Chapter 1: He's back!

"Heeeey! Hurry up, you're so slow"

"Yeah, yeah I'm coming"

"Stop dragging your feet, you're late."

"Ugh! Why do i have to go? I'm not even a fan. Can't I just go home?"

"Lucy!" The two girls shouted at the same time.

Today was a day Lucy wanted to relax, but instead of relaxing she is being dragged by Levy and Erza to go see a concert. She takes no interest in this concert whatsoever, since she isn't a fan of HIM. She didn't even care who he was, The blonde just thought of him as another wannabe for more attention.

"You guys know I'm not a fan right?" Lucy spits out.

"Yeah we know" Erza replies casually like this is an everyday question she answers. As she starts twirling her finger into her hair.

"I don't get how you're not a fan, I mean you can hate the singer, but I sure love the guy on the bass." Levy says.

"That is true, but personally I like the guy on the drums." Erza blurts out blushing.

"STILL! I'm not hating or anything, I just don't like them that's all." Lucy flustering waving her hands in the air.

"Lets just go. I want the fronts so don't lose each other." Erza says.

The three girls heads into the crowd heading for the front near the stage for a better view. Unfortunately there were a lot of people, so they were struggling being shoved, pushed and almost knocked over to get near the front.



Lights begun to appear on the stage and smoke began covering the floor of the stage. Everyone in the crowd, but Lucy, were screaming. The Band was already on the stage and they began to play, it made the fans scream even louder.

"Hurry up, we're almost by the stage!" Levy says in cheery voice.

A salmon haired teen appears on the stage and began to sing, all the girls were shrieking for Natsu. Lucy glances over to the girls and those two are already in fan-girl mode, yet their still dragging Lucy near the front. Natsu began to dance on the stage making the crowd go wild, from the corner of his eye he notices a blonde girl. Natsu started to eye her as he sings and dance till she looks his way, trying to get her attention. As the three girls finally made a stop, Lucy glances over to Natsu and notices that he was staring at her. They looked into each others eyes from a couple of time throughout the concert. In his ending song Natsu gave Lucy a smirk, then Lucy quickly looks always from her embarrassment, her cheeks got bright red telling from her pale skin. As it ended, it was lucky for Lucy that the crowd started to separate and she could finally breathe.

"OMG! Did you see him looking our way? I swear that the dude on the drums, bass and lead singer looked our way!" Levy starts blabbering.

"Umm...really? I didn't notice." Lucy pretends that nothing happened.

"I'm pretty sure the lead singer was eyeing Lucy for a couple of times." Erza says creepily, elbowing Lucy.

"What? Nonsense, maybe it was someone else." Lucy tries to act naturally.

"Anyways lets go see them at the back! We might get them to actually notice us." Levy shouts out while running.

Lucy, Erza and Levy heads to the back and there were already fans waiting by the doors. Lucy can still remember that Natsu was actually looking at her and she started to grin.

"What you grinning about Lu-chan?" Levy asks sarcastically.

"O-oh i-it's nothing!" Lucy stutters, trying to hide it.

"Look! Here they come!" Erza says waving her hand to come.

The door opened and members of the band began walking out one by one. When either Levy or Erza's favourite came out they would start screaming out to them trying to get their attention, then there's Lucy, whom doesn't want to be here yet is concerned why the lead singer was looking at bass guitarist came walking out and Levy began to scream out to him.

"Ekkkk! Gajeel! Over here!" Levy screamed out.

The bass guitarist, Gajeel, looked over to Levy and her a smirk. Then the one on the drums came and Erza began to scream out to him.

"Jellal! Look over here!" Erza shouts out.

The one on the drums, Jellal, glanced over to Erza and gave her a smile. Then a girl began screaming out when the lead guitarist came out, Levy and Erza were concerned who was screaming that loud and it wasn't Lucy for sure.

"Whose that?" Lucy asked.

"I don't know." Levy and Erza replied.

The three girls, all looked to where the person is screaming out the loudest for the lead guitarist out of their suspicion..

"Gray-sama! Over here!" A girl with blue hair screams out.

"You sure got some fan there Gray." Gajeel pointed out.

"Oh shut up." Gray mumbles while crossing his arms.

"Well doesn't matter, treat a fan with good expectations remember?" Jellal says while waving to the girls, as they scream louder.

"Yeah whatever." Gray sighs out while brushing his hair back.

"I know." Gajeel groans.

"Jeez where's Natsu? He's late." Gajeel complains, as he check his phone.

"Sorry! I forgot where my phone was..." A voice came from inside.

"Finally!" The three guys yelped.

"Oh I think that's the lead singer, Natsu right?" Erza says.

"Yeah, I think so." Levy replies while giggling.

As a salmon haired teen comes outside, all the girls began to screaming out for him.

"Can we go yet? I'm starving!" Lucy whispers into Erza and Levy's ears.

"Yeah! I'm getting hungry too." Levy says cheerfully.

"Sure why not." Erza agreed.

As the three headed out Lucy glances back to Natsu and looked away quickly.

Natsu, Gray, Jellal and Gajeel gets into the limousine. Jellal and Gajeel are talking about the which girl they saw stand out, while Natsu was thinking about that blonde that he noticed who've got his attention, then Gray laying back when all their stomachs growled.

"Pizza?" Gray asked.

"Nah we had pizza last night." Gajeel says.

"Yeah, let's try something else for a change." Jellal says.

"How about bar-BQ?" Natsu insisted.

"Sure" everyone agreed.

The girls were deciding on what they should have for dinner, plus how the guys from the band looked at them.

"So what are we having?" Levy says twirling.

"I don't know, how about 'All You Can Eat Buffet'?" Erza asked.

"Nah, I think we had that last time. Maybe sushi?" Levy says.

"No, I don't like sushi." Erza moans.

"What about Bar-BQ? We haven't had that for awhile." Lucy insisted.

"Yeah!" Levy and Erza agreed.

After a few minutes, the girls arrive at the Bar-BQ and the host leads them to their table, so the girls are now picking out what they should have.

"So, what should we have?" Erza asked, opening the menu book and scanning what they should have.

"Mhmm, lets have beef, roast, chicken, corn, kabobs...and don't forget get the drinks!" Levy insisted as she smiles brightly looking to see what drinks they should have.

"Alrighty then." Lucy replied fiddling with her thumbs.

"Hurry up lazy buts."

"Your the one to talk!"

"I wonder who that is?" Levy whispers to Erza.

"I don't know." Erza whispers back.

"I'm starving! Get me some food!" Natsu shouts raising his arms in the air and smiling brightly.

"Use some manners Natsu." Jellal demands glaring at Natsu.

"Fine...Please..." Natsu groans, rolling his eyes and crossing his arms pouting.

"OMG ITS THEM!" Levy announced whispering loudly that they could almost hear.

"Huh?" Lucy turns in confusion.

"Levy get down you don't want to attract attention, act cool." Erza demands while blushing and waving her hand to get Levy to sit down.

"Hey isn't it those girls we saw at our concert?" Gajeel says pointing at the girls whispering.

"Looks like it is, because I can remember that red hair anywhere." Jellal replies while rubbing his head and grinning.

"Oh! Lets go over to them!" Natsu insisted. As he starts smiling when he saw the blonde girl. Then the guys agreed and followed Natsu.

Note: My bad if there isn't enough paragraphs. ._. i just noticed it, but i hope you like the story so far! next chapter will be update soon :)