cat blinked in confusion. "But...but…"
Minako winced."I was just kidding, dad. Arty's like a little furry father to me!" She immediately rolled her eyes and groaned. Little furry father? What's wrong with me?!
Her comment led to a - well-deserved, in her mind - awkward silence, before her father finally spoke up again. "I still can't believe you've been doing this since you were thirteen! How didn't we notice?"
Fumiko sighed. "It explains so much, too. All those late night disappearances, the sudden clumsiness, even the drop in your grades! It was all this, wasn't it?"
"Mostly," Minako admitted. "Sailor V cost me a lot in the beginning. My friends, my grades, my place on the volleyball team. I struggled to balance my life as V with the rest of it... even my relationship with you." She glanced down, suddenly feeling guilty. "Everything started going wrong between us not long after I became a Sailor Senshi."
"Yes, I suppose it did." Fumiko poked absently at the clear material over Minako's shoulder, and sighed again. "I was just so worried about you, Minako. I knew something was wrong. You were always coming home with fresh scrapes and bruises. Your grades fell off to bare minimum passes. But do you know what the worst thing of all was?"
Minako shook her head. She had an idea, but she couldn't bring herself to say it.
"You wouldn't talk to me about it. You just started lying, and making up excuses about being clumsy, and bored with school. I started getting angry after a while, because I couldn't help you…and I suppose I started taking that anger out on you. I'm sorry, Minako…that wasn't very motherly of me, was it?"
Minako leaned in and hugged her mother with her good arm. "I'm sorry too, mother. I never meant to hurt you. Really." I've missed this, she thought. It's nice to have my mother back...mostly.
Fumiko returned the embrace gently. "I know I'm selfish for thinking this way, but I don't want you to be Sailor Venus anymore. I don't care about this Moon Princess, or the world! I just want you to be safe!" Her voice dropped to a whisper. "That Fury woman almost killed you. Can't you just walk away? Can't someone else do it?"
"We already covered that," Minako said, patiently. "You know I can't. Sailor Venus is my duty. Yes, I can be a little flaky sometimes...but I can't turn my back on her, or the other Sailor Senshi."
Fumiko smiled faintly. "I've been pleading with you to be more responsible for years. It turns out you have been...just not the way I wanted."
"Oh, mother...it's not all injuries and late nights. I met my best friends as a Sailor Senshi." Her smile turned decidedly dreamy. "And the man I-"
Artemis leapt to his feet. "Minako, no!"
Fumiko winced as she glanced at her husband. "Oh, you probably should have eased him into that one, sweetie."
"Love?" Yoshiro's face was immediately red. "You're in love? With Corey?! You can't be! The two of you have only been dating for three weeks! You barely know each other!" He folded his arms across his chest and shook his head repeatedly. "That's it, things between you two are moving way too fast! I forbid you to see him anymore!"
"Oh, dad..." Minako sighed wearily. "There is absolutely no chance of that happening."
He glared at her. "Minako, I'm your father, and-"
"Dad." Her tone became a little more forceful. "Just stop and listen to me a second. Please." He actually went quiet; Minako was surprised. I should use my Sailor Venus voice more often! "Our relationship is a little…complicated, okay? Arty and I explained the Moon Kingdom before, remember? My past life and all that?"
Yoshiro nodded mutely.
"Well, Princess Mina of Venus was in love, too. With Corval, the Guardian Knight of Justice."
He frowned. "But, you were Mina..."
She nodded slowly. "Right. And Corey was Corval…"
"Oh." His eyes widened. "Oh!"
"We were together more than five years, dad." She laughed quietly. "In fact, we were practically married. We just didn't have the piece of paper to prove it. I love him, because I always have! Yes, we're a little different now, but he's the same man in all the ways that count, and-"
He burst into tears and hugged her tightly. "Oh, Minako…my sweet little girl! You're all grown up! You'll be leaving the nest soon, and learning to fly on your own! You don't need your poor old man anymore!"
Minako froze. She hadn't expected this reaction. He continued to sob, mumbling incoherently as she raised her good arm to hug him back.
"Oh, for goodness sake," Fumiko muttered. "Get a hold of yourself, Yoshi."
The blonde patted him on the back; it was more than a little awkward. "It's okay, dad. Please, stop crying…"
"Oh, never mind him. He's fine." Fumiko leaned in and tugged on Minako's skirt experimentally. "Hmm…it's actually attached to the rest of your suit? Interesting…"
"Mother?" Minako was suddenly caught between both of them. "What are you doing down there?"
"Have you ever considered leggings?"
Minako groaned as she tried in vain to free herself from her parents' clutches. Please, just let it end!
Setsuna dropped her teaspoon. It landed on the floor with a metallic clink, as she stared down at her cup. Something was wrong. Terribly wrong. She rose from her seat and looked through the kitchen window, into the backyard; Hotaru was sitting at her easel, working on a new painting. Completely oblivious to the world around her. Setsuna felt her fingers drifting almost automatically to her communicator.
Michiru replied immediately. "Setsuna, is something wrong?"
"I was just about to ask you the same thing. I'm feel uneasy…as if there were something very wrong. But…I see nothing amiss."
"Can you be more specific?" Michiru asked, her lips dropping into a frown.
Setsuna felt strange; it was as if something was tugging at her. Trying to pull her away. "I don't...think so." The sensation was spreading…and she was growing weaker. "I…I think…I…"
Michiru's tone shifted to one of concern. "Setsuna?"
The floor suddenly rushed up to meet her as she collapsed; her head hit the edge of the table and everything went black.
"Setsuna? Setsuna!"
She could still hear Michiru's panicked voice…but it seemed to be coming from so far away. Setsuna opened her eyes and gasped. She wasn't in her kitchen anymore; she was in space, suspended over Pluto. Her eyes wandered over the icy globe beneath her. It had been a long time since she'd looked upon it with her own eyes.
A faint point of light emerged from the other side of the planet. A smile came to her lips as it drifted closer, carried forward by its orbit; a mass of discs and curves, with a towering central spire. Charon Castle, she thought. I haven't seen it in so long. It had been a gift from Queen Serenity more than a millennia earlier; her home away from the Space-Time Door. A place of quiet reflection, and solitude. The feeling of dread intensified as a shadow fell across the large structure and the planet's surface beneath it. Setsuna suddenly understood; something was terribly wrong.
A great, swirling cloud of smoke and ash descended on Pluto, blocking out the sun itself. Setsuna felt her blood freeze in her veins as the cloud approached. Ripples of red and purple lightning skittered across its surface as its smoky tendrils reached out for Charon Castle; slowly but surely it was pulled into the cloud. Red arcs of lightning lashed at its walls, tearing them apart as the cloud reached inside. Its lights flickered, and Setsuna felt a strange sensation of weakness; as if her own strength were being drained. Her castle's lights finally went out completely as it drifted through the shadowy mass. The once-gleaming structure drifted free of the cloud; it had been torn apart, and was now nothing more than a shattered husk devoid of all power, adrift in space. A face formed in the cloud; that of a laughing man. Lightning arced towards her as a cold voice seemed to pierce her very soul.
I see you…Senshi…
Setsuna shrieked in surprise as something cold suddenly splashed across her face. She sat up quickly, breathing heavily as she fought to regain her senses. This was the kitchen. Her kitchen. In the house she shared with Haruka, Michiru and Hotaru.
Hotaru placed the now-empty glass on the floor beside her and wrapped her arms around the older woman. "You're alright! I was so scared!"
Setsuna instinctively brought her own arms up around the girl, despite the rare blush on her cheeks; she hadn't shrieked like that in a very long time. "Yes, Hotaru. Thanks to you." She brought her fingers up to the side of her head, and winced as she probed her temple. No blood...but a nasty bump.
"I heard a bang, and when I came inside you were on the floor." Hotaru leaned back and peered at her anxiously. "What happened?"
She closed her eyes as she remembered. Charon Castle had been destroyed; that was the source of her unease. A shudder ran through her as she recalled seeing the great cloud of ash. Evil had rolled off it like waves in the ocean, almost overwhelming her.
She opened her eyes again and met Hotaru's unblinking stare. "I must inform the others at once. We are all in grave danger."
Corey looked across the table at Minako, and had to remind himself again to stop staring at her. She was just so beautiful; he couldn't help it.
She smiled shyly. "What is it?"
"It's nothing," he said, laughing quietly. "I'm just glad to finally have a moment to sit and reflect on how lucky I am. It's been a hell of a ride, these last three weeks."
"It has been pretty crazy," Minako agreed. She reached up to adjust her sling and sighed irritably. "I hate this stupid thing."
"It could have been a lot worse," he replied.
"I suppose you're right. At least Fury got me in almost exactly the same spot as Terror; there's less chance of two scars." Her eyes drifted down. "Unlike that stupid Construct and my hip…"
"Hey." He reached out and squeezed her hand gently. "You're the most beautiful girl in the world, Minako...scars and all." He winked. "And besides, if you want to see some real scars, maybe we can compare them sometime. I've got some nice ones myself."
She raised a single eyebrow as she giggled. "Trying to get my top off, cutie?"
Damn! Her suddenly sultry tone caught him off guard. "That's not what I-"
Minako winked at him, and even that was overwhelmingly sexy. "Aww, you're so cute when you're all embarrassed."
"Oh, I'm not embarrassed," he said awkwardly. "Believe me, underneath my cool, gentlemanly exterior beats the heart of a man…and you're a gorgeous woman. It's a safe bet to say I've given...uh, that...some serious thought."
"Have you now?" Her tone rose with her eyebrow. "Well then, maybe we should start thinking about taking things-" Their communicators started beeping, and she groaned loudly. "Oh, come on! It's like they know just when to interrupt us!"
"Tell me about it." Corey was actually disappointed. That conversation was heading into interesting territory...
Minako flipped open her communicator and forced a smile. "Yes?"
"Minako!" It was Usagi. "Sorry to bother you. I know you're still recovering, but Setsuna just contacted me, asking for a meeting. I figured you'd want to be there…even if you are out of action for now."
Minako's jaw clenched just enough for Corey to notice. "Thanks, Usagi. That's…very thoughtful of you."
Corey winced. She does not like being reminded that she's out injured. "What time, Usagi?"
"Um, she said as soon as possible." Usagi paused. "Are you okay, Minako? You seem…mad."
"Oh, I'm fine." Minako's face was the picture of innocence. "We'll see you soon."
Minako snapped her communicator shut so hard that Corey was worried she'd broken it. He squeezed her hand again. "You okay?"
She sighed. It was a short, sharp hiss of frustration. "Yeah…I'm just…I hate this. I hate feeling useless."
"Minako, you broke your back. You're not useless, you're hurt. Just rest up, focus on recovering, and you'll be back in action in no time." He smiled gently. "Okay?"
"Okay." Minako didn't seem entirely convinced, but she nodded all the same. "I guess it gives me some free time to focus on other things, at least." She pushed back her chair and rose to her feet. "Come on...we'd better get going. Considering my pace lately, we're gonna be the last ones there as it is."
"I could just blink us over there," he said lightly.
"No, no…walking is good for me." She adjusted her sling yet again, and smiled. "Don't think I'm just forgetting about our other conversation, either. We can pick it up later. Deal?"
He put his arm around the small of her back, and leaned in to kiss her gently. "Deal."
Usagi sighed; Setsuna was taking a little longer to show up than she had expected. For the Guardian of Time, she's not very punctual. She let her eyes wander around the shrine's courtyard. The Inner Senshi were all present, except Minako. Corey was coming with her, and Mamoru was caught at work. Titus had just arrived, and was sitting atop the low wall beside them, eyeing everyone suspiciously. Always the spy, she thought idly. Mako and Rei were chatting rather animatedly; the shrine maiden actually seemed happy. That's a nice change. I'm glad to see her getting back to her normal self.
Ami, however, was rather quiet; even by her usual standards. The blonde sat beside her and reached out to pat her on the shoulder. "Is everything alright, Ami?"
She actually jumped, and Ami wasn't easily startled. "Oh, Usagi! Yes, I'm fine. Just…thinking."
Usagi smiled. "Anything I can help with?"
"I, uh…I'm afraid not." Ami was actually fidgeting; something she never did. "It's just university stuff; I'll get through it. Thanks, though."
"Well, okay." Usagi turned to see Minako and Corey climbing the last few steps up to the shrine. "If you change your mind, or you just want to talk, I'm here."
Ami gave her a faint smile. "Thanks, Usagi."
"Geez," Minako grumbled. "Setsuna's still not here yet? You'd think the Guardian of Time herself could be a little more punctual!"
"My apologies."
Minako shrieked in surprise, and spun around to find Setsuna right behind her; a clearly embarrassed Hotaru was standing off to the side, shaking her head. Corey reached out to steady her as she raised a trembling finger at Setsuna's face. "Damn it, Setsuna, I told you to stop doing that! It isn't funny!"
"On the contrary," Setsuna said lightly, "I found your reaction most amusing. How else do you propose I enjoy myself?"
Corey shook his head. "You must have used your powers for that one."
"That's right," Makoto agreed. "You even waited for Minako to setup your entrance with her line about you being punctual!"
"Nonsense." Setsuna still managed a faint smile, despite her tone. "I would never use my powers in such a trivial manner."
Usagi just sighed. She didn't quite believe Setsuna, and neither did her friends, it seemed.
"Hi, Hotaru," Minako said, as she sat beside Usagi. Corey sat beside her, and nodded quietly to the other girls.
"H-Hi, Minako." The girl smiled shyly. "I'm sorry about that. I wanted to tell you, but Setsuna said she'd been looking forward to it all day-"
Setsuna cleared her throat hastily. "Now, now, Hotaru, we don't have time for that!"
"Sure," Minako said icily.
Usagi let out a short laugh. "Busted!"
"Are Haruka and Michiru joining us?" Luna asked.
Usagi looked over at Setsuna. "Yeah, we haven't seen them since we got back from Ruin's sanctum."
Setsuna seemed hesitant. "They are aware of the situation…but busy on another mission."
"Another mission?" Rei folded her arms. "What other mission?"
"They wouldn't tell me," Setsuna admitted. "All I know is, they consider it important. That will have to suffice for now."
"Very well." Titus sat beside Corey, and cocked his head to the side. "I'm curious as to the purpose of this summons?"
"Yes, Setsuna," Usagi agreed. "It sounded urgent over the communicator."
The Guardian of Time nodded. "It is indeed." She looked around the group, meeting everyone's gaze in turn. "I fear we are all in grave danger. The Revenant Knight has entered the solar system."
AN: And I'm back with the start of Act Three of Last Guardian Knight. I found it a little challenging to get going this time around. Having to reference Act Two - for example, Minako's back and shoulder injuries - while still starting this off as a new, independent story was just a lot trickier than last time.
My apologies for ending things where I did, but I'm conscious of not letting these things get too huge like I did in Act Two (though, I admit, that probably won't last long!). Hopefully you enjoyed the setup; the next chapter will reintroduce a familiar face, and really get the plot rolling. Thanks for reading!