Author's Note: So here it is! The Epilogue! Thank you everyone for reading, reviewing, favoriting, and following! You guys have been amazing and I'm so glad you all liked reading this! You guys have all made me smile with your reviews and I really appreciate you guys reading this! I will be writing another SOA story, and I'm half way through the first chapter so hopefully that will be up soon. I want to try to get it up within the next week, but we'll see how it goes.

Guest you asked what I meant by saying that Tara stays "set?" I meant that I was going to write an alternative storyline where Tara stayed in Charming and had told Jax from the beginning that she was pregnant instead of going away and becoming a dr etc. I want to write both stories, the Alternative to this story (I guess that's an AU inside of an AU, that's a mind fuck right there) and the idea I had where Jax finds Tara five years after she left and she's in a very different place than he imagined her. (I don't wanna give away too much) Lots of Jealousy. There are very few Jealous Jax stories and I really wanted to write one. Anyway I'm going with the second option for now, because I want a break from writing pregnancy stuff, but I'll write the AU take on this as well later on down the line. If there are any questions about the new fic or anything else please PM me! Anyway on with the last part of the story!

Thank you to: Guest, Guest, traceyklewis, 7feathers, JaraSoa2008, lulu, claire, brenda, amy, Shan1015, becky, india-guest, luball8, DJQ2116, tignat, NaeNae78, jbear061162, rena365, tinerabrown1, Gladz08, shaniatasmanx, bethcbell5, cec0020, ruehlem, Guest, cejsmom, 1supermom08, xshynenstarx, RhondaL, shannie83, kimmeyer7399, ilovejaxandtara, Samathna Renk, Cindy Burick, & saldred75!


Chapter 20: Epilogue

Tara road the CTA home feeling exhausted from the long day at the hospital. She didn't want to think about that when she got off the train at the last stop she still had to drive to the small suburban house she and Jax had bought a few months ago.

She couldn't wait to get home and prop her swollen feet up on the couch and convince Jax to rub them.

Although in all honesty she didn't need to convince Jax to do anything. Since finding out she was pregnant with their second son he had been constantly hovering over her to make sure she was well taken care of.

It was beginning to get annoying, but she was thankful for it neither the less. When she was pregnant with TJ she never had someone to worry over her, well she had her cousin, but that hardly counted.

Having Jax with her for the second time around was a blessing and she wouldn't trade it for the world. She was just happy they had left Charming when they did, she didn't regret taking Jax away from there, even if he was now ostrasized from everyone he had ever considered family.

She knew that it was hard on him and he hadn't talked much about it, but he had never brought up going back. He seemed to be happy in the domestic life they had created together.

She worked at Chicago Presbyterian and he was working as a mechanic in a garage around the corner from their house. He enjoyed working with the guys there and he had quickly made friends, which she was happy about. She knew he missed the Club, so it was nice that he had already made friends in his current environment. They had struggled with the changes, but they were slowly working through the kinks in both their relationship and the new life they were building together. She wouldn't change any of it and she knew he wouldn't either.

The only thing she did regret was the irreparable relationship she had created between him and his mother.

After telling Gemma they were leaving she had thrown a fit and threatened both of them. She told them if they left Charming she would make sure no one from their old lives contacted them again. She would make sure that they would never be able to step foot in Charming again, but that still didn't change their mind.

It didn't change Jax's mind and it was then that Tara realized how deeply in love with her he was. He was willing to give up his mother for her, and since they started their knew life together she made sure to show him how thankful she was that he left with them.

The train rolled to a stop in the station and Tara waddled off the CTA and went toward the car that was parked in the parking lot. She watched her breath gather before her as she made her way to the car and she huddled deeper into her downcoat trying to keep warm. She opened the door with shivering fingers and climbed in uneasily because of the extra girth she was hauling around.

As she settled into her car she turned it on to warm it up before making the short drive home. She let her mind drift to what awaited her at home and she decided to leave the parking lot before the car was fully warmed up.

The drive home was quick and she was thankful for that, since all she wanted to do was get into the toasty house. She pulled into the driveway and parked next to the black Cutlass that Jax drove in the winter due to the cold. He still had his motorcycle, she knew he'd never give it up, but it was currently in hibernation until Spring came.

She grabbed her things from the car and made her way to the front door only to have it pulled open before she even moved her keys to the lock.

"You're home!" TJ exclaimed happily throwing his arms around her and hugging her close.

She smiled at his eagerness and hugged him back before walking them over the threshold.

The house was warm and smelled like gingerbread from the batch she had made then night before. She had been steadily making Christmas cookies as they neared the holiday.

She looked around the small house and beamed when she saw the Christmas tree all-light up in the corner with multiple present beneath it. She took in the homey feel of the house the three of them had built together and she felt the tension of her day roll off of her.

"Come on I don't want you catching a cold." She said running a hand through his blonde hair.

"Mom, you worry too much." He said rolling his eyes and letting go of her.

He looked down at her belly with interest and poked it waiting to see if it moved like it had been doing for the last week or so. She knew she was nearing her due date, she had a little over three weeks to go, but she despately hoped that the baby came after Christmas. She wanted to have a Christmas with no drama, unlike the year before.

"It's my job." She said kissing him on his forehead and then closing the door.

"Where's your father?" she asked still finding that question to be weird. Jax had lived with them for almost a year and she was still in awe of the fact he stayed and was happy. The first few weeks they had been living in her small apartment in Chicago she waited every day to find him gone, but he had stayed and she loved him even more – if that was possible – for it.

"Trying to make dinner." TJ said smirking.

She shook her head taking in the expression on his face and the uncanny similarity to Jax.

"Did you do your homework?" she asked putting her things down and taking off her coat.


"All of it?" she asked suspiciously.

He nodded again and she narrowed her eyes studying him.

"Alright, you can watch TV before dinner, but you need to read before bed. We aren't making TV a thing." She lectured.

TJ rolled his eyes and went over to the TV while Tara went to go try and help salvage dinner. Jax cooking was not one of his finer strengths, but he was trying and that's what counted.

"Jax?" she called out going into the kitchen.

"Hey I thought I heard you come in." He said stepping away from the stove and kissing her hurriedly on the mouth before going back to the stove.

She looked over his shoulder and tried to hold back a grimace at the smell that greeted her.

"What are you making?" she asked trying to keep the pleasant tone in her voice.

"Soup. You said you were craving some tomato soup," he said. "And I made grilled cheese." He added nodding to the three plates with a sandwich on each of them.

"Okay, baby, how about I finish up here and you go watch TV with TJ." She suggested already mentally looking for the Campbell's tomato soup in the back shelf.

He glanced over at her and shook his head. "No you relax, you've had a long day."

"So have you." She countered leaning into his side.

He automatically put an arm around her and rested a hand on her full belly.

"I'm not carrying out child around." He pointed out giving her a look.

She smiled slightly and put her hand over his. "He keeps kicking. He never stops moving." She said and as if by proving her point a limb kicked at their hands.

Jax grinned, "He'll be a fighter, like a true Teller."

She smiled back and tilted her head up to meet his eyes. They gazed down at eac other and then she reached up and kissed him again gently on the lips. "I love you, Jax."

He gave her a sly grin and shuffled her impossibly closer. "I love you too. And tonight I'll show you just how much." He said gruffly wiggling his eyebrows.

She wrapped a hand around his neck and brought him down to her again so she could kiss him. "Good, I want a foot rub before we do anything though. My feet have been killing me."

"I'll give you the best fucking foot rub ever, babe." He said kissing her again.

She giggled and they became lost in each other, both forgetting about the soup that Jax was supposed to be making and Tara fixing. It was only when Tara smelled something burning did she move away.

"Jax, I think the soup is burning." She mumbled when he ducked his head down to her neck and began kissing her pulse point.


"The soup." She replied pulling away and looking down at the burnt soup.

He moved away slowly as if coming out of a haze and then began to curse when he saw the sloop the soup had become. He let out a string of courses and she laughed moving forward and turning off the stove.

"Go hang out with your son, I'll fix the soup." She said already moving toward the cabinet where the cans were.

"Are you—?"

"Go Jackson!" She said giving him a pointed look.

He sighed and left the kitchen, but not before giving her another kiss.

She smiled to herself as she made the tomato soup and then called the two boys to dinner when she had finished. The three of them sat down together and began to dig in to the warm meal.

"So I was thinking of names." Jax announced looking over at Tara.

"What were you thinking?" She asked curiously.

"Abel Jonathon Teller." Jax said quietly.

Tara smiled slightly and looked over at TJ.

"What do you think, Thomas?" she asked.

TJ looked thoughtful for a moment about the name and then nodded. "I like it. Why Abel though?"

"It's a strong name, like Thomas." Jax said easily.

TJ nodded, "Thomas and Abel."

Tara smiled and looked between them before looking down at her belly. She rubbed the bump there subconsciously and then dipped back into her food.

"So what did you get me for Christmas?" TJ asked eagerly.

"Thomas, Christmas isn't for another few days. You need to wait until then to find out." She said.

"But if we were Jewish I would already know! We would celebrate Hannukah and I'd have eight days of presents! Eight days!" TJ whined giving her puppy eyes to hopefully change her mind.

Jax laughed at the look, but immediately stopped when he saw Tara's face.

"He got that from you." she said with chagrin.

He smirked and winked at TJ who smirked back and changed the subject recognizing that he wasn't going to get anything out of his mother. He began to tell them about his last day of school before winter break.

She put her hand on the table and smiled when Jax reached over and picked it up tangling their fingers together. She turned back to TJ who continued to talk about fourth grade and she knew she wouldn't give this up for anything.

There was nowhere she'd rather be. Granted it had taken them a long time to reach this point, every painful step was worth it because now they were happy and together. She was glad she had fought for Jax this time around, and she was glad she had went back to Charming to see her father. It had been a long path, but she was glad she had gone back to the start to find her happily ever after.

The End